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APPLICATION Self Progress Check Test. Be fair with yourself.

Make this test a real gauge of

what you have known from course.

A. Complete the statement.

Diversity means accepting differences in people's ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, genders,

physical and mental abilities, races, sexual orientations, religions, sizes, levels of education,
occupations, personality traits, and other aspects of who they are as a whole. It enables the
exploration of these differences in an environment that is secure, encouraging, and nurturing. It
entails going beyond simple tolerance to guarantee that individuals actually value one another's

1. Where can you attribute the following?

a. Girls doing household chores while boys perform carpentry? Why?

● I would attribute this situation to Gender or Gender inequality. Ever since,
gender inequality has been rampant. Women were stereotyped as weak
and not capable of doing jobs that men do. Women were expected to cook,
sew, clean, take care of the family and keep the house neat and organized
while men were the one who makes income for the family. Luckily, our
society nowadays has become more inclusive. Opportunities and
treatments to both genders have been more equal and I still wish that it
will continue, for us to have a more inclusive world in the future.

b. Choice of white collar, high paying jobs? Why?

● I would attribute this situation to occupation backgrounds and level of
education. We can't deny the fact that our society has a lot of judgments in
terms of someone's occupation or level of income. It has become a pain in
the neck that workers are pressured to have higher paying jobs in order for
them to not get those kinds of judgments. White-collar jobs are those
higher-paid or skilled jobs that demand a level of education and training.
In short, having these kind of jobs such as being a doctor, lawyer or
engineer could help to scale up income and advancement, that is why most
people chooses to have these higher paying jobs.
2. How important is the knowledge of the sources of learner’s diversity can help you
as future teachers in handling your class?
● Every learner is different from each other, each has unique experiences,
capabilities and learning styles. As a future teacher, it is very crucial to
have the knowledge of sources of my learners diversity because it could
help me to understand my students, whether on their backgrounds, culture,
or their ways of learning. Also by this, I could find a way to connect with
each one of them and become more effective in my teaching. I could also
influence the views of my students when it comes to what diversity really
is, build a relationship where trust is present and create a more enhanced,
inclusive and equal learning environment.

3. What are the significant contributions of the following mandates and policies to
the study of learners with diversity?
● These following mandates and policies to the study of learners with
diversity had opened the acknowledgement of any range of differences in
the classroom. It transforms the way we think, teach, learn and act such
that all experiences and ways of being are handled with fairness and
justice. It also ensured that all students feel supported and safe such that
they freely learn and explore new ideas, feel safe to express their views. It
encompasses that every learner matters equally and that inclusivity is what
makes us one but unique from each other.

4. How do schools respond to the challenges of diversity?

● The education system serves a crucial role in the challenges of diversity
and in response to these challenges, schools tend to innovate new learning
strategies or ideas to produce equity in the classroom. Some also challenge
the existing challenges and promote critical solutions. School faculty and
teachers also examine and understand each one of their students in order
for the students to feel that everyone belongs in the classroom setting
where trust can be given. In addition, schools let their students be who
they really are. Schools apply policies that could help to avoid any
prejudicial attitudes from the society.

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