Does Light Act Like A Wave

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Does Light Act Like A Wave?

Young’s Double Slit Experiment

By Ming Poynton

 Welcome to the captivating realm of optics, where the behaviour of light is an enduring
puzzle that scientists have attempted to solve. At the heart of this problem lies Young's
double-slit experiment, a investigation that provides a glimpse into the curious nature of
light and its peculiar ability to exhibit both wave-like and particle-like characteristics, creating
the term Phoon

 In the early 1800s, a scientist named Thomas Young conducted a groundbreaking

experiment. He directed a beam of light through two narrow openings, or slits, onto a
screen, and what he observed was nothing short of astonishing. Instead of a simple pattern
that a particle would exhibit, Young witnessed a pattern of alternating light and dark bands
on the screen. This discovery defied conventional Newtonian physics and set the stage for a
profound shift in our understanding of light.

 Picture dropping two stones into a still pond, and the ripples from each stone meeting and
creating intricate patterns where they overlap. Young's experiment mirrored this
phenomenon. The light passing through the slits created waves that interacted, producing
the distinctive pattern on the screen. This phenomenon, known as interference,
unequivocally demonstrated the wave-like nature of light.

 However, this experiment wasn't content with just revealing one facet of light's character.
Young's experiment also hinted at a more perplexing reality. The alternating pattern was
consistent with the idea that light could also behave as tiny particles, much like a rain of
microscopic particles hitting the screen. This duality, where light exhibited both wave and
particle attributes, with this knowledge we now call light, “photons” to say light has
properties of both

 Changing all 3 variables fringe Lenth, length to wall and slit difference to test how one
another effect each other using Δx=λd/s as a basis for finding wavelength


It was Hypothesised the double slit will create to separate light sources. Believing Newtonian Physics
light acting like a particle the double slit will create a 2 light sources. (note I made the hypothesis
before anything else.)

1. Set up the experimental equipment with a laser as a strong light source, a barrier with two slits,
and a wall to observe the interference pattern.

2. Adjust the distance between the slits, the distance between the slits and the screen, and the angle
of incidence of the laser beam.

3. Record and analyse the fringe space formed on the screen.

4. Repeat the experiment using different sources of light, red (high wavelength) and blue (low
wavelength), distances from screen and slit spacing.

5. Compare the observed patterns with theoretical predictions based on wave theory and particle

wavelength at 2m f1
wavelenth in x10^-6 (meters)

red green Blue

wavelenth at 4m f2
wavelenth in x10^-6 (meters)

Red Green Blue

Wavelenth 2m v 4m distance
wavelenth in x10^-6 (meters)

red green Blue
Colours (left 2m, right 4m)
Figure 3


 The experiment shows a disagreement with Newtonian Physics. Light and dark spots are
created due to interference patterns, these light waves are created by light and dark spots

 This is strictly a property of light, the use of the double slit creating light and dark spots,
using conventional Newtonian Physics this should be impossible.
 It can be observed from the data that in figure 3 shows that the data from 2 meter distance
to a 4m distance, the wavelength calculation from Δx=λd/s is similar to the 2 nd decimal point.
This show that using young’s equation that light acts as a wave. The wavelength being similar
shows that there is a correlation in fringe length and wavelength.
 It also shows that the wavelengths of different colours are different. Red has the largest
followed by green then blue with the smallest wavelength. This shows that ultraviolet light is
next to blue and infrared light is the close to red on the electromagnetic spectrum
 More accurate way to get data would be using a device to measure. A calliper would improve
result accuracy or a laser. Whilst improving measurement accuracy by minimal amounts
sounds inconsequential the accuracy of measurement to millimetres is essential to get
accurate data for the equations.
 This shows in the data as the 2m and 4m measurements should be equal however due to the
inaccuracies in measurements there is slight differences in measurements. The accuracy of
measurement gives a ±5mm. this is a large number for the measurement of wave lengths


 The data does not support the hypothesis made shown by the data and visual aids below.
 The dots for the 2 light sources shows an interference pattern, Δy = xλ/d. the fringe length
increases when wavelength or length to screen. And as the separation of slits increases the
fringe length decrease. As shown in figure one data

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