Arts 6 Lesson Plan

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CONTENT The learners demonstrate understanding of the use of lines, shapes, colors, texture, and the principles of
STANDARDS emphasis and contrast in drawing a logo and own cartoon character using new technologies in drawing.
PERFPRMANCE The learners create concepts through art processes, elements and principles using technologies
STANDARDS (hardware and software) to create personal logo, design cartoon character on the spot using new
COMPETENCY Software: Inkscape (Open Source) for laptop/desktop PC

The learners realize that art processes elements and principles still apply even with the use of new
technologies (A6EL-Ia)
LEARNING The learners are expected to:
OBJECTIVES: 1.distinguish the features of line, shape, color, and texture;
2.create artwork that emphasizes lines and shape; and appreciation on the elements of visual arts by active participation in the learning process.

Everybody stand. Let us pray the Lord’s Prayer (The class stand and pray)
2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning teacher!
Good morning classmates!
Please be seated.
Say present

3. Checking of attendance
Say “present” if you are present.
(The teacher roll calls the names of the learners) (The learners say present when
their name is mentioned.)
4. Sharing the learning objectives
Today, let us distinguish the features of line, shape,
color, and texture; create artwork that emphasizes lines
and shape; and
show appreciation for the elements of visual arts.

5. Motivation
Determine what kind of line or shape are the following: Star
1. 2. 3. Heart
Straight horizontal line
Wavy line

4. 5.

Very good!
You are amazing in giving names of the lines and shape.
ACTIVITY I have logos for you to observe. Guess which company they
represent. Are you ready?
1 2. 3. Yes Ma’am.

Mc Donald
Mercury Drug
4. 5.

These logos are artwork which made by lines, shapes, and

Would you like to raise your own company in the future?
If yes, let us study the lines and shapes as elements in
visual arts.
ANALYSIS What is line?
Line is a continuous extent of
What are the different kinds of lines? length.
Lines can be in straight line,
wavy, and zigzag. The
directions of the line can be
diagonal, horizontal, and
What is shape? circular.

Shape is the external outline of

What are the different shapes that you know? something or a geometric figure.

Some shapes are square,

triangle, rectangle, circle and so
Look on these examples of lines and shapes. on.

1. 3.

(Learners’ answers may vary)

2. 4.

Share what do you observe in each picture.

#1, the lines are straight lines showing a near to far

dimension. The same idea is in #2. In #3, the vertical lines
appears like a voice graph or bar code. And #4 are shapes
combined together to form a wall rubric.
ABSTRACTION ACTIVITY: Sketch Drawing (The learners work in pair to
Directions: Draw lines and shapes that show three perform this activity)
dimensions. It has height, length, and width.
APPLICATION ACTIVITY: Creating logo of their dream company business. (The learners work individually
(10 points) in this activity)
IV. Recitation: (Some learners will volunteer to
ASSESSMEN Present before the class your created logo and discuss what present their created logo)
T particular ideas it represent. (5 points)
V. Essay
ASSIGNMENT Directions: In a one fourth (1/4) crosswise pad paper, share
three things that you have learned on today’s lesson.
(5 points)

Prepared by:

BEED Student

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