Lesson 9 Ass 1 2C6 Ablaza

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SUBJECT: Life of Rizal

1. Heroism

- In the Philippines, there are some heroes who serve their country without expecting in return. We are
fortunate to have this people who helped us to be a free country. But in some instances, many of us did not
know the mistakes that they do but instead glorify their heroic status. As Filipinos, we assure the welfare of our
leaders, we defend them even though they commit mistakes. We are accepting the fact that they just doing
good for us but setting aside the fact that they also imperfect.

2. Veneration without understanding

- Person who admiring someone without any understanding regarding to what behind it should be considered as
blind admiration. Admiring without hesitation of good and bad. Pursuing the things that they considered right
but opposite to others.

3. Admiration tempered with Critical Thinking

- In order for us to be a better critical thinker, we must learn the mistakes of others. We must be observant to
the imperfection of other, for us to be knowledgeable in terms of biases, idolizing and politics. It’s not bad to
admire other people but the bad side of that is when we are deeply contradicting other’s opinion for us to
defend them as if they are always right.

4. Critical Nationalism

- As one Filipino with bundle of beliefs of Nationalism we are settled for what we learned on our early childhood,
from what they taught to us. We are believing to the notion that their stories always right and no one can
contradict that. So, in order for us to achieve more dynamic democracy we must learned to be a critical thinker.
Thinks first before demanding what is right and what is wrong.

5. Critical Admiration

- Admire if you think they do better, get your own biases if you think they have good influence to you. We must
first think the consequences of our action instead of pursuing our own opinion. We must still give respect onto
one another for us to be able to understand their sides. Critical decision will save us throughout uncritical

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