Lesson 3 Ass 1 2C6 Ablaza

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Based on the lesson about Childhood years of Jose Rizal in Calamba. Answer and reflect about
the following.

1. Choose three persons that are connected to Jose Rizal. Explain what is/are the influence of
each to Jose Rizal.


1. His Mother - His mother became his first teacher expect as being a great mother. She used to
be his first teacher providing the advance knowledge acquired before Rizal take a real schooling.
She also provide great discipline for her 11 children and good future for them with Rizal's Father.

2. His Brother Paciano - As his older brother, Paciano also became Rizal's confidant and also He
help Rizal to go to Biñan to pursue his studying. His brother became his guide all the way
through his first step in schooling. As far as I know, Paciano also influence Rizal's to pursue
there contradiction against colonizers.

3. His father - which he inherit the sense of Self respect and the Love of him toward his Nation,
his love for work and the independent thingking which he uses for his nobles and fashion.

2. Write three person that influence you greatly. For each person, write their influence/s in you.


1. His mother (Doña Teodora) - She inspired me to love my mother more and shows more care
in her lifetime. Rizals mother didnt stop to support Rizal all the way his journey. It influence me
to do the best I can do for myself, my family and especially for my studies.

2. His Chinese Ancestors - Why? Becuase we are all have an ancestors which we all inherit our
talents and capability. And Rizal hereditary influence me also to cherish my own hereditary traits.
I do believe that like Rizal we have our own talents coming from our ancestors and I am glad to
have multiple of talents which I barely used in my studies and free time.

3. Jose Rizal - He influence me greatly because even thou his family is not fortunate financially,
his love for his country and Filipino was so deep. He inspired me to not stop and and always to
keep going. His fight in silence inspired me to fight loudly as far as I can.

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