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According to Prof Stephenson, “Salesmanship refers to conscious
efforts on the part of the seller to induce a prospective buyer to
purchase something that he had not really decided to buy, even if he
had thought of it favourably. It consists of persuading people to buy
what you have for sale in making them want it, in helping to make up
their minds.”

According to W.G Carter, “Salesmanship is in attempt to induce people

to buy goods.”
1. Important to Producers: Salesmanship is important to producers
and manufacturers. For pushing products into the competitive market,
salesmanship is necessary. To capture new markets also salesmanship
is very important. Salesmen increase the sales volume. It brings larger
profits to the manufacturers.

2.Important to Consumers:Salesman educates and guides the

consumers. He gives them more satisfaction. ‘Consumers are right’ in
the marketing. As such, he gives more importance to them. Salesman
helps the consumers in making the right decision and proper selection
of the products which they want to buy.
Characteristics or the Qualities
of a Successful Salesman
1.Establishing good relationship with a variety of people.
2. Learning quickly and adapting smoothly.
3. Planning ahead and efficiently managing his time and
4. Working hard to achieve his goals, dedicating himself to
provide long-term service, rather than having a get-rich-
quick attitude.
5. Communicating clearly both in speech and in writing.
6. Thinking analytically and learning to break problems down
to their basic components.
7. Producing constantly both in quality and quantity rather
than performing erratically.
8. Persisting steadily his goal and not giving up easily.
9. Possessing and living up to high moral characteristics that
enable people to admire,, respect and trust him.
Apple is known for its exceptional
salesmanship, driven by the persuasive
power of its products' design, features,
and marketing strategies. They create a sense of exclusivity
and desire through limited product releases, sleek packaging,
and meticulously designed in-store experiences. Apple's
salespeople focus on building relationships with customers,
offering personalized recommendations, and highlighting the
benefits of their products over competitors'
They use data-driven algorithms to suggest products based on
a customer's browsing and purchase history, encouraging
more sales. Amazon's "Frequently Bought Together" and
"Customers Who Bought This Also Bought" sections use social
proof to influence buying decisions.
Coca-Cola employs salesmanship through its branding and
emotional marketing. The company has successfully
associated its products with feelings of happiness, celebration,
and togetherness. Their advertisements often evoke strong
emotional connections, encouraging consumers
to buy not just a beverage, but an experience.
Nike excels in salesmanship by creating a sense of aspiration
and motivation around their products. Their marketing
campaigns feature inspiring stories and influential athletes,
urging consumers to connect with their own desires for
achievement and personal improvement.
Starbucks uses salesmanship by creating a
cozy ambiance, encouraging personalization,
and employing limited-time offers to entice
customers. Their loyalty program, social interactions, and
community engagement enhance brand loyalty and appeal,
while convenient mobile ordering caters to busy customers.

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