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Nygaard, R. 2011. Drilling laboratory manual for course PE313 Missouri S&T.

Copyright ©, Runar Nygaard, All Rights Reserved.



Author: Runar Nygaard

after you graduate you will also use this
Introduction handbook on a regular basis.
To drill a well, a hole in the ground is
excavated with a drilling bit at the
bottom of a drill stem which consists of Laboratory Procedure
several sections of drill pipes up to the Today three different wellbore diagrams
drilling rig. Drilling fluids pumped down will be constructed. But before we start
the drill stem flows through the bit and lets go through the overview of the i-
brings the rock fragments (drilling Handbook chapter with the software
cuttings) up outside the drill stem and open and follow each step closely to
out of the wellbore. The space outside learn how to use the software. Then go
the drill stem is called the annulus or through the example given in the chapter
annular volume. The term annulus can wellbore schematics with i-Handbook.
be used for any space between two After you have gone through the
concentric objects in the wellbore. example and understand how to make
Annulus can be between the open hole wellbore drawings you are free to leave
and the outside of the drill stem, the the class or continue with the lab.
open hole and the outside of the casing,
two casings with different sizes or inside 2nd part of this lab is to finish
of the casing and outside the drill stem constructing the two wellbores and
or production tubing. answer the questions given in wellbore
#1 and wellbore #2.
When drilling a well the wellbore can
only be drilled to a certain depth before
the open hole has to be secured with a
thick steel pipe (casing). To secure the Overview of the i-HandbookTM
casing and avoid any leakage outside the
casing the casing has to be cemented in The i-Handbook is installed on the
place. After the cement is solidified the computers in room McNutt 130 under
well can be drilled deeper but the programs/Schlumberger or you can
wellbore has to be smaller than the download the software for free at
inside diameter of the casing. and install it on your
private computer. The following chapter
This laboratory exercise learning explains how to use the handbook. Have
outcome is to go through some important the handbook open to see the
nomenclature of the wellbore and train
you to use the software i-HandbookTM When you open the i-Handbook it opens
from Schlumberger. We are going to use up on the title page (Figure 1).
the software for several projects and
homework throughout the semester. If
you plan to work as a drilling engineer

Nygaard, R. 2011. Drilling laboratory manual for course PE313 Missouri S&T.
Copyright ©, Runar Nygaard, All Rights Reserved.
column in Figure 2) are required. The ID
(inner diameter in in) is given in column
4. The three columns to the right are
related to casing strength and will be
addressed in the casing design lectures.

Figure 1. i-Handbook title page.

The tab to the upper left is marked

general info. If you click on the tab you
will get a table of content. Click on Figure 2. Casing data for 5 in casing.
Chapter 2 conversions factors. The
Drill pipe 4. Chapter
chapter lists conversion factors which
you will need for the Pet Eng 313 class. Figure 3 shows the drill pipe data listed
You can turn pages by clicking on the in the handbook. The drill pipe is
arrow in the upper corner on the page. If specified the same way the casing is
you flip 5 pages a unit conversion with OD, weight and steel grade. On the
calculator will appear. right side the pipe strength is given
which will be addressed in the drilling
stem lectures.
In addition to the general info tab the
three other tabs that will be used in this
course are;
• Coiled Tubing & Pipe Data
• Volume
• Cementing

Let’s start with the tab Coiled Tubing &

Pipe Data. In this section we will use the Figure 3. Pipe data for 4.5 in and 5 in
following chapters; drill pipe.
• 2. Casing
• 4. Drill pipe Drill collar sizes 5. Chapter
• 5. Drill collar sizes In the lower section of the drill stem drill
• 6. Drill bits & casing clearance collars are used between the drilling bit
and the drill pipe. Drill collars provide
Casing 2. Chapter stability at the bottom of the drill stem,
Figure 2 shows the casing data listed in weight to the bit and avoid the drill pipe
the handbook. To specify the casing the being damaged by buckling.
OD (outer diameter in in), weight
(pounds per foot), and steel grade (3rd
Nygaard, R. 2011. Drilling laboratory manual for course PE313 Missouri S&T.
Copyright ©, Runar Nygaard, All Rights Reserved.
In the table the drill collar inner diameter production hole will have a 7 in casing
is given for different drill collar outer with weight of 20 lbm/ft and J-55 steel
diameter and weight per foot grade.
First click on the wellbore hardware
Drill bits & casing clearance 6. Chapter icon. When a new pop-up window with
Figure 4 shows the bit size that can be wellbore hardware appear select open
used inside a specific casing size. If the hole with the mouse and while holding
OD of the casing is 5.5 in and the weight the mouse button drag the cursor with
is 15.5 lbm/ft the maximum bit size is 4 the mouse over to the wellbore diagram.
¾ in bit. However if the weight of the A red rectangle will appear and when
5.5 in casing is 14 lbm/ft a larger bit size you held the cursor over the red
of 4 7/8 in bit can be used. rectangle release the mouse button and
the open hole properties window will
pop-up (Figure 5). Change diameter to
12 ¼ in and the depth to bottom to 1000
ft (Figure 5).

Figure 4. Casing sizes and bit clearance.

Volume tab
The volume tab gives volumes and
displacement for open holes, drill pipe
and casing. The annulus calculator
calculates annular volumes for any open
hole, drill pipe and casing configuration.

Wellbore schematics using the Figure 5. Open hole properties window.

Second step is to select another open
This chapter is a walk through example hole section in the wellbore hardware
of how to construct a wellbore with i- window and drag the open hole with the
Handbook. In the upper right toolbar in mouse until the red rectangle shows up
the software click on the wellbore tab. A in the wellbore diagram window.
new window named wellbore diagram Change the open hole properties for this
will appear. The new window includes wellbore which starts at 1000 feet to
instructions on how to construct a diameter 8 ½ in and depth to bottom
wellbore diagram. In this exercise we 10,000 ft.
will construct a wellbore with a 12 ¼ in
diameter surface hole down to 1000 ft
depth and an 8 ½ in production hole Third step is to select surface casing.
down to 10,000 ft. The surface hole will Click on the pipe icon in the wellbore
have a 9 5/8 in diameter casing with 53.5 diagram. The Select a tubular window
lbm/ft weight and C-95 steel grade. The will pop up. In the first drop down menu
(Tubular type) select casing. Leave

Nygaard, R. 2011. Drilling laboratory manual for course PE313 Missouri S&T.
Copyright ©, Runar Nygaard, All Rights Reserved.
Supplier and Brand as API. Scroll down 55.77 bbl should appear on the right
until you find the right casing outer hand side.
diameter of 9 5/8 in. Find the casing
with weight of 53.5 lbm/ft and C-95 6th step is to select the annular volume
steel grade. Click on the casing and hold outside the 7 in production casing. Select
the mouse button and drag the casing start volume and click in the annular
over to the wellbore diagram window. space between the 7 in casing and the 8
Change the casing properties to 1000 ft 5/8 in casing. Then click on the annular
depth to bottom. space between the 7 in casing and the
production hole. Then select end volume
Fourth step is to select the 7 in 20 lbm/ft and a volume of 226.42 bbl is shown
weight and J-55 steel type casing. The (Figure 6).
casing should start at 0 ft and end at
10,000 ft. If the legends are not showing, The final step is to calculate the volume
as seen on the left side of Figure 6, drag inside the 7 in casing and you should
down the legends hidden at 0 ft and until have an identical figure as seen in Figure
they are visible. 6.

Wellbore 1
First wellbore schematic to be
constructed is for a deep Rocky
Mountain vertical wellbore for gas
production. The actual well was drilled
in 2007 in the Leduc field in the
Canadian Rockies foothills. The total
depth of the well is 16,400 ft. The
surface hole was drilled down to 1970 ft
with a 17 ½ in drill bit. The surface
casing is a 13 3/8 in, 61 lbm/ft J-55
casing. The intermediate wellbore
section is drilled with a 12 ¼ in drill bit
down to 12,470 ft. The intermediate
section has a 9 5/8 in, 40 lbm/ft L-80
casing. The production casing is drilled
Figure 6. Final wellbore of example well
with an 8.5 in drilling bit and the
with volumes.
production casing is 7 in, weight of 38
lbm/ft and steel type L-80.
Fifth step is to determine volumes of the
annular space between the 9 5/8 in
First draw a wellbore schematics with all
casing and the 12 ¼ in wellbore. In the
the open hole sections and casings in
wellbore diagram window click on the
start volume icon. Click inside the
annular space and click on the icon
Determine the volumes of the annular
which now says end volume. The area
space outside the surface casing. This
should be colored blue and a volume of
annular volume is gives the amount of

Nygaard, R. 2011. Drilling laboratory manual for course PE313 Missouri S&T.
Copyright ©, Runar Nygaard, All Rights Reserved.
cement required to cement the surface What is the total volume of the
casing. intermediate hole section before
intermediate casing is run?
Determine the volume between the
intermediate casing and the intermediate The rig used to drill this well has two
hole and surface casing. Normally the 400 bbl mud tanks (drilling fluid tanks)
lower casings are not cemented to the with inside dimensions of; 50 ft long x
surface. How much volume of cement is 10 ft wide x 5 ft high -. Tank one is
required if the intermediate casing is completely full with drilling mud. The
cemented just up to the bottom of the tank has two feet of drilling fluids in it
surface casing? after the production casing is drilled.
After the production casing has been run
Determine the volumes outside and what is the height of the drilling fluid in
inside the production casing. tank one? (Hint: Calculate the volume of
the production casing in bbls change
units to cubic feet and divide the drilling
Wellbore 2 fluid volume by the area of the tank).
Second wellbore is a typical vertical
North Sea offshore well (where water With the production section of 8 ½ in
depth of 150 m and the conductor is could the surface hole have been drilled
neglected). The surface section is drilled with smaller diameter drilling bit?
with a 26 in drilling bit down to 1500 ft
where a 20 in 133 lbm/ft, J-55 casing is Wellbore 3
set. Then an intermediate section is
drilled with a 17 ½ in drilling bit and For the final wellbore draw a wellbore
with a 9 5/8 in, 53.5 lbm/ft, L-80, schematic of a 10,000 ft well including
intermediate casing down to 4970 ft. The three sections, a surface hole with
reservoir section is drilled with an 8 ½ in casing, intermediate hole with casing
drilling bit and with a 7 in 35 lbm/ft, L- and production hole with casing. The
80 casing down to 5700 ft. wellbore requires a 5 in production
casing. You have to select casing depth,
Draw a wellbore schematic for this well hole sizes and casing diameters. You can
and calculate volumes of all annular select any sizes you want but you have
spaces and inside the production casing. to ensure that you have enough
tolerances between the casing and the
The following questions require partially hole sizes.
drawings of the wellbore schematics.
Lab report instructions
For the surface section what is the total
Write a lab report according to the lab
volume before the surface casing is in
format. Include a figure of all three
the hole?
wellbore diagrams you have drawn.
Answer all the questions given for each
How much drilling fluid will the surface
casing displace?
1. I-HandbookTM,

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