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Business Communication.

VIVA-VOCE: 20 Marks
Syllabus: Business Letters, Types of Letters, Memorandum, Quality Control.

BUSINESS LETTERS: Meaning, essentials, parts of a letter, styles of layout, basic considerations while
drafting letters.


A core definition of total quality management (TQM) describes a management approach to long-term
success through customer satisfaction. In a TQM effort, all members of an organization participate in
improving processes, products, services, and the culture in which they work.
Structure of a memo
Part 1: HEADER
TO: provide the names and titles of everyone who will receive your memo
FROM: provide your complete name and title
DATE: provide the complete and accurate date – don’t forget to include the year
SUBJECT: provide a brief, yet specific description of what the memo is about
Introduction – explain the purpose
Body – addresses the information required
Conclusion – (Summary and possible recommendations)

Memos have a twofold purpose: they bring attention to problems, and they solve problems. They
accomplish their goals by informing the reader about new information like policy changes, price
increases, or by persuading the reader to take an action, such as attend a meeting, or change a current
production procedure.

Advantages of using Memo

Avoiding distortion of information:
Avoiding misunderstanding:
Preserving information:
Maintaining consistency:
A quick exchange of information:
Less expensive:

Continuous improvement in Kaizen can be broken down into six different steps with each promoting
Standardize: Involve workers from all levels and departments to produce a process that can be repeated
an organized.
Measure: Using data that can be collected, decide if the process is efficient.
Compare: Compare the data against requirements, does it save time or accomplish the desired result?
Innovate: Look for new and better ways to achieve the same result and find more efficient routes or
Standardize: Create defined processes that can be repeated for new and more efficient activities.
Repeat: Go back to step one and go through the steps again!
TYPES OF LETTERS: Enquiry, quotation, order, acceptance, cancellation, reference, complaints, claims,
collection, banking, insurance, job application, resume.

MEMORANDUM: Definition, purpose, uses, difference between memo and letter, characteristics of
effective memorandum, steps in writing, parts.

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