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70-89 minutes

fam-gard (n)
a police-woman
fam-garde (n)
a kept woman, a mistress
fam-serpan (n)
fame (azek)
1. famous, well-known, reputed
2. excellent, first-rate
3. perfect, precious (ironically)
fami (n)
1. family
2. kin, kindred, relative, relation
3. kind, set, mo fami! = o dear, my dear!, anvwad-fami = to be pregnant, de bonn
fami-fami (azek)
related distantly
famili alawenns (n)
family allowance
familiplanning (n)
family planning
familyal (azek)
1. pertaining to family
2. familial, laksyon familyal = organization for family planning
familyarite (n)
familiarity, familiar terms, intimacy
familyariz (v) Variation(s): familyarize
to familiarize, to get accustomed to
familye (azek)
familiar, intimate, unconstrained, free (esp. of man)
fana (n)
bus to fana = shut up!
fana (n & azek)
fanal (n)
1. lantern, signal-light
2. eyes
fanatik (n)
1. fanatic, enthusiast
2. a racist, communalist
fanatik (azek)
fanatikman (adv)
fanatism (n)
fanatiz (v) Variation(s): fanatize
to fanaticize
fandya (n)
kind of plant
faner (n)
1. a bad player, performer
2. a treacherous person, faner kaka = disruptive person
fanfar (n)
fangurin (n) Variation(s): fanguren
sugar-cane juice
fann (v)
1. to cut, to gash
2. to cleave, to split
3. to spread out, to scatter, fann lekim = to scatter fertilizer, fann palab = to
fann (v) Variation(s): fane
1. to scatter, to strew about, to spill, to spray
2. to spread about (esp. of news, rumours), to retail
3. to fade, to droop, to wither
4. to perform badly
5. to act against expectations, to betray
fann (n)
measure of opium, kas fann = to share
fanngars (n)
rather unmanageable (esp. of children)
fanns (n)
fans, supporters, follow ers
fant (n)
1. slit
2. gap
fantastik (azek)
fantastic, fanciful
fantezi (n)
1. fancy
2. false, imitation (esp. of jewelry)
3. phantasy
fantezis (azek)
eccentric, whimsical
fantom (n)
phantom, spectre, ghost
fantos (n)
marionette, puppet
fantos (azek)
1. imaginary
2. phantom
3. puppet
far (n)
1. head-lights, lights, lighthouse
2. beacon
3. eyes
4. radio transmitter
faranayt (n)
fahrenheit, scale
faraon (n)
farata (n)
1. flat bread cooked on a hot-plate
2. fat, lazy person
fard (v) Variation(s): farde
to make up, to rouge
fardo (n)
load, weight, burden
farg (n)
edge of pirogue
farine (azek)
farmasi (n)
farmasyin (n) Variation(s): farmasyen
fars (n)
farce, joke
farser (n & azek)
farce-player, joker
farsi (n)
a dish of stuffed vegetables
farsi ()
to stuff, pul farsi = chicken with stuffing, brinzel farsi = a variety of
farus (v) Variation(s): faruse
to frighten away, to scare away
farus (azek)
1. shy, unsociable
2. wild
fas (n)
1. face, countenance
2. front, facade
3. side (esp. of a record)
4. heads (esp. of a coin), fer fas = to face, to meet, an fas = opposite, in the
face of, to
fas (v) Variation(s): fase
1. not to be on speaking terms with
2. to anger, to offend
fasad (n)
1. facade
2. all on the surface
faset (n)
fasil (azek)
fasilit (v) Variation(s): fasilite
to facilitate, to make easy
fasilite (n)
1. facility, ease, readiness
2. facilities, easy terms (esp. for payment)
fasilman (adv)
1. easily
2. readily
fasinan (azek)
fasinasyon (n)
fasinn (v) Variation(s): fasine
to fascinate, to be fascinated
fasis (n & azek)
fasism (n)
fason (n)
way, manner, style, mode, measure
fasonn (v) Variation(s): fasone
to make, to work, to form, to mould, to fashion
fat (azek)
to be longing
fat-yenn (n)
fatak (n)
tall grass, balye fatak = broom made of this grass
fatal (azek)
1. fatal, mortal, deadly
2. inevitable
fatalism (n)
fatalite (n)
fatalman (adv)
fatally, inevitably
fatig (v) Variation(s): fatige
1. to fatigue, to tire
2. to importune, to irritate
3. to obsess, to haunt
fatigan (azek)
1. toilsome, fatiguing, tedious
2. irritating
fatige (azek)
tired, fatigued, jaded, irritated
fatra (n)
faver (n)
favour, interest, privilege
favorab (azek)
favourable, propitious, in favour of
favorableman (adv)
favori (azek)
1. favourite
2. side whiskers
favoritism (n)
favoriz (v) Variation(s): favorize
1. to favour, to protect
2. to be favoured
fawl (n) Variation(s): forl
1. foul play
2. mistake
fawntenn (n)
fountain pen
fay (n)
fay (azek)
1. ill, weak
2. inferior
faya (n)
Fire Brigade Sports Team
fayans (n)
fayit (n)
1. bankruptcy, insolvency
2. failure
fayl (n)
fayle (v)
to file away
fayling (n)
faylingkabinet (n)
filing cabinet
faynding (n)
findings of an enquiry
fayt (v)
to fight
faz (n)
1. phase, aspect, stage, period
2. electrical phase,
3. faz = three phase fen 1. fact
2. fairy
feb (n)
weak spot, partiality
feb (azek)
1. weak
2. deficient
3. too little
4. too young
febles (n)
1. weakness
2. defect, failing, torn febles = to have a fainting fit, to swoon, rant dan so
febles = to collude with
febli (v)
to weaken, to flag
feblisman (n)
febyenn (azek)
fabian, slow
fedartifis (n)
federasyon (n)
federation, alliance
federe (v)
to affiliate to, to join a federation
federe (azek)
fediver (n)
1. news item
2. event of little importance
fek (adv)
just, now, a few seconds ago
fekal (azek)
faecal, matyer fekal = faeces, stool
fekla (adv)
just now, fekla-la = only just now
fekond (v) Variation(s): fekonde
to fecundate, to fertilize
fekondasyon (n)
fecundation, fertilization
fekondite (n)
fecundity, fertility
fekveni (n)
new-comer (ironically)
fel (v)
to fail
fel (v) Variation(s): fele
to crack, to be cracked
fele (azek)
felir (n)
crack, fissure
felisit (v) Variation(s): felisite
to felicitate, to congratulate
felisitasyon (n)
felicitation, congratulation
felonn (n)
femel (n)
1. female, she-animal
2. woman
feminin (azek) Variation(s): feminen
1. feminine, womanly
2. effeminate
3. woman
femininite (n)
feminis (n & azek)
feminism (n)
feminiz (v) Variation(s): feminize
to feminize, to render effeminate
fenean (n)
loafer, lazy-bones, sluggard
fenike (azek)
carbolic, delo fenike = carbolic lotion
fennki (n)
funky dance
fennsifer (n)
fennsing (n)
fenobarb (n)
phenobarbitone, addictive sedative
fenomenn (n)
1. phenomenon
2. a striking thing, event
3. a remar kable person, a person with a very peculiar manner
fenus (n)
milk of a cow which has just given birth
feodal (n)
feudal, relating to Caudal ways
fer (v)
to do, to make, to form, to be, fer lamur, fer malis = to make love, tro fer =
abuse, fer bonvale, makro, mus
fer (n)
iron, bar fer = iron bar, semenn fer = railway, difil de fer = binding wine
fer (v) Variation(s): fere
to shoe
fer-a-sude (n)
soldering iron
feray (n)
1. iron
2. old cars and busses
3. illicit rum
4. very strong person
ferayer (n)
ferblan (n)
1. tin
2. tin can
2. one canful
4. one who "tries for white" lake ferblan = nuisance
ferblan (azek)
ferblantri (n)
ferblantye (n)
tinman, tinsmith
ferfut (n)
1. to go to hell
2. piss-off
feri (n)
ferm (v) Variation(s): ferme
to shut, to close, to seal up, to put an end to, to imprison
ferm (adv & azek)
firm, fast, unshaken, resolute, lavwa ferm = decided tone, tini ferm = to
hold fast, to stand fast
fermant (v) Variation(s): fermante
to ferment
fermantab (azek)
fermantasyon (n)
fermte (n)
firmness, vigour, resolution
fermtir (n)
closing, shutting, fastening, ending, fermtir lasas = close of the shooting
season, fermtir lasenn = close of netting season
fermtirkler (n)
fermye (n)
feros (azek)
ferocious, fierce
ferpar (v)
1. to make known
2. to share (esp. of inheritance)
ferpar (n)
ferple (n)
fair play, justice
fers (n)
first year of school
fers (azek)
in first year
ferseyd (n)
, first aid
fersklars (azek)
excellent, the best
fertil (azek)
fertile, fruitful
fertilite (n)
fertility, to fertilite = fertility rate
fertiliz (v) Variation(s): fertilize
to fertilize, to manure
fertilizan (n)
fertilizer, manure
fertilizasyon (n)
fervan (azek)
fervent, enthusiastic
fes (n)
buttocks, behind, arse, rump, enn fes, enn feskase = a no-good, a bum, fes
lur = lazy person, kut-pye dan fes
fes (azek)
1. tired out, exhausted
fes-red (n)
fese (n)
spanking, beating
festin (n) Variation(s): festen
feast, banquet
festival (n)
feston (n)
scallop (esp. in garments)
feston (n)
lining (esp. in garments)
feston (v) Variation(s): festone
to scallop ( esp. of garments)
fet (v) Variation(s): fete
to feast, to entertain, to celebrate
fet (n)
feast, festival celebration, holiday, sapo fet = felt hat, fet pagla = holi
festival, fet mama = mother`s Sunday,
fet (azek)
ready-made, off the rack (esp. of garments)
fetakonpli (n)
action already done
fetaz (n)
1. roof
2. hair, fetaz pe ale = to become bald
fetdemor (n)
All Souls` Day
fetefurni (adv)
including all frills (esp. of a garment being sewn)
fetekoz (n)
side, pran so fetekoz = to take sides with, to side with
feter (n)
reveller, rollicker
fetis (n)
1. fetish, mascot
2. foetus
fevriye (n)
fey (n)
1. leaf
2. sheet (esp. of paper) , fey tol = corrugated iron sheet
feyaz (n)
1. bushes
2. fodder, manz feyaz = to fail, to be unsuccessful, to be defeated
feyirguvernay (n)
fitting for rudder on pirogue
feylisu (n)
bad newspaper, gutter-press
feyte (v)
1. to turn over (esp. of leaves)
2. to run over
3. to move away
feyte (n)
flaky puff
feyton (n)
feuilleton, serial
fezab (azek)
feasible, practicable, pa fezab = ought not to be allowed, not reasonable
fezans (n)
agricultural credit
fezans valwar (n)
agricultural credit
fezer (n)
1. bluffer, arrogant person
2. bully
3. body guard, bruiser, fezer despri = self person
fi (n) Variation(s): fifi
1. dear little darling, ducky
2. daughter
3. effeminate man (sexist expression), fer fifi = to be shy, to put on airs
fiasko (n)
fiasco, failure, wash out
fib (n)
fibre, filament
fibrann (n)
staple, fibre
fibrever (n)
fibrom (n)
fidel (n)
1. believers, worshippers
2. congregation
fidel (azek)
faithful, loyal, true, memwar fidel = retentive memory
fidelite (n)
fidelity, faithfulness, loyalty
fidelman (adv)
1. faithfully, loyally, truly
2. accurately
fidoner (n)
fiftififti (azek)
1. half and half
2. 50% chance
fig (n)
figir (n)
1. face, countenance, air
2. queer fellow, contemptible fellow
3. jacks, queens and kings (esp. in cards), dan so figir = to one`s face, fer
figir = to pout, to
figir (v) Variation(s): figire
to figure, to appear montre figir = to face
figiran (n)
actor, figiratif = figurative, sans figiratif = figurative sense figire = figurative
fiks (azek)
1. fixed, set, firm, steady, fast
2. permanent
3. regular, lapey fiks = fixed, regular salary, pri fiks = set price, buz fiks
fikse (v)
1. to stare at, to gaze at, on
2. to fix, to fasten, to stick
3. to settle down, to establish oneself
4. to arrange, to decide
fikser (n)
fiksyon (n)
1. fiction
2. fiction film, sians fiksyon = science fiction
fiktif (azek)
fictitious, imaginary
fil (v) Variation(s): file
1. to soar
2. to spin
3. to run away
4. to let out (esp. of line), laliyn file = sending out a long fishing line
fil (n)
1. edge
2. grain, vein, gro fil = coarse-grained, kont fil = to go against the grain,
donn enn kud fil = to ring up
filaman (n)
filant (azek)
1. soaring tesp. of a kite)
2. shooting (esp. of stars), lalyann filant = creeping plants
filantrop (n)
filao (n)
filao-tree, casuarina
filateli (n)
fildekut (n) Variation(s): filekut
rope at end of sail
file (n)
1. net, hair-net, fishing net, volleyball net, tennis net, goal net
2. a string bag
3. thread (esp. of a screw)
4. string (under the tongue), file buze, defons file = score a
filfas (n)
heads or tails
filin (n) Variation(s): filen
1. kind of rope
2. rope
filing (n) Variation(s): filinn
filling station
filipinn (n)
filipino (n)
filme (v)
1. to film
2. to look, to gaze, to watch
filon (n)
vein, reef (esp. of gold)
filozof (n)
filozofi (n)
filozofik (azek)
filozofikman (adv)
filt (n)
filter, sigaret filt = filter tipped cigarettes
filtraz (n)
filtering, straining
filtre (v)
1. to filter, to strain
2. to leak out
filtre (azek)
filu (n)
filwar (n)
filyal (n)
subsidiary company
filyer (n)
fim (n)
1. film
2. moving picture, movie, fim kuler = colour film, fim raye = silent film, fim
parlan = talking picture, talkie, <
fim (v) Variation(s): fime
1. to smoke tobacco, pipes
2. to take marijuana, fime kuma kamaleon = to be a chain-smoker, fime
lopyom = to take opium
fime (azek)
smoked, nwardfime = soot, ver fime = sun glasses, dark glasses
fimer (n)
smoker, fimer mas = a marijuana smoker
fimle (v)
to film
fimri (n)
opium den
fimye (n)
1. manure, dunghill
2. very low person
fin (v) Variation(s): fen
to long for
fin (n) Variation(s): fen
fin (azek) Variation(s): fen
1. hungry
2. long ing for, thirsty
fin (azek) Variation(s): finn
fine, thin, delicate, pale fin = good taste, zorey finn = to have a quick ear,
latwal fin = fine linen, manze
final (n)
final (esp. in sports)
final (azek)
final, last, ultimate
finalis (n)
finalist (esp. of sports)
finalman (adv)
1. finally, lastly
2. eventually
finans (n)
finance, public finances, Minis Finans = Minister of Finance, pena finans =
to have no money, finans mins = to have very littl
finans (v) Variation(s): finanse
to finance, to lay out money, to pay
finansman (n)
finansye (n)
finansyerman (adv)
fines (n)
1. delicacy, acuteness
2. adroitness
finfon (n)
1. a secluded place
2. in the sticks
finfon (adv)
in the very depth of
fini (v)
1. to finish, to complete, to end, to be over
2. to discontinue
3. to use up
4. to expire, to die
5. to flog to death
6. to squander, to ruin, fini net = completely ruined
fini (azek)
1. finished, ended, over
2. to be done for
3. used up
4. dead
5. ruined
6. hopeless
finis (n)
1. finishing rope in races
2. finish
finisyon (n)
end, completion, conclusion
finland (n) Variation(s): fenland
finn (v)
auxilliary used in present participle, mo finn ale = I have been, mo finn
manze = I have eaten
finn (azek)
1. delicate
2. smooth
3. thin
finnman (adv)
finely, delicately
firamezir (adv) Variation(s): ofiramezir
gradually, piecemeal
firm (n)
firmaman (n)
firmament, sky
fis (n)
card, form
fisan (n & azek)
mocking, flouting
fisi (n)
small shawl, scarf
fisir (n)
fissure, crack
fiskal (azek)
fiscal, financial
fisle (v)
to tie with string
fislekan (int)
clear out! get out of here!
fisri (n)
fisheries guards
fistreva (eks)
you fool
fit (n)
fit (azek)
1. strong and well, healthy
2. right, proper
fit (v) Variation(s): fite
1. to sharpen
2. to prepare well for something
fite (azek)
1. sharp
2. ready, willing
3. prepared
fitir (n)
1. intended husband or wi fe
2. future
fitnes (n)
road worthy certificate, M.O.T.
fitwar (n)
fiyans (v) Variation(s): fiyanse
to betroth, to become engaged to each other
fiyansay (n)
betrothal, engagement
2. engagement ceremony
fiyanse (n)
fianc�, fianc�e, bethrothed
fiyel (n)
1. godchild
2. guts
fiynol (v) Variation(s): fiynole
1. to do up in style
2. to refine, to give a final touch
fiz (n)
1. fees
2. money
fize (n)
fizet (n)
1. failed attempt
2. dud
fizet (azek)
1. dud
2. failed, petar fizet = dud fire-cracker
fizi (n)
gun, fizi de lagul = double-barrelled gun, fizi lasas = rifle, shot-gun, fizi
sumarinn = harpoon gun, fizib (n)
fuse (electricity), fizib inn sote = the fuse has blown (literal and figurative)
fizik (n)
1. physics
2. physique
3. physical drill, physical jerks
fizik (azek)
physical, bodily, kiltir fizik = physical culture
fizikman (adv)
physically, bodily
fizip (n)
fuse, fizip sote = to get angry
fizitif (n)
fugitive, runaway
fiziy (v) Variation(s): fiziye
to execute by shooting, to shoot down
fizon (n)
fizyon (n)
fizyonomi (n)
physiognomy, countenance, look
flak (n)
flakon (n)
flaman (n & azek)
flamingo (n)
flan (n)
1. baked custard tart
2. flank, side, donn flan, pret flan = to lay oneself open to
flanbe (v)
1. to blaze, to flame, to flare, to burn
2. to fish at night
flanbe (n)
1. blaze
2. flamb�
flanbo (n)
hand-made torch, lapes flanbo = fishing with a torch
flanbwayan (n)
flamboyant, flame tree
flanel (n)
1. flannel
2. cloth used for cleaning cars
flaner (n)
flank (v) Variation(s): flanke
to deal (a blow), to throw, to fling, to pitch, flank enn beze = to give a hiding,
a kicking, flank deor = to bundle out, to dismiss, to fire,
flanke (azek)
lean, emaciated
flann (v) Variation(s): flane
to stroll, to loaf
flans (v) Variation(s): flanse
to waver, to give in, moter flanse = to break down
flap (n)
flas (n)
1. flask
2. flash-bulk
3. news in brief
flas (azek)
soft, flaccid, flabby, loose
flaser (n)
indicator (esp. of vehicles)
flat (n)
flat, apartment
flat (v) Variation(s): flate
to flatter
flater (n)
flatterer (esp. of men)
flater (azek)
1. flattering, complimentary, eulogistic
2. gratifying, pleasing
flatez (n)
flatterer (esp. of women)
flatri (n)
flattery, adulation
flay (v)
1. to run away, to escape
2. to elope
3. to leave
flayt (n)
fleksib (azek)
flexible, pliable, supple
fleksibilite (n)
flexibility, pliancy
flem (n)
fleo (n)
1. scourge, plague, calamity
2. social problem
fler (n)
1. flower, blossom
2. flair
flerdelis (n)
fleri (v)
to flower, to bloom, to blossom
2. to grow confident
flert (n)
flerte (v)
to flirt, to philander
fles (n)
1. arrow
2. sling
3. catapult, mont anfles = to soar
flesi (v)
to give in, to yield, to give way, to relent
flesisman (n)
giving way
fletri (v)
to wither
fletri (azek)
flik (n)
policeman, cop
fliktyasyon (n)
fliktye (v)
to fluctuate
flior (n)
fliperz (n)
flirt (v) Variation(s): flirte
to flirt, to philander
flit (n)
flit lizye = power (esp. of eyes), hypnotic eyes
flit (v) Variation(s): flite
1. to spray
2. touch lightly
flonn (v)
to flee
flonn (n)
cloth or leather used to throw stones
flos (n)
flush (esp. in poker)
flot (v) Variation(s): flote
1. to float
2. to flutter (esp. of flag)
3. to drift, to be wafted
4. to survive
floter (n)
1. water-gauge
2. fishing float
3. cable-buoy
flotman (n)
flu (n)
unclear situation
flu (azek)
1. not distinct, blurred
2. confused, muddled
fluk (n)
hazard, chance
flwid (n & azek)
fo (azek)
untrue, false, wrong, fo pa = make a mistake
fobi (n)
phobia, morbid dread
fobur (n)
1. suburb, outskirts
2. remote place
fode (v)
it is necessary, proper, you should, you must
fodespere (eks) Variation(s): fotespere
it is to be hoped
fofil (v) Variation(s): fofile
to tack
fofil (n)
fofol (n & azek)
madcap, giddy, needless
fog (n)
1. jib
2. fog light
fogletrav (n)
kind of jib sail
fok (n)
fokare (n & azek)
angle supposed to be 90�, but not 90� in fact
fokes (v)
to focus
fokes (n)
focus (esp. of camera, telescope)
foklorik (azek)
quaint, folkloric
fokol (n)
detachable collar
fokolte (v)
to wear one`s detachable collar
fokon (n)
falcon, hawk
fol (azek)
mad, crazy, insane (esp. of women), bat fol = non stop
folat (n & azek)
madcap, giddy, heedless
folet (n & azek)
wanton, waggish
foli (n)
madness, lunacy, folly, fer foli = to squander money, to be have foolishly,
foli grander = megalomania
folk (n & azek)
folk-song, folk-music
folklor (n)
folklorik (azek)
belonging to folk lore, dans folklorik = folk-dance, lamizik folklorik = folk-
music, sante folklorik = folk-song
folman (adv)
madly, foolishly, extravagantly, dotingly, distractedly
folyo (n)
fom (n)
fon (n)
fund, tini fon = keep accounts zwe fon, aste fon = to bet
fon (n)
1. bottom, bed (esp. of sea, river)
2. seat (esp. of a garment)
3. background
4. back-cloth, back-scene, dan lefon = at bottom, in reality, san fon =
fon (azek)
fond (v) Variation(s): fonde
1. to found, to establish
2. to institute, to create, to build
3. to base
fondamantal (azek)
fundamental, essential
fondamantalman (adv)
fundamentally, essentially, radically, to the core
fondan (azek)
melting, dissolving, juicy, gato fondan = cake that melts in the mouth
fondasyon (n)
foundation, ground work, basis
fondater (n & azek)
founder, promoter
fonder (n)
founder, caster
fonder (n)
fondi (n)
fondman (n)
1. fundament
2. basis, ground, cause, san fondman = groundless
fondri (n)
1. foundry
2. melting works
fonetik (azek)
1. phonetic
2. phonemic
fonetikman (adv)
1. phonetically
2. phonemically
foniks (n)
fonksyon (n)
function, duty, office, fonksyon piblik = civil service
fonksyonel (azek)
fonksyoner (n)
civil servant
fonksyonn (v) Variation(s): fonksyone
to function, to operate, to work
fonksyonnman (n)
operation, working
fonn (v)
1. to melt, to dissolve, to cast
2. to disappear, to vanish
fons (v) Variation(s): fonse
1. to thrust, to push in, to drive in, to sink
2. to dash to rush, to charge
fonse (azek)
dark, deep (esp. of colours)
fonsyerman (adv)
fopa (n)
fer fopa = to stumble, to make a slip
for (azek)
1. strong
2. able
3. skilful
4. strong-smelling
5. over-spiced, hot, gayn for = to find food too spicy
foraz (n)
boring, drilling
ford (n)
1. fraud
2. a kind of car (Ford)
ford (v) Variation(s): forde
to cheat
fore (n)
borer, drill
forem (n)
forestye (n) Variation(s): gard-forestye
forestry officer
forklif (n)
fork lift
form (n)
1. form, structure, shape
2. application form
3. frame (esp. of a kite)
4. foam
5. class at school, an form = in good condition, shape, in the shape of, form
form (v) Variation(s): forme
1. to form, to shape, to frame
2. to bring up, to train, to educate
3. to constitute
forma (n) Variation(s): format
format, pro-forma = pro-forma
formalite (n)
formality, ceremonious-ness
formantori (n) Variation(s): formatori
formason (n)
formasyon (n)
formation, forming, education, training
formater (n)
former, educator
formel (azek)
formal, strict, express
formelman (adv)
formally, strictly, expressly
formenn (n)
formidab (azek)
formidable, terrific
formika (n)
formil (n)
formil (v) Variation(s): formile
to formulate, to detail, to state precisely
formosa (azek)
fornik (v) Variation(s): fornike
to fornicate
fornikasyon (n)
fornikater (n)
forom (n)
forum, debate
fors (v) Variation(s): forse
1. to force, to compel
2. to over-exert oneself
3. to be constrained, fors enn laport = to break, open a door, fors so natir =
to over-exert oneself,
forse (azek)
forse (adv) Variation(s): forse-forse
at the worst
forseman (adv)
1. by force, forcibly, compulsorily
2. necessarily, inevitably
forsep (n)
forsing (n)
a forcing
fortifyan (n)
fortifyan (azek)
strengthening, invigorating, bracing
fortifye (v)
to strengthen, to invigorate, to brace
fortinn (n)
fortune, wealth, ena enn fortinn = to be wealthy, rich, fer fortinn = to make
a fortune
fortres (n)
fortress, stronghold
forz (v) Variation(s): forze
to forge
forzron (n)
fos (azek)
1. untrue, false, wrong
2. forced
3. out of tune, fer fos = to be unreliable, false, treacherous, to deceive
fos (v) Variation(s): fose
1. to falsify
2. to force, to strain (esp. of a lock, key)
3. to warp (esp. of a wheel)
4. to put out of tune
5. to pervert (esp. of the mind)
fos-seve (n)
wig, false hair, postiche
fosalert (n)
fosbiye (n)
false notes
fosdan (n)
false teeth
fose (n)
1. furrow
2. trench
3. gap
foser (n)
1. forger, a bad player
2. unreliable, false, treacherous person
foset (n)
fosey (v) Variation(s): foseye
to dig
foseyaz (n)
holing for planting
foseyer (n)
fosfat (n)
fosfor (n)
fosforesan (azek)
fosi (n) Variation(s): fusi
foskiy (n)
strip of wood under keel
foskus (n)
fosnom (n)
foste (n)
1. falsity, falsehood
2. duplicity, insincerity, treachery
fot (n)
1. fault, mistake, error
2. defect, imperfection, san fot = without fail
fotespere (n) Variation(s): fodespere
it is to be hoped ....
fotey (n)
arm-chair, fotey rulan = wheel-chair, fotey minis = appointment as minister
foteye (v)
1. to sit in state
2. to do nothing but sitting in an arm chair
fotif (azek)
at fault
foto (n)
photograph, photography, laparey foto = camera, tir foto = to photograph,
to be photographed, foto so papa sa = looks very muc
fotofinis (n)
fotograf (n)
fotokonpoze (v)
to photocompose (esp. in offset printing)
fotokonpozisyon (n)
fotokopi (n)
fotokopiy (v)
to photocopy
fototropik (n)
fotoye (n)
fotozenik (azek)
foye (n) Variation(s): fwaye
1. hearth, place where food is cooked
2. home, family, fond so fwaye = to get married and set up one`s family
fragman (n)
fragment, piece
fragmant (v) Variation(s): fragmante
1. to reduce to fragments, to be reduced to fragments
2. to divide
fragmantasyon (n)
fraka (n)
1. noise, din, fracas, bustle, fuss
2. disturbance, riot
3. damage, fer fraka = to cause havoc, or to give the best (esp. of a team or
frakas (v) Variation(s): f rakase
1. to break to pieces, to be broken to pieces
2. to damage
fraksyon (n)
fraction, a part
fraksyonn (v) Variation(s): fraksyone
1. to divide into fractions
2. to divide
fraktir (v)
to fracture, to befractured
fraktir (n)
fracture, break, fraktir krann = skull fracture
fran (azek)
frank, open, bold
franbwaz (n)
frang (n)
a look
frangle (v)
to hook
frankofil (n)
lover of France
frankofil (azek)
loving France
frankofonn (n)
person who defends French language (esp. in colonies)
frankofonn (azek)
franse (n)
1. Frenchmen
2. French language
franse (azek)
fransez (n)
French woman
fransi (v)
1. to leap, to jump over
2. to pass
fransiz (n)
frankness, openness
fransize (v)
to frenchify
fransman (adv)
frankly, openly, boldly
franz (v) Variation(s): franze
to fringe
franz (n)
frap (v) Variation(s): frape
to astonish, to surprise, to impress, to affect, to move
2. to hit
frapan (azek)
striking, impressive
frape (azek)
iced chilled
fraternel (azek)
fraternal, brotherly
fraternelman (adv)
fraternite (n)
fraternity, brother hood
fraterniz (v) Variation(s): fraternize
to fraternize
fraternizasyon (n)
fraz (n)
sentence, phrase
frazil (azek)
1. fragile, brittle
2. frail, weak
frazilite (n)
fragility, frailty, weakness
fre (n)
1. cost, expenses
2. the costs
fre (azek)
cold, cool
fredonn (v) Variation(s): fredone
to hum
fregat (n)
1. frigate
2. species of bird
frekaman (adv)
frequently, often
frekan (azek)
frekans (n)
1. frequency
2. quick ness (esp. of pulse)
frekant (v) Variation(s): frekante
1. to frequent, to associate with, to keep company with
2. to court
frekantasyon (n)
frequentation, associates move frekantasyon = in bad company
frel (azek)
frail, fragile, weak
frenn (v) Variation(s): frene
1. to brake
2. to curb, to hold back
frer (n)
1. brother
2. true friend gran-frer = elder brother, ti-frer = younger brother, frer zimo
= twins, demi-
freser (n)
1. coolness, freshness
2. a chill, fu mwa mo freser = leave me alone
fret (n)
freight, cargo, al kuma enn fret = to move quickly
frey (v) Variation(s): freye
1. to open out
2. to frighten
freyer (n)
fright, terror, dread, fear
frez (n)
1. wild raspberry
2. straw berry
fri (n) Variation(s): frwi
1. fruit
2. fruits, profit, reward
frigo (n)
frigorifye (v)
1. to chill, to freeze
2. to be chilled, frozen
frikas (v) Variation(s): frikase
to toss in oil
frikase (n)
food tossed in oil
frikase (azek)
tossed in oil
friksyon (n)
1. friction, quarrel
2. rubbing
friksyon (v) Variation(s): friksyone
to apply li niment and to rub
frilanns (n)
freelance reporter
frin (n) Variation(s): fren
1. brake
2. restraint, control
fringan (azek)
1. nimble, active
2. smart, dapper fringe u to dress oneself smartly, to be smartly dressed
frinn (v) Variation(s): fwinn
to spear
frir (v)
to fry
frir (azek)
fried, diri frir = fried rice
frisiter (n)
sour fruit rich in vitamin C
frison (n)
shiver, chilliness, shudder, thrill, gayn frison = to feel chilly
frisonn (v) Variation(s): frisone
to feel chilly, to shiver, to shudder
fristrasyon (n)
fristre (v)
1. to frustrate, to disappoint
2. to be frustrated, disappointed
frit (n)
fried potatoes, chips
fritir (n)
dish of fried food (esp. of meat, fish)
frivil (n)
free wheel
frivol (azek)
frivolous, trifling, futile
friyandiz (n)
dainty, titbit
friyapin (n) Variation(s): fuyapin
bread fruit
friz (n)
1. freezer
2. curl, frizzing (esp. of hair)
friz (v) Variation(s): frize
to curl, to frizz (esp. of hair)
frize (azek)
curled, frizzed (esp. of hair)
frizer (n)
frizid (azek)
frizider (n)
frizidite (n)
frod (v) Variation(s): frode
to defraud, to poach, to smuggle
frod (n)
fraud, fraudulency, poaching, fer frod = to commit a fraud
froder (n)
defrauder, smuggler, poacher
frol (v) Variation(s): frole
to touch slightly in passing, to brush past, to graze
fromaz (n)
fron (n)
1. forehead , brow
2. front, common front, fron komin = common front
frons (v) Variation(s): fronse
to gather (esp. in needlework), frons sursi = to knit the brows, to frown
frons (n)
gather, pucker (esp. in needlework)
front (v) Variation(s): fronte
1. to be cheeky, impudent
2. to retort
fronte (azek)
1. a person usually a child or an `inferior`, who always retorts
2. cheeky, impudent
frontyer (n)
frontier, border
frot (v) Variation(s): frote
1. to rub, to polish
2. to frequent, to associate with
frotman (n)
frequentation, company, contact
frotwar (n)
mortar-board, wooden trowel
frwa (n)
frwad (azek)
1. frigid
2. icy (esp. of a person)
frwader (n)
frwas (v) Variation(s): frwase
to hurt, to offend
fu (v)
to throw, fu sa dan enn kwin = get that out of the way
fu (n)
1. madman
2. bishop (esp. in chess)
3. species of bird
fu (azek)
1. mad, crazy, insane
2. foolish, vinn fu = to go mad, rann fu = to drive mad
fud (v) Variation(s): fude
not to care or trouble, not to care a straw
fufu (azek)
1. slightly mad
2. scatter-brained
fuka (n)
crazy person
fuka (azek)
fuke (n)
species of bird
ful (n & azek)
ful (v) Variation(s): fule
fular (n)
fulaws (n)
full house (esp. in cards)
fule (n)
a fat person
fule (azek)
1. sprained
2. plump, fat
fulfrenn (n)
good friend
fulir (n)
fulkan (int) Variation(s): futlekan, fumalkan, futemalkan
clear off, get the devil out of here
fulskap (n)
fungpaw (n)
envelope containing money offered to children for spring festival
fupamal (azek)
fur (n)
1. oven
2. charcoal-furnace
fur (v) Variation(s): fure
to fill, pin fure = sandwich
furaso (n)
furmi (n)
ant, furmi ruz = red ant
furnez (n)
furnez (azek)
furni (v)
to supply
furniser (n)
furnitir (v)
1. supply
2. equipment
3. fittings
furs (n)
2. a y-shaped branch
furset (n)
1. fork
2. pitchfork
furset (v) Variation(s): fursete
to fork (esp. of agricultural work)
fursetaz (n)
forking (esp. in agriculture)
fusi (n)
scythe, sickle
fut (v)
to damn
futan (n)
a rude, cheeky action
futan (azek)
1. sarcastic
2. rude, insolent
futborl (n)
football, soccer
futborler (n)
footballer, football player
futer (n)
abettor, favourer, fomenter, futer dezord = one who always creates trouble
futi (v)
to succeed, pa futi = cannot
futi (azek)
futing (n)
futnot (n)
futu (eks)
my god!
fuy (v) Variation(s): fuye
1. to dig
2. to feel in one`s pockets
3. to pry into, to probe
4. to conduct a search
fuyapin (n) Variation(s): friyapin, fuyapen, friyapen
fuzer (n)
fwa (n)
times, sak fwa sak fwa = again and again
fwadmori (n)
cod-liver oil
fware (v)
to be a flop
fware (azek)
1. failed
2. crooked (esp. of a tool)
fwet (n)
1. whip
2. first-rater
fwet (v) Variation(s): fwete
1. to whip, to last
2. to flog
3. to beat, to patter (esp. of rain)
fwir (v)
to elude
fwit (n)
1. leakage
2. puncture
fye (v)
1. to rely on
2. to depend upon
fyel (n)
1. gall bladder
2. guts
fyer (azek)
1. proud
2. haughty, stand-off-ish, fer so fyer = to swank
fyerman (adv)
proudly, arrogantly, haughtily
fyerte (n)
pride, haughtiness, arrogance
fyol (n)
phial, flask

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