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Pharmacology Chapter 5

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1. What is moderate sedation? Refers to the administration

of drugs for the puprose
of sedation, lack of ware-
ness of durroundings, am-
nesiam or analgesia, so the
patient still responds to ver-
bal and physical stimuli dur-
ing stressful dental/medical

2. What is minimal sedation? Drug-induces state during

which patients respond nor-
mally to verbal commands

3. What is general anethesia? An induced stage of uncon-

sciousness together with a
partial or complete loss of
protective reflexes inclusing
the inability to maintain an
airway independently and
respond to physical stimula-
tion or verbal command

4. What is nitrous oxide? Referred to as laughing gas

because of the euphoria
that it produces. Used alone
for moderate sedation or
mainteneance (if used after
general anesthetic)

5. What are the various pharmacological agents Benzodiazepines

used for moderate sedation? Opiods
Nonbarbiturate Sedative
Reversal Drugs

6. What are the objectives in using sedation to To make patients unaware

manage dental patients? of their surroundings

Pharmacology Chapter 5
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Provide pain relief
Anixety reducuction

7. What role does nitrous oxide play in the den- It is a wak general anesthet-
tal office? ic. Does not produce res-
piratory derpession, bron-
chodilation, hypotension, or
heart arrhythmias.

8. Which of the following agents is considered Nitrous oxide

to be a gas?
1. Nitrous oxide
2. Fentanyl
3. Propofol
4. Diazepam

9. Which of the following inhalation anesthetics Nitrous oxide

does not cause respiratory depression and
1. Nitrous oxide
2. Enflurane
3. Isoflurane
4. Halothane

10. All of the following statements are true about Total unconsiousness
moderate sedation except one. Which one is
the exception?
1. Complete loss of protective reflexes
2. Total unconsiousness
3. Patient airway
4. Responds to physical stimulaiton

11. Propfol is preferred over thipenthal as in in- Recovery characteristics

travenous anethetic because of its?
1. Recovery characteristics
2. Can be taken orally
3. Long onset of action
4. Prolonged druation of action

Pharmacology Chapter 5
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12. Which of the following side effects is com- Nausea and vomiting
mon after general anesthesia?
1. Diarrhea
2. Esophageal reflux
3. Nausea and vomiting
4. Muscle weakness

13. Which of the following maintenance dosages 30:70

of nitrous oxide/oxygen is usually used in
1. 25:25
2. 25:50
3. 30:70
4. 50:75

14. Use of nitrous oxide/oxygen is contraindicat- Upper respiratory infection

ed in pations with?
1. Allergies to pollen
2. Upper respiratory infection
3. Bactieral infections
4. Hepatitis

15. Which of the follwoing ASA classfication de- II

scribes a patient with mild hypertension?
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V

16. Which of the follwoing procedures is used Moderate sedation

for anxiety reduction, pain control, amne-
sia in the detnal patient while remaining re-
sponse and cooperative during the dental
1. Deep sedation
2. Local anesthesia
3. Moderate sedation
4. Minimal sedation

Pharmacology Chapter 5
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17. At which of the follwoing stages of anesthe- 3
sia is a surgiac anestheisa is attained?


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