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Simple Present Tense

Definisi Simple Present Tense

Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang
terjadi saat ini.
Fungsi Simple Present Tense
Menyatakan kejadian yang merupakan kebiasaan (habitual action).
example: I always study every night
Menyatakan kebenaran umum (general truth).
example: World is round
Menyatakan kejadian saat ini yang menggunakan stative verb.
example: I love you
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + V1 + (s/es)
I go to cafe
He goes to cafe
Nominal Subject + (am/is/are) + nominal
You are happy
She is happy
Verbal Subject + don't/doesn't + V1
I don't go to cafe
She doesn't go to cafe
Nominal Subject + (am, is ,are) + not + nominal
You aren't happy
She isn't happy
Verbal Do/does + subject + V1 + ?
Do I go to cafe?
Does she go to cafe?
Nominal (am, is, are) + subject + nominal + ?
Are you happy?
Is she happy?
Verbal Do/does + subject + not + V1 + ?
Do I not go to cafe?
Does she not go to cafe?
Nominal (am, is, are) + subject + not + nominal + ?
Are you not happy?
Is she not happy?

Time signal of Simple Present Tense

always, as a rule, generally, normally, usually, often, every day, every week, every month, every year,
at the night, nowadays, sometime, once in while, occasionally, seldom, once in week, now and then,
regulary, steadly, frequently.
Present Continuous Tense
Definisi Present Continuous Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang
sedang berlangsung sekarang.
Fungsi Present Continuous Tense
Menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung saat ini.
Menyatakan kejadian yang akan berlangsung.
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + (am/is/are) + Ving
We are baking a cake
She is baking a cake
Nominal Subject + (am/is/are) + nominal
We are students
she is a student
Verbal Subject + (am/is/are) + not + Ving
We aren't baking a cake
She isn't baking a cake
Nominal Subject + (am/is/are) + not + nominal
We aren't students
she isn't a student
Verbal (am, is, are) + subject + Ving + ?
Are we baking a cake?
Is she baking a cake?
Nominal (am, is, are) + subject + nominal + ?
Are we students?
Is she a student?
Verbal (am, is, are) + subject + not + Ving + ?
Are we not baking a cake?
Is she not baking a cake?
Nominal (am, is, are) + subject + not + nominal + ?
Are we not students?
Is she not a student?
Time signal of Present Continuous Tense
at the moment, at present, soon, tomorrow, now, just now, right now, today, tonight, this morning,
this evening, in a few days.
Present Perfect Tense
Definisi Present Perfect Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang
sudah/telah terjadi dan masih berhubungan dengan waktu sekarang.
Fungsi Present Perfect Tense
Kejadian yang baru selesai, yang hasilnya masih terasa/terlihat.
ex: I have painted the wall. it’s still the wet.
Kejadian berulang-ulang.
ex: I have searched all of the places three times before i found my key
Menyatakan penegasan.
Positive (already) : - I have already heard the song
Negative (yet) : - I have not heard the song yet
Yet to + bare infinitive : - I have yet to hear the song
Baru saja terjadi (just) : - I have just heard the song
Sentence Rules and examples
Positive Subject + have/has + V3
I have eaten an egg
He has eaten an egg
Nominal Subject + have/has + been
You have been a nurse
She has been a nurse
Verbal Subject + have/has + not + V3
I have not eaten an egg
He has not eaten an egg
Nominal Subject + have/has + not + been
You have not been a nurse
She has not been a nurse
Verbal Have/has + subject + V3 + ?
Have I eaten an egg?
Has he eaten an egg?
Nominal Have/has + subject + been + ?
Have I been a nurse?
Has she been a nurse?
Verbal Have/has + subject + not + V3 + ?
Have I not eaten an egg?
Has he not eaten an egg?
Nominal Have/has + subject + not + been + ?
Have I not been a nurse?
Has she not been a nurse?
Time signal of Present Perfect Tense
once, several time, twice, many time, just, lately, already, at last, so far, since, never, ever, as yet,
not yet, finally, recently, for an hour, this week.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Definisi Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah
berlangsung di masa lampau dan masih/terus berlangsung sampai
Fungsi Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Kejadian yang telah dan masih berlangsung.
ex: - It has been raining since last week
- The students have been waiting their teacher for two hours.
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + have/has + been + Ving + since/for
I have been studying since morning
He has been studying since morning
Nominal Subject + have/has + been + being + nominal +
You have been being a pilot for a year
He has been being a pilot for a year
Verbal Subject + have/has + not + been + Ving + since/for
I have not been studying since morning
He has not been studying since morning
Nominal Subject + have/has + not + been + being + nominal
+ since/for
You have not been being a pilot for a year
He has not been being a pilot for a year
Verbal Have/has + subject + been + Ving + since/for + ?
Have I been studying since morning?
Has he been studying since morning?
Nominal Have/has + subject + been + being + nominal +
since/for + ?
Have you been being a pilot for a year?
Has he been being a pilot for a year?
Verbal Have/has + subject + not + been + Ving + since/for
Have I not been studying since morning?
Nominal Has he not been studying since morning?
Have/has + subject + not + been + being + nominal
+ since/for + ?
Have you not been being a pilot for a year?
Has he not been being a pilot for a year?
Time signal of Present Perfect Continuous Tense
for, since, long, for over a year, the whole day, since five o'clock, all morning, the whole day.
Simple Past Tense
Definisi Simple Past Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah
terjadi di masa lampau.
Fungsi Simple Past Tense
Menyatakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi di masa lampau tapi
keterangan waktunya diketahui (general).
ex: I watched Justin Bieber concert last night
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + V2
I went to Bali
He went to Bali
Nominal Subject + was/were + nominal
I was doctor
We were doctor
Verbal Subject + didn't + V1
I didn't go to Bali
He didn't to Bali
Nominal Subject + was/were + not + nominal
I was not doctor
We were not doctor
Verbal Did + subject + V1 + ?
Did I go to Bali?
Did he go to Bali?
Nominal Was/were + subject + nominal + ?
Was I doctor?
Were we doctor?
Verbal Did + subject + not + V1 + ?
Did I not go to Bali?
Did he not go to Bali?
Nominal Was/were + subject + not + nominal + ?
Was I not doctor?
Were we not doctor?
Time signal of Simple Past Tense
yesterday, last week, last month, last year, an hour ago, few minutes ago, every day last week, in
1975, in other day, the day before yesterday.
Past Continuous Tense
Definisi Past Continuous Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang
sedang berlangsung terjadi di masa lampau.
Fungsi Past Continuous Tense
Kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu dengan waktu yang
spesifik (menunjukkan jam atau situasi lain).
ex: - I was watching TV at 8 pm yesterday
Menyatakan sesuatu yang tidak jadi dilakukan
ex: - I was going to buy you a gift, but i left my wallet at home
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + was/were + Ving
They were trying
She was trying
Nominal Subject + was/were + nominal
They were afraid
She was afraid
Verbal Subject + was/were + not + Ving
They weren't trying
She wasn't trying
Nominal Subject + was/were + not + nominal
They weren't afraid
She wasn't afraid
Verbal Was/were + subject + Ving + ?
Were they trying?
Was she trying?
Nominal Was/were + subject + nominal + ?
Were they afraid?
Was she afraid?
Verbal Was/were + subject + not + Ving + ?
Were they not trying?
Was she not trying?
Nominal Was/were + subject + not + nominal + ?
Were they not afraid?
Was she not afraid?
Time signal of Past Continuous Tense
when, while, all day yesterday, the whole day last yesterday
Past Perfect Tense
Definisi Past Perfect Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah
terjadi di masa lampau sebelum kejadian lainnya terjadi.
Fungsi Past Perfect Tense
Kejadian yang telah selesai ketika kejadian lain terjadi di masa
lampau, dengan bantuan klausa pembantu Simple Past yang
memakai penghubung before, after, dan when.
ex: - I had finished studying when you invited me to the party
- After i had finished studying, you invited me to the party
- I had finished studying before you invited me to the party
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + had + V3
You had gone
He had gone
Nominal Subject + had + been + nominal
You had been chef
He had been chef
Verbal Subject + had + not +V3
You hadn't gone
He hadn't gone
Nominal Subject + had + not + been + nominal
You hadn't been chef
He hadn't been chef
Verbal Had + subject + V3 + ?
Had you gone?
Had he gone?
Nominal Had + subject + been + nominal + ?
Had you been chef?
Had he been chef?
Verbal Had + not +subject + V3 + ?
Hadn't you gone?
Hadn't he gone?
Nominal Had + not + subject + been + nominal + ?
Hadn't you been chef?
Hadn't he been chef?
Time signal of Past Perfect Tense
before = past perfect - before - past tense until = past tense - until - past perfect
after = past tense - after - past perfect as soon as = past tense - as soon as - past pefect
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Definisi Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang
sudah dan masih berlangsung terjadi di masa lampau.
Fungsi Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Menekankan durasi, kalimat yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri dan
dilengkapi Simple Past dengan penghubung when, before, dan after.
ex: - I had been reading the book when you came.
- Before you came, i had been reading the book for 2 hours
- After i had been reading the book for 2 hours, you came.
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + had + been + Ving + since/for
I had been cooking since morning
She had been cooking since morning
Nominal Subject + had + been + being + nominal + since/for
I had been being chef since last year
She had been being chef since last year
Verbal Subject + had + not + been + Ving + since/for
I hadn't been cooking since morning
She hadn't been cooking since morning
Nominal Subject + had + not + been + being + nominal +
I hadn't been being chef since last year
She hadn't been being chef since last year
Verbal Had + subject + been + Ving + since/for + ?
Had I been cooking since morning?
Had she been cooking since morning?
Nominal Had + subject + been + being + nominal + since/for
Had I been being chef since last year?
Had she been being chef since last year?
Verbal Had + subject + not + been + Ving + since/for + ?
Had I not been cooking since morning?
Had she not been cooking since morning?
Nominal Had + subject + not + been + being + nominal +
since/for + ?
Had I not been being chef since last year?
Had she not been being chef since last year?
Simple Future Tense
Definisi Simple Future Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang
akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + will/shall + V1
Subject + (am, is, are) + going to + V1
I will see him later
She is going to arrive here soon
Nominal Subject + will/shall + be + nominal
Subject + (am, is, are) + going to + be + nominal
I will be the model soon
She is going to be the model soon
Verbal Subject + will/shall + not + V1
Subject + won't + V1
I will not see him later
He won't see her later
Nominal Subject + will/shall + not + be + nominal
Subject + won't + be + nominal
I will not be the model soon
She won't be the model soon
Verbal Will/shall + subject + V1 + ?
Shall I see him later?
Will he see her later?
Nominal (am, is, are) + subject + going to + V1 + ?
Am I going to be the model soon?
Is she going to be the model soon?
Verbal Will/shall + subject + not + V1 + ?
Shall I not see him later?
Will he not see her later?
Nominal (am, is, are) + subject + not + going to + V1 + ?
Am I not going to be the model soon?
Is she not going to be the model soon?
Time signal of Simple Future Tense
tomorrow, to night, this morning, this afternoon, next day, next week, next month, next year, until,
till, soon, if, before, after, when, as soon as.
Future Continuous Tense
Definisi Future Continuous Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian akan
sedang dilakukan di masa yang akan datang.
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + will/shall + be + Ving
I shall be studying english tomorrow
She will be studying english tomorrow
Nominal Subject + will/shall + being + nominal
I shall being english teacher soon
She will being english teacher soon
Verbal Subject + will/shall + not + be + Ving
I shall not be studying english tomorrow
She will not be studying english tomorrow
Nominal Subject + will/shall + not + being + nominal
I shall not being english teacher soon
She will not being english teacher soon
Verbal Will/shall + subject + be + Ving + ?
Shall I be studying english tomorrow?
Will she be studying english tomorrow?
Nominal Will/shall + subject + being + nominal + ?
Shall I being english teacher soon?
Will she being english teacher soon?
Verbal Will/shall + subject + not + be + Ving + ?
Shall I not be studying english tomorrow?
Will she not be studying english tomorrow?
Nominal Will/shall + subject + not + being + nominal + ?
Shall I not being english teacher soon?
Will she not being english teacher soon?
Future Perfect Tense
Definisi Future Perfect Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang
akan sudah terjadi dimasa yang akan datang.
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + will/shall + have + V3
I shall have finished my work by next week
He will have finished his work by next week
Nominal Subject + will/shall + have + been + nominal
We shall have been volunteer in some month
She will have been volunteer in some month
Verbal Subject + will/shall + not + have + V3
I shall not have finished my work by next week
He will not have finished his work by next week
Nominal Subject + will/shall + not + have + been + nominal
We shall not have been volunteer in some month
She will not have been volunteer in some month
Verbal Will/shall + subject + have + V3 + ?
Shall I have finished my work by next week?
Will he have finished his work by next week?
Nominal Will/shall + subject + have + been + nominal + ?
Shall we have been volunteer in some month?
Will she have been volunteer in some month?
Verbal Will/shall + subject + not + have + V3 + ?
Shall I not have finished my work by next week?
Will he not have finished his work by next week?
Nominal Will/shall + subject + not + have + been + nominal
Shall we not have been volunteer in some month?
Will she not have been volunteer in some month?
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Definisi Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang
akan sedang telah berlangsung di masa yang akan datang.
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + will/shall + have + been + Ving +
I shall have been watching TV since morning
He will have been watching TV since morning
Nominal Subject + will/shall + have + been + being +
nominal + since/for
You will have been being a doctor for a year
He will have been being a doctor for a year
Verbal Subject + will/shall + not + have + been + Ving +
I shall not have been watching TV since morning
He will not have been watching TV since morning
Nominal Subject + will/shall + not + have + been + being +
nominal + since/for
You will not have been being a doctor for a year
He will not have been being a doctor for a year
Verbal Will/shall + subject + have + been + Ving +
since/for + ?
Shall we have been watching TV since morning?
Will he have been watching TV since morning?
Nominal Will/shall + subject + have + been + being +
nominal + since/for + ?
Will you have been being a doctor for a year?
Will he have been being a doctor for a year?
Verbal Will/shall + subject + not + have + been + Ving +
since/for + ?
Shall we not have been watching TV since morning?
Will he not have been watching TV since morning?
Nominal Will/shall + subject + not + have + been + being +
nominal + since/for + ?
Will you not have been being a doctor for a year?
Will he not have been being a doctor for a year?
Simple Past Future Tense
Definisi Simple Past Future Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan
dilakukan di masa lampau.
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + should/would + V1
You should go to school
We would go to school
Nominal Subject + was/were + going to + V1
I was going to write a poem
They were going to write a poem
Verbal Subject + should/would + not + V1
You shouldn't go to school
We wouldn't go to school
Nominal Subject + was/were + not + going to + V1
I wasn't going to write a poem
They weren't going to write a poem
Verbal Should/would + subject + V1 + ?
Should you go to school?
Would we go to school?
Nominal Was/were + subject + going to + V1 + ?
Was I going to write a poem?
Were they going to write a poem?
Verbal Should/would + subject + not + V1 + ?
Should you not go to school?
Would we not go to school?
Nominal Was/were + subject + not + going to + V1 + ?
Was I not going to write a poem?
Were they not going to write a poem?
Time signal of Simple Past Future Tense
the next day, the next week, the next month, the next year, the day before, the week before, the
month before, the year before.
Past Future Continuous Tense
Definisi Past Future Continuous Tense
Pola kalimat yang menyatakan suatu kejadian yang akan sedang
terjadi di masa lampau.
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + should/would + be + Ving
I should be meeting her at yesterday night
She would be meeting me at yesterday night
Nominal Subject + should/would + being + nominal
They should being the actor last year
He would being the actor last year
Verbal Subject + should/would + not + be + Ving
I shouldn't be meeting her at yesterday night
She wouldn't be meeting me at yesterday night
Nominal Subject + should/would + not + being + nominal
They shouldn't being the actor last year
He wouldn't being the actor last year
Verbal Should/would + subject + be + Ving + ?
Should I be meeting her at yesterday night?
Would she be meeting me at yesterday night?
Nominal Should/would + subject + being + nominal + ?
Should they being the actor last year?
Would he being the actor last year?
Verbal Should/would + subject + not + be + Ving + ?
Should I not be meeting her at yesterday night?
Would she not be meeting me at yesterday night?
Nominal Should/would + subject + not + being + nominal + ?
Should they not being the actor last year?
Would he not being the actor last year?
Time signal of Past Future Continuous Tense
at this time to following day, at nine yesterday, on sunday last week, in July last year.
Past Future Perfect Tense
Definisi Past Future Perfect Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang
seharusnya sudah terjadi di masa lampau.
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + should/would + have + V3
I should have done my task yesterday
We would have done our task yesterday
Nominal Subject + should/would + have + been + nominal
I should have been the diplomat last year
We would have been the diplomat last year
Verbal Subject + should/would + not + have + V3
I shouldn't have done my task yesterday
We wouldn't have done our task yesterday
Nominal Subject + should/would + not + have + been +
I shouldn't have been the diplomat last year
We wouldn't have been the diplomat last year
Verbal Should/would + subject + have + V3 + ?
Should I have done my task yesterday?
Would we have done our task yesterday?
Nominal Should/would + subject + have + been + nominal
Should I have been the diplomat last year?
Would we have been the diplomat last year?
Verbal Should/would + subject + not + have + V3 + ?
Should I not have done my task yesterday?
Would we not have done our task yesterday?
Nominal Should/would + subject + not + have + been +
nominal + ?
Should I not have been the diplomat last year?
Would we not have been the diplomat last year?
Past Future Perfect
Continuous Tense
Definisi Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang
akan telah sedang dilakukan di masa lampau.
Sentence Rules and examples
Verbal Subject + should/would + have + been + Ving +
I should have been cooking since morning
We would have been cooking since morning
Nominal Subject + should/would + have + been + being +
nominal + since/for
They should have been being artist since 2001
He would have been being artist since 2001
Verbal Subject + should/would + not + have + been + Ving
+ since/for
I shouldn't have been cooking since morning
We wouldn't have been cooking since morning
Nominal Subject + should/would + not + have + been +
being + nominal + since/for
They shouldn't have been being artist since 2001
He wouldn't have been being artist since 2001
Verbal Should/would + subject + have + been + Ving +
since/for + ?
Should I have been cooking since morning?
Would we have been cooking since morning?
Nominal Should/would + subject + have + been + being +
nominal + since/for + ?
Should they have been being artist since 2001?
Would he have been being artist since 2001?
Verbal Should/would + subject + not + have + been + Ving
+ since/for + ?
Should I not have been cooking since morning?
Would we not have been cooking since morning?
Nominal Should/would + subject + not + have + been +
being + nominal + since/for + ?
Should they not have been being artist since 2001?
Would he not have been being artist since 2001?

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