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A. Organizational Structure
1. What is the current set-up in record keeping in the school?
2. Are there problems in the current organizational structure?
3. Can you explain the purpose and significance of Form 137 and 138 in an educational
4. How can records managers ensure that their organizations are compliant with records
management regulations?
A. Processes
1. What are the specific steps involved in collecting and processing Form 137 and 138
2. What measures do you take to ensure that the collection and compilation processes of
Form 137 and 138 records are efficient and timely?
3. How would you handle requests for accessing or providing copies of Form 137 and 138
4. How do you verify the authenticity and validity of the information provided in Form 137
and 138 records?
5. What systems or tools do you use to organize and store Form 137 and 138 records?

A. Master Data/Record
1. How do you ensure the confidentiality and security of Form 137 and 138 records?
2. How do you handle situations where there are missing or incomplete information in Form
137 and 138 records?
3. What measures do you take to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and policies
when handling Form 137 and 138 records?
4. How do you ensure that the information provided in Form 137 and 138 is accurate and up
to date?


A. Organizational Structure
1. Can you describe any challenges or difficulties you have encountered in handling
Form 137 and 138 records? How did you overcome them?
2. How do you ensure that Form 137 and 138 records are complete and
comprehensive, especially when dealing with multiple students or a large volume
of records?
3. Have you faced any challenges related to data privacy or security when handling
Form 137 and 138 records? How do you address these concerns?
4. Can you provide an example of a situation where the mismanagement or
mishandling of Form 137 and 138 records led to significant consequences, and
what steps you took to prevent similar issues in the future?
5. What are the most common issues or errors you have observed in Form 137 and
138 records, and how do you address them?
A. Processes
1. How do you ensure that the process of collecting Form 137 and 138 records is
completed within the specified timelines?
2. How do you ensure compliance with relevant regulations and policies throughout
the process of managing Form 137 and 138 records?
3. Can you identify any bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the current process of
collecting and processing Form 137 and 138 records? How would you suggest
improving or streamlining those processes?
4. Have you encountered any difficulties in coordinating and communicating with
other stakeholders involved in the process of managing Form 137 and 138
records? How did you address those challenges?
5. What measures do you take to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data
entered or recorded during the process of managing Form 137 and 138 records?

A. Master Data
1. How do you ensure the accuracy and consistency of the used in Form 137 and 138
records, such as student information, grades, and other relevant data points?
2. How do you ensure that Form 137 and 138 records are properly organized and stored
for easy retrieval and reference?
3. Have you faced any difficulties in maintaining the physical or digital integrity of
Form 137 and 138 records? How do you address data loss, corruption, or
unauthorized access?
4. How do you handle requests for accessing or providing copies of Form 137 and 138
records, ensuring proper documentation and record-keeping practices?
5. Can you provide an example of a problem or issue related to archiving or purging
outdated Form 137 and 138 records? How did you address it?

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