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Daily Practice Sheets | CBSE_Class- X

Syllabus : Agriculture

1. What is the productivity of land in primitive subsistence agriculture?

(A) High due to the use of modern inputs (B) Low due to the use of fertilizers
(C) High due to advanced irrigation techniques (D) Low as fertilizers and modern inputs are not used
2. Find out the wrong pair regarding other names of slash and burn agriculture.
(A) Bewar - Madhya Pradesh (B) Kuruwa - Jharkhand
(C) Penna - Andhra Pradesh (D) Dipa - Chhattisgarh
3. What does primitive subsistence agriculture depend upon?
(A) Advanced irrigation systems (B) Chemical fertilizers
(C) Monsoon, soil fertility, and environmental conditions
(D) Genetically modified crops
4. Which factor has rendered land-holding size uneconomical in intensive subsistence farming?
(A) Division of land among successive generations (B) Alternative sources of livelihood
(C) High population pressure (D) Use of modern inputs
5. What distinguishes plantation farming from other types of farming?
(A) Use of non migrant labourers (B) Capital-intensive inputs and single crop cultivation
(C) Reliance on traditional farming techniques (D) Large-scale cultivation of multiple crops
6. Find out TRUE statement based on rabi crops in India.
I) Rabi crops are sown in Summer and Harvested in winter
II) Western Temperate cyclones helps rabi crops in North and North west of India
III) Moong, urad, cotton, jute, groundnut and soyabean are important rabi crops
IV) White revolution helped these rabi crops.
(A) I only (B) II only
(C) I and III (D) I, II, IV only
7. Find correct sequence of states regarding Aus , Aman , Boro.
(A) West Bengal - Chhattisgarh - Andhra Pradesh (B) Assam - west Bengal - Tripura
(C) Assam - West Bengal - Odisha (D) Andhra Pradesh - Odisha - Assam
8. Which season is suitable for the cultivation of rice?
(A) Rabi (B) Kharif
(C) Zaid (D) Winter
9. Which irrigation methods have made it possible to grow rice in areas of low rainfall?
(A) Drip irrigation (B) Sprinkler irrigation
(C) Canal irrigation and tube wells (D) Rainwater harvesting
10. Which type of soil is suitable for bajra cultivation?
(A) Sandy soil (B) Mountain soil
(C) Red soil (D) Loamy soil

Daily Practice Sheets | CBSE_Class- X

11. Which millet is rich in iron, calcium, and other micro nutrients?
(A) Jowar (B) Bajra
(C) Wheat (D) Ragi
12. What is the purpose of announcing minimum support price and procurement prices for crops?
(A) To encourage speculators and middlemen
(B) To check the exploitation of farmers by speculators and middlemen
(C) To exploit farmers for higher profits
(D) To discourage farmers from selling their crops
13. What is the other name of Bhoodan-Gramdan movement ?
(A) Gram swarajya (B) padayatra
(C) Blood-less Revolution (D) Operation Flood
14. Match the following

Places Crops

1. Cherrapunjee A. Coffee
2. Andhra Pradesh B. Oranges
3. Baba Budan hills C. Tea
4. Jalpaiguri district D. Grapes

(A) 1-B , 2- D , 3 - A , 4 -C (B) 1-D , 2- B , 3 - A , 4 -C

(C) 1-B , 2- A , 3 - D , 4 -C (D) 1-C , 2- D , 3 - A , 4 -B
15. Which oilseed crop is a kharif crop and accounts for about half of the major oilseeds produced in India?
(A) Mustard (B) Coconut
(C) Groundnut (D) Sesamum


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