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Glenn D.

National Data Buoy National Data Buoy Center
NSTL, MS 39529
Center Programs


The National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) operates ocean and coastal
buoys and coastal land stations that report hourly through the Geo-
stationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) system. In
addition, NDBC maintains drifting-buoy networks that report
through the polar-orbiting TIROS-N satellites. To disseminate in-
formation on these systems that provide vital environmental reports
from data-sparse marine areas, the data-acquisition systems, net-
works, monitoring capabilities, data processing and distribution,
data quality and availability, and future programs are discussed.

1. Introduction

As part of the National Weather Service (NWS), the National

Data Buoy Center (NDBC) develops and operates auto-
mated data-acquisition systems near the coast and in the FIG. 1. NDBC buoy locations.
deep ocean to provide real-time environmental observations
in data-sparse areas. An earlier description of NDBC pro-
grams was provided by Hamilton (1980). (At that time, The 12-meter-diameter discus buoys, previously deployed
NDBC was designated the NOAA Data Buoy Office.) Since in severe environment areas, are slowly being replaced by six-
that time, new programs have become operational and the meter, boat-shaped, NOMAD (Navy Oceanographic and
number of observations from NDBC stations has increased Meteorological Automatic Device) hulls. This decision was
about 450 percent; from 141 000 to over 600 000 messages per made after a test in the northeast Pacific showed the NO-
year. This article furnishes updated information about the MAD's capability to survive a severe environment and ac-
varied activities of NDBC. quire reliable and accurate data. During Hurricane Gloria in
September 1985, a NOMAD recorded a 14.3-meter signifi-
cant-wave height. Other important factors influencing the de-
2. Moored-buoy network cision were the NOMAD's cost of refurbishment and its rela-
tive ease of land and sea transportation.
There are a total of 49 buoys in the moored-buoy network However, a 12-meter discus was selected as the most viable
shown in Fig. 1. Of these, 20 are offshore (greater than 150 hull for the NOS/AOGA buoy in the Bering Sea because of
km), including four around Hawaii funded permanently to the severe icing conditions that exist there. The buoy was de-
support NWS, and a buoy in the Bering Sea sponsored by the ployed in September 1985. In addition, a 12-meter discus hull
National Ocean Service (NOS) and the Alaskan Oil and Gas was deployed in Central Lake Superior in November 1985 to
Association (AOGA). Data from these offshore buoys are test the feasibility of providing year-round environmental
vital for the detection of intensity and movement of storms observations in the Great Lakes. NOMAD buoys are nor-
and provide important observations for analysis of pressure mally retrieved from the Great Lakes before the onset of the
and wind fields for numerical weather prediction. ice season.
There are 29 buoys in nearshore areas, including the Great To reduce the cost of deploying a buoy in less-severe envi-
Lakes. They include buoys supporting Minerals Manage- ronments, NDBC has developed a small, low-cost, 3-meter-
ment Service (MMS) studies off the California coast. Large diameter discus buoy that was initially designed by the
Navigational Buoys (LNBs) of the Coastal-Marine Auto- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This buoy uses the
mated Network (C-MAN), a buoy off Southern California same electronics payload and sensors as the larger buoys and
funded by the U.S. Navy and MMS, and several NDBC engi- C-MAN sites, but the anemometers are located at the 5-
neering-development buoys. Reports from the nearshore meter level rather than the 10-meter level of the larger discus
buoys are of greatest importance for nowcasting and warn- buoys.
ings and forecasts for small craft. Observations from both off- The 3-meter buoy was deployed and tested and its data
shore and nearshore buoys are used for verification of ma- compared to that of the adjacent LNB at the Columbia River
rine forecasts. Bar, Oregon. The buoy was judged operational and has been
deployed at two locations for the Tropical Ocean and Global
Atmosphere (TOGA) research program in the Southern
© 1986 American Meteorological Society Hemisphere and at one location in the Great Lakes. A 3-
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412 Vol. 67, No. 4, April 1986

meter buoy was deployed on a test basis in the Alenuihaha

Channel, Hawaii, in November 1985. It is planned to gradu-
ally replace the NOMAD buoys in the Great Lakes with
three-meter buoys.

3. Coastal-Marine Automated Network (C-MAN)

In response to the need for more coastal observations, the C-

MAN program was established in 1981 by NWS. The existing
network of 48 stations, shown in Fig. 2, includes nine USCG
offshore platforms, 17 USCG lighthouses, 10 beach areas,
and three public fishing piers. In addition, eight LNB's and
one Exposed Location Buoy (ELB) form part of the C-MAN
program. A typical C-MAN site is shown in Fig. 3. In addi-
tion to C-MAN data, NDBC receives and quality controls
weather observations from two automatic stations main-
tained by Exxon and located on islands in the Bering Sea.
A new electronics payload, the Data Acquisition Control
and Telemetry (DACT) system, was developed for C-MAN.
The DACT is an automated, self-timed system that processes
the data into geophysical units and transmits a World Mete-
orological Organization (WMO) code form FM 12-VII
ASCII message via satellite through the GOES system. Cer-
tain selected C-MAN sites can be accessed via telephone land-
line to receive the latest observation, which is updated every
15 minutes. The basic DACT system capabilities are listed in
Table 1. The DACT has spare channels for expansion, and
some sites have the capability to measure other parameters FIG. 3. A typical C-MAN site; here, on the Isles of Shoals
such as waves, water temperature, tides, and precipitation. in New Hampshire.

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Bulletin American Meteorological Society 413

TABLE 1. DACT payload data.

Parameter Reporting averaging Total system
(Note 1) Reporting range resolution period accuracy
Wind speed 0-120 kn 1 kn 2 min ±2 kn or 5%
(Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4)
Wind direction 0°-360° 10° 2 min + 15°True(+10° Desired)
Peak wind gust 0-160 kn 1 kn (Note 5) +2 kn or 5%
Air temperature -40° to +50°C 0.5°C 1 min + 1°C
Barometric pressure 900-1100 mb 0.2 mb 2 min ±1 mb
Significant-wave 0 to 49 m 0.5 m (Note 7) +0.5 m
height (Note 6)
Wave period 2.5 to 35 sec 1 sec (Note 7) + 1 sec
Wave spectra 0.01 to 0.5 Hz 0.01 Hz (Note 7) —

(Note 8)
Surface water - 6 ° to +40°C 0.5°C 1 min +1°C
Tide level 0 to 99.99 ft 0.01 ft (Note 11)
Precipitation 0 to 999 mm 1 mm (Note 9) +0.2 in. or 4%
Dew point -31° to +86° F 1°F 1 min -31° to —11°F: ±4°F
-10° to 29°F: +3°F
+30° to 86°F: +2°F
Visibility* 0 to 8 statute mi (Note 10) 2 min 0 to 3 mi: +10%
3 to 8 mi: +1 mi
* Growth Capability
Notes: 1. All parameters are sampled at a rate > 1 Hz. Land stations normally report in English units and buoys in metric. 2. Reported wind
speed is a scalar average. Wind direction is a unit vector average. 3. Selectable for m • s" , 4. Averaging period is selectable from 1-10 minutes

(fixed stations - 2 minutes, buoys - 8 minutes). 5. Reported peak wind gust is the highest 5-sec average taken during the wind speed averaging
period. 6. Range 0 to 49 m for buoys. Range on fixed stations is site specific. 7. Selectable for 10-, 15-, 20-, or 25-minute period. 8. Computed at
NMC. 9. Reset to zero at 0000,0600,1200,1800 GMT. 10. Reportable values: 0,1/16,1/8,3/16,1/4,3/8, 1/2,5/8,3/4,7/8,1,1-1/8,1-1/4,
1-1/2, 1-5/8, 1-3/4, 1-7/8, 2, 2-1/4, 2-1/2, 2-3/4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8+ statute miles. 11. To be done.

Dew-point and visibility measurements are planned future States' major contributions is the deployment of approxi-
expansions depending on the results of field tests and evalua- mately 70 drifting buoys that will increase the observational
tions during fiscal years 1986-1987. coverage of the Southern Hemisphere. NDBC has the re-
The DACT sensor-sampling technique is similar to earlier sponsibility of procuring the buoy hardware, performing lo-
payloads, except that the atmospheric parameters are aver- gistics planning and buoy deployment, and archiving the
aged for two minutes for land stations. The averaging period data. The reliability of the TOGA drifters has been higher
is selectable in the DACT, and when the payload is used on a than in FGGE, and the network performance is operating at
buoy, an eight-minute sampling period is normally selected over 90 percent efficiency. The buoys are providing invalua-
for winds. Present C-MAN sites are being retrofitted with ble information on currents, winds, and temperatures in the
hybrid solar/battery power systems. ENSO region.
With the imagery outage of GOES-East, there has been a
lack of satellite coverge in the western Atlantic and the Ha-
4. Drifting buoys waiian areas. To alleviate this situation during the hurricane
season, six drifting buoys were air deployed by Air Force
The First GARP Global Experiment (FGGE) demonstrated C-141 aircraft in August 1985—four buoys in low-latitude
the scientific value of drifting buoys and their importance for western Atlantic locations and two drifters southeast of Ha-
real-time weather forecasting. Additional capabilities have waii. These buoys are providing valuable information on
since been developed for drifting buoys. Wind speed was tropical weather systems, and a wind-direction measurement
proved to be an operationally valid measurement in tests in capability is being tested on three of them.
the northeast Pacific in 1980 and 1981 and by buoys air- NDBC is in the initial stages of a program to develop a min-
dropped into Hurricane Josephine in October 1984. Develop- iaturized drifting buoy, or minidrifter, for meteorological
ment of subsurface-temperature measurement capability and oceanographic data acquisition. Designed for deployment
was successful, and thermistor lines to a 200-meter depth from standard aircraft launch tubes, the minidrifter will ex-
were used on the drifters in Hurricane Josephine and in other pand mechanically to achieve a proper platform and sensor
experiments. Wind-direction capability is being tested on configuration once in the water. The first version is planned
buoys deployed in the western Atlantic and near Hawaii (see to measure subsurface temperatures and surface meteorolog-
below). ical parameters (air temperature, barometric pressure, wind
Drifting buoys are playing an important role in the TOGA speed, and sea-surface temperature) and report via the Argos
research program launched on 1 January 1985. TOGA is a System on the TIROS-N polar-orbiting satellites. Antici-
10-year study of regional climatic variations and of the El pated life span in the field will be 90 to 120 days, versus one
Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). One of the United year or more for the standard, full-size, drifting buoys.
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414 Vol. 67, No. 4, April 1986
5. Data transmission, processing, simplify maintaining a real-time drifting-buoy data base for
and dissemination quality-control purposes.
Of special interest is the quality of NDBC winds in com-
Observations from NDBC stations are transmitted hourly parison to other marine measurement systems. The 10- and
through the GOES system to the command and data-acquisi- 12-meter discus buoys measure wind speed and direction at a
tion site at Wallops Island, Virginia. Data are relayed to the 10-meter height above sea level, the NOMAD and three-me-
National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information ter buoy winds are taken at the five-meter level, and drifting-
Service (NESDIS). The National Meteorological Center buoys winds are measured at the one-meter level. C-MAN sen-
(NMC) receives the data from NESDIS, processes them, per- sor heights vary depending on the site; maximum exposure is
forms real-time gross-error checks for range and time-conti- the governing criterion. The buoys normally average the
nuity limits, and encodes the buoy data into WMO message winds over a time period of about eight minutes to filter out
format FM 13 VII. The messages are transmitted hourly over buoy motion. The different heights of measurement and rela-
NWS communication circuits, including the Automation of tively long averaging time on the buoys can create some con-
Field Operations and Services (AFOS) network, and to fusion among users with respect to winds observed by other
NDBC. Spectral wave data are put into a United States for- means, say from ships (both visually and by anemometers),
mat message and transmitted every three hours. since these are essentially very short or instantaneous samples.
Drifting-buoy data are transmitted through the polar- Winds can be extrapolated to a common height, but it is the
orbiting TIROS-N satellites, processed at Service Argos in present WMO policy not to do so.
Toulouse, France, and entered into the Global Telecommu-
nication System (GTS) at the Paris hub in WMO DRIBU
format (FM 14-VIII). 7. Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS)

In 1981 NWS embarked on a program to provide an ASOS to

6. Data quality be used at airports nationwide. The purpose of the ASOS pro-
gram is to automate the measurement and reporting of me-
Moored-buoy and C-MAN data are received at NDBC in teorological parameters that are currently being observed
raw form from NESDIS, processed, and compared with the and reported manually by weather observers at principal
messages transmitted from NMC. Drifting-buoy data are re- NWS locations. The intent is to reduce the labor-intensive
ceived from the GTS via NMC. At NDBC, observations work of the observer, allowing redirection of staff time to
from each station are quality checked every day. The number other services.
of data-acquisition systems has grown in the last five years A typical ASOS airport layout consists of sensors and
from 22 to 150. With the tremendous increase in data, more- equipment located at the Center Field Zone, the Touchdown
extensive automated techniques were developed at NDBC in Zone, and the Operations Building. Parameters measured at
order to adequately quality control the data. More-stringent Center Field include wind speed and direction, dew point,
automated quality checks than at NMC test for range and temperature, precipitation occurrence and accumulation,
time-continuity limits and differences between redundant freezing-rain occurrence, lightning occurrence, and present
sensors, and suspicious data are flagged. Color graphics, weather. Touchdown Zone parameters include cloud height
such as line plots, scatterplots, and contour maps, are pro- and visibility. Barometric pressure is measured at the Opera-
duced on demand by data-quality analysts in response to the tions Building. Data are collected at the Center Field Zone,
flagged data. Time-series plots and wave-spectra curves help the Touchdown Zone, and the Operations Building and trans-
analysts distinguish between true sensor or system failure mitted to an Acquisition and Control Unit (ACU) in the Op-
and legitimate data in near real time (Gilhousen, 1984). Data erations Office, where it is processed automatically and aug-
from nearby stations can be plotted to aid in this compari- mented and/or corrected manually by the observer if
son. Through the NDBC computer center, a data base at required. The ACU then reports the data automatically on
NMC is maintained, and data from the best sensor is selected the AFOS communications network. The system displays in-
for transmission. Sensor drift is corrected by scaling parame- formation locally using a printer and a video display unit, or
ters in the NMC data base to ensure that accurate data are remotely via dial-in telephone. Data acquired automatically
released. or entered manually are archived for future reference.
Every month the validated data are forwarded to the Na- NDBC designed the specifications and acquired 14 ASOS
tional Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and the National Oce- systems for the demonstration phase. Six of these systems are
anographic Data Center (NODC). Over 90 percent of all being operated as a mininetwork in the state of Kansas to
possible data that can be collected from NDBC stations are evaluate and improve system performance and to assess ob-
routinely received in real time and archived. NDBC data can server and user acceptance. Four systems will be used as cli-
be obtained from NCDC or NODC. Spectral wave data can matic test beds to evaluate sensor and system performance in
only be ordered from NODC. semitropical, coastal, and northern climates. One system will
NDBC is processing TOGA drifting-buoy DRIBU reports be operated by the FAA over a two-year period to assess the
and performing gross-error checks for archive purposes. system's capability to support FAA operations. The result-
Plans are being developed to quality-control drifting-buoy ing evaluations and assessments will be used as the basis for
data in the same manner as other systems. Service Argos will the performance specification of the NWS production-sys-
establish a United States processing center in 1986. This will tem procurement scheduled to start in 1986.
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Bulletin American Meteorological Society 415

8. Technology development Colorado-Kansas-Oklahoma area by 1990. The "profilers"

are designed to automatically measure winds from 500 to
NDBC has developed an operational capability for measur- 16250 meters in all weather conditions.
ing directional wave spectra and has a 10-meter-diameter dis- Other developmental projects are under way in the follow-
cus buoy measuring directional wave spectra off Southern ing areas: 1) atmospheric humidity in marine regions; 2) solar
California, approximately 185 kilometers southwest of Los radiation; 3) precipitation at sea; and 4) reliable, lower-cost
Angeles. In addition to one-dimensional spectra, period, and electronic payloads.
significant-wave height, the directional system provides the
mean wave direction for each frequency reported.
A program has been initiated to measure significant-wave
height, period, and nondirectional spectra from drifting References
buoys. Design studies have shown the concept using an ac-
celerometer to be feasible, and the hardware will be procured Gilhousen, D. B., 1985: Using Graphics to Monitor Buoy Data, In-
and tested during 1986. ternational Conference on Interactive Information and Processing
NDBC has been cooperating with the NOAA Wave Prop- Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Preprint
agation Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, to develop, engi- Volume, American Meteorological Society, 201-203.
neer, and acquire perhaps some 30 "wind-profilers" for im- Hamilton, G. D., 1980: NOAA Buoy Office Programs. Bull. Amer.
plementation of a network to measure upper-air winds in the Meteor. Soc., 61, 1012-1017. •


National Science Week 1986 Scheduled structures, ice/seabed interaction, seabed stability, foundation
A joint resolution has been introduced in Congress that des- analysis, site investigation, soil properties (two sessions), and
ignates 11-17 May 1986 as National Science Week. The ob- geotechnical codes and regulations—panel discussion. For more
jective of having an official science week is to focus the na- information, contact the Third Canadian Conference on Ma-
tion's attention on the importance of science and technology. rine Geotechnical Engineering, C-CORE, Memorial Univer-
According to the National Science Foundation (NSF), which sity of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada NF AlB 3X5; tele-
coordinates the week's activities, this joint resolution points phone (709) 737-8354.
out the vital role science and technology play in improving
the quality of life. The resolution also acknowledges the na-
tion's growing rate of scientific discovery and technological
innovation. While the National Science Week '86 is structured 29 September-3 October 1986. The International Symposium
to reach many segments of the general public, its primary aim on Drought: Prediction, Detection, Impacts Assessment, and
is to communicate with young students who have an interest Response will be held at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
in science. from 20 September to 3 October 1986. The symposium par-
The first national science week took place in 1985 and in- ticipants will explore ways to improve the international ca-
cluded special exhibits, lectures, student and teacher awards, pacity to respond to drought.
and workshops. A distinguished number of international experts will present
papers addressing the physical and societal implications of
drought, both in developing and developed nations, on a variety
meetings of interest of spatial scales, from the farm level to supernational regions.
The symposium's objectives will be to facilitate the inter-
11-13 June 1986. The Third Canadian Conference on Marine change of ideas between scientists and decision makers, to
Geotechnical Engineering will be held on 11-13 June 1986 in identify research needs, and to review the need for and devel-
St. John's, Newfoundland. The objective of the conference will opment of effective drought response in an international arena.
be to provide a forum for technical information exchange on Conference organizers include D. A. Wilhite and N. J. Ro-
offshore geotechnology. In addition to technical sessions, the senberg of the Center for Agricultural Meteorology and Cli-
conference will feature keynote speakers, poster sessions, and matology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and W. E. Easter-
technical exhibits. The conference will be divided into 13 ses- ling and P. J. Lamb of the Climate and Meteorology Section of
sions: Canadian east coast (two sessions), foundation behavior, the Illinois State Water Survey.
in situ measurements, Canadian Beaufort Sea, Beaufort Sea For additional information, contact either Donald Wilhite,
241 L. W. Chase Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
68583-0728, or William Easterling, Illinois State Water Survey,
1 Notice of registration deadlines for meetings, workshops, 2204 Griffith Dr., Champaign, IL 61820; telephone (217) 333-
and seminars, deadlines for submittal of abstracts or papers to 5380.
be presented at meetings, and deadlines for grants, proposals,
awards, nominations, and fellowships must be received at least
three months before deadline dates.—News Ed. (icontinued on page 421)
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