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Hi, Tom how are you?

Because we don't meet for the weekend to have a drink. We should invite Luisa and Harry like in the old
days. The weather forecast for this weekend says that the weather will be good. The weather will be cool
and comfortable. We could meet at that bar where we used to meet, the one with the pool tables and board
games. It's been a while since we've all been together, we could take advantage and catch up.
I am doing very well in my new job, the only bad thing is that it is in an area with a terrible climate, the
clouds are always black, it rains almost every day and it is very cold, but for the rest it is great for me.
You have to tell me everything that I have missed in these times of change that we have all distanced
ourselves from.
Write me back.
A huge greeting
Your old friend Hector

Hi, Tom, how are you?

Why do not we meet for a drink this weekend? We should invite Luisa and Harry, like old times. The
weather forecast calls for fine weather this weekend. The weather is supposed to be cool and pleasant. We
could meet at the bar where we used to meet, the bar with the pool tables and the board games. It's been a
while since we have all been together, we could take the opportunity to catch up.
I am doing very well at my new job. The only bad thing is that it is in an area with a terrible climate, the
clouds are always black, it rains almost every day and it is very cold, but other than that it is great for me.
You'll have to tell me everything I have missed in these times of change we have all moved away from.
Write back to me.
A warm greeting
Your old friend Hector

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