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4 School Pangyan National High School Grade Level Grade 11

DAILY LESSON PLAN Teacher Shaina J. Talangin Learning Area Eglish ( EN11/12OC-Ia )
Teaching Dates and May 29, 2023. Quarter 4th
Time 1:30 Pm

Objectives must be met over a week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be
I. OBJECTIVES followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities. May be done for developing content knowledge and
competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and
competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the
curriculum guides.
The learners demonstrate understanding of:
A. Content Standards ⚫ The nature and elements of oral communication in the context.

The learners:
B. Performance Standards ⚫ Design and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities.

C. Learning Competencies/ At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
Objectives ⚫ Create their own communication model
Write the LC code for each ⚫ Adopt an open and critical understanding towards various types of communication model through
observation and reflection.

Oral Communication:
II. CONTENT Communication models: linear model, transactional model, interactive model.EN11/12OC-Ia

List all materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children's interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure
III. LEARNING RESOURCES that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept

A. References EN11/12OC-Ia

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from TV, Laptop, online resources/application, cartolina, marker.
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by
IV. PROCEDURES demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by
providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw
conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment.
Teacher’s Activity Student

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Student will stand up for the prayer.
presenting the new lesson Let us all stand for the prayer.

Greetings. Good afternoon, ma’am good afternoon classmate it’s

nice to see you today!
Good afternoon, class!

Before you sit down, kindly pick up the pieces of papers

on the floor and arrange your chairs properly. Also, (Student’s will settle themselves)
remove the unnecessary thing on your table.

How are you today class?

We are fine ma’am.
Good to hear, class.

Checking of Attendance.

Is there anybody absent today? Students will respond if nobody or someone is absent.

That’s great! Because you are all present today.

Let’s have a short review about out last topic, do you

still remember your past lesson? Yes, ma’am we discuss about the process of
That’s right! Can you please give me the meaning.
The process of communication are encoding, decoding,
medium of transmission and feedback.
Perfect! Class, can you please define this 4 words? Yes, ma’am.
Decoding, process of changing the encoded message.

Another hand. medium of transmission, which the message is sent.

Last one. Encoding, process of converting the message.

Feedback, response to the message.

Wow, good to hear that you are all still remember our
last topic last meeting. Because of that let’s give yourself
a three big round of applause.
B. Establishing a purpose for C. Motivation
the lesson
Before we begin to our new lesson, let’s have an
activity. This activity will help you determine our lesson
for today. Understood?
Noted, ma’am!
The teacher will show a rambled letters. Learners will
have to unscramble the letters to identify what word is
all about.

Communication Students possible answer:
Model Students possible answer:
Linear Students possible answer:
Interactive Students possible answer:

After the activity students will answer the questions

Is it possible for us to have unity without
communication? Students possible answer:
No ma’am, because in order for us to express our
Excellent idea! It is certainly true that through thoughts and ideas is through the help of
communication we can achieve unity and cooperation. communication, and by that we can achieve unity
among others, especially we are a diverse learners.

What is the intervention of communication to diversity?

Students possible answer:
Communication will paved the way for us to understand
other culture, to know them, to appreciate individual
differences. and truly, through the intervention of
All of your answers are correct! communication we can uphold respect among diversity.
D. Presenting (Think pair and share) Another activity
examples/instances of the
new lesson (Teacher will divide the class into two groups) Noted ma’am.
Class, are you ready?
Yes, ma’am.

Each group will be given five (5) minutes to discuss their

way of communication base on their social and cultural
backgrounds. Moreover, the students will choose their
group leader. After five (5) minutes of discussion the
leader of the group will come in front to present the
group's collective ideas. They shall be guided by the
following questions:
a) What influences effective communication? Students presentation.
b) How do communication differ from other society to
another? Cite an examples.

Processing of information and giving specific example for

emphasis. Teaching and Learning engagement

E. Discussing new concepts and From our activities what do you think is our lesson for Students possible answer:
practicing new skills #1 today?
About communication ma’am.
Another hand?
Models of communication ma’am.
Very good! It is about models of communication.

Presenting objectives
Students will read the posted objectives.
⚫ Create their own communication model
⚫ Adopt an open and critical understanding towards
various types of communication model through
observation and reflection.

Models of Communication:
There are three types of communication model.
1. Linear model Student will give their different point of view. (
One way communication process. teaching and learning collaboration method)
➢ Sender- is the person who sends a message.
➢ Encoding- is the process of converting the message.
➢ Decoding- is the process of changing the encoded
➢ Message- is the information sent by the sender to
the receiver.
➢ Channel- is the medium through which the message
is sent.
➢ Receiver- is the person who gets the message after
➢ Noise- is the disruptions that are caused in the
communication process in channel of the

2. Transactional model
Two way communication process.
➢ Social Context- is process is about the laws,
values and norms etc.
➢ Cultural Context refers to the identity and
lifestyle of people.
3. Interactive model
model of communication for new technology like web.

F. Discussing new concepts and a. As a students, how important for you to know this Student possible answer:
practicing new skills #2 communication model? As a learner, it is very vital for us to understand what
communication is together with it’s model, because it
will enable us to hone our skills how to effectively
communicate with other, especially when it comes to
conveying our thoughts and ideas.

Student possible answer:

b. In your own, how do you understand the Communication is one of the essential skills to
communication model with its key feature? develop. The model is being illustrated earlier will
helps us to become effective in communicating, and
conveying our thoughts in various social context.
Moreover, understanding the communication model
will help us what communication skills will we employ
in a communication process to achieve a successful
G. Developing mastery (leads to Get ¼ sheet of paper. Choose the letter of the correct
Formative Assessment 3) answer, and write it on your paper. (5mins)

1. It is a process which follows a certain Yes, ma’am.

a. interactive b. communication
b. c. linear d. transactional

2. The is the source of information.

a. sender b. receiver
c. decoding d. encoding

3. It is considered as one-way communication

a. transactional model b. communication model
c. linear model d. interactive model
4. Known as convergence in which it respond to
the use of technology like web.
a. transactional model b. communication model
c. linear model d. interactive model

5. It is considered as one-way communication

a. transactional model b. communication model
c. linear model d. interactive model.
H. Finding practical applications Write your answer at the back of you 1/2 sheet of paper.
of concepts and skills in daily
living a. Based on the concept presented to you, create Noted, ma’am.
your own communication model based on how you
interact with people in your daily routines.

Creativity 10 points
Critical thinking 10 points
Total 20 points
I. Making generalizations and Communication has been part of our daily living, through communication we can share our thoughts, opinion and
abstractions about the lesson ideas which aids us to achieve unity and collaboration. The primary goal of this is to make you engage with people
from different culture, understanding and respecting them through the help of communication. Moreover,
communication has three type of text which are linear, in which it is considered as one-way communication
because the sender is only one who can send the message. Transactional, it is a communication model sender
and receiver can exchange role. Interactive model refers to the process of responding to the digital world. Finally,
Understanding and applying this model we can be effective in different communication context and setting.
J. Evaluating learning Student will be tasked to write a reflection paper about their understanding
on the concept presented to them, its vitality application on their daily lives.

Quality and relevance of idea. 10 points

Critical thinking 10 points
Grammar Usage. 10 points
Total 30 points
K. Additional activities for Tell the students to deepen their understanding about various communication model/process in order for
application or remediation them to become effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas by watching educational speech, videos


Requires teachers to reflect and assess his/her effectiveness (Reflect on your teaching methods and strategies,
VI. REFLECTION assess yourself as a teacher which area are you effective and which area is not based on the performance of the
learners. What works? What else to be done to reinforce the students learning. Identify what can you provide to
which can help you meet the students needs, and also help your instructional supervision. Moreover, you can ask
them relevant questions.)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?





DATE: _MAY 29, 2023

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