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CODE NO: 403.

Time: 3 Hours (10 a.m. to 1p.m.) Date: 23/05/2022 (Monday)
Max. Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50
Instructions for candidates:
1. Attempt FIVE questions in all- 1 question from Part-I and 2 questions each from Part II & III.
2. All questions carry equal marks.
3. All answers must be written in English only.
4. This paper contains 1 page having 10 questions.

PART- I (Attempt any ONE)

1. What do you understand by the transportation system? Describe in brief different

transportation systems available in India. Also explain how transportation systems can be
made more efficient and productive?
2. Describe traffic and transportation problems faced by Indian cities. Also explain the
strategies and options you will use to solve these problems to make travel hassle free.

PART- II (Attempt any TWO)

3. Explain road hierarchy adopted in urban areas and rural setting. Explain the intent,
content and scope of such classification.
4. Enumerate different road safety systems made applicable in India. Also explain how
these systems have helped in making Indian road safe in 21st century.
5. What is a traffic rotary? How radius of the traffic rotary calculated? Explain various
elements of a typical traffic rotary with the help of a neat sketch.
6. a). Classify different types of traffic signs used in India, explaining in brief, with neat
sketches general objective of each type of sign.
b). Compare comparative advantages and disadvantages of traffic signals?

PART- III (Attempt any TWO)

7. What do you understand by mass transportation? Enlist the challenges faced by mass
transportation and measures you will suggest to make mass it effective and efficient.
8. How are the parking surveys conducted? Explain the process and procedure you will
adopt to conduct a parking survey for a metropolitan city like Delhi?
9. What are the environmental implications of transport? Discuss and detail some
‘Healthy’ transport related policies.
10. Explain the salient features of National Urban Transport Policy, 2014.

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