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By: Carissa, Emily, Kate, and Faith.

~Chi󰈝󰈩󰈼󰇵 In󰉏e󰈞t󰈎󰈢󰈝󰈼~
-During the Han dynasty there was
new technology that helped the
farmers produce more.
-One of the inventions was the
-Another great invention was a
rudder, it helped boats travel further
than ever!
~Med󰈎󰇹󰇽󰈘 Ad󰉏a󰈞c󰈩󰈻~
-Doctors discovered that certain food
prevents diseases.
-Doctors also relieved pain by piercing
skin, this was called acupuncture.
-Acupuncture renews the body,
increasing the flow of energy.
~On T󰈊e 󰈠󰈎󰈘k 󰈣󰈢a󰇷~
-During the Han period the Chinese grew rich
by trading goods.
-Over time the sea and land routes made the
Chinese richer.
-The Chinese would trade all over the world.
~New 󰉑󰈡󰈝󰉄󰇽c󰉃󰈼 Wit󰈊 󰈜󰈋󰈩 󰈉󰇵s󰉃~
-In 139 BC emperor Han Wudi sent out general Zhang
Qian to explore areas out west.
-Zhang Qian had failed to make allies,
although he had seen great horses.
-The King traded the horses for silk.
-In honor they named the trade route
the Silk Road.
~Trade Expands~
-The Silk Road was a network of
trade routes.
-It was completed in AD 100.
-A Chinese writer had described
Roman Empire.
-The Silk Road was also the main
trade link between Europe and
~Buddhism Reaches China~

-The silk road serves as a way to spread

knowledge, culture, and religions.
-Buddhism was spread from India to China.
-The fall of the Han dynasty and the long period of
unrest that followed, however, spurred the spread
of Buddhism.
~Wh󰉘 󰉍i󰇶 t󰈊󰈩 H󰇽󰈞 󰉍y󰈝a󰈼t󰉘 C󰈡󰈘l󰇽󰈥󰈼e~
-Many of the emperors who
succeeded Han Wudi were weak
and dishonest.
-People began to rise up and
rebel against the Han rulers.
-Rebel armies destroyed the Han
capital, Luoyang A.D. 190.
~Bud󰇷󰈋󰈎s󰈚 W󰈏󰈞s 󰉇o󰈗󰈘󰈡w󰇵󰈸󰈼~
-Feeling anxious, fearful, and
unsafe, many people turned to
-Confucius and Daoists admired
the Buddhist ideas, which
influenced their own religious
rituals and moral ideas.
-By A.D. 400’s Buddhism had
become one of China’s major
-Acupuncture: originally, a
Chinese practice of inserting
needles through the skin at
specific points to treat
disease or relieve pain.

Answer key:
B. Physical geography and fear of the unknown
D. Nomadic tribes established some of the earliest
trade along what would become the Silk Roads
C. Alexander the Great
B. Buddhism
A. The dawn of the Age of Exploration and the

seeking of alternative trade routes to Asia

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