Concept, Aspects and Changes in of Culture and Society

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Concept, Aspects And Changes In/Of Culture, Society and Politics


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Google Concepts in Culture

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The notion of culture presents a

complex portrait of humanity.
Anthropology regards culture as
learned, symbolic, integrated, shared,
and all encompassing (Tylor 1871)
Google Culture is Learned

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• Culture in the sociological sense is something shared.

• It is not something that an individual alone can possess e.g.
customs, traditions, beliefs, ideas, values, morals etc. are all shared
by people of a group or society
• Culture is something adopted, used, believed, practiced or
possessed by more than one person. It depends upon group life for
its existence.
Google Culture is Transmissive

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• Culture is transmitted not through genes but by means of language

through generations.
• Language in its different forms like reading and writing is the main
vehicle of culture.
• But language itself is a part a culture. Once language is acquired,
transmission of culture may take place by imitation as well as by
Google Culture is Continuous and Cumulative, Consistent and Integrated

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• Culture is a “growing whole” which includes in itself…

...Achievements of the past and the present and…
...Makes provision for the future achievements of mankind

• Culture is consistent and integrated

o Culture has a tendency to be consistent and are interconnected.
Google Culture is Dynamic and Adaptive

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• Culture is subjected to slow but constant changes.

• Change and growth are latent in culture… culture is
therefore dynamic.
• Culture is responsive to the changing conditions of the
physical world…adaptive nature.
Google Culture is Gratifying

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• Culture provides proper opportunities and prescribes

means for the satisfaction of our needs and desires.
• These needs may be biological or social in nature.
• Culture determines and guides the varied activities of
Google Culture Varies from Society to Society

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• Culture of every society is unique to itself …they are not

• Culture elements such as customs, traditions, morals, ideas,
values, ideologies etc., are not uniform everywhere.
• No culture ever remains constant it varies from time to time
Google Types of Culture

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Google Types of Culture

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1. Material Culture
- Refers to the physical objects and resources people use to define their culture.
- These include homes, neighborhoods, cities, schools, churches, temples,
mosques, offices, factories and plants, products stores
2. Non Material Culture
- Intangible products created and shared between the members of a culture
over time
-Social roles, rules, ethics, and beliefs
Google Components of Culture

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1. Symbols and Languages
- Symbols are acts e.g. gestures or objects e.g flag that have come to be
socially accepted as standing for some particular thing
- Language is the most important form of symbol
- Language is the chief vehicle by which people communicate ideas,
information, attitudes and emotions
Google Components of Culture

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- To the human mind, symbols are cultural representations of

- Gun in the hands of policeman … protection. Gun in the
hands of civilian …crime.
- Every culture has its own set of symbols associated with
different experiences and perceptions.
Google Components of Culture

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1. Ideas – mental representations (concepts, categories, metaphors) used to
organize stimulus; they are the basic units out of which knowledge is
constructed and a word emerges.
2. Knowledge – is the storehouse where we accumulate representations,
information, facts and assumptions.
3. Values - These are ideas about what is “right” and what is “wrong”
Google Components of Culture

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- They are standards that people use to decide what is desirable,

good, and beautiful and that serve as broad guidelines for social living.
- Values differs from society to society as every social order
chooses what to be valued and what not
- The values people hold vary to some degree by age, sex, race,
ethnicity, religion and social class.
Google Components of Culture

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1. Norms –are rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior
of its society.
- these are standards that define the obligatory and expected behaviors
of people in various situations.
- enforced with sanctions – rewards or punishments that encourages
conformity to cultural norms.
Google Components of Culture

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Customary ways of behavior Socially accepted behavior that involves moral
Should be followed Must be followed
Useful for day to day living Essential for social welfare
Changes more rapidly More deep rooted and change less rapidly
Followed spontaneously More vigorously enforced
Followed not out of fear Followed or avoided (taboo) out of fear
Sanctions on violations are lenient Sanctions on violations are more strong/strict
Vary from society to society Shows less variation between societies
Less likely to be converted into law Often forms basis of laws
Examples: way of greetings, dressing for occasion Stealing, incest, rape
Google Functions of Culture

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• Culture makes a human being out of a biological organism

• Culture provides us guidelines for day to day living
• Culture provides us configuration of DO’s and DON’T’s
• Culture ensures stable social order
Google Social Change in the Philippines

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