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SciTech Patent Art Services Pvt Ltd. Ref No.

: HR/P/018
Company Accommodation Policy

1. Overview:
In its endeavor to extend accommodation benefit to its employees, SciTech Patent Art Services Pvt. Ltd.
recognizes the availability and affordability of suitable subsidized accommodation near and around the
office periphery.

2. Purpose:
The purpose of this policy is to outline SPA’s commitment to providing an environment and subsidized
accommodation to its Level-1 employees which is closer to the work area and which is inclusive and free
of barriers based on age, race, place of origin, caste, creed, color, sex, etc., through meeting its
obligation to provide employees with reasonable subsidized accommodations, that is temporary in

In conjunction with company policies, the following rules and guidelines are being implemented and
apply to all Level-1 employees staying at company-provided accommodations. Any breaches of this
policy during employment with SPA will be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including

3. Scope:
This policy applies to Level-1 employees of SPA whose usual place of residence is either very far from
the work area or who is a non-local. For the purpose of this policy, an employee is as defined within the
definitions and does not include contractors, agency staff, consultants, interns, or students on
placement. The allocation of subsidized residential accommodation is based on availability of
accommodation. Accommodation will be primarily located within the specific distance from the work

4. Eligibility:
All employees falling in the Level-1 category are eligible to avail the privilege of subsidized
accommodation, as deemed fit by the Management. Any exception is considered on basis of the merits
and on a case-to-case basis and as deemed fit by the Management of SPA.

5. Change to Eligibility:
If an employee who has been deemed eligible and is allocated subsidized accommodation as per the
policy may subsequently become ineligible for accommodation in accordance with this policy on the
following grounds:

5.1 When the On-Roll appointment of the employee is converted into consultant basis
5.2 Becomes the owner for a residential property within a 10-km periphery of the employee’s usual
place of work

HR/P/018/Ver 1.0, March 01, 2023 “Internal Use”: for Internal Circulation only
SciTech Patent Art Services Pvt Ltd. Ref No.: HR/P/018
Company Accommodation Policy

5.3 This provision does not apply to employees who become ineligible due to termination of

Any employee who is promoted to higher level and changes the band accordingly will also be ineligible
to avail the benefit of the policy. However, the employee may continue to use the accommodation for
up to two weeks from becoming ineligible due to promotion and then should move out and vacate the
premises after 2 weeks. Decisions about continued access to accommodation will be made by the SPA

6. General Rules:

6.1 Personal Conduct

Employees must treat all employees and occupants with respect, dignity and courtesy. Each
employee is expected to respect the privacy and rights of all other employees and/or occupants.
Violence, fighting, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, verbal abuse, insults, physical or
psychological threats and intimidation to others will not be tolerated.

SPA has a policy regarding Workplace Harassment, Violence, and Discrimination that will apply in
company-provided accommodations too.

6.2 Restrictions & Prohibitions:

6.2.1 Alcohol and Illicit Drugs:
The use and possession of alcoholic beverages are prohibited in dry camp facilities. Any illicit drugs
are always prohibited at any company-provided accommodation and at the worksite. The company
prohibits any employee from bringing illicit drugs onto company premises or property. Having
possession of, being under the influence of, using, consuming, transferring, selling or attempting to
sell or transfer any form of illicit drugs is strictly prohibited. Misuse or abuse of prescription drugs
(including medical marijuana) is also prohibited. SPA has a Substance Abuse Policy that will apply in
both company-provided and customer-provided accommodations.

6.2.2 Smoking:
Employees are expected to adhere to the rules applied by the community/society at all company-
provided accommodations with regards to smoking. Certain locations may not permit smoking or
have designated smoking areas, and employees are expected to abide by these rules.

6.2.3 Possession of Unwarranted Materials such as Weapons/Explosives:

Weapons including but not limited to air guns, paintball guns, knives, swords, explosives, and
dangerous/hazardous substances are not permitted at any company-provided accommodations and
at the worksite.

6.2.4 Pets:
No pets are allowed at any company-provided accommodations.

HR/P/018/Ver 1.0, March 01, 2023 “Internal Use”: for Internal Circulation only
SciTech Patent Art Services Pvt Ltd. Ref No.: HR/P/018
Company Accommodation Policy

6.2.5 Guests:
Any company-provided accommodations are to be used by employees only. Guests and/or relatives
are not allowed to stay at these locations.

7. Residential Tenancy Agreement

Employees in subsidized accommodation will need to enter into a Residential Tenancy Agreement on the
basis of a periodic lease. An agreement reached in relation to the allocation of suitable subsidized
accommodation is to be documented through the signing of a Residential Tenancy Agreement between
SPA and the employee. The rental agreement will be for a period of one year.

Under the Residential Tenancy Agreement, the owner of the property (SPA or private lessor) as the
landlord must:
a) ensure the premises comply with health, safety and housing standards
b) provide the premises in a clean and reasonable state of living standards
c) maintain it to an acceptable standard

The employee as the tenant:

a) is subject to the requirements of the Residential Tenancy Agreement
b) keep the premises and grounds clean, reports and/or repairs damage caused by themselves
or their guests
c) is asked to be considerate of neighbors and attempt to develop and preserve a harmonious
d) must observe society regulations and by-laws

Rental rates are to be reviewed annually through a rent setting framework of SPA. Rental payments are
to be made by payroll deduction. Tenants are responsible for the payment of charges associated with
utilities (such as electricity, water usage, gas, etc.) relating to their accommodation.

8. Maintenance and Cleanliness:

Employees are jointly responsible for the care of the company-provided accommodation. Employees
shall keep facilities in a good state of preservation and cleanliness. All garbage/trash must be removed
promptly and disposed of properly on regular basis. Employees are responsible for the cleanliness and
proper usage of all appliances and utilities. Problems with these appliances or utilities should be
reported to the appropriate personnel (admin team) in a timely manner.

9. Searches:
SPA respects employee privacy and property while staying at company-provided accommodation and at
the worksite. Searches will only be conducted if SPA reasonably suspects that this policy has been violated.

HR/P/018/Ver 1.0, March 01, 2023 “Internal Use”: for Internal Circulation only
SciTech Patent Art Services Pvt Ltd. Ref No.: HR/P/018
Company Accommodation Policy

On the grounds of reasonable suspicion, SPA reserves the right to search employee property for alcohol,
drugs or any such related things while at company provided accommodation, at the worksite or on SPA

9.1 Refusing to a Search:

Employees who refuse a search or who are found to have tampered with a search are in violation
of this policy and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including

10. Personal Property:

Employees availing the accommodation are themselves responsible for taking care of their belongings. SPA
is NOT responsible for the theft or loss of any personal property. The company is not liable for damage to
employee’s property caused by acts of nature, by failure of plumbing, electric, gas, water or fixtures,
and/or damage arising from the acts of other employees or occupants.

11. Damages:

Each employee will be responsible for any damage they cause to company-provided accommodation. The
cost to repay such damage will be assessed and may be deducted from the employee’s pay. The employee
that causes any damage to company-provided accommodation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to
and including termination.

12. Policy Compliance:

This Policy is under the jurisdiction of Human Resources. The interpretation and application of this Policy
is the responsibility of Human Resources

Version Revision
Change Description Date
Number number
1.0 00 New Release March 01, 2023

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Mirza Mazhar Baig Mrs. Harita Achanta Shaik Jan Siddaiah
Asst. Manager - HR Director - HR & Marketing MR

HR/P/018/Ver 1.0, March 01, 2023 “Internal Use”: for Internal Circulation only

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