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Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295

Detection of seepage paths in earth dams using self-potential and

electrical resistivity methods
T.V. Panthulu 1,*, C. Krishnaiah, J.M. Shirke
Central Water and Power Research Station, Khadakwasla Research Station, Pune 411024, India
Received 24 May 2000; accepted for publication 28 November 2000

Earth and rock®ll dams are designed to operate under steady state seepage. Anomalous seepage may be a threat to the
integrity of the structure. In spite of advances made in the ®elds of geotechnical engineering, it is not possible to have 100%
leak-proof structure. Any excessive and unplanned seepage may lead to the failure of the dam, especially in unconsolidated or
fractured terrains. Geophysical methods play an important role in mapping seepage paths and monitoring the changes of the
seepage with time, enabling to plan technically and economically worthwhile remedial measures. In the present paper,
utilisation of electrical methods for delineation of seepage zones at two of the four Saddle dams of the Som-Kamla-Amba
project, Rajasthan State, India; which is founded on heterogeneous rock mass, is discussed. Electrical resistivity method was
used to delineate zones favourable for seepage, whereas, self-potential (SP) method was used to delineate the seepage paths. SP
measurements have shown negative anomaly of the order of 10±20 mV in amplitude, indicating low seepage, coinciding with
the seepage measurements made by the project authorities. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Seepage zone; Self-potential method; Electrical resistivity method; Earth dam

1. Introduction tures (Sen and Venkatesha, 1989). In unconsolidated

or fractured terrain when leakage velocities reach
Designers of earth and rock®ll dams increase the critical values, erosion takes place giving rise to
path of the foundation seepage by providing imper- subfussion and subsidence leading to the collapse of
vious cores, upstream clay blankets and slabs, the dam (Oglivy et al., 1969; James, 1968). This
upstream impervious aprons and cut-off trenches. emphasises the importance of mapping the seepage
The cut-off trenches are normally through weathered paths and monitoring the changes in seepage as a
or slightly weathered rock. Excessive seepage in the function of time. Geophysical surveys especially
foundation of the dam threatens the integrity of the geoelectrical methods play an important role in a
structure. In spite of advances made in the ®elds of comprehensive methodology for assessment of anom-
geotechnical engineering, most of the times it is not alous seepage conditions by detecting, mapping and
possible to guarantee completely water-tight struc- monitoring the zones. This makes it possible to plan
more technically and economically speci®c anti-leak-
age measures.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 191-20-4392511/812/513; fax:
The US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
E-mail address: (T.V. Panthulu). Station has assisted numerous ®eld of®ces of Corps
Website: of Engineers in conducting seepage assessments
0013-7952/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0013-795 2(00)00082-X
282 T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295

Fig. 1. Topographic map of the Som-Kamla-Amba project, Rajastan, India.

(Butler and Llopis 1990). The role of Engineering 2. Study area

Geophysics and the individual geophysical methods
and their speci®c role and applicability in seepage The main dam is a 1205 m long and 23 m high
assessment are discussed by Butler and Llopis earth-masonry dam constructed in 1993, near the
(1990) and Merkler et al. (1985). Individual geophy- village Kamla-Amba (latitude 23858 0 N; longitude
sical methods are utilised either in a primary or 7482 0 E,) across river Som, Dungarpur District,
supporting (secondary) role in seepage studies and Rajasthan. Because of the existing topographical
are selected to meet site and project-speci®c condi- conditions and in order to raise the reservoir level
tions. without extending the reservoir area, four Saddle
In this paper the applications of electrical methods dams were also constructed (Fig. 1). Design changes
consisting of Resistivity (pro®ling and sounding) were taken up in Saddle dam no. 3 by raising its height
and Self-potential (SP) , in detecting and mapping from 14 to 19.5 m and adding earthen lamina on
the seepage paths at two of the four Saddle dams of downstream side in order to accommodate the
the Som-Kamla-Amba Project, Rajasthan, India increased design ¯ood from 83.1 to 118.66 MCM.
(CWPRS Technical Report. No. 3479, 1998) are Studies by ®nite element method carried out in
discussed. Central Water and Power Research Station
T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295 283

(CWPRS) (Chatre et al., 1994) have concluded that methods and is still used in many ®elds of applied
increase in stresses due to the proposed rise in the dam geophysics (Patella, 1997). A wealth of case histories
height for the critical operating condition, was not very are reported in literature concerning dam and embank-
signi®cant to cause any damage or distress to the struc- ment seepage surveys (Bogoslovsky and Oglivy,
ture. On partial impoundment of the reservoir, seepage 1970a,b, 1973; Bogoslovsky et al., 1979; Gex, 1980;
was observed at Saddle dams no.1 and 3 on their down- Fitterman, 1983; Hadley, 1983; Black and Corwin,
stream central and right side portions, respectively. 1984; Butler, 1984). In the earth an electrical potential
is generated by the ¯ow of a ¯uid through a porous
medium by the process known as electrokinetic
3. Geology coupling (MacInnes, 1961; Nourbehecht, 1963;
Corwin and Hoover, 1979). In the ®eld, potential
The project is located on Basal Aravalli formations,
drops are measured across a passive dipole, normally
consisting of thinly foliated phyllitic quartzites and
consisting of a pair of grounded liquid junction
quartzites within inter layered quartz±mica±schist
copper±copper sulphate porous pots (Ives and Janz,
bands. Mahajan and Upadhyay (1983±1984) carried
1961). The magnitude of the potential ®eld is inver-
out geological investigations of the site and reported
sely proportional to the electrolytic concentration of
the following observations. Due to folding and fault-
pore ¯uid. Therefore, maximum SP anomaly is gener-
ing the strata shows large variations in strike, which
ated by the ¯ow of freshwater (Bogoslovsky and
ranges from N158W±S158E to N808W±S808E dipping
Oglivy, 1973). The magnitude of the anomaly is
268 to 458 towards south westerly direction. Sets of
also affected by the pore size and clay content. The
joints which are by and large tight are observed in
exact variation of the SP above and along the seepage
N158W±S158E to N758E±S758W. A number of shear
path is a complicated function of the geoelectrical
zones most of which are parallel to the foliation, range in
section, the electrokinetic coupling coef®cients, the
thickness from 10 to 30 m and traversed the foundation
¯ow rate, and the depth and geometry of the ¯ow
rock. Another set of shear zones run parallel to sub-
path (Wilt and Corwin, 1988). However, observations
parallel to the ¯ow direction i.e. N808E±S808W. The
and quantitative modelling indicate a negative SP
strata are by and large, hard and fresh with few
anomaly in areas where seepage is entering through
weathered and fractured pockets, occurring locally.
the dam or bottom of the reservoir and positive where
During the foundation investigation stage, four bore
the ¯ow is generally ascending towards the surface
holes were drilled at Saddle dam no. 1, at Ch. (Chainage)
(Oglivy et al., 1969; Corwin, 1988a,b). SP method
880, 935, and 790 m and at Saddle dam no. 3 one bore
seems simple in making measurements, but acquisi-
hole was drilled at Ch. 3185 m. At Saddle dam no. 1
tion of good, repeatable ®eld data requires proper
weathered, jointed and bedding planes were encoun-
planning and experience (Bisdorf, 1985). SP surveys
tered. At Saddle dam no. 3 highly pervious open joints
for seepage assessments are normally carried out by
were encountered. These weak zones may serve as
®xed reference method rather than potential-gradient
active seepage conduits. Surface observations in the
method (Butler and Llopis, 1990). Interpretation of SP
down stream portions of Saddle dams no. 1 and 3 also
data is often done qualitatively using visual correla-
revealed some locations where small seepage of water
tion between observed pro®les (Corwin, 1990),
was observed. In order to locate exactly the source of
because of the lack of modelling techniques, which
observed seepage and its path in or under the body of the
are readily related to speci®c source mechanisms
dam, ®eld layout was planned to cover all these zones
(Fitterman, 1979). If enough data are available, a
and extending either side of these zones.
surface map can be contoured and interpreted
(Bisdorf, 1985).
4. Methods employed
4.2. Electrical resistivity method
4.1. Self-potential method
Electrical pro®ling (EP) or resistivity pro®ling
SP prospecting is one of the oldest geoelectrical measurements are the most extensively used electrical
284 T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295

techniques for engineering applications. It is primarily include temperature changes, diurnal effects and
applied in geological mapping (Butler and Llopis, soil moisture content changes (Butler and Llopis,
1990). Extensive literature is available for the descrip- 1990). A regional gradient line is drawn by a
tion of resistivity pro®ling and sounding (Bhatta- qualitative judgement of the normal trend of the
charya and Patra, 1966; Bisdorf, 1985). Standard pro®les, to measure the anomalies for qualitative
horizontal resistivity pro®ling surveys are used to interpretation. However, in spite of strict quality
detect and map potential seepage paths. The sense control of SP measurements, the signal to noise
of anomaly will vary depending on the nature of the level is low. EP measurements were carried out
path and whether or not seepage is occurring along the by using multi-electrode spacings. Soundings
path (Butler and Llopis, 1990). Fractured and other were conducted at selected locations depending
weak zones generally produce low-resistivity anoma- on SP and EP results. A typical set of sounding
lies either by serving as active seepage conduits or curves are shown in Fig. 3. Both the EP and
because of the presence of clay or other weathering soundings were carried out by using Schlumberger
products. Horizontal pro®ling with multiple spacings array. For conducting these surveys an AC Terra-
of electrodes can be used to estimate the depth ranges meter, SAS-300 manufactured by M/s. ABEM,
of features producing the anomalies. Electrical resis- Sweden was used.
tivity soundings with different arrays can be carried
out at locations, which are selected by carefully study- 4.4. Interpretation of data
ing the electrical resistivity pro®ling data. Preparation
of geoelectrical sections by using sounding results Dam sites, like any other geological formations,
after calibrating with available geological information more often are layered, non-homogeneous and an-
may give the source of resistivity anomalies. isotropic, requiring a 3-D representation and analysis.
A modi®ed pole±dipole electrical resistivity A 2-D model for the subsurface gives reasonably
surveying technique (Bristow, 1966; Butler et al., accurate results in areas with elongated geological
1982) can be used to locate anomalies in two structures. However, more complex structures (Park
dimensions. Fountain et al. (1975) mapped 3-D and Van, 1991) can only be adequately represented by
subsurface feature by pole±dipole survey. Closely a 3-D subsurface model. According to Mehini et al.
spaced Schlumberger soundings and dipole±dipole (1996), the 1-D interpretation is quick and simple
survey can also be used to produce resistivity when the resistivity changes are smooth. Two exam-
cross-sections. ples given by them illustrate that in geological
contexts where the thickness of the weathered zones
4.3. Field procedure causes changes in the apparent resistivity values, this
parameter can be recovered from 1-D interpretation.
SP measurements were taken by using two non- Large deviation from 1-D are suspected of when there
polarising electrodes, one stationary at the base station are spikes in the apparent resistivity data or when the
and the other moving along the desired line at pre®xed ascending branches of the resistivity curves are very
stations. The base-station was chosen at a point steep (Koefoed, 1979). However, without additional
convenient for operation but away from the expected information, it is not possible to say anything about
anomaly. The base-station reading was repeated at the degree of deviation from 1-D or to interpret the
every half an hour or after completing one pro®le data further, i.e. to assess the anomalous zone (Morris
line, which ever was earlier, for drift correction. To et al., 1997). With increased availability of computers
obtain the most consistent readings, the holes at each and low frequency earth resistance meters with a
station were dug deep enough to penetrate dry surface number of electrodes connected to a multi-core
soil. The holes were watered 5±6 h before the cable controlled by multiplexer system, it is now
measurements were made. For all the pro®les the practical to employ numerical modeling techniques
measurements were made two to three times in a to invert resistivity data for 2-D strucures.
week. In all these measurements the variation in the When electrical soundings are made over an irre-
data set was less than 5 mV. This variation may gular terrain, topographic effects can in¯uence the
T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295 285

Fig. 2. Lay out of Saddle dam no. 1 and pro®les P6 and P7.

values of apparent resistivity and lead to erroneous 1- by using 1-D computer interpretation (RESIX-IPe,
D interpretation (Sahbi et al., 1997). Sahbi and others 1993). EP and SP pro®ling data were interpreted
applied a 3-D FEM technique to study the qualitatively.
topographical effect of a slope on Schlumberger
soundings parallel to the strike. They applied a correc-
tion method, based on the non-dimensional curves, to 5. Saddle dam no. 1
the data for removing topographic effects enabling the
determination of the correct layered ground con®gura- 5.1. Details of investigations
tion using 1-D interpretation techniques.
In the present case, 2-D or 3-D interpretation could The layout of the Saddle dam no. 1 is shown in
not be carried out because, by using conventional single Fig. 2. Four bore holes drilled during the investigation
channel resistivity meter it is dif®cult, time consuming revealed, in general, weathering which diminishes
and expensive to collect the data. However, care was beyond 6 m depth in all the bore holes. After that
taken to study the available bore hole data and geology the recovery percentage rises from 74 to 86%.
of the area while interpreting the data. Two pro®les were selected for carrying out the ®eld
Resistivity sounding data were initially subjected to survey, one (P6) on the saddle crest (on its down-
partial curve matching interpretation technique by stream edge) and the other (P7) at the downstream
using Orellana±Mooney master curves and Auxilliary toe (Fig. 2).
graphs (Orellana and Mooney, 1966). The The apparent resistivity in EP near bore hole
geoelectrical parameters thus obtained were re®ned (BH 6) (at Ch. 3185 of Saddle dam no. 3) in
T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295
Fig. 3. Typical vertical electrical sounding curves; (a) Saddle dam no. 1 (b) Saddle dam no. 3.
T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295 287

Fig. 4. SP and EP Curves at Saddle dam no. 1 showing the seepage path.

which water was present was found to be around value is more than 200 ohm-m. This indicates that
200 V-m. It is thus, assumed that an electrical deeper strata is less weathered or fractured. The geo-
resistivity of around 200 V-m may be the upper electrical section on pro®le P6 shows a wet zone in the
limiting value for the resitivity anomaly. With this body of the saddle from Ch 830 to Ch 950 m with
assumption a reference line is drawn at 200 ohm-m on depth varying from 5.5 to 9 m (Fig. 5).
all the electrical pro®le curves to show the potential On pro®le P7 (D/s toe), the EP shows low resistivity
seepage paths. from Ch. 840 to Ch. 870 m; Ch. 885 to Ch. 915 m;
Ch. 960 to Ch. 1000 m; and Ch. 1040 to Ch. 1070 m,
5.2. Results and discussions whereas SP shows two negative anomalies from Ch.
820 to Ch. 845 m and Ch. 910 to Ch. 1080 m with
The results of EP and SP pro®ling are shown in maximum negative anomaly of 216 mV with respect
Fig. 4. On pro®le P6 (saddle crest), EP shows two to the regional gradient. From the geoelectrical
resistivity lows (200 ohm-m) from Ch. 900 to Ch. section in Fig. 5 on pro®le P7, a shallow low resistiv-
1045 m and Ch. 1110 to Ch. 1140 m, with 40 and ity zone from Ch. 900 m onwards can be seen. The
50 m electrode spacings, whereas SP shows negative negative SP anomalies near the abutment may be due
anomaly from Ch. 880 to Ch. 1040 m with a maxi- to the higher elevations and are caused by the down
mum amplitude of 28 mV at Ch. 1000 m. For the slope movement of subsurface water (Corwin, 1990).
70 m spacing curve on pro®le P6 the resistivity Geoelectrical section drawn along a new pro®le
288 T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295
Fig. 5. Geoelectrical sections at Saddle dam no. 1.
T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295 289

Fig. 6. Layout of Saddle dam no. 3 and pro®les P1 to P5.

30 m u/s from dam axis shows a low resistivity zone depth of 9.5 m. From 9.5 to 11.5 m the recovery was
from Ch. 825 to Ch. 1000 m with a maximum depth of about 50% and below. The recovery in the quartzite
15.0 m (Fig. 5). was from 60 to 65% and the permeability was around
2 lugeons.
A total of ®ve pro®le lines were selected for carry-
6. Saddle dam no. 3 ing out the survey, namely P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 as
shown in Fig. 6. In the SP survey the trend of the
6.1. Details of investigations regional gradient is different for upstream and down-
stream pro®les because of the prevalent topographic
The layout of Saddle dam no. 3 is shown in Fig. 6. elevations.
The saddle dam was constructed over an existing dyke
in a typical rock®ll dam design (Fig. 7). A BH 6 6.2. Results and discussions
drilled at Ch. 3185 m at the time of investigation
revealed open joints with high permeability values As in the case of Saddle dam no. 1, in this EP data
(10±60 lugeons Ð a lugeon is a ¯ow of 1 l min m the apparent resistivity of 200 ohm-m level is also
of bore hole under a pressure of 1000 k Pa) up to a taken as the upper limit for resistivity anomaly and
depth of 10.54 m. Micaceous schist is encountered accordingly a line is drawn at 200 ohm-m on the
from 0.6 to 11.5 m and quartzites from 11.5 to pro®ling curves to identify the potential seepage
15.45 m and the recovery was less than 21% up to a zones.
290 T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295

Fig. 7. Typical cross-section of Saddle dam no. 3 at Ch. 3190 m.

The results of SP and EP surveys are shown in The geoelectric section on pro®le P2 indicates a
Fig. 8. On pro®le P1 (u/s toe) the EP curve shows low resistivity zone of thickness varying from 8.0 to
two low resistivity zones from Ch. 3160 to Ch. 14.0 m on the part of the saddle dam between Ch.
3290 m and Ch. 3330 to Ch. 3460 m, and the SP 3100 and Ch. 3200 m and the remaining part of the
results show three negative anomaly zones from Ch. saddle dam is dry (Fig. 9). It may be noted here that
3160 to Ch. 3280 m; Ch. 3300 to Ch. 3370 m and Ch. this pro®le was taken on the u/s slope of the saddle
3435 to Ch. 3490 m. The maximum negative anom- and this low value of resistivity may be due to the
aly, 220 mV is at Ch. 3245 m. The geoelectrical moisture content of the earth layers in the body of
section on this pro®le shows a low resistivity zone the saddle dam.
along the entire length with thickness ranging from On pro®le P3, only SP survey was carried out
13 to 23 m (Fig. 9). covering both the dam line and abutment. Since
Along the pro®le P2 (u/s slope), as shown in Fig. 8, keeping one base station was not possible for the
part of the pro®le is covered with EP and part by SP. entire pro®le due to site condition, two base
The EP curve shows low resistivity zone between Ch. stations were selected one at each end of the
3160 and Ch. 3290 m for higher electrode separation, pro®le. On this pro®le, SP results show negative
indicating deeper wet zone. SP shows negative anom- anomaly from Ch. 3100 to Ch. 3360 m having
aly from Ch 3320 to Ch 3370 m, and Ch 3400 to Ch maximum negative anomaly of about 218 mV at
3430 m, the 10 m wide maximum negative anomaly Ch. 3320 m with a width of 30 m. In the remain-
of order of 213 mV being at Ch 3330 m. ing zone the anomaly is of the order of 28 mV.
T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295 291

Fig. 8. SP and EP curves at Saddle dam no. 3 showing the seepage path.

The overlap portion of the SP anomaly shows the Soundings could not be carried out on the stretch
same trend indicating consistency of the results. between Ch. 3250 and Ch. 3300 m.
Soundings could not be taken in this zone because On pro®le P5, (95 m d/s from dam axis) the positive
of ®eld constraints. SP anomaly observed is of the order from 116 to
Along pro®le P4 (d/s toe), EP results show low 118 mV at four locations showing the ¯ow ascending
resistivity from Ch. 3130 to Ch. 3300 m and the SP upwards towards the surface. The ®eld observations
results also show negative anomaly from Ch. 3130 to (shown in Fig. 9) of water logging, substantiates these
Ch. 3270 m. The maximum SP anomaly on this pro®le results. The geoelectric section on this line shows a
is about 210 mV at Ch. 3140 m. The geoelectric low resistivity zone thickening towards higher value
section from Ch. 3125 to Ch. 3250 m shows wet of chainages. At Ch. 3200 m, below the 4 m thick dry
zone having maximum thickness at Ch. 3135 m top layer there is a 13 m thick wet layer from RL
(Fig. 9). The results of the geoelectric section corro- (Reduced Level, above mean sea level) 197.0 to RL
borate well with the bore hole data (BH 6 in Fig. 9). 210.0 m.
T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295
Fig. 9. Geoelectric sections at Saddle dam no. 3 along with bore hole and piezometer location.
T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295 293

Based on the above discussions, the potential in the seepage zone demarcated by the electrical
seepage path is demarcated (Figs. 8 and 9). It may survey, as well as in the bore holes that were drilled
be noted that the seepage zone is along the junction after the survey, also con®rmed the electrical resistiv-
of the Saddle dam no. 3 and its right abutment. A ity results.
geoelectric section is drawn across the dyke covering
all the pro®le lines at Ch. 3190 m (Fig. 10). The piezo-
meters installed on this section show the presence of 7. Conclusions and recommendations
water, indicating seepage in this zone. The high resis-
tivity values obtained in cut-off trench (COT in The geology of the area under investigation shows
Fig. 10) may be because of the presence of impervious that a number of shear joints and bedding joints
material. traversed the foundation rock. Few weathered and
The electrical resistivity method, which can be used fractured pockets are also found locally. In Saddle
to detect the path of the seepage irrespective of the dam no. 1 the seepage path is in its middle segment,
existence of ¯ow (Butler and Llopis, 1990) identi®ed where as in Saddle dam no. 3, the main seepage path is
the zones favourable for seepage. SP method, which along the junction of the Saddle dam no. 3 and its right
can detect anomalies produced by the ¯uid ¯ow abutment. The strike direction of interpreted seepage
(Butler and Llopis, 1990) and proved to be highly zone is approximately same as that observed in
successful in detecting leakage from dam embank- geological mapping. The presence of water in the
ments and evaluating its relative intensity (Al-Saigh piezometers, which lie within the seepage zone
et al., 1994) could con®rm the exact ¯ow path. A wet demarcated by the electrical survey, as well as in
zone observed from the geoelectric section is the bore holes that were drilled after the survey, also
commensurate with the results of EP and SP. The con®rms the electrical resistivity results. Electrical
presence of water in the piezometers, which lie with resistivity survey (EP and VES) has proven successful

Fig. 10. Geoelectric section across the Saddle dam no. 3 at Ch. 3190 m.
294 T.V. Panthulu et al. / Engineering Geology 59 (2001) 281±295

in demarcating the weak zones, which are responsible Bhattacharya, P.K., Patra, H.P., 1966. Geoelectrical Soundings
for seepage. SP pro®ling was useful in con®rming the Principles and Interpretation. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Bisdorf, J.R., 1985. Electrical techniques for engineering applica-
seepages in the weak zones delineated by electrical tions. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists
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play primary role in ground water surveys, was measurements to the delineation of groundwater seepage in
successful in delineating the seepage paths. earth-®ll embankments. Fifty fourth SEG Meeting, Atlanta,
USA, Expanded abstracts, pp. 162±164.
According to project authorities, the ¯ow of
Bogoslovsky, V.A., Oglivy, A.A., 1970a. Natural potential anoma-
seepage since the ®rst impounding (in year 1994) is lies as a quantitative index of the role of water seepage from
reduced year by year in spite of the increase in reser- reservoir. Geophysical Prospecting 18, 261±268.
voir water levels. The low negative SP anomalies Bogoslovsky, V.A., Oglivy, A.A., 1970b. Application of geophysi-
observed may be because of the small magnitudes cal methods for studying the technical status of earth dams.
of seepage. This may be con®rmed by collecting addi- Geophysical Prospecting 18, 758±773.
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tional data and subjecting SP data to quantitative electric ®elds near drainage structures. Geophysical Prospecting
interpretation. 21, 716±723.
It was suggested to keep monitoring the seepage Bogoslovsky, V.A., Kuzmina, E.N., Oglivy, A.A., Strakhova, N.A.,
with reservoir levels, by periodical SP measurements 1979. Geophysical methods for controlling the seepage regime
for a few more wet seasons. If the seepage is found to in earth dams. Bulletin of the International Association Engi-
neering Geology 20, 249±251.
be alarming, the delineated zones are required to be Bristow, C.M., 1966. A new graphical resistivity technique for
treated either by curtain grouting or by providing detection of air-®lled cavities. Studies in Speleology 7, 204±
upstream blankets. This will be decided after seepage 227.
analysis by using mathematical modelling techniques. Butler, D.K., Gangi, A.F., Wahl, R.E., Yule, D.E., Barnes, D.E., 1982.
At present the seepage water getting accumulated near Analytical and data processing techniques for interpretation of
geophysical survey data with special application to cavity detec-
the toes may be drained away by providing cross and
tion: Miscellaneous paper GL-82-16, US, Army Engineering
toe drains to avoid water logging near the immediate Water ways Experimentation Station, Vicksburg, MS.
vicinity of the Saddle dam. Butler, D.K., 1984. Geophysical methods for seepage detection,
mapping and monitoring, Fifty-fourth SEG Meeting, Atlanta,
USA, Expanded abstracts, pp. 157±160.
Acknowledgements Butler, D.K., Llopis, J.L., 1990. Assessment of anomalous seepage
conditions. In: Ward, S.H. (Ed.), Geotechnical and Environmen-
tal Geophysics, vol. II, pp. 153±172.
The authors are very grateful to Shri R. Jeyaseelan,
Chatre, M.V., Kulkarni, S., Dhat, N.R., 1994. Stability check on an
Director, CWPRS for giving permission to publish outlet through an earthen dam by ®nite element method.
this paper. We are grateful to Dr N. Ghosh, Joint National Symposium on Recent Trends in Design of Hydraulic
Director, for his guidance and Shri R.S. Ramteke, Structures, Department of Civil Engineering, VOR, Roorkee.
Chief Research Of®cer for his suggestions. We are Corwin, R.F., Hoover, D.B., 1979. The self-potential method in
geothermal exploration. Geophysics 44, 226±245.
also thankful to Shri G.A. Panvalkar, for helping in
Corwin, R.F., 1988. Data quality for engineering self-potential
data analysis and S/Shri L.T. Khillare and J.S. Borje surveys. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Detec-
for their cooperation in preparing this paper. tion of Subsurface Flow Phenomena, Karlsruhe, Federal Repub-
The authors are also very grateful to the project lic of Germany.
authorities of Som-Kamla-Amba Project, Rajasthan, Corwin, R.F., 1988. Geotechnical applications of self-potential
for kindly referring the problem and rendering coop- method, Report 3, Development of self potential interpretation
techniques for seepage detection. Technical Report REMR-GT-
eration in our ®eld work. 6, US Army Engineering Waterways Expermentation Station.
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