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University of Tirana

Faculty of Economy

Subject:Business English


Worked by: Florinda Refati

Essay:What are the advantages and disavantages of the methods of financing your education
mentioned in the article on page 8 of the Student’s Book?

Nowadays, in order to finance education, students need some methods that they either have to be

prepared to find on their own, or have all their problems solved if they are part of a millionaire

family. Of course, it seems easy when talking about such topics and especially when talking

about a student who is financed by the family or spouse, about a student who completes his

education by taking a loan from the bank with a low interest rate, or even part-time work where

students have to provide their own education. But each of these methods has its advantages and


Firstly, let's mention some of the advantages of these methods, explaining them better. If you

are a student where your education is financed by your millionaire parents or spouse, then it is

obvious that the financial issue is very easy for you since others pay for you and for this purpose

you have more time to dedicate yourself to your studies and be more calmer from this side, since

you don't have too many tasks to do besides studying, you also have enough free time to do the

things you want. In the other case, when you get a low-interest loan, you have hope for the

future, thinking that after completing your studies you will graduate and pay off all the debt

yourself. Meanwhile, in the last case when students have to work part-time, they are offered a

better opportunity which increases their skills and makes them more professional in their field.
On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages to these aforementioned methods. In the

case of students who are financed by their parents or spouses, they really have free time to

devote themselves to their studies or even do the things they want, but on the other hand, they are

more inclined to become lazy, since until now they have had all things ready. In the case of

students who take out loans to finance their education, there is a huge disadvantage if they do not

repay the debt to the banks on time. In these cases, the financial institution takes measures by

imposing fines. In the last case where students have to work part-time, they can have a big

disadvantage in relation to their studies because their time to devote to them is reduced and they

have less time to study. This means that they do very poorly in exams because of the burden they

have during this period, mixing school life with work.

In my opinion, the third method, in fact, apart from its disadvantages, is normally more efficient,

since we as students must be more skilled and take things more seriously. There is nothing that

can stop us for as long as we want to do something. It is enough to be more focused on what we

want and to work hard, taking from time to time and a little motivation. If we fulfill this for

ourselves, then we will be our own leader first, but also the society's leader later.

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