Attempted Comparative Paragraph

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Attempted Comparative Paragraph

In 12AM and GT both highlight the key concept of prejudice complicating the pursuit of
justice. Although 12AM focuses more on the Pursuit of Justice and GT focuses on the
redemption of past mistakes prejudice plays a key part in both texts. In GT Walt’s pursuit of
justice, he allows his racist views get in the way of justice. When the movie started he called
the Hmong People “a bunch of savages”, however as the movie progresses he views
changes and becomes close to the Hmong Family. As the Film concludes Walt’s sacrifices
himself realising his mistakes, and not letting prejudice complicate his pursuit of justice.
Similarly, in 12AM, Juror 8 doesn’t allow the prejudice of other jurors’ pressure him into
falling into making the same mistakes as them. As the text progresses his clear intent to
avoid a miscarriage of justice and not letting prejudice complicate the pursuit of justice
starts to convince the others that the boy isn’t guilty. By the end of the text he convinces
the whole jury, through convincing or not wanting to waste anymore time to vote “not
guilty” unanimously. At the core of both Twelve Angry Men and Gran Torino lies the notion
that when introduced to new experiences, people are able to overcome their personal
prejudices for a greater goal. However, a key separation in this idea revolves around the
motivation behind these choices. A key contrast between 12AM and Gran Torino is that in
Gran Torino, Walt’s sacrifice is genuine, as he overcame his prejudice however in 12AM
some of the juror changed their vote to move on and hurry the process up. In GT it is shown
in through the scene where Walt give Thao his Gran Torino that Walt has genuinely
overcame his prejudice. This furthermore show that Walt has chosen to give his Gran Torino
to Thao rather than Ashley Kowalski shows that he is now closer to Thao than his own
family. Differently in 12AM, Juror 10 changes his vote to Not Guilty to rush the process. In a
passage he states that he “couldn’t care less” showing that he doesn’t care. This shows a
difference in the 2 texts as genuinely changes his prejudice for the better, whereas Juror 10
changes votes “not guilty” to be over and done with it. Through reading the texts we come
to learn that prejudice complicates the pursuit of justice however it takes on person to do
the right thing to have a just outcome changing the course of events for the better.

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