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write a brief autobiographical synopsis about your experience in Ukraine or how recent
war affected
My experience in Ukraine has been shaped by both my time attending a computer science
school and the impact of the recent war. As a teenager, I had the opportunity to attend a
prestigious computer science school in Ukraine, which sparked my fascination with technology.
This early exposure to programming languages and computational thinking played a significant
role in shaping my educational journey.

During my time at the computer science school, I was exposed to various technologies
and had access to state-of-the-art facilities. The curriculum emphasized practical application and
problem-solving skills, which further fueled my passion for Computer Science. I found myself
spending countless hours exploring new programming languages, developing software
applications, and participating in coding competitions. It was during these formative years that I
realized the immense potential of technology to drive innovation and solve real-world problems.

However, amidst my academic pursuits, there was an undercurrent of tension as the

country grappled with a recent war. Witnessing firsthand the consequences of armed conflict not
only impacted me emotionally but also intellectually. It made me reflect deeply on the
importance of cultural education and understanding.

The war highlighted how conflicts can arise due to misunderstandings and lack of
empathy between different cultures or ethnicities. It reinforced my belief that fostering cultural
understanding is paramount for building peaceful societies. Having experienced firsthand how
wars can tear communities apart, I became an advocate for promoting cross-cultural dialogue and

In conclusion, attending a computer science school in Ukraine allowed me to develop a

deep interest in technology while simultaneously exposing me to the realities of war. This dual
experience has shaped not only my personal growth but also influenced my beliefs about cultural
education. Through sharing experiences like mine, we can foster greater understanding among
diverse communities and work towards building a more inclusive world where differences are
celebrated rather than fragmented by conflict.
Last Name 2

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