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NĂM HỌC 2020 – 2021

Đề chính thức

Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8

Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút
(Đề thi có 06 trang)

Họ và tên thí sinh:…….........……………………………..; SBD:………….....…..


Part 1: (20 points) Listen to the recording twice. Do the task below.
Questions 1-10. You will hear a girl talking about her interesting situation.
Complete the talk below. Write a word or a number for each answer.
My name’s Aliie Gray and I’m from Camnridge in (1) ______________ . I met mark about a year
ago. He’s from San Francisco. We (2) ___________work for MTC, a music (3) ___________ .
I was working in the London office and he came there on (4) ______________ . We got on really
well and we really liked each other.
Anyway, at the end of his trip, he invited me to a (5 ) ______________ in San francisco. We had
a great time again. And then something (6) ______________ happened. When I was in San
Francisco, I was offered a job in our new office in Paris.
When told Mark, He told me that He was going to work in the Paris office too.
There’s one (7)__________ thing. His job is marketing director – but mine is (8) _____________
director – so I’m going to be his boss. I’ve been in Paris for (9) ______________ weeks now,
and I love it. Mark arrived from San Francisco (10) ______________ . He’s coming into the office
this morning.
Part 2: (10 points). Listen to the recording twice. Do the task below.
Questions 11 - 13: Choose THREE letters, A-F
Give three reasons why the Yellow Plaque scheme was started.
A. To boost rourisim
B. To raise awareness of local history
C. To increase knowledge of famous people
D. For publicity
E. For architectural preservation
F. To raise national awareness
Questions 14 – 16: Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
14. The scheme has had the most success in __________
A. increasing the amount of tourism in the area.
B. raising the profiles of the famous people features.
C. raising historical awareness.
15. Successful Yellow Plaque nominees have to __________
A. have a nomination and 50 signatures.
B. be approved by a central panel.
C. have done something remarkable.
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16. The scheme is mainly funded by __________
A. the community.
B. local councils.
C. the tourist board.
Questions 17 & 20: Match the plaques to the people they represent.
Write ONE letter A-F next to questions 17-20.
A. political figures
B. charitable figures
C. buseness people
D. sporting figures
E. artists
F. writers
17. Red Plague __________
18. Grey Plague __________
19. White Plague __________
20. Green Plague __________
Part 3: (20 points). Questions 21-30. Listen to the talk between an interviewer and Peter
about how he spends his free time. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false
by writing T for true and F for false in the boxes below.
21. Peter is waiting for his friends
22. He isn’t studying much this month.
23. His parents own a shop.
24. He practises the guitar most mornings.
25. He frequently uses the Internet.
26. His cousin is living in America at the moment.
27. Peter doesn’t support any football teams.
28. He and his cousin get in touch with each other by emails.
29. He used to play football.
30. He would rather play football than watch it on TV.

Part 1 (10 points). Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the
following sentences. Write it in ‘Your answers’ part.
1. Are you interested _______ playing badminton after class?
A. in B. with C. on D. for
2. In summer, children often take part in a local or international ____________.
A. summer camp B. game C. attraction D. sports
3. This school _______ in 1997
A. built B. is built C. was built D. has built
4. His car is the same color _______ my uncle’s.
A. alike B. as C. like D. to
5. The Smiths never go out in the evening, _______ ?
A. do they B. don’t they C. doesn’t he D. does he
6. People in countries like the USA, Great Britain, and New Zealand use English as their
____________ language.
A. official B. native C. foreign D. second
7. You are very different _______ your brother.

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A. to B. for C. with D. from
8. This is the first _______ I’ve ever lived far from home.
A. already B. since C. that D. time
9. “Pass me that pen, please!” – “ ____________ ”
A. Here you are B. No, it isn’t C. It doesn’t matter D. Yes, please
10. The Maori's language and ____________ have had a great impact on New Zealand life.
A. festivals B. dances C. culture D. songs
Part 2 (10 points). There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Identify the mistakes
and write the corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes.
Research has show that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches 1
to school do not eat properly in the middle on the day. In Britain, schools have to 2
provide meals at lunchtime. Children can chose to bring their own food or have lunch 3
at the school canteen. 4
One shocking finding of this research is that school meals are many healthier than 5
lunches prepared by parents. There are strict standards for the preparation of school 6
meals, which have to include one piece of fruit and one of vegetables, as 7
well like meat, a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. Lunchboxes 8
examined by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolate bar. Children 9
consume twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime. 10
The research will provides a better understanding of why the percentage of 11
overweight students in Britain have increased in the last decade. Unfortunately, the 12
government cannot criticize parents, but it can remind them of the nutritional value 13
of milk, fruit and vegetables. Small changes in their children's diet can affect their 14
future healthy. Children can easy develop bad eating habits at this age, and parents 15
are the only ones who can prevent it. 16

Part 1 (10 points). Read the passage below and decide which answer (from A, B, C or D)
best fits each gap. Write your answers in ‘Your answers’ part.

Mr Alex Fraser lived his entire life in a small town in the North of England. He never left
the house (1) ____he had been born, never married, never went on holiday and had no friends.
He worked in a local factory for (2) ______ forty years but even the people who had
worked with him for years (3) ______ very little about him.
He wore the same old clothes year in year out, and although he shopped (4) _______ at
the local store he bought only the most basic foodstuffs, never changing his purchases from one
week to the next.
So (5) _____ he died last month, neighbours and local people were astonished to learn
that Mr Fraser was not just a rich man, he was in fact (6) ______ millionaire.
He had no bank account, no money invested anywhere but in the various drawers,
cupboards and boxes in his house. There were hundreds and thousands of bank (7) _____ and
It took police over two weeks to clear the house and the bank clerks took just as long to
(8) _______ all the money.
"We had absolutely no idea that he had been hiding his money over the years" one of his
neighbours (9) _____ " In fact, we used to feel sorry for him, we thought he was a poor old man
unable to (10) _______ anything better for himself.
1. A. which B. where C. who D. what
2. A. until B. above C. over D. across
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3. A. reminded B. held C. had D. knew
4. A. regularly B. often C. sometimes D. never
5. A. while B. when C. during D. that
6. A. the B. this C. a D. one
7. A. papers B. money C. letters D. notes
8. A. number B. count C. guess D. make
9. A. said B. spoke C. mentioned D. told
10. A. pay B. spend C. afford D. give
Part 2 (10 points). You are going to read an article about people’s different wedding
locations. For questions 1-10, choose from the people (A – D). The people may be
chosen more than once.

Which person or people state the following?

We did not fully consider the consequences of choosing this venue. 1.______
I received a number of different reactions to my plans. 2.______
We did not think of the idea ourselves. 3. ______
Cost was a factor when deciding on the venue. 4. ______
I love the architecture of the venue we chose. 5. ______
I chose the venue because I had good memories of this place from 6. ______
my childhood.
We liked the venue because we began our relationship there. 7. ______
We didn’t immediately agree on the idea. 8. ______
My health was temporarily affected by the ceremony. 9. ______
My partner’s reaction to my idea was not what I had imagined 10. ______


When I first suggested the venue some of my MacDonalds seemed the obvious place
friends thought it was a great idea and others for Pete and me to get married because
thought it was just plain silly! And my mum it’s where we got together ten years ago
seemed quite disppointed while my dad just when we were both working there. So
thought I was joking. The reason I thoughtof it when our previous boss suggested we
was because I’d been to Disneyworld as a kid get married and have the reception there
and it was the best holiday I’d ever been on. we both jumped at the chance. Neither
When it came to deciding where we wanted to Pete nor I wanted a traditional wedding.
get married and I realized that Disneyworld was We wanted something a bit different and
an option I thought it would be perfect. Dan took somewhere that had a meaning for us
a bit of persuading – dressing up as Mickey both. Also, it was nowhere as expensive
Mouse on his wedding day wasn’t exactly what as a normal wedding and that was
he’d had in mind! But he’s got a terrific sense of important for us too. My parents were a
fun and he agreed in the end. It wasn’t a cheap bit surprised but they came round in the
wedding but it was quite an amazing experience end. It was a great day and I’ll never
and the wedding photos are hilarious. forget the faces of people passing by and
looking at this amazing fast food wedding
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My best man, Brian, Knew that Jan and I were looking I suppose it’s not the most glamorous
for a really special way to celebrate our marriage but wedding location in the world but as
we hadn’d come up with anything and he mentioned soon as I read on the Internet that the
National History Museum in London
this air company that arranged wing walking organized wedding ceremonies in its
weddings. That’s where you get married on the plane Central Hall I knew That was where
– not in it! Well, Jan and I are quite adventurous and Penny and I were going to get
married. We both loved museums and
we had been wing walking in the past but we had no spend a lot of our free time going
idea that we could actually get married doing it! I put it round them so it seemed logical to
to Jan, fully expecting her to think it was a ridiculous be getting married in one of the best!
The design of the building is amazing
idea but she agreed immediately. Quite honestly. If
and it was very powerful and solemn
we’d hought it through properly we’d probably never event for us. However, it took a lot of
have gone ahead. There were so many things that organizing as we live in Edinburgh
could have gone wrong. Suppose it had rained? In and had to arrange transport and
accommodation for our guests. But it
actual fact it was very exciting in spite of the was deffinitely worth it.
discomfort. I had a sore throat for three days affter the
wedding because of shouting through the microphone
to make my vows!
Part 3 (10 points). Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each
Benjamin Franklin
Few people can embody the spirit of early America as much as Benjamin Franklin. He
lived through almost the whole of the eighteenth century, being born six years after it began,
and dying ten years before it ended. In this time he saw the American colonies grow from tiny
settlements into a nation, and he also contributed much to the development of the new state.
At the age of 17 Franklin ran away to Philadelphia. He had already received some
training as a printer’s apprentice, and this helped him seven years later, with his first publication,
the Pennsylvania Gazette. He also received a contract to do government printing work, which
helped him to rise from his poor background to become a successful entrepreneur. Some of his
experience in business was shared in his famous Poor Richard’s Almanak, which established
his reputation throughout the American colonies. In another of his works, the Autobiography,
which was written toward the end of his life, he shows the same quiet common sense.
He was deeply interested in science and natural history, and his experiments with
electricity and lightning led directly to the invention of the lightning rod. He was also interested in
improving the conditions of his fellow men. He was involved in a number of projects in his native
Philadelphia, including the setting up of a library, a university, a philosophical society, and -
because he was a pragmatic man - a fire prevention service. In 1753 he became Postmaster-
General of the colonies. Through this experience he began to develop the idea that the colonies
of North America should be a single nation. Later, he went to London to try to persuade the
British government to change the conditions, especially the taxes, that later led the American
colonists into rebellion.
Whatever Benjamin Franklin’s personal feelings about the rebellion of the American
states, he worked hard to make it succeed. As ambassador to France, he encouraged the
French to help George Washington. After the war he attended the American constitutional
congress. This was his last contribution, for he died later that year. He is still fondly
remembered by Americans as one of the creators of the United States.
1. What is a good description for this text?
A. An autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. B. The life of Benjamin Franklin
C. The works of Benjamin Franklin. D. Franklin and American Independence.
2. When was Benjamin Franklin born?
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A. 1806 B. 1794 C. 1717 D. 1706
3. Which of these happened first?
A. Franklin trains as a printer. B. Franklin runs away to Philadelphia.
C. The American colonies rebel. D. Franklin starts his first publication.
4. What was Poor Richard’s Almanak about?
A. Franklin’s reputation. B. How to succeed in business.
C. How to do government printing. D. The text does not say.
5. In which countries did Franklin live?
A. England and France. B. Philadelphia and England.
C. London and America. D. England, America and France.
Part 4 (10 points). Fill ONE suitable word into each numbered blank. Write your answers
in ‘Your answers’ part.
I live on the (1)______________ of a city in Viet Nam. Three years (2)____________ ,
my neighbourhood was very clean (3)__________ beautiful, with paddy fields and green trees.
(4)__________ , in the last two years, some factories (5)__________ appeared in my
neighbourhood. They have caused serious water (6)__________   by dumping industrial
(7)__________ into the lake. The contaminated water has led to the (8)__________ of
aquatic animals and (9)__________ . Also, tall residential buildings have replaced the paddy
fields. More people result in more cars and motorcycles. Poisonous fumes from these vehicles
are serious (10)__________ pollutants.
Part 1 (10 points). Use the word in brackets, complete the second sentence so that it has
a similar meaning to the first one. DO NOT change the word given.
1. The noise from the music club is loud, so the residents of the street cannot sleep. (OF)
=>  The residents of the street cannot sleep …………………………from the music club.
2. Get up now or you’ll be late for school. (NOT)
=> …………………………up now, you’ll be late for school.
3. Because it rained heavily, the road in front of my house was flooded. (DUE)
=> The road in front of my house was flooded ……………………….. rain.
4. I started living here two months ago. (FOR)
=> I .................................................... two months.
5. Global warming happens when there is too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.
=> Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere …………………………
Part 2: (20 points) In last letter, your English Friend, Jill wants to know causes and effects of
pollution in your area and the solution to it. Write a letter (about 80-100 words) to answer him .
(Your name must be Stone)

Part 3: (30 points) Your English teacher has asked you to write a story (100-120 words) for
your school story writing competition. Your story MUST have the following tittle.


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