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DQcl~p- TV do Hanh phuc
S6/N 0 :.103. .l2023/CV -HUQT Independence - Free om - Happiness
V/v Cong b6 thong tin Giai trinh Ha N(ji, gay 14 Thang 8 Nam 2023
bidn dong 19'inhudn tai baa cao
tai chinh ban nien nam 2023 Ha Noi, D y 14 Month 8 Year 2023

Kinh gjri/ To: - Uy ban Chirng khoan Nha mroc/ The State Securities Commission
- Sa Giao dich clurng khoan TP.HCMI Ho Chi Mi Stock Exchange
- Ten t5 chirc I Organization name: T5ng CTCP Bao hi~m Quan d)1 Military Insurance
- Ma clurng khoan/ Security Symbol: MIG
- Dia chi tru sa chinhl Address: 21 Cat Linh- Quan D6ng Da- TP Ha NQil 021 Cat Linh- Dong
Da District- Ha Noi City
- Dien thoai/ Telephone: 02462853388 Fax: 02438526666
- Ngiroi thirc hien cong b6 thong tin! Submitted by: Ngo Bich Ngoc
Chirc V\llPosition: Thanh vien HDQT (Member of the Board of Direct rs)
Loai thong tin cong b6 : 0 dinh ky 0 b~t thuong 024h otheo yeu du
Information disclosure type: 0 Periodic oIrregular 024 hours DOn de and
NQi dung thong tin cong b5 (*)/ Content of Information disclosure ( ):
Giai trinh bien dong loi nhuan tai bao cao tai chinh ban nien nam 2023
Explanation of profit fluctuations in the auditedfinancial statementsfo first haifof2023.
Thong tin nay da diroc cong b6 tren trang thong tin dien nr cua cong ty ao ngay 14/8/2023 tai
duong d~n:!bao-cao-tai-chinh/
This information was disclosed on Company Portal on date 14 812023 Available at:
https:/lwww.mic. vn/bao-cao-tai-chinh/
Toi cam k@tcac thong tin cong b6 tren day la dung Sl,f th~t va hoan toan chiu trach nhi~m tru6c
phap lu~t v~ nQi dung cac thong tin da cong b6./
I declare that all information provided above is true and accurate; I sha be legally responsible
for any mispresentation.

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