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43-55 minutes

gabardinn (n)
1. gabardine
2. kind of jacket
gabardinn (azek)
made of gabardine
gabari (n)
1. stature, calibre
2. kind of tool, outline made of metal
gablu (n)
gabzi (n)
blunder, serious error
gaf (n)
1. blunder, howler
2. gaff, hook, fer enn gaf = to drop a brick
gaga (n)
gaga (azek)
gajak (n)
gajak (azek)
gajets (n)
gal (v) Variation(s): gale
to punt
gal (n)
punting pole
galaksi (n)
galaktik (azek)
galan (n)
1. ladykiller, flirt
2. lover
gale (azek)
covered in boils or scabs ros gale = round river rocks
galer (n)
galer (v) Variation(s): galere
to plane
galeri (n)
1. gallery in theatre, cinema, parliament
2. art gallery
galet (n)
broad thin bread
galet-manyok (n)
a thin flat cake made of manioc
galfat (v) Variation(s): galfate
1. to fill cracks in pirogue with tarred string, to caulk
2. to make a bad job of it
3. to work wastefully
galfataz (n)
1. caulking
2. a shoddy piece of work
gali-gali (n)
sorcery, fer gali-gali dibwa rape = to do sorcery
galimatya (n)
muddle, mess
galon (n)
1. gallon
2. a petrol can containing one gallon
3. galloon, braid
galone (n)
to be promoted
galup (v) Variation(s): galupe
to run, to hurry, galup isi galup laba = to run around doing chores, to waste time
running about
galvaniz (v) Variation(s): galvanize
to galvanize
galvanize (azek)
galwa (azek)
gamat (n)
1. party on the eve of a wedding
2. amusement, feast, party
gamel (n)
gana (n)
1. fool
2. old fashioned country-bumpkin
ganas (v) Variation(s): ganase
1. to blunder, to bungle
2. to drivel, to twaddle
ganase (azek)
shuddering, lekor ganase = got the shudders
ganaso (n)
silly clot
gandol (n)
edge of the road, dan gandol = off the edge of the road, bred gandol = kind of edible
gandya (n)
ganga (n)
ganga (azek)
simple, stupid
gangasnan (n)
festival celebrated at sea
gans (n) Variation(s): ganz
gante (azek)
wearing one`s gloves
garan (n)
one who signs as one`s guarantee
garanti (v)
to guarantee, to promise, to assure
garanti (n)
guarantee, guaranty
garatwa (eks)
watch your step!
garaz (n)
1. garage, mechanical workshop
2. sugar estate`s workshop
garazot (int)
watch out, all of you!
gard (n)
1. policeman, cop
2. a bet in tarrot pack
gard (v) Variation(s): garde
1. to keep, to. reserve, to store, to preserve
2. to lay up, to save
3. to keep a woman without marrying her
gard forestye (n)
gardbaton (n)
policeman who carries a baton
gardbu (n)
gardening (n)
gardennparti (n)
garden party
gardinaz (n)
watching over
gardkor (n)
gardlamer (n)
fisheries department
gardmalad (n)
nurse, attendant
gardmanze (n)
gardpesri (n)
Fisheries Department Official
gardprizon (n)
warder, wardress, prison guard
gardri (n)
gardrob (n)
gardrum (n)
1. Fisheries Department Room
2. Police gate-house
gardyin (v) Variation(s): gardyen
to keep, to watch over, to guard
gardyin (n) Variation(s): gardyen
watchman, keeper
gardyin-kanpman (n) Variation(s): gardyen-kanpman
caretaker of a sea-side dwelling
gardyin-lamer (n) Variation(s): gardyen-lamer
Fishries Department Official
gardyin-sase (n)
gargariz (v) Variation(s): gargarize
1. to gargle
2. to talk nonsense
gargot (n)
old tumble-down house
gargulet (n)
goglet, gugglet, water-jug, gargulet kase = to weep, to shed tears, guyav gargulet =
species of guava
garni (n)
fibre washer
garni (v)
1. to furnish, to stock
2. to garnish, to ornament, to trim
3. to fill
garniser (n)
trimmer, upholsterer
garnitir (n)
padding, upholstery
garson (n)
1. boy, lad
2. son, my son
3. waiter garot, garote / to bandage
gas (n)
a kind of sea-bird
gaspin (n) Variation(s): gaspen
it`s no good!
gaspiy (v) Variation(s): gaspiye
to waste, to squander, to fritter away
gaspiyaz (n)
waste, squandering
gaspiyer (n)
spendthrift, squanderer
gastrik (azek)
gastrit (n)
gastroanterit (n)
gastronom (n)
gastronomi (n)
gat (v) Variation(s): gate
1. to spoil, to mar, to ruin
2. to decay, to rot
3. to corrupt, to debauch, gat menaz = to break up a home, gat zami = to be no longer
friends, to be on bad term
gate (n)
dear, sweetheart, honey, fer gate koko = to cuddle
gate (azek)
1. spoilt, damaged, tainted, marred, ruined
2. decayed (esp. of teeth)
3. rotten (esp. of egg, cloth)
4. corrupted, debauched
gato (n)
1. cake
2. any confection, gato franse = oven-baked cakes, gato mari = cake for religious
services, gato maryaz = wedding
gav (v) Variation(s): gave
to cram, to stuff, to gorge (esp. with food)
gayar (azek)
lively, jovial, without a care in the world
gayn (v) Variation(s): gayne
1. to earn
2. to get, to obtain, to acquire
3. to gain. to profit
4. to win
5. to have (esp. of a baby), ki to gayne? = what`s the matter?, gayn fre, so, per
gaynan (n)
1. winning
2. winner
gaynpin (n) Variation(s): gaynpen
source of revenue
gaz (n)
1. flatulence, fart
2. gas
3. fizz, effervescence
4. tear-gas, asphyxiating-gas, poison-gas
5. wage, wage-scale
6. gauze bandage, gayn gaz ar kikenn = to be bored to tears by someone
gazal (azek)
ghazal, kind of song
gaze (azek)
1. aerated, effervescent, fizzy
2. flatulent, windy
gazel (n)
gazez (azek)
aerated, effervescent, fizzy, bwason gazez = mineral water
gazon (n)
1. grass
2. lawn
gazonn (v) Variation(s): gazone
planted with grass, to turf
gazuy (v) Variation(s): gazuye
1. to chirp, to warble, to twitter
2. to prattle, to babble, lapo kabri gazuye = to beat the drum, gazuye kuma
enn peroke = to talk too much
ge (azek)
cheerful, joyous, happy, enjoy
gel (v) Variation(s): gele
to cry, to wail, to whine, to weep
gelar (n & azek)
one who cries easily, cry-baby
geldelu (n)
gelpave (n)
species of fish
gembling (n)
geng (n)
gang, geng laburer = group of 24 labourers
gengster (n)
genn (n)
genon (n)
geri (v)
1. to heal, to cure
2. to recover, to get better
geri (azek)
healed, cured
geridon (n)
small round table
gerila (n)
guerilla, gerila irbin = urban guerilla
gerisab (azek)
geriser (n)
faith-curer, faith-healer. quack
gerizon (n)
recovery, healing, cure
gerlfrenn (n)
gerye (n & azek)
1. warrior, fighter
2. pugnacious, warlike, enn fim gerye = a war film
gestaws (n)
guest house
get (v) Variation(s): gete
1. to look at, to watch
2. to see
3. to consider, to look into
4. to consider as, to look upon as
5. to mind, to heed
6. to look after, get traver = to give a dirty look, getapan (n)
ambush, snare, trap
geto (n)
enclave, isolation, dan enn geto kominal = isolated into one community
getugeza (n)
get-together, social gathering (esp. at social centre)
geyt (n)
gid (n)
1. guide
2. girl-guide
gid (v) Variation(s): gide
to guide, to lead
gidigidi (v)
1. to tickle
2. to be ticklish
gidigidi (n)
gidon (n)
1. handle bars of a bicycle
2. steering wheel (esp. of a car)
gilas (n)
tumbler made of stainless steel, aluminium or copper
gilti (n)
hand-made filter of marijuana joint
gilti (azek)
found guilty in court
gin (n) Variation(s): gen
1. gain
2. personal advantage, pu so prop gin = for his personal gain
ginda (n) Variation(s): genda
gines (n)
brown ale
ginn (n)
gipir (n)
cloth decoration sewn on to clothing
girni (n)
gold sovereign
gise (n)
booking office, ticket office, pu zwe gise ferme = to play a match when the
audience is banned
gitaris (n)
guitarist, guitar-player
giyotinn (n)
giyotinn (v) Variation(s): giyotine
to guillotine
gladyater (n)
glanaz (n)
gleaning, picking-up what`s left
glann (v) Variation(s): glane
to glean, to pick up what has been left
glann (n)
1. tumour
2. gland
3. swollen gland
glas (v) Variation(s): glase
1. to ice, to chill, li glas mo disan, li fer mo disan glase = it makes my blood
2. to glaze, to gloss
3. a foul involving stopping football while another player is kicking it
glase (azek)
1. iced, cold
2. biting, freezing
3. glazed, glossy
glason (n)
ice, glason rape = grated, flavoured ice on a stick
glayel (n)
gler (n)
glair, gler servikal = cervical glair
glez (azek)
of clay, later glez = clay
glian (azek)
sticky, slimy, gluey
glikoz (n)
glis (v) Variation(s): glise
to slip, to slide, glis li larzan = to bribe
glisan (azek)
1. slippery
2. ticklish, delicate, hazardous
gliserinn (n)
glob (n)
electric-light bulb
global (azek)
entire, in the aggregate, enn som global = a lump sum
globalman (adv)
entirely, in the aggregate, in a lump
globil (n)
globule, globil ruz = red cells, globil blan = white cells
glorifye (v)
to glorify, to honour
2. to boast
gluglu (n)
gurgling, fer gluglu = to gurgle
glwar (n)
go (eks)
go; (after `take your marks`)
gob (v) Variation(s): gobe
1. to catch
2. to swallow down, to believe easily, gob mus = to moon about, yawn a lot
gob (n)
a mouthful
goberz (v) Variation(s): goberze
to eat, to feed oneself
goble (n)
godam (n)
warehouse, store
gode (azek)
on one`s lap
godon (n)
small spare room
gof (n)
crunchy cake made of flour and s ugar
gofre (azek)
puffed (esp. of sleeve)
gogi (n)
gunny or plastic bag used temporarily as shelter against rain
gognar (v) Variation(s): gognarde
to scoff, to mock, to jeer, to banter, to chuff
gogot (n)
1. penis
2. stupid prick!
goldfis (n)
a kind of fish
golet (n)
1. bamboo stick
2. 10 feet (french feet = 13 inches), golet latrenn = outrigger
golf (n)
1. golf
2. gulf, zwe golf = to play golf
golgote (v)
to wander
golmal (azek)
all wrong, untidy, crooked
golwa (azek)
gom (v) Variation(s): gome
1. to erase, to rub out
2. to put gum on developed offset-plates
gom (n) Variation(s): gomelastik
rubber, eraser
gomon (n)
1. sea-weed
2. moss, algae
3. a no-good, a blunderer, gomon de pus lor lekor = filthy, gomon diten =
kind of sea-weed
gon (n)
1. hinge
2. quiet oaf
3. rice-eating insect
gonaz (n)
odd bits of food
gondol (v) Variation(s): gondole
to warp, to be warped
gondole (azek)
gonfle (v)
1. to inflate, to pump up
2. to swell
3. to puff up, to bloat
gonfleman (n)
action of inflating, pumping, blowing up
gong (n)
goni (n) Variation(s): guni
1. sack, potato bag
2. gunny, hemp, jute
gonore (n)
gopya (n & azek)
fool, booby
gor (v) Variation(s): gore
1. to copy, to plagiarize
2. to cheat
gorer (n)
copyist, plagiarist
goril (n)
1. gorilla
2. bruiser
gorl (n)
gorli (n)
goalkeeper (esp. in football)
gorz (n)
gorze (n)
gulp, draught, sip
gos (n)
1. left-hand side
2. left (esp. in boxing)
gos (azek)
1. left
2. clumsy, awkward, bashful, blundering
3. left-wing (esp. in politics)
gosar (n & azek)
left-handed, left-handed person
goslo (n)
go-slow, work-to-rule
gospel (n)
1. gospel
2. gospel studies
gosri (n)
clumsiness, awkwardness, bashfulness, blunder
gota (n & azek)
undamaged nut
gotik (azek)
gotni (n)
the mothers of two spouses
govinndenn (n)
religious festival
goyav (n) Variation(s): guyav
1. guava
2. fool, idiot, goyav desinn, goyav gargolet, goyav defrans, goyav de lenn =
kinds of guava
goyavye (n)
a guava tree
gozye (n)
throat, gullet
gra (n)
fat (esp. of meat)
gra (azek)
1. fat, fleshy, fatty, corpulent, obese
2. greasy, oily, slimy
3. clayey, rich (esp. of land, soil)
4. thick (esp. of ink, paint cement)
5. thankless, unappreciative, to tro gra = you have too muc
grabo (n)
small rocks
grad (n)
grade, rank, grad monte, mont angrad = to be promoted
gradin (n) Variation(s): graden
gradub (n & azek)
a very fat person
gradyan (n)
gradye (n)
gradye (azek)
gradyel (azek)
gradyelman (adv)
gradually, progressively
graf (n)
graph, kaye graf = graph book
gram (n)
1. split pea
2. gramme
gramatin (n) Variation(s): gramaten
early morning, sunrise
gramer (n)
1. grandmother, granny
2. grammar
3. grammar book
gramo (n) Variation(s): gramofonn
gran (azek)
1. tall, big, grown-up, full-grown
2. great, influential, important
3. old
4. spacious, capacious
5. large, big, gran lagel = loud mouth, gran ledo = a g
gran-dimunn (n) Variation(s): gran-paran
1. grand parents
2. an old person
3. a respectable person
4. ancestors
gran-frer (n)
elder brother
gran-koko (n)
a learned person, very brilliant person
gran-madam (n.f)
domestic workers` chief employer
gran-mal (n)
1. epilepsy
2. sorcery
gran-misye (n)
big boss
grander (n)
1. height, stature
2. size, extent, expanse, foli grander = delusions of grandeur
grandi (v)
1. to grow, to grow up
2. to enlarge
grandvwal (n)
grandyoz (azek)
granfog (n)
type of jib
granfon (n)
deep sea
granile (azek)
granulated, kafe granile = granulated coffee
granit (n)
granmama (n)
granmersi (int)
thank God!
grann-rut (n)
main road, high road
granper (n) Variation(s): granpapa
granser (n)
elder sister
gransoz (n)
as in, pa gransoz = unimportant, pena gransoz ladan = it is of minor
grap (n)
bunch, cluster
grapin (n) Variation(s): grapen
1. 3-pronged hook (esp. attached to rope)
2. claws, met grapin = to claw
gras (n)
pardon, forgiveness, indulgence, mercy, dimann gras = to ask pardon of, to
call for quarter, grasgras-a = thanks to
grasye (v)
to pardon, to reprieve to pity
grat (n & azek)
scraper, commonly used in gardening, enn plim grat, enn bek grat = a
scratchy pen, a scratchy nib
grat (v) Variation(s): grate
1. to scratch
2. to scrape, to scale (esp. of fish)
3. to rake
4. to eliminate, to reject
5. to write, grate pintire = to scrub and to dress oneself, mo grate, mo
grataz (n)
grater-kann (n)
gratifikasyon (n)
gratin (n) Variation(s): graten
mashed vegetable dish cooked in oven
gratis (adv)
free of cost, gratis
gratitid (n)
gratiyne (azek)
to scratch
gratman (n)
gratpapye (n)
scribbler, pen-pusher
gratsyel (n)
gratwit (azek)
free (of charge)
gratwitman (adv)
free of charge
grav (v) Variation(s): grave
1. to engrave, to grave
2. to impress, to imprint
grav (azek)
serious, dangerous
graver (n)
gravir (n)
picture, illustration
gravite (n)
1. force of gravity
2. gravity, seriousness
gravman (adv)
gravye (n)
grawnflor (n)
ground floor
grawnrays (n)
ground rice
graynder (n)
gref (n)
gref (v) Variation(s): grefe
to graft
grefe (azek)
grefye (n)
1. official who notes down proceedings in court or civil status office
2. one who grafts plants
grek (n)
Greek, Greek language
grek (azek)
Greek, Grecian, koz grek = to talk while others fail to understand
grena (azek)
grenad (n)
1. pomegranate
2. grenade
grenad (n)
grenadinn (n)
passion fruit, grenadinn kari = gourd-like vegetable
grenadye (n)
1. pomegranate-tree
2. grenadier
grener (n)
1. one who has gone down socially
2. very poor
grenn (n)
grenn (v) Variation(s): grene
1. to fall from the stalk, to shake (esp. of leaves, fruit) from a tree
2. to go to the dogs, so seve pe grene = he is going bald, grenn so ledan = to
punch his teet
grenuy (n) Variation(s): grenwi
grenye (n)
greo (n)
semola, semolina
grepfrut (n)
gres (v) Variation(s): grese
to grease, to make greasy, to oil, to lubricate
gresaz (n)
greasing, oiling, lubrication
greser (n)
grevi (n)
grevis (n)
striker, grevis lafin = hunger striker
grey (v) Variation(s): greye
1. to smooth the walls before painting
2. to dent walls before plastering
gri (azek)
grey, papye gri = brown paper
grif (v) Variation(s): grife
to claw, to scratch
grif (n)
1. claw
2. hook on a line for lifting fish-traps
grifonn (v) Variation(s): grifone
to scrawl, to scribble
grigri (n)
sorcery, witchcraft
grimas (n)
1. grimace, funny-face
2. odds and ends, fer grimas = to make faces at, to mess about
grimase (v)
to make faces at
grin (n) Variation(s): gren
1. grain, berry
2. bit, particle
3. light rainfall
4. fit (esp. of anger, bad-temper), gro-grin = coarse, grin dorz = gutter (esp.
grinblan (n) Variation(s): grenblan
heavy rain at sea
grinlapli (n) Variation(s): grenlapli
light shower
grinp (v) Variation(s): grinpe, grenp, grenpe
1. to climb, to clamber up
2. to creep up
grinper (n) Variation(s): grenper
good at hill-climbing
grins (v) Variation(s): grinse, grens, grense
1. to grind, to grate, to gnash
2. to be angry, irritable, grins ledan = gnash one`s teeth
grinsek (n) Variation(s): grensek
dried pulses
grinsman (n) Variation(s): grensman
grinding, grating, gnashing
gripe (azek)
ill with influenza
griy (v) Variation(s): griye
1. to grill, to broil
2. to toast (esp. of bread)
3. to fire, to shoot
4. to finish a work in haste
griyad (n)
grilling, broiling
griyaz (n)
griynot (v) Variation(s): griynote
to gnaw, to nibble
grize (azek)
slightly drunk
gro (azek)
1. big, large, bulky
2. thick
3. swollen
4. gruff, rough, leker gro = to be deeply affected, gro palto = a big knob, gro
groble (azek)
dark blue
grodan (n)
grodisel (n)
unrefined salt
grofey (n)
kind of bush used as fodder
grofey (azek)
poor quality (esp. of marijuana)
grofil (azek)
grog (n)
1. one spirit-measure (approx. 1/16 of a bottle), one tot
2. a drink (esp. of rhum)
groge (v)
to drink, to tope
grogrenn (n)
hernia, hydrocoele
grogrin (azek) Variation(s): grogren
grokay (n)
mile, grokay = kind of mullet
groker (azek)
jealous, envious
grolani (n)
grolizye (azek)
greedy, grasping
gromo (n)
swear word
gronaz (n) Variation(s): gonaz
odds and ends of food
gropalto (n)
big knob
gropumon (azek)
jealous, envious
gropwa (n)
butter bean
groras (azek)
hereditarily big-built
gros (n)
gross, 144
gros (azek)
groser (n)
1. size, bulk
2. bigness, largeness, hugeness
3. swelling, tumour, lump
groses (n)
grosi (v)
1. to make bigger, to grow bigger
2. to swell
grosis (n)
grosomodo (adv)
grostet (n)
1. setback, disappointment, blow, gayn grostet = to be disconcerted
2. kind of fish, also called kapitenn grostet
grosye (azek)
1. rough, unmannerly
2. abusive, enn travay grosye = shoddy work
grosyerman (adv)
1. roughly
2. abusively
3. clumsily
grosyerte (n)
grovant (azek)
grover (azek)
dark green
groyman (n)
1. grunt
2. groan, grumble, growl
groyn (v) Variation(s): groyne
1. to grunt
2. to groan, to grumble, to growl
groynon (n & azek)
grimbler, growler, grumbling, growling
grozo (azek)
grup (n)
1. group, party
2. unit
grup (v) Variation(s): grupe
1. to group, to gather, to unite
2. to crowd
grupman (n)
gu (n)
1. taste, savour, smack
2. liking, inclination, sakenn so gu = tastes differ
gudri (n)
old rags
gudrinn (n)
mattress or blanket made of old rags
gudron (n)
pitch, tar
gudwil (n)
gujrati (n & azek)
gulabjamunn (n)
sweet cake
gulafur (n)
opium hooker
gulag (n)
gulagula (n)
sweet round cake
gulagula (v)
to gargle
guli (n)
guli kann = internode in cane, guli dannta = a game with sticks
gunga (n & azek)
gunga (azek) Variation(s): gungi
1. dumb
2. silly
gungat (n)
gungru (n)
little bells worn around ankles (esp. for dancing)
guni (n) Variation(s): goni
1. sack, gunny bag
2. gunny
gunn (n)
a festival
gunu-gunu (n)
small red worm used as bait
gupi (n)
securing pin
guraku (n)
pipe for smoking marijuana and other drugs
guramye (n)
kind of fish
gurd (n)
gourd for carrying drinking water
gurdin (n) Variation(s): gurden
club, stick
gurguri (n)
tool used for bending iron
gurjann (n)
kind of timber
gurman (n)
gurman (azek)
gurmandiz (n)
gus (n)
1. skein
2. bribe
gut (n)
1. drop, drip
2. gout
gut (v) Variation(s): gute
1. to taste
2. to feel, to experience
gutyer (n)
leak (esp. in the roof)
guvern (v) Variation(s): guverne
1. to govern, to rule
2. to command, to direct
3. to steer (esp. of a boat)
guvernay (n)
rudder, helm
guverner (n)
guvernman (n)
guyav (n) Variation(s): goyav
1. guava
2. fool, idiot
gwaf (n)
a hook used to embark large fish
gwano (n)
gwelet (n)
2-mast boat

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