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Private & Confidential

Date: XXth August 2023

Reference: XX-XX-XX-00XX

Mr. M. W
CNIC # 33100-xxxxxx-xx
Phone: 0333-XXXXXXX
Address: Chak no. XX G.B,XXXXXXX
Tehsil XXXXX


Further to the recent interview and the subsequent discussion, Arazi Advisors Private Limited
(the Company) is pleased to offer you the position of Sales Executive (Contract basis) based at
Faisalabad, against the following employment contract:

THIS EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT (the “Contract”) is entered in Faisalabad on this 28th day of
August 2023

Arazi Advisors Private Limited (the “Company”) a company incorporated and existing under
the laws of The Companies Act 2017 with office at 269-B, First Floor, Al-Arabia Tower, People's
Colony # 1, Harrianwala Chowk, D-Ground near Shaukat Fabrics, Faisalabad .342


Mr. M. W S/O of Mr. M. XYZ resident of Chak no. XX G.B, XXXXX Tehsil XXXXX, Faisalabad having
CNIC # 33105-XXXXXX-X (the “Employee”).

(The Company and the Employee shall here in after collectively be referred to as the “Parties”
and individually as the “Party”)


The Company is setup for the primary object of operating a real estate sector. The other activities
of the Company include, for the time being, real estate marketing, real estate advertising, real
estate magazine, real estate management software, real estate index, real estate advertising
agency and real estate exhibitions (expos) and events.

(A) The employee has acquired the necessary academic qualifications and skills in the
various aspects of the Company’s industry to undertake and perform, satisfactory,
certain tasks and responsibilities.

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(B) The Company, therefore, desires to employ the services (on Contract basis) of the
Employee, and the Employee desires to be employed by the Company as Sales
Executive on the terms and conditions of this contract.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises covenants contained herein, the
parties intending to be legally bound hereby, agree as follows:


i. The detailed terms and conditions relating to employment working style, probation
period, term & renewal and mechanism to get permanent employment status in the
Company is numerated in the Annexure A which forms an integral part of this
Contract hereto.


i. A hybrid model of remuneration is being offered to the Employee under this Contract
meaning thereby remuneration comprises of a fixed monthly salary and a specific
percentage of selling commission against every sold unit / shop / plot / apartment or
any sellable unit in the TGC Mall.

ii. Complete remuneration model is detailed in Annexure B which forms an integral part
of this Contract hereto.


i. The Employee shall be bound at all times by the terms of the Company policies, rules
and regulations, including the Company service rules and \ or human resource internal
policy(ies) as may be made applicable and \ or amended from time to time.

ii. In addition to the obligations of the Employee herein contained, the duties of the
Employee shall include all such duties as are normally expected of a Sales Executive,
for a business carrying on the activity of real estate marketing and / or development
and other connected and related activities as set out in Annexure A.

iii. The Employee shall, at all time, exercise reasonable professional skill and care in the
performance of his / her duties, and shall comply with all applicable laws, including any
duties implied by law.

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iv. The Employee shall perform task and undertake responsibilities under the directions
and supervision of his / her line authority and he / she will carry out the duties and
assignments entrusted to him / her from time to time.

v. The Employee shall discharge his / her duties and responsibilities efficiently and
diligently to the satisfaction of the Company and shall promote the interest of the

vi. The Employee shall strictly perform, observe and conform to such duties and
instructions as communicated from time to time by the Company and shall not act in
any manner contrary to the interest of the Company.

vii. The Employee hereby gives consent to the Company to monitor and record the
exchange of any communications, information or data through the Company
electronics systems. The Employee understands and acknowledges that the aforesaid
consent is necessary for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the Company policies
as may be amended from time to time, misuse of Company facilities, breach of
confidentiality or any other terms of this contact.

viii. The Employee shall be advised from time to time in writing of the extent and scope of
his / her authority in dealing with third parties and shall work within scope of such
authority. In the absence of any specific express written authority, the Employee shall
not make any binding commitment on behalf of the Company.

ix. The Employee shall not at any time, except in the case of illness, absent himself /
herself from his / her duties without the prior written consent of the Company. In case
of illness the Employee shall inform the Company at the first opportunity and provide
the Company details of any illness along with supporting materials, such as medical
certificates and advice.

x. The Employee shall at all time, both within and outside of working hours conduct
himself / herself in a proper fitting and manner towards the Company and its
customers and duly observe, obey, comply with and adhere to, in all respects, all
Company policies (as may be amended from time to time), local laws rules and
regulations for the time being enforced.

xi. The Employee shall not engage directly or indirectly in any other occupation during the
term of this Contract.

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xii. The Employee shall not, at any time, make any untrue or misleading statement relating
to the Company and shall uphold the interest of the Company to the best of his / her
ability and shall do nothing to prejudice such interest at any time, either during the
term of this Contract or after termination / expiry hereof.

xiii. The Employee agrees that he / she shall keep the contents of this Contract

xiv. Any disagreement / differences between the Employee and the Company shall be
looked into and settled by the Management or the personnel nominated by the
Management of the Company in this regard – the Employee undertake to accept
Company decision in this regard.


i. The Employee hereby assigns to the Company all rights, including, without limitations,
copyrights, patents, trade secret rights, and other intellectual property rights
associated with any ideas, concept techniques inventions processes, works of
authorship, confidential information or trade secrets:

a) conceived, developed or created by the Employee, solely or jointly with others,

during the term of his / her employment with the Company;

b) that the Employee conceives, develops, discovers or makes in whole or in part

during the term of this Contract that relate to the Company or its affiliates, or the
predecessors of any such entities, or the actual or anticipated research or
development of the Company or any affiliate of the Company, or the
predecessors of any such entities;

c) that the Employee conceives, develops, discovers or makes as whole or in part

during the term of this Contract that are made through the use of any of the
finances, equipment, facilities, supplies, trade secrets or time of the Company or
its affiliates, or the predecessors of any such entities, or that result from any
work the Employee performs for the Company or its affiliates, or the
predecessors of any such entities;


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d) developed or created by the Employee, solely or jointly with others, at any time
before the signing of this Contract, that relate to or involve the Company
businesses (including, inter alia the business of the all related parties, allied
concerns and sister concerns of the Company (the “Company Group”)).

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) above shall collectively be “Work Product”

Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent possible, all software, compilations
and others original works of authorship included in the Work Product will be
considered a work made for hire. If, notwithstanding the foregoing, the
Employee with any reason retains any rights, title or interest in or relating to any
Work Product the Employee agrees promptly to assign, in writing and without
any requirement of any further consideration all such right, title and interest to
the Company. Upon request of the Company at any time during or after the
Employment Period, the Employee will take such further actions, including
execution and delivery of instruments of conveyance, as may be appropriate to
evidence, perfect, record or otherwise give full and proper effect to any
assignments of rights under or pursuant to this contract. The Employee will
promptly disclose to the Company any such Work Product in writing.


i. The Employee shall not at any time, weather during the term of this Contract or after
termination here of for any reason whatsoever, this clause, divulge, may public, impart
or make use of any confidential information for the use of the Employee or for any
other purpose or too anyone other than as directed by or with the consent of the

ii. The Employee shall not, except in the proper course of his / her duties under this
Contract, remove from the premises of the Company or copy or allow others to copy
the contents of any document, computer disk, tape or other tangible item which
contain any confidential information or which belongs to the Company, acquired
directly or indirectly during the course of the Employment.

iii. For the purpose of this Contract, the term “Confidential Information” shall mean
any information which is not known to the public (including, without limitation, any
information, content, letter, advice, email, fax, memorandum, contract, plans, report,
presentations, research , analysis, summary, training material or any other document,
including all drafts thereof, whether in hard – copy or electronic file or format or any
other way of representing or recording information which contains or is derived or

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copied from such information) furnished by the Company in good faith under the
reasonable belief or express instructions that it shall be in fact treated as confidential,
it shall also include any written or verbal information relating to the business or the
affairs of:

a) the Company, subsidiaries, associated companies and affiliates;

b) clients of the Company, including any prospective client of the Company their
subsidiaries, associated companies and affiliates and / or

c) any company, firm or person with which the Company, its subsidiaries,
associated companies or affiliates, may at any time be in commercial technical co
– operation or association;

For the sake of clarification and without, in any way, limiting the generality of the foregoing,
it is specifically stated that the term Confidential Information shall include (i) business
connections, client detail, contracts, payment details, services packages, and (ii) Company
strategy, business / investment / marketing plans and Company financial information.

iv. The Employee acknowledges that by virtue of being an Employee of the Company, he /
she will, at a minimum, be provided and / or have access to confidential information
relating to trade secrets, business connections, client details, contracts, payment
details, services packages, company strategy, business / investment / marketing plans
and company financials and said information has business and financial value to the
Company and constitutes its trade secrets. In consideration of such provision or
access, the Employee agrees that after termination / expiry of this Contract, he / she
shall not disclose such trade secrets.


i. The Employee covenants that, during the Period of Employment and up to one year
after termination / expiry of this Contract under Clause 9, or such other maximum
period as may be permitted under law, he / she shall not, in the geographical area of
Pakistan (the territory);

a) compete with the Company in any way whatsoever, directly or indirectly,

including without limitation as a shareholder, owner, partner, employee, agent or
consultant of another competing business;

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b) shall not in any way whatsoever, directly or indirectly, give service, information
or advice, or in any way become connected with any other company, firm or
person engaged in the business similar to that being done by the Company,
including those specified in Annexure A or any business incidental thereto. This
will specifically include the entities mentioned in Clause 6 ii below;

c) solicit or endeavor to entice away from or discourage any dealing with the
Company by any person who was, at any time during the period of one year
preceding the date of termination / expiry, a supplier, vendor, contractor,
customer or client of the Company or endeavor to influence in any way the
relationship between any supplier, vendor, contractor, client or customer of the
Company ,including any prospective supplier, vendor, contractor, client or
customer of the Company, of which the Employee has knowledge, idea or
awareness due to his / her Employment;

d) supply or provide any goods or services to any person who was, at any time
during the period of one year preceding the date of termination / expiry, a
supplier, contractor, customer or client of the Company, including any
prospective supplier, contractor or client of the Company, of which the Employee
has knowledge, idea or awareness due to his / her Employment;

e) recruit, solicit, induce or attempt to induce, any employee of the Company or its
affiliates to terminate their employment with, or otherwise cease their
relationship with, the Company or its affiliates, whether or not such person would
be in breach of Contract by reason of such termination;

f) take any action which is prejudicial to the name, business and / or trading
position of the Company which would or could cause damage to the Company or
Employee of the Company.

ii. In this regard, the Employee specifically acknowledges and agrees that aforementioned
restrictive covenants shall apply (for One year at least) in respect of the entities listed
below (including their subsidiaries, associates, affiliates and any entities in which the
same have any direct or indirect legal or beneficial interest or with which they have
any strategic business relationship);

(ii) Zameen Media Private Limited;
(iii) Star Marketing Private Limited; and

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(iv) Gravity Associates Private Limited

(v) Agency 21
(vii) Today’s Marketing
(viii) Waleed Landmark Construction & Developers Private Limited
(ix) Any other real estate firm / company as may be notifies as prohibited by the
Company from time to time

The Company is entitled at its sole discretion to add other entities to the above list and notify the
same in writing to the Employee. Upon such notification, the additional entity(ies) shall be deemed
to always have been part of this clause.

iii. In case the Employee is in breach of Clauses 5 and / or 6, the Company shall be
entitled to resort to all available legal remedies to enforce its contractual rights against
the Employee and any person connected thereto and in particular, to seek injunction
from a competent forum against the Employee or any other relevant person(s) for the
effective enforcement of the aforementioned covenants.

iv. The Employee fully understands and agrees to the covenants stated in Clauses 5 and
6 and acknowledges that in view of the applicable laws as interpreted by the courts,
the same are reasonable in order for the Company to protect its legitimate financial
and business interests.


i. Without prejudice to the right under Clause 7 ii and 7 iii, in the event of breach or
violation of Clauses 5 or 6 or Sub-clause xii of Annexure A, of the Contract, the
Employee undertakes and hereby agrees to indemnify the Company, i.e. Arazi Advisors
Private Limited, for a minimum amount of PKR 500,000/- (Five Hundred Thousand
Only) (the “Indemnity Amount”).

ii. For payment of the Indemnity Amount, the Employee shall execute a promissory note
in favor of the Company.

iii. The Company shall also be entitled to recover and set off the Indemnity Amount from
any amounts due to the Employee including end of services benefits.

iv. The provision(s) of the promissory note and indemnification by the Employee is
without prejudice to the rights of the Company under Clause 7 ii and 7 iii above.
Further, the Indemnity Amount is not by way of a cap and in case any losses /

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damages / costs incurred or suffered by the Company in excess of the Indemnity

Amount, the Employee shall remain liable for any such losses / damages / costs and
the Company shall be entitled to recover the same through all available legal means.


i. At the time of signing of this Contract, the Employee declares and confirms that he /
she has no obligations to any prior employer or other person or organization which
may interfere with his / her performance at the Company, resulting in any conflict of
interest for affiliates or clients. The Employee further confirms that he / she has no
commitments or restrictions as a result of past or present consulting agreements,
directorship, ownership, other position or connection with any other organization, and
shall not enter such commitments without prior approval of the Company.

ii. The Employee agrees to disclose any matter urgently to the Company including
matters relating to his / her family if it involves conflict of interest between his / her
personal commitments and his / her obligation under this Contract.

iii. The Employee shall not directly or indirectly accept any commission, rebate, discount
or gratuity, in cash or in kind, from any person, partnership or company who has or is
likely to have any sort of relationship with the Company, its subsidiaries or associated


a. During the Probationary Period, the Company may terminate the Contract with or
without cause with immediate effect by serving a notice of termination on the
Employee. In such a case, the Company will not be obligated to pay the Employee any
amount(s) including any salary or compensation.

b. During the Period of Employment, either party may terminate the Contract without
cause by serving upon the other one (01) months’ notice in writing or in lieu
thereof, paying to the other an amount equal to one (01) months’ salary of the

c. The Company is also entitled to dismiss the Employee at any time without notice or
payment in lieu thereof, if the Employee;

a) commits a serious breach of his / her obligations as an Employee;

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b) the requirements of any regulatory body whose consent is required to undertake

his / her appointment are not complied with;
c) cease to be eligible to work in the Pakistan and / or is declared bankrupt.

d) is habitually late and absent without permission and is unable to provide a

satisfactory explanation of the same or overstays leave without permission;
e) has other employment(s) which has not been disclosed to the Company at the
time of execution of the Contract;

f) is incapacitated or is caught by any mental disease which undermines his / her

capacity to perform his / her duties in Company;

g) is convicted of any criminal offence under Pakistan Penal Code 1860 or any
applicable law which carries imprisonment along with it;

h) cease to hold professional qualification; or

i) in the reasonable opinion of Company, the Employee is found negligent and

incompetent in performance of his / her duties or is guilty of any fraud or
dishonest acts which are adverse to the interests of Company.

d. Nothing in this Clause shall prevent the Company from terminating the Contract in case
of any breach.

e. The termination of the Contract shall not effect in any ways the obligations of the
Employee under Clause 4, 5, 6, and 7 hereof which obligations shall continue to be
fully binding on the Employee notwithstanding such termination.

f. The exercise of termination rights shall be in addition to, and not in substitution for,
any other remedies that may be available to the Company and the exercise of such
rights shall not relieve the Employee of the obligation incurred till the date of such
termination, or relieve the Employee from liability and damages for breach of the

g. The rights of Company to terminate the Contract are without prejudice to any other
rights that it might have at law.

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h. On termination of the Contract, the Employee shall immediately, (a) deliver to the
Company all the documents, record, books, all documents pertaining to Confidential
Information relating to business affairs, mobile phones, computer, and any keys,
which are in the possession of Employee or under his / her control; and (b) delete all
Confidential Information from any computer disks, tapes or other re-usable materials in
his / her possession or under his / her control and destroy all other documents and
tangible items and properties in his / her possession or under his / her control, which
contain or refer to any Confidential Information.

i. The Employee shall not at any time after termination, represent himself / herself as
connected with the Company in any capacity whatsoever.

j. If upon or after the termination of Employment for any reason whatsoever, the
Employee is or becomes indebted to the Company against any sum or sums of money,
the Company shall have the right to retain and set off against the amount of such

k. Notwithstanding the termination of services as stipulated herein, the Employee will be

retired from the services of the Company on attaining the age of sixty (60) years. As
per the documents submitted, the Employee’s date of birth has been noted in our
records as 05th May 19XX.


The Employee shall not assign the benefits of the Contract to any third person and shall not
delegate to a third person the duties to be performed by him / her under the Contract.


In the event that any provision in the Contract should under applicable law be held illegal or
void, such provision shall be considered severable and the remaining clauses and provisions
shall continue in full force and effect. In such case, the Parties shall make every effort to
replace the ineffective provision with a new provision which has the same effect, or as
approximate effect as possible, as the said provision. If the Parties cannot agree to such new
provision, either party shall be entitled to terminate the Contract with immediate effect.

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Failure of either party to insist upon the strict and punctual performance of any provision
herein shall not constitute a waiver of the right to require such performance, nor shall a
waiver in one case constitute a waiver with respect to a later breach whether of similar
nature or otherwise. Nothing in the Contract shall prevent any Party from enforcing its rights
by such remedies as may be available in addition to termination.


This Contract, along with Annexure A, B & C by Employee and all Company policies (as
may be amended from time to time), constitutes the entire Contract the Parties hereto with
respect to the subject matter hereof and, upon its effectiveness, shall supersede all prior
agreements, understandings and arrangements, both oral and written, between the
Employee and the Company (or any of its affiliates) with respect to such subject matter. This
Contract may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an
original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This
Contract may not be modified in any way unless by a written instrument signed by both the
Company and the Employee.


The Contract is made at Faisalabad and the courts at Faisalabad shall have exclusive
jurisdiction in respect of all matters arising under or pertaining to the Contract.


All notices required or contemplated under the Contract shall be given in writing by
registered mail, acknowledgement due, to the following;

 If to the Company: Company address stated above (courier or registered mail only)
 If to the Employee: Employee address stated above (courier or registered mail only)

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Contract, tax liability, if any, shall be the
exclusive responsibility of the Employee, and the Employee hereby authorizes the Company
to make any tax withholding, at any time, from his / her salary and benefits as may be
required by law or local regulations. Similarly, if an obligation is placed by any other statute /
law at any point on the Company to deduct from the Employee salary and deposit as
prescribed, the Company may do so.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have signed the Contract, its Annexures A, B & C, the
conditions set therein, of their own free will, in the presence of witnesses.


Read, Understood & Signed: __________________

Mr. M. W

Authorised Signature: __________________

Ahmed Javed
Director Arazi Advisors Private Limited

Name: _____________________
CNIC #: _____________________
Contact #: _____________________
Signature: _____________________

Name: _____________________
CNIC #: _____________________
Contact #: _____________________
Signature: _____________________

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“Annexure A”

i. The Employee shall be employed as Sales Executive at the Company office located in
Faisalabad with effect from the date first mentioned above, for a probationary period and
period of employment (cumulatively, “Term”) as fully described in Sub clause v below.

ii. The Employee may be required to perform his / her duties at other locations \ countries or to
transfer to the associated companies in other locations during the period of employment.
Any such transfer shall be subject to mutual agreement in writing between both Parties.

iii. Standard working hours for the employees are 11 00 hours to 19 00 hours, 6 days a week
with the provision of one-hour lunch break. The working week will be a minimum of 40
hours but the employee shall endeavor, at all times to remains available for the needs of the
Company and requirements of an employee in the position of Sales Executive.

iv. The reporting line of the Employee will be to Manager Sales who will assign the Employee
duties and responsibilities in carrying out his / her day-to-day job activities. The Company
may, however, at its entire discretion, change the reporting line and / or the requirements of
the position the Employee will be working with / for.

v. The Employee shall serve a probationary period (the “Probationary period”) of three (03)
months starting from the date of this Contract till such time that the Employee is notified in
writing that he / she has been confirmed as a permanent employee. During the probationary
period the Employee’s suitability for employment shall be assessed at the Company

vi. It is mandatory for the Employee to close at least 01 sales in every month during the
Probationary period meaning thereby that in order to get Permanent status in the Company,
meaning thereby that the Employee is required to close at least 03 sales during his / her
Probationary period at any cost.

vii. Besides Sub-clause vi of Annexure A, the Employee is also required to manage to

conduct, during the Probationary period, at least 10 (Ten) meetings relating to sales in the
Corporate office of the Company.

viii. The Manager Sales & Compliance department shall assess and appraise performance,
as required by Sub-clause vi, of every employee every month during Probationary period.
In case, if Employee cannot manage to close at least 01 sales during first or second month
of Probationary period, it shall be the sole discretion of the Company to let the Employee
complete his / her Probationary period or not. The assessment and appraisal by Manager
Sales & Compliance department shall include many considerations such as, meetings
arranged as per Sub-clause vii and ability to arrange further, Employee’s attitude (towards,

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Company, clients, colleagues), behavior, team work, ability to meet deadlines & pressure,
inclination towards the business of Company, dedication and many other variables necessary
to determine the urge to retain the Employee.

ix. Notwithstanding Sub-clause viii above, the Employee is required meet the criteria
mentioned in Sub-clause vi cumulatively to get permanent employee status in the

x. The performance of Employee shall be closely monitored by the Manager Sales and
Compliance department and in case the Employee cannot manage to close the sales as
mentioned in Sub-clause vi of Annexure A, the Employee shall not be entitled to get the
Permanent status so shall the contract not be renewed.

xi. Should the Employment continue after the Probationary period, i.e. the Employee has
managed to meet the criteria mentioned in Sub-clause vi of Annexure A, the duration of
this Contract shall be for an unspecified period (the “Period of Employment”). The Period of
Employment shall start from the date of written confirmation (the “Confirmation Date”) and
shall continue unless terminated in accordance with Clause 9.

xii. One of the terms and conditions of this Contract also requires the Employee (during any time
in his / her job with the Company) not to:

a. engage himself with any other Team Leader of the Company in any way
whatsoever. This clause requires that the Employee shall not in any way:

i. ask any Team leader(s) to provide any sales leads to the Employee;

ii. provide sales leads to any Team leader(s);

iii. take any suggestion, solicitation, command or any other form of help or
dictation to increase or close any sales deal;

iv. express with words or his behavior to any other person within or outside
the Company to believe that the Employee is connected / associated /
linked to any Team leader in any ways whatsoever;

b. engage, neither actively or passively in any case whatsoever, in any business out of
Arazi Advisors Private Limited nor do any business with any previous employers /
(real estate companies he has worked in past) in any way, in any capacity

Besides, the Employee must also read this sub-clause along with Clause 6 ii.

xiii. Any violation of Sub-clause xii of Annexure A shall also provoke the Clause 7 of this
Contract making the Employee liable to pay to the Company a penalty of PKR 500,000/-.

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xiv. The Employee shall also manage to express himself / herself as an employee of the
Company at all social media platforms at which he / she is register / has an account such as;

a. LinkedIn
b. Facebook
c. Instagram
d. Twitter X
e. WhatsApp or any other platform at which Employee has an active social media
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“Annexure B”

i. In consideration of Employee rendering the services and observing and performing the
convents and obligations herein contained, the Company will pay a monthly gross fixed
salary of PKR 40,000/- (Forty Thousand Only) (the Salary) to the Employee as per the
employee compensation break up as mentioned in below table:


Compensation PKR PKR in Words
Basic Salary 20,000/- Twenty Thousand
House / Rent Allowance Nil Not Applicable
Mobile Allowance 5,000/- Five Thousand
Utilities Allowance 5,000/- Five Thousand
Transport / Fuel allowance 10,000/- Ten Thousand

ii. Besides abovementioned gross fixed salary, the Employee shall also be entitled to a benefit
of 02% of total selling price, for every sold unit / shop / plot / apartment or any sellable
unit in the Project being marketed by the Company, as selling commission.

iii. The very commission shall be paid to the Employee in the next month to the date when
Employee becomes entitled to the selling commission against every sold unit / shop / plot /
apartment or any sellable unit in the Project being marketed by the Company along with the
salary. The term next month means that

iv. The date when Employee becomes entitled to selling commission as mentioned in Sub-
clause iii of Annexure B is the date when (after the required down payment of the sold
unit has completely been received by the Developer and relevant file of the sold unit,
whatever, has been prepared by the Developer) and office copy of the file against sold units
whatever, duly signed and thumb impression pasted by the owner of the same, has been
submitted to the Developer.

v. The salary shall be payable in arrears at the end of each month subject to such deductions,
if any, as specified under the terms of this contract, withholding tax or any other applicable
taxes shall be deducted from the salary.

vi. The Company shall be entitled to deduct from the salary any money that is owed to the
Company by the Employee at any time.

vii. No matter after completing Probationary period, the Employee manages to get the
permanent status in the Company with a successful performance review by Manager Sales
& Compliance department, the incentives & remuneration terms of this letter are valid till
1 year from the date the Employee joined the Company.

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Private & Confidential

Date: XXth August 2023

Reference: XX-XX-XX-00XX

“Annexure C”

I, Mr. M. W, hereby declare that:

1. My salary information is highly confidential and neither shall I share or disclose it to others,
violation of it may lead to disciplinary actions, nor shall I misuse this contract letter for salary
increase or gaining other benefits from my present employee.

2. By signing on this contract letter, I hereby solemnly affirm that I am medically fit to work on
the above mentioned position.

3. I have carefully read, understood and accepted the above terms and conditions of
employment with Arazi Advisors Private Limited, and hereby agree to be bound by these in all

Mr. M. W

CC: Personal File – HR department

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