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In this unit
Just the job
Vocabulary I can talk about people’s jobs.

1 Do you know these jobs? Which do you think is the most

I know
Jobs interesting?
Jobs at home doctor footballer pilot singer teacher
Past Simple
affirmative: regular
1 2 3
and irregular verbs


6.2 Grammar video
4 5 6

6.2 Grammar animation


7 8 9

6.3 Grammar animation


6.4 Communication
munication vid

10 E d . I’m d jobs.
Hi, I ’ m t
bou oto
ject a h
a pro u like my p
D o yo m?

5 Say what people in your family do and where
2 3.1 Listen and repeat. Look at Ed’s photos
they work.
on page 70 and match the hands to the correct
jobs in the Vocabulary box. My mum is a teacher. She works in a school.

6 Exam Spot 3.2 Listen to Ed talking to his

Vocabulary Jobs neighbour and complete the notes.
artist builder bus driver chef doctor
farmer footballer nurse office worker
pilot police officer shop assistant singer
teacher vet

Job: 1 police officer

3 Complete the sentences from Ed’s project with
the correct jobs. Use the Vocabulary box to
Place of work: 2
help you. Starts work: 3
Finishes work: 4
1 My aunt Emma is a nurse . She works in Uniform: black trousers,
a hospital and looks after ill people.
a white shirt and

2 My cousin is a
She works in a shoe shop.
7 Ask five people in class what they want to be
. when they grow up.
3 My uncle is a in
w ho tel
He’s building a ne A: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Manches te r. B: I want to be a … because …

4 My aunt Lucy is a .
She looks after cats and dogs – I remember
and sometimes snakes! 8 Imagine your five best that!
friends twenty years from
5 My dad is a . He
now. What are their jobs?
loves driving and his bus is
always full in the morning!

6 My grandad is a .
He’s got cows and chickens.

My mum is an .
7 e in Lon don .
She wor ks in an offic

4 Who works in these places? Write sentences in

your notebook.
1 in a stadium 4 in a shop
A footballer works 5 in an office
in a stadium. 6 in a hospital
2 in a police station 7 on a farm
Irena is a vet in Hollywood.
3 in a restaurant 8 in a school Alex is a pilot.

6.2 Grammar I can talk about the past.

She asked me to babysit

what's new? Well, my Aunt
Hi, it's Amy here. Today I'm doing a vlog. So,
works in the evening. Her babysitter was ill
Jackie is a nurse. She sometimes
love my cousin Harry, but …
two days ago, so she asked me to babysit. I

First we played football in the garden. That was I cooked spaghetti for Harry’s dinner. I think he liked it
fun, but then Harry walked through the house in his … but most of it was on his clothes … and the floor!
dirty trainers. What a mess!

Harry's bedtime is usually 7.30, but he wasn't

n't ttired. 9.00, Harry was finally asleep! I tidied the house and
At 9
So we watched a film … well, I watched a film
film. Harry cleaned the kitchen. My aunt arrived home at 9.30,
jumped on the sofa. but … guess what?

1 30 3.3 Watch or listen and read

read. 3 3.4 Listen and repeat. Find these expressions
What is Amy’s aunt’s job? What job is Am
Amy in the story.
Say it!
That was fun! What's new?
2 Who’s talking
g and who are they talking to? Guess what?
Choose fromm the names in th
the box.

unt Jackie Amy Harry
4 Guess! What happened next? Have
1 “It’s
It’s time for bed
be now, Harry.” a class vote.
Amyy is talking to Harry. a Aunt Jackie asked Amy to babysit again next
2 “Please can you babysit, Amy?” week.
3 “Yes, I can babysit.” b Harry walked downstairs and started to cry.
4 “Here’s your spaghetti, Harry.”
5 31 3.5 Now watch or listen and check.
5 “But I’m not tired.”
6 “Hi Amy, I’m back.”
Past Simple affirmative: regular verbs
32 Get Grammar!

My mum and dad

I played football. played in a band
'The Hamsters'.
You played football.
He/She/It played football.
We played football.
You played football.
They played football.

L K! cook – cooked
arrive – arrived
tidy - tidied
stop – stopped
L K! Her babysitter was ill
two days ago.

6 3.6 Complete Harry’s story with the Past 8 Complete the sentences with the words in
Simple form of the verbs. Then listen and check. the box so they are true for you.

an hour a week a month a year

Harry’s story two/three … minutes two/three … days
1 Last Saturday, my cousin Amy
looked after (look after) me. 1 I stayed at a friend’s house a week ago.
2 First, I (play) 2 I texted a friend ago.
football in the garden. 3 I played a computer game
3 Amy (try) to play football too, but she ago.
wasn’t very good. 4 This lesson started ago.
4 She (cook) spaghetti. It was horrible! 5 I visited my grandparents
5 Then, Amy (watch) a film. ago.
6 The film was boring, so I ( jump) on the
sofa. That was fun!
7 I think Amy liked (like) being my babysitter.
7 Exam Spot Amy agreed to babysit again at
the weekend. What happened? Complete the 9 Imagine
gine you have
page from Amy’s diary. a lot of famous ffriends.
In your notebook,
noteboo write sentences about
cook listen look after paint your we
week. Use the ideas in the box or your
play want own ide

I 1looked after Harry again yesterday. First Harr d
dance with phone play tennis with
and I 2 tennis in the garden and then we text visit watch TV with your ideas!
3 to some songs. A six o’clock Harrryy was
a pizza for him. Then he e On Monday, I played tennis with Novak
hungry, so I 4
5 to do some pain ting. He 6 Djokovic. On Tuesday, I texted the Queen.
a nice picture and this time there was no mess
6.3 Grammar I can talk about the past.

City Creatures Pizza deliver y dog


Rocco: Hey Al. Where were you this morning?

Big Al: At Pete’s Pizzas. I have a new job. Big Al: First Pete made the
But it wasn’t a good day … pizzas and I helped.

3 4

Big Al: Then I took one of the pizzas to Zizi’s.

Big Al: I went to the police station next. They wanted
I was hungry so I had a piece …
a pizza and two cokes. I was thirsty, so …
Zizi wasn’t happy.
Rocco: Al! Carla: … you drank one of the cokes. Oh, Al!

5 6

bad so I washed the

Big Al: I took the last pizza to the Big Al: Pete was really angry. I felt
vet’s. I met a friend dishes for free . Then I cam e home.
outside and it was lunch the world.
htime … so we ate the I'm the worst pizza delivery dog in
vet’s pizza.
mind , Al. You're the best friend in the world …
Carla: Never

1 Look at the cart

cartoon. How many jobs 2 3.7 Listen and read. Circle the correct answer.
can you find
find? Tick (✔) the jobs below. 1 Al’s first day at work was good / bad.
✔ police officer vet 2 There was a problem with Zizi’s pizza / coke.
shop assistant chef 3 The police officers wanted two / three cokes.
bus driver waiter 4 It was lunchtime / dinnertime at the vets.
5 Pete was happy / angry with Al.
Past Simple affirmative: irregular verbs
33 Get Grammar!

I drank a coke. Yesterday we went

to school with Hammy.
You drank a coke.
He ate my Maths book!
He/She/It drank a coke.
We drank a coke.
You drank a coke.
They drank a coke.

3 3.8 Read the story again. Find the Past 6 Complete the text about Rocco’s job with the
Simple forms of the verbs in the box. Write them in correct form of the verbs.
your notebook. Then listen, check and repeat.
Last summer Rocco 1 had (have)
come drink eat feel go have a job at The Skate Café. Every day
make meet take he 2 (go) to work early and he
(take) his skateboard with him.
come – came
In the café he 4 (make) delicious hot
4 Game! Play word tennis. Use the verbs in Exercise 3. dogs. Lots of people 5 (come) to the
café and 6 (eat) Rocco’s hot dogs.
A: Have.
They were great! After work he 7 (meet)
B: … Had! Drink.
his friends at the skatepark!
A: Drank. …

5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. 7 Complete the verbs. Change the time
expressions in blue to make the sentences
entences true
had met went drank made ate for you.
1 I w ent shopping in town lastt Sun
1 After work, Big Al met Carla and Rocco. 2 Im ds after school yesterda
my friends yesterday.
They talked about his day.
3 If ill two days
ays ago.
2 Al was hungry so he ate a sandwich. 4 Ia an ice cream last month.
3 Then he some milk. 5 Ih a pizza for dinner on Saturday.
4 They some sausages in the fridge,
so Carla made hot dogs too.

5 They went to bed really early.

8 What did you
y do yesterday?
Write two true
t sentences and one false.
Student A: Read your sentences to your partner.
Student B: Guess which sentence is false!
Then swap roles.
A: 1 I ate … 2 I had … 3 I met …
B: Number 1 is false.
A: You're right!

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