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Unit – 1 (Introduction to AI)

Question Bank

1. What to you understand by Artificial Intelligence?

Ans. Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are
programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.

2. What are the three major domains of Al?

Ans. The three major domains of Al are:
(i) Data/Data Science: It is the domain which deals with data and extracting insights from it.
(ii) Computer Vision: It is the domain that deals with training computers such that they have a vision
like power, like humans.
(iii) Natural Language Processing (NLP): It is the domain that deals with interpreting speech
input and give voice-based output.

3. Speech recognition and response by machines is a revolutionary concept. Which domain of Al

does it belong to? Explain
Ans. The speech recognition and response belongs to NLP-Natural Language Processing domain of
Al, which is aimed at developing the natural language related intelligence similar to humans.
Modem day chatbots and virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, Cortana, Google Assistant are based on
this technology.

4. Give an example of Al application technology that has used and implemented various domains
of Al.
Ans. Humanoid Sophia

5. Give an example of computer vision-based Al application which has capability to change the
way we live now. Explain.
Ans. Self-driving cars. The self-driving cars would have computer-vision based technology using
which they can identify which objects are in front of them, at what distance, moving at what speed
etc. and based on this information, they can make decisions like drivers.
It would change the future scene as then we would not have to worry about the driving conditions,
vehicles, and people around it and so on. We could just sit on the back seat and doing our other
preferred work.

6. Describe how a smart city can offer inclusion the citizens.

Ans. A smart city ensures that there are no physical or digital barriers for any segment, group or
person of the society, irrespective of their income, strata or age.
The technology and facilities of a smart city are equally available and usable for all its citizens.

7. Discuss some challenges associated with smart cities.

Ans. Major challenges with a smart city are:
(i) Ensuring people's privacy especially of their activity data
(ii) Too much technology dependence
(iii) Increased investment in technology and its maintenance

8. Discuss the benefits of smart school.

Ans. Major benefits of smart schools are:
➢ Increased Interaction
➢ 24x7 Connectivity
➢ Increased Flexibility
➢ Predictive Monitoring of student progress
➢ Preventive Monitoring of student progress
➢ Increased Faith
9. How better is smart school in offering security solutions than a traditional school?
Ans. The smart schools offer 24x7 connectivity of teachers and students through various means.
Even while travelling to school or going to home, the parents and family members are in constant
touch with the transporting vehicle through technology tools like GPS and other smart devices
Further, modern age security systems like intruder alarms, instant communication also offer
enhanced security to the teachers, students, and the other staff of the school.

10. How better is smart home in offering security solutions than a traditional home?
Ans. The smart homes offer better security solutions like:
➢ Easily automate lights or change them remotely for your arrival.
➢ Set up your system to get notifications through email, text, phone, or real-time video clips of
➢ See who's at the door, what your pet is doing or watch as the kids come home, from your phone,
computer, or mobile device.
➢ View stored video clips of events from monitored areas of the home.

11. Give some examples of smart home security technological solutions.

Ans. Some examples of smart security solutions of smart homes are:
A smart door entry system will not only allow you to come and go as you please, it will also monitor
who is in front of your home while you're away.
Some smart home security solutions can simulate your presence. You can easily create scenario that
make your home look alive. Blinds go up in the morning lights go on in the evening and the television
switches on and off.
Movement detectors are a common part of most smart homes and home security systems. These
can be installed on windows and doors other than the main door security feature.

12. What is sustainable development?

Ans. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development is
process for meeting human development goals while sustaining the ability of natural systems
continue to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and
society depends.

13. How in Al contributing towards the SDG of quality education?

Ans. Al (Artificial Intelligence) is contributing through techniques and methods like Virtual
Augmented learning and teaching resources, intelligent mentoring of students and responsive
personalized learning.
Using Big data analysis, the graduation rates of students from low-income groups and first-
generation learners can be deeply studied and warning signs can be spotted in time and actions can
be taken accordingly.

14. Enlist some current applications of Al.

Ans. Currently Al is being used in many fields. Prominently ones are Robotics, Customer support
Chatbots, Data analysis, Customisation etc.

15. In your opinion, what most important skill should an Al professional have other than the
required technical skills?
Ans. The most important non-technical skill an Al professional should have Complex Problem
Complex Problem-Solving skill involves:
(i) Define a problem, its goals and challenges.
(ii) Identify various solutions and possible outcomes.
(iii) Choose a plan on the basis of accuracy of solution, ease of implementation and cost.
Implement the idea.

16.Name some ethical issues of AI.

Ans. Safety, transparency, bias and fairness, accountability
List two example of Human Rights violations of AI.
Ans. (i) Collecting personal data of people without their knowledge.
(ii) AI bias

17. Name some ethical issues related to: (i) AI setup, (ii) AI actions, (iii) AI impact, (iv) AI future.
Ans. (i) Bias and fairness Accountability, transparency
(ii) Safety, Human-AI interaction, Trust, Privacy and control
(iii) Automation, Impact over jobs, Auditability, and Interpretability
(iv) Control of AI over things and people, Human rights, robot rights.

18. What is deepfake?

Ans. Deepfake is a technology that can generate fake digital photos, sound recordings and video
which look just as original as possible.

19. What is AI bias? Give an example.

Ans. AI bias is an anomaly (irregularity of abnormality) in the result produced through AI based
programs and algorithms because of prejudiced (discriminatory) assumptions made during the
algorithm development process or prejudices in the training data, e.g. a health insurance AI program
preferred whites over black for extra healthcare services because of an AI bias.

20. What is fairness of an AI model?

Ans. A given AI model is fair if the outputs are independent of sensitive parameters (e.g. gender,
race, sexuality, religious faith, disability, etc.) for a specific task that is already affected by social

21. What is the role of training data in AI?

Ans. An AI model or algorithm is trained to function in a certain way using a sample set of huge data,
known as training data. The completeness in terms of representation (not over or under –
represented) and balance of data (correct and unbiased representation) affects the outcome of this
data) will also be biased.
Thus, it is very important that the training data used for an AI model must be complete, correct,
balanced and unbiased.

22. Define AI ethics.

Ans. AI ethics is a set of values, principles, and techniques that employ accepted standards of right
and wrong to guide moral conduct in the development and use of AI technologies.

23. How would you ensure that the bias does not creep in data?
Ans. One can ensure that the bias does not creep in or gets minimised by the following steps:
➢ Identifying the correlation of features with data (should be diverse).
➢ Identifying the correlation among sets of data, while studying the impact of data and minimising
the impact so as to have fair decisions.
➢ Observing biases in human decisions and the data collected.
➢ Ensuring “balanced” data.
➢ Supervised decision-making.
➢ Regular Bias testing by learning about biases and inducing fairness by through and repeated
testing of data and modification in training data.

24. Why is Regular bias testing important for a training data?

Ans. regular bias testing is essential for identifying, understanding, and addressing bias in training
data. It promotes fairness, improves model performance, ensures compliance with regulations, and
demonstrates a commitment to ethical AI practices.

25. What is AIoT? How would it impact human lives?

Ans. IoT, or Artificial Intelligence of Things, is the integration of AI technologies with IoT devices,
creating an intelligent and interconnected system. impacting human lives through smart homes,
healthcare, transportation, industry, agriculture, retail, environmental monitoring, disaster
management, and assisted living. However, challenges in privacy, security, ethics, and job
displacement need consideration.

26. What are GANs? How would it impact our lives in future?
Ans. GANs are Generative Adversarial Networks, AI algorithms that generate realistic data. In the
future, they'll impact media, design, healthcare, training, security, fashion, and environmental
conservation. They can create lifelike images, aid drug discovery, improve AI assistants, and enhance
e-commerce experiences. However, ethical concerns over fake media and misinformation must be
addressed to ensure responsible use.

27. What are the challenges of creating smart cities?

Ans. Creating smart cities faces challenges in infrastructure development, data privacy/security,
interoperability, citizen engagement, sustainability, funding, regulatory frameworks, digital divide,
disaster preparedness, urban planning/governance, and data management/analytics. Overcoming
these hurdles requires collaboration, citizen participation, and ethical considerations for a successful
and inclusive smart city implementation.

28. What technologies are majorly used in a smart school?

Ans. Smart schools use technologies like smartboards, computers, high-speed internet, learning
management systems, mobile devices, VR/AR, robotics, biometric systems, CCTV, cloud computing,
class management software, data analytics, AI, digital assessment tools, and IoT-based systems to
enhance teaching, learning, and school management. These technologies improve engagement,
access to resources, security, and administrative efficiency in the modern learning environment

29. What is NLP? Give some example of NLP base applications.

Ans. NLP (Natural Language Processing) is AI's branch focusing on human language interaction.
Applications include chatbots, machine translation, sentiment analysis, speech recognition, question
answering, grammar checkers, and text summarization, among others. NLP enables machines to
understand and generate human language effectively, benefiting various fields. Like Alexa, Siri,
Cortana, Google Assistant etc.

30. What is data science? How does it use AI? Give examples.
Ans. Data Science is a field of AI that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to
extract knowledge and insights from many structural and unstructured data. It utilizes AI, such as
machine learning for predictive models, NLP for text analysis, computer vision for visual data, and
deep learning for complex tasks. AI enhances data science's capabilities, enabling automation,
decision-making, and valuable insights in various domains.

31. What is Computer Vision? Give some examples of computer-vision based AI applications.
Ans. Computer Vision is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that focuses on
enabling machines to interpret and understand visual information from the world. It involves
developing algorithms and models that allow computers to "see" and analyze images, videos, and
other visual data. Example :
Facial Recognition: AI-powered facial recognition systems can identify and authenticate individuals
based on their facial features. These applications are used in security systems, unlocking devices,
and photo tagging on social media platforms.

32. Name the scientist who first used the term “Artificial Intelligence”.
Ans. John McCarthy

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