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Social Sciences and Philosophy Department



International Conflict Resolution

Part I. Book Review. (40 points)

The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order is an elaboration of Samuel
Huntington's 1993 Foreign Affairs paper, which postulated a new post-Cold War world order.
Huntington argues in the first section that global politics has become multipolar and
multicivilizational. In other words, the world comprises a variety of great powers and civilizations
that interact on a global scale. Along with the second part, Huntington focuses on the shift away
from Western power and toward Asian and Islamic civilizations that religion is playing a larger
and more important role in global politics.
Huntington contends in the third section that international politics are restructuring along
the lines of different civilizations. The principal states of each of the seven civilizations are
currently the key players in international politics. In the last sections of his book, Huntington
addresses the West's competitors and whether external and internal problems will diminish the
West's power. As a result, preserving Western culture is critical to guarantee that the world can
retain the multi-civilizational structure of international politics.
Huntington's claim that cultural differences produce conflict because they are fundamental
implies that there must be an inherent inflexibility is commonly acknowledged that cultural
standards vary over time, especially on fundamental concerns such as individual vs societal values.
Huntington considers "values, beliefs, institutions, and social structures" to be the most
important distinguishing elements amongst people and defines civilizations as locations where
these factors are distinct. Huntington does not feel that physical characteristics have a substantial
role in identifying one person from another.
To conclude, The West must cease attempting to universalize and instead allow other
civilizations to retain their distinct cultures and traditions. Only by rejecting multiculturalism and
embracing multicivilizational will the world avert significant civilizational conflicts.


Social Sciences and Philosophy Department

Part II. Essay. In not more than 50 words answer the following questions. In answering the
questions, the following criteria shall be followed, a.) it answers the question directly, b.) relevance
of the answer to the question, and c.) organization.

1. What are the two tasked to establish an early warning system for violent political
conflicts? Explain. (15)
- The two tasked to establish an early warning system for violent political conflict are, first,
identification of the type of conflicts and locations that become violent. Secondly, they
monitor and assess their progress with a view to assessing how close to violence they

2. What is the role of Negotiation in conflict resolution? (10 points)

- The role of negotiation in conflict resolution is that it is the main method by which parties
try to resolve conflicts peacefully. Furthermore, it is internment by meeting each side's
needs, and range of goals and adequately addressing their cultural setting and context.

3. What are the three positive policies to look on? (15 points)
- First policy is equitable economic development which is by disseminating barriers and
expanding opportunities. Next, is the policy about the legitimate institution, as the
conviction that a rule, institution, or leader has the authority to rule. Lastly, the culture of
tolerance means that discrimination is not acceptable in society and the people.

4. What is the occupation of territory as a hostile method of resolving conflict? (10

- When a territory is placed under the authority of the state, it is considered occupied.
Furthermore, it governs the relationship between the occupying power and the wholly or
partially occupied state and its inhabitants, including refugees and stateless people, on
the one hand, and the occupied state and its inhabitants, including refugees and stateless

5. Explain Article II (3,4) of the united nations charter. (10 points)

- Article 3,4 of the United Nations Charter states that All Members must resolve international
disputes peacefully so that international peace, security, and justice. Furthermore, all
members shall refrain from threatening or using force against the national sovereignty or
independence of any state.


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