Vocab Inggris Bab 8-14

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Chapter 8

1. Sales are a good way for retailers to get rid of surplus stock
2. The company was in fact seriously in debt even thought they claimed to be making a
3. Some companies overstate their earnings to drive up share prices
4. The financial services authority was set up in the uk to deal with issues such as fraud and
insider trading
5. When the CEO should have been cost cutting, he was spending huge sums on
acquisitions that turned out to be unprofitable
6. When you buy in bulk you can obtain discounts or rebates
7. Shareholders lost money when the company declared itself bankrupt
8. When they heard about our financial diffciulties our suppliers asked to be paid in
9. They didn’t lie – they simply tried to conceal the truth

Chapter 9
1. Apply : make a formal request
2. Challenge : test of someone’s skills
3. Interview : ask a candidate questions
4. Design : make a plan for something that will be built
5. Assesment : evaluate
6. Communicate : process by which people exchange information
7. Appoint : choose someone for a position

Chapter 10
1. Expensive designer fashion items are commonly copied products
2. Copies are so well made that they are almost indistinguishable from the original
3. Many costumers prefer to pay more for a genuine brand
4. Licensed manufactures receive permission to produce branded goods
5. The overseas printer produced extra books and sold them on the side
6. The music industry is very concerned about copyright infringement
7. Increased counterfeiting affects the brand owners’ future profibiliaty
8. CDs and videos are particularly vulnerable to piracy
9. One legal action against counterfeiters is to take them on court
Chapter 11
1. Auction : site
2. Merchandising : plan
3. Feedback : forum
4. Discussion : board
5. Market : research
6. E-commerce : platform

Chapter 12

The internet has proved an essential tool in organising various groups of 1

campaigners. It has given them, once organised, a powerful and very effective new
weapon. Email makes it easy to gather activists and bombard the target with signed
2 petitions from around the world. The internet has also played an important role
in highlighting issues such as labour and environmental conditions in trade, and
3___debt relief_________ for the poorest countries. It has also helped to increase
the influence of 4______charities______ like Oxfam who critise
5____protectionism________ , which restricts north-south trade. Many
economists and governments agree that it would be beneficial to the north to do
business with the south rather than just giving 6____aid________. They would also
like to see the tearing down of some of the high 7_______tariff
barriers_____designed to make the 8_____impacts_______ from poor countries
more expensive. Governments and economists are willing to listen to the so-called
'respectable' face of protest, like Oxfam, rather than to large groups of protesters
who have sometimes used aggressive; even violent tactics to dr&w attention to
their cause.

Chapter 13
1. Deal with : Information is being produced faster that managers can process it.
2. Dispatched : messages are transmitted to your PC throughout the day
3. Overpowering : It has become completely overwhelming, says Sheryl battles
4. Office worker : The average white-collar worker at a Fortune 1000 company sends and
receives an average of 190 messages a day
5. Disturbing : Email is seen as less intrusive than other forms of communication.
6. Practical : Email is a new and convenient way of running a business
7. Is said to spend : Bill Gates reportedly spends many hours a day reading and sending
email, a is said to spend b pretends to spend c enjoys spending

Chapter 14
1. Most electronic products carry a warranty and after sales benefitd
2. Accounting software has greatly improved the error prone task of having to come up with
exact figures.
3. Goods are put onto lorries at the factory loading bay
4. When supplies arrive at the factory they are placed on a conveyor belt to be transported
straight to the workshops.
5. Fake goods are usually super cheap benefits of expensive brands.
6. The consumer goods industry is interested in the new tracking technology.
7. Our returned goods service is expensive to run but customers really appreciate being able
to bring things back if they need to.

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