The Comprehensive Analysis of Educational Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda and Its Relevance in Modern India With Special Reference To His Man Making Concept of Education.

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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)

Volume 5, Issue 7 July 2023, pp: 633-637 ISSN: 2395-5252

The Comprehensive Analysis of

Educational Philosophy of Swami
Vivekananda and its Relevance in Modern
India with Special Reference to his Man-
Making Concept of Education.
Dr. Sonu Kumar, Sunita Devi
Assistant Professor in Education, DDM Sai College of Education,Village- Kallar. P.O. -Jalari.
Tehsil- Nadaun. District- Hamirpur (H.P.)
PRT in Lotus International Convent School, VPO Sadwan KalohaTehsil Rakkar District Kangra (H.P.)

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Date of Submission: 15-07-2023 Date of Acceptance: 25-07-2023
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ABSTRACT continents of the world. Among such enlightened
The conviction of educational enlightenment and souls, Swami Vivekananda demonstrated his
knowledge through the edification is as extraordinary appearance to take this very
septuagenarian as the morality is. It is a rapid responsibility by performing his most valuable
growing secured extensive and extended ideas through his educational philosophy to the
developmental process which is the basic need of upcoming generations.
human civilization since the time immemorial. But Key-Words: Enlightenment,Edification,
irony of fate reveals that even after numerous Civilization, Sophistication, Inculcation,
generations of this mortal sophistication have been Educationists, Pedagogical, Philosophy.
passed but unfortunately, most of the fellowmen on
this mother planetare not completely conscious I. INTRODUCTION
with this emerging need of learning inculcation as Swami Vivekananda was born in a Hindu
the fundamental requirement of humanity. Kshatriya family of Calcutta (India) in 1863. His
Consequently, this insensitivity has given rise to original name was Narendra Nath Dutta but he
copious social reformers, thinkers, activists and procured this famous name as Vivekananda when
educationists who have rendered their utmost he took „Sanyas‟ (life of renunciation) in the year
exceptional substantial contribution to sensitize the 1986. He was an earnest learner of philosophy and
unawaken souls of mankind throughout the globe. poetry during his student life. He completed his
There are multitudinous renowned remarkable graduation with honours from Calcutta University.
intellectuals who have demonstrated their ultimate He possessed a good command over Bengali,
pedagogical experience and way of thinking to the English and Sanskrit language. His interest for
people of society to be advanced and to step philosophy and religion, took him up to Swami
forward with the pace of world civilization. With Ramakrishna Paramhansa, which resulted to his
the advancement of human civilization and change spiritual transformation and emergence as young
in continuing scenarios among every coming Swami. He emanated as a great Vedantic
generation with the cultural impact of surrounding philosopher and thinker of his contemporary
environment, the need and aspirations have been scenario and highly recommended Vedanta for the
everchanging among the learners. Subsequently the humanity without any kind of discrimination based
need has been realised to have change in education on cast, colour, creed or sex. He was a key figure in
system time to time.This very responsibility of the introduction of Vedanta and Yoga tothe Western
changing scenarios and changing in education world and is credited with raising
system has been taken into consideration as a interfaith awareness, and bringing Hinduism to the
biggest responsibility for mankind by some status of a major world religion. After the death of
enlightened souls of different countries and Ramakrishna, Vivekananda extensively toured

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0507633637 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 633
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 7 July 2023, pp: 633-637 ISSN: 2395-5252

the Indian subcontinent, acquiring first-hand 7. To study about the concept of Swami
knowledge of the living conditions of Indian people Vivekananda‟s philosophy about the man-making
in the British India. Moved by their plight, he education system.
resolved to help his countrymen and found a way to
travel to the United States, where he became a Research Methodology
popular figure after the 1893 Parliament of The present study is an attempt to be made
Religions in Chicago, in which he began his on the investigation and analysis on the ideology of
famous speech with the words: Sisters and brothers Swami Vivekananda towards the concept of
of America... before introducing Hinduism to education which is purely qualitative in nature. The
Americans.He was so impactful at the Parliament material for the current research paper has been
that an American newspaper described him as "an collected from various articles, research papers,
orator by divine right and undoubtedly the greatest books and other online sources etc.
figure at the Parliament".After great success at the
Parliament, in the subsequent years, Vivekananda Teachings and philosophy
delivered hundreds of lectures across the United While synthesizing and popularizing
States, England and Europe, disseminating the core various strands of Hindu-thought, most
tenets of Hindu Philosophy, and founded notably classical yoga and (Advaita) Vedanta,
the Vedanta Society in New York and the Vedanta Vivekananda was influenced by western ideas such
Society of San Francisco (now Vedanta Society in as Universalism, via Unitarian missionaries who
Northern California),both of which became the collaborated with the Brahmo Samaj. His initial
foundations for Vedanta Societies in the West. In beliefs were shaped by Brahmo concepts, which
India, Vivekananda founded the Ramakrishna included belief in a formless God and the
Math, which provides spiritual training for deprecation of idolatry, and a "streamlined,
monastics and householder devotees, and the rationalized, monotheistic theology strongly
Ramakrishna Mission that provides charity, social coloured by a selective and modernistic reading of
work and education. Vivekananda was one of the the Upanishads and of the Vedanta". He propagated
most influential philosophers and social the idea that "the divine, the absolute, exists within
reformers in his contemporary India, and the most all human beings regardless of social status", and
successful missionaries of Vedanta to the Western that "seeing the divine as the essence of others will
world. He was also a major force in promote love and social harmony".Via his
contemporary Hindu reform movements, and affiliationswith Keshab Chandra Sen's Nava
contributed to the concept Vidhana, the Freemasonry lodge, the Sadharan
of nationalism in colonial India. Brahmo Samaj, and Sen's Band of Hope,
Vivekananda became acquainted with
Objectives of the Study Western esotericism.He was also influenced
The present research paper is written to by Ramakrishna, who gradually brought Narendra
reveal the educational philosophy of Swami to a Vedanta-based worldview that "provides the
Vivekanandaand its relevance in modern India with ontological basis for 'śivajñāne jīver sevā', the
special reference to man making education by the spiritual practice of serving human beings as actual
compilation of undermentioned following manifestations of God."Vivekananda propagated
objectives: that the essence of Hinduism was best expressed
1. To study Swami Vivekananda‟s teachings as well in Shankar‟s Advaita
as philosophy of life and education. Vedanta philosophy. Nevertheless, following
2. To study the principal features of Swami Ramakrishna, and in contrast to Advaita Vedanta,
Vivekananda‟s philosophy. Vivekananda believed that the Absolute is both
3.To study the aim of education as per the immanent and transcendent. According to Anil
philosophy of Swami Vivekananda. Sook Lal, Vivekananda's neo-Vedanta "reconciles
4. To study about the curriculum and methods of Dvaita or dualism and Advaita or non-dualism,"
teaching as ascribed by the philosophy of Swami viewing Brahman as "one without a second," yet
Vivekananda. "both qualified, Saguna, and qualityless,
5. Tostudy aboutthe concept of discipline and Nirguna." Vivekananda summarised the Vedanta as
teacher-taught relationship according to philosophy follows, giving it a modern and Universalistic
of Swami Vivekananda. interpretation,showing the influence of classical
6. To study about the relevance of Vivekananda's yoga:Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to
educational philosophy in modern India. manifest this Divinity within by controlling nature,
external and internal. Do this either by work, or

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0507633637 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 634
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 7 July 2023, pp: 633-637 ISSN: 2395-5252

worship, or mental discipline, or philosophy—by information that we put into your brain and runs
one, or more, or all of these—and be free. This is riot there, undigested, all your life. We must have
the whole of religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or life-building, man-making, character-making and
rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are but assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five
secondary details. Swami Vivekananda popularized ideas and made them your life and character, you
the notion of involution, a term which Vivekananda have more education than any man who has got by
probably took from western Theosophists, heart a whole library.He also told the youth:“Set
notably Helena Blavatsky, in addition to Darwin's yourselves to the task of spreading education
notion of evolution, and possibly referring to among the masses. Tell them and make them
the Samkhya term Satkarya. understand, you are our brothers—a part and parcel
Principal Features of Swami Vivekananda’s of our bodies, and we love you and never hate
Philosophy you."
Being the disciple of Swami Ramakrishna
Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda had the profound Aims of Education According to Swami
dedication in spiritual knowledge and firm faith in Vivekananda
power of almighty God. He preached to his Swami Vivekananda considered that
followers that God is omnipotent and omniscient moral, spiritual, character building, self- realization
who lives in the heart of every human being. He and mental development are the true aim of
had sermonized the people of society that we education but for this purpose, physical
should offer ourselves to the service of God and the development is the essential requirement. He
best way to worship God is the service to mankind. sensitized the people that one must know the
He further advocated that the real basis of human secrets of making our body strong and the same
life must be following the path of ethics and knowledge must be provided to the others also. He
morality. He also recommended that the love and also stressed upon the vocational education as a
renunciation should permeate the universe and the prominent necessity with the mainstream of
true meaning of religion is the self-realisation education for the successful harmonious
through self-control. development of personality being self-dependent.
According to him one must aim for reaching to the
Educational Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda perfection, promote universal brotherhood by
Swami Vivekananda‟s entire philosophy searching unity even in diversityand must develop
of education is purely based upon Vedanta and faith on one‟s own abilities to be reached on desired
Upanishads. He did possess the viewpoint that destination because every human being has the
there is the existence of pious soul in every human ability to do everything if he/she has the will power
being and recognition of this soul is religion in its with courage to do the same. He once said, “Arise,
true sense of description. Education is basically a awake and stop not till the goal is achieved.”
process of self-developmentwhich acts for
improvement not by an imposing force but through Scheme of Curriculum According to Swami
the self-inspiration. Young Swami was not in Vivekananda
favour of his contemporary system of education According to Swami Vivekananda, the
and severelycriticised the existing pattern of study of Vedanta, Upanishads, Puranas, Religion
imparting only bookish knowledge to the young and Philosophy for spiritual development with even
learners which is of no use to them. According to considering the importance of science education as
Swami Vivekananda, “We want that education by per the need of modern scenario. He possessed the
which character is formed, strength of mind is viewpoint that western science and Indian Vedanta
increased, the intellect is expanded and by which is a perfect mixture of imparting knowledge to the
one can stand on one‟s own feet.”He believed learners for the better progress of their young
education is the manifestation of perfection already minds. Art education, regional languages, Sanskrit
in men.He thought it is a pity that the existing language, History, geography, Economics, Home-
system of education did not enable a person to Science, psychology, physical education and
stand on his own feet, nor did it teach him self- vocational education etc. must be the part of
confidence and self-respect. To Vivekananda, curriculum for the all-round development of man-
education was not only collection of information, making education system.
but something more meaningful; he felt education
should be man-making, life giving and character-
building. To him, education was an assimilation of
noble ideas.Education is not the amount of

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0507633637 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 635
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 7 July 2023, pp: 633-637 ISSN: 2395-5252

According to Swami Vivekananda; Methods of

Teaching Teacher- Student Relationship According to
Swami Vivekananda‟s philosophy of Swami Vivekananda
education advocates that the obeyance of Swami Vivekanandahas
strictbrahamcharya for the proper concentration is proclaimed,“Teacher is a philosopher, friend and
desirable by which the learners can master on guide helping the educand (learner) togo forward in
different concepts in a very short time period as it his own way”. For true learning there must be a
improves the power of mental spirituality. As for healthy relationship between teacher and taught. He
the teaching methods are concerned, discussion and has further said, “The only true teacher is who can
contemplation, individual guidance and counselling immediately come down to the level of the students
etc are some of the good methods of teaching. and transfer his soul to the student‟s soul and see
Besides this, pupils should be prepared beforehand through the student‟s eyes and hear through his ears
towards the reverence for their gurus(teachers). and understand through his mind. Such a teacher
Swami has said that the child educates itself. can really teach and none else.” A teacher must
Teacher must only prepare the learner to use his always inspire his students and must be
sense organs properly for learning new things. The sympathetictowards with his students with love and
teachers must modify their teaching methods as per responsibility.
the needs of learners. A healthy discussion between
teacher and taught is compulsory for the better Relevance of Educational Philosophy of Swami
understanding of different concepts under study. Vivekananda in Modern India
According to the educational philosophy
Concept of Discipline According to Swami and philosophy towards life, Swami
Vivekananda Vivekanandaappeared a true patriotic and a social
Discipline is a very significant substantial reformer as well who has taken into the
dimension of every individual‟s characteraccording consideration a true sense of brotherhood, equality,
to Vivekananda. He wants that every person must fraternity, justice for all, women education,
follow the discipline which is not being forced education for masses, discipline of senses,
upon them but which is being followed by person‟s character building, moral and ethical development
own mind and body as ascribed by their moral duty etc. which are the essential aspects of modern set-
to be performed as mentioned in Bhagavad Gita up of democracy. All these aspects of his general
and Karma. For this purpose, every human being philosophy towards life are seemed to be true in
must teach himself/herself the obeyance of modern scenario and education set-up of too, where
discipline as most important aspect of our psychological treatment and teaching through the
respective lives. He persuaded the teachers to child-centred approach along with flexible methods
prepare their young learners a self-disciplined of teaching- learning process is considerably
citizen as per the aspirations and needs of the desirable. He has also been advocated for free and
society. He has said, “If you don't let a child grow compulsory education for the Indian masses for the
up to be a lion, he will grow up to be a fox”. He establishment of true democracy which seemed
had recommended the significance of discipline for authentic in present time.His most significant
both teacher and taught and on the part of teachers, ideology to education is comprised with the
it is very essential to pay their concerned concept of self-knowledge, self-reliance,
responsibilities as well as their accountabilities concentration, universal mass education, women's
with whole dedication and some most important education, physical education, man-making
aspects to be developed in their personality as; education, character-building education, education
honesty, affection, loveand passion. The young through mother-tongue medium, religious and
learners must be treated gently to develop among moral education, value education, selfless dedicated
them the characteristics of mental, cognitive, teachers, and so on is working joining hand to hand
intellectual, behavioural, spiritual, and physical in modern set-up of education. Knowledge of
abilities to certainly be developed for their own different subjects of curriculum like; history and
growth and personality development as well as for geography of the nation, ancient tradition and
their future welfare ahead to them.Swami culture, arts, poetry, religion, history, languages,
Vivekananda‟s means to discipline such a discipline basic sciences etc are necessity of the hour but
which prepare our mind, body, and soul in order to human values are missing in present generations so
manifest good ideas or thoughts, ethics, and good that it must be combined with value education;
deedsto be performed for the betterment of human theeducation through Vedantic philosophy and

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0507633637 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 636
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 7 July 2023, pp: 633-637 ISSN: 2395-5252

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in upcoming scenario. of Swamiji are working for the service and
upliftment of humanity with their complete
Man-Making education dedication without any selfish motives. They are
Swami Vivekananda had the divine sight moving from village to village for the purpose of
to see every human being with the feeling of making people understand their real conditions,
divinity in them. He considered that there is make them aware about their lot and finally how to
“Divine” in poor fellow beings to whom he used to improve their conditions.
call, “Daridra Narayan” meaning “Poor Lord”. This
very particular ideology of Swami Vivekananda is REFERENCES
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