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A Research

Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School Department of



In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the


Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics


Quejano, Angela Mae R.

Radan, Catherine Vienne M.

Ramirez, Cherry G.

Razo, Jonalyn

Rosales, Mark Gerald C.


The Problem and Its Background

Many schools in the Philippines do not have enough chalk for instructors

to teach their students. When writing on a blackboard, every student and teacher

uses white chalk. Whiteboard markers have been utilized with negative

environmental consequences. After the whiteboard marker runs out of ink for

writing, it is simply discarded. It will subsequently be disposed of in a landfill,

where it might remain for a million years. Therefore, we decided to develop an

affordable chalk made from chicken eggshells and seashells to compare which of

these two ingredients is the most effective in producing an alternative chalk. 

The shells of chicken eggs, which were once used for cooking and eating,

can be found in garbage cans. Some people use eggshells and seashells to

create designs in their gardens, but they may also be recycled and utilized as an

element in the production of white chalk. Normal chalk can produce a lot of dust,

which is harmful to one's health. When compared to regular chalk, egg chalk

exposes people to less dust and may not irritate their skin. 

In general, this project will teach us about additional uses for chicken

eggshells and seashells. In our country, commercial chalk is extremely

expensive. Not to mention the harm done to the environment and population.

This research aims to determine the difference between the chalk made from

chicken eggshells and seashells and also to make an alternative chalk with the

same quality as the potential chalk in order to address the needs of impoverished

public schools while also providing a new perspective on pollution reduction.  


Background of the Study 

Based on previous studies, chalk is a white porous sedimentary carbonate

rock. It is commonly consisting of 99% calcium carbonate came from the shells of

tiny marine mammals well known as foraminifera. It is also composed of sponge

spicules, radiolarian tests (shells) and diatom, detrital grains of quartz and chert

nodulenz (flint), also some silica, clay minerals, gluconite, and calcium phosphate

include to form and solidify the chalk product. The color of chalk is commonly

white or light gray and some of its characteristics is it has many small holes

penetrable, smooth and crimp. Some ways to recognize the quality of chalk is its

hardness, fossil content, and its acid reaction. 

Humans used seashells and chicken eggshells throughout history for

different purposes. They used seashells in the production of many useful things

such as making decorations for architectural purposes, medical use, use as

musical instruments, and construction materials such as substitute raw material

in making cement or other cementitious materials. Seashells are composed of

95% of calcium carbonate which makes it a compatible ingredient in producing

an alternative chalk. While chicken eggshells can be used as a fertilizer,

decoration, and it may be also used as an alternative ingredient in producing

chalk as it is composed of 94-97% of calcium carbonate.  

The main objective of the researchers is to determine if those cheap

ingredients like powdered eggshell and seashells, flour, food color, and hot water

will be an effective ingredient to formulate a potential chalk and if those

ingredients will affect the quality of chalk. At the end of the study the researchers

may create a durable, cheap, and alternative chalk for commercialized chalk.

This study will differentiate the two main variables and test how effective the

product is and its ability to write in blackboard or chalkboard. The development of

a do-it-yourself chalk out of eggshells and seashells will bring fun and enjoyment

to both researchers while creating it as they want to explore the possibilities while

doing this as well as to other students because this study serves as exploration

to everyone as part of educational activity. 

Statement of the Problem 

The research about the “A Comparative study between chalk made from

Chicken Eggshells and Seashells” aimed to explain briefly towards the end of the

study the following questions: 

  1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: 

           1.1 Age 

           1.2 Sex 

2. What is the impact of using chicken eggshells as a potential chalk in terms of:  

            2.1 Ease of use 

            2.2 Functionality 

            2.3 Texture 

3. What is the impact of using seashells as a potential chalk in terms of:  

            2.1 Ease of use 

            2.2 Functionality 

            2.3 Texture 

4. Is there a significant difference between chalk from chicken eggshells and



HA: There is a significant difference between chalk from Chicken Eggshells and

Seashells in terms of its: ease of use, functionality and texture. 

Conceptual Framework 

This study was based on the findings of Sasha Trinidad (2019) where they

discussed that the Chicken Eggshells (Gallus Domesticus) can be an alternative

for commercial chalk. The researcher stated that chicken eggshell contains 97%

calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and calcium

organic matter, making it an ideal ingredient for creating a chalk. It was also

based on the findings of Gerald Raboy (2018) where they concluded that

seashells are composed of 95% calcium carbonate, and this reference offered

evidence that seashells may be used as an ingredient in producing an alternative

chalk. The purpose of this study is to see whether there is a substantial

difference between chalk made from chicken eggshells and seashells. 

Research Paradigm


 Ease of use I. Developing Effectiveness of using

 Functionality II. Gathering Data eggshells and seashells

 Texture III. Analyzing in developing alternative

IV. Evaluating chalk.

Figure 1. Input-
Process-Output Model
The research paradigm of the study is shown in Figure 1, on how the

researchers develop the product using input, process, and output structure. The

researchers aim to determine the following: if the chalk out of eggshells will be

effective as an alternative for commercialized chalk, and if egg chalk is less dust

compared to commercialized chalk that has a bad effect on a human's health.

As input, it includes the impact of using chicken egg shells as potential

chalk in terms of its quality, us the researchers need to know the quality of chalk

that was going to make as it affects the process of our study, we aim to develop

a substitute potential chalk that has the same quality to commercialized chalk

when it comes to its, durability, hardness and other physical characteristics of

chalk. Price, we aim to develop an affordable low-cost do-it-yourself chalk as egg

shells are one of the wastes that are disposed of in landfills that affect our

environment specifically it causing pollution, we collect those eggshells as one of

the recycled materials that we used to develop a product, and since the materials

that were going to use is recycled, it is less cost compare to commercialized

chalk. In writing we need to consider the proper amount of ingredients that were

going to add as those ingredients affect the way the chalk writes, we need to

consider it as this is one of the most important parts of developing the product. At

the end of the study, it has just two outcomes and that is the developed potential

egg chalk may write just like the typical chalk or it is also possible for it to write

but a little dim or unclear or may not. As a process, the researchers present how

they develop the product. As an output, the product that is developed by the

researchers is presented.

Significance of the Study 

The researcher believes that this study entitled “A Comparative study

between chalk from Chicken Eggshells and Seashell” has a significant

contribution to a wide variety of people in the community, specifically to the


To the Students. The findings of the study will help the students to be

more creative and develop a DIY chalk made from chicken eggshell and seashell

waste. This can be used to further boost student's knowledge that eggshells can

use as a potential chalk. 

To the Teachers. This research will assist teachers in developing an

affordable chalk for classroom use. This study will also provide them new

knowledge about the difference of chalk made from chicken eggshells and


To the Community. This study will provide a new perspective in pollution

prevention. It will reduce eggshell and seashell waste in the community,

especially for individuals who enjoy eating eggs, and it will be very beneficial to

have an alternate component for manufacturing chalk that is readily available in

our region. 

To the Present Researchers. This study will serve as a guide for the

researcher's study. It will also bring new knowledge to them as researchers who

seek knowledge. 

To the Future Researchers. The findings of this study will serve as a

reference and guide in finding information for their future study. It will pave the

way for more expounded studies on similar field. 

On a final note, this study’s significance lies in assisting students and

faculty members in discovering methods to find cheaper and do-it-yourself chalk

using recyclable materials. This study may help to reduce eggshell and seashell

waste and the price of buying chalk. This also benefits public schools, which do

not have the funds to purchase commercial chalk.  

Scope and Limitations of the Study 

This study entitled “A Comparative study between chalk from Chicken

Eggshells and Seashells” focuses on the effectiveness of using Chicken

Eggshells and Seashells as an alternative ingredient used for making chalk. The

primary topic we are investigating are the chicken eggshells. The chicken

eggshells were used by the researchers because they had the same chemical

(calcium carbonate) as the chalk. The respondents of this research were 30

respondents from Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School in Sariaya, Quezon

where chalks are mostly used. The goal of this study is to develop an

environmentally sustainable method of making chalks. This study was limited in

terms of developing and assessing the effectiveness of using chicken eggshells

and seashells as an alternative ingredient in making chalk, as well as

differentiating the chalk made from chicken eggshells and seashells.  

Definition of Terms 

This includes the meaning of the study’s difficult words. Each words

meaning is determined by its use in the research study and is defined

operationally and conceptually. 

Acid reaction - is a type of chemical reaction. 

Calcium Carbonate - it functions as an antacid, food coloring, food

firming agent, and fertilizer. 

Calcium Gluconate - is a white powdered salt CaC12H22O14 that is

used to augment the body's calcium reserves. 

Calcium Phosphate - is a calcium and phosphorus-containing chemical. 

Chert Nodulenz - are rounded to elongated silica-rich lumps found inside

limestone sequences (most often chalk and calcilutites). 

Clay Minerals - it develops when rocks collide with water, air, or steam. 

Cretaceous Period - the period spanning 145.5 and 65.5 million years


Detrital Grains of Quartz - an amount distributed equally between

sandstones and mudrocks. 

Diatom - is a unicellular eukaryotic alga with a siliceous coat and a

symmetrical body. 

Foraminifera - are single-celled protists that resemble amoebas. 

Gallus Domesticus - it is the chicken. 

Gypsum - a white mineral composed of calcium sulfate that occurs in

crystals or masses and is utilized mostly as a soil improver and in the

manufacture of plaster of Paris. 

Limestone - it is typically made up of microscopic fossils, shell pieces,

and other fossilized debris. 

Magnesium Carbonate - it is the production of magnesium oxide by


Microscopic Plankton - are small organisms that exist in both salty and

fresh water. 

Penetrable - allowing something to pass through. 

Radiolarian Tests - absorbs silicon compounds from their aqueous

environment and release well-defined geometric networks that form a test


Sponge Spicules - spicules give the sponge body structural support,

discourage predators, and transmit light in a manner akin to optic fibers. 


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This section comprises the various related articles and readings as well as

related studies and research considered to support and strengthen the concepts

of the study.

Review of Related Literature 

Ease of use 

Some characteristics and quality of the chicken eggshell as an alternative

chalk, such as erasability, a less scratchy sound it makes, and its ability to be

strong and hard, made chicken eggshell chalk an alternate ingredient. Because it

can be used as a substitute when the demand for commercial chalk declines or if

the price rises, the chicken eggshell is thus quite similar to commercial chalk in

several ways. (Ascendens Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Abstracts,


According to Suzanne Wong (2020) making eggshell chalk is simple and

quick. The challenge lies in grinding the eggshells into a fine powder, which can

be a bit tough. Wong offers practical solutions to ease this process. She

recommends using a coffee grinder, known for its versatility in transforming

eggshells into a smooth, shell-free powder. For those without a coffee grinder,

Wong suggests using a mortar and pestle or placing cleaned eggshells in a

strong zip-close bag and using a rolling pin. These alternatives make the process

easier and are accessible with everyday items. In summary, Wong's insights

provide various straightforward methods to simplify the transformation of

eggshells into chalk, ensuring ease of use for different situations and resources.

The qualities and properties of a chicken eggshell are proven to be good

as stated by Jayashree Premkumar (2021), As chalk is composed of Calcium

carbonate (CaCO3) that allows us to draw on a surface using chalk. Eggshells

also contain calcium carbonate which is why you can convert them into chalk. 


According to Lisa W. (2022), eggshell chalk can be used for a variety of

purposes, including drawing, painting, and writing. It can also be used to create

three-dimensional art pieces. Eggshell chalk has numerous benefits, one of

which is that eggshell chalk is opaquer and more vibrant, making it ideal for use

on blackboards or other dark surfaces.

Based on Egg chalk, A Substitute for Commercial Chalk (2023), Eggshell

is 94% calcium carbonate that is made out from variety of substances which

made it a possible alternative ingredient in making a chalk. It is tested in

blackboard or pavement to identify the level of effectiveness of eggshell based



Ashley (2020) concluded and points out that eggshell chalk is highly

abrasive, capable of causing scratches or damage to items. This characteristic

makes it most suitable for application on sidewalks. It’s important to know that

the level of abrasiveness is linked to the fineness of the ground eggshells, finer

grinding results in less abrasive eggshell chalk.

Based on Raft Organization (2020), Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is a

mineral that is widely found in limestone and can be used to manufacture

sidewalk chalk. Chalks produced from chicken eggshells are simple to make;

they perform well on sidewalks and asphalt blacktop but are too rough for


Calcium carbonate is the main ingredient of do-it-yourself chalk or

sidewalk chalk which is a form of limestone. Calcium carbonate (Caco3) is also

the main ingredient of typical or commercialized chalk that the egg chalk also

possesses, that's why we can also turn it into chalk. This chemical is the reason

behind why we can draw on the pavement or rough surfaces using a piece of

chalk (Upstart Media 2023).


In conclusion, the chicken eggshells and seashells are composed of 94-

97% of calcium carbonate. Hence, it can be used as a writing tool and a

complement to commercial chalk. However, there is room for improvement in

terms of the texture and clarity of the made from seashell and chicken eggshell. 

Review of Related Studies 

Ease of use 

According to West (2013), they discovered that chalk was first made into

sticks for the convenience of painters. The procedure involved finely powdering

natural chalk, adding water, clay to act as a binder, and a variety of dry colors.

The resulting putty was then formed into cylindrical shapes and allowed to dry.

However, calcium sulphate (CaSO4) in its dehydrated form, which is gypsum

with the chemical formula CaSO4-2H2O, is currently utilized in place of this

natural chalk in the production of modern commercial chalk.

A study conducted by Eliezer Allapitan et al (2020), they found out that

eggshells are the hard outer coverings of eggs and are usually thrown away after

getting rid of the yolk and the white. Due to the similarities on the composition

and quality of a commercial chalk and an eggshell, eggshell can be a substitute

in making chalk.  

Researchers from Japan FS Organization (2021) concluded that the

outcomes suggested that an alternate raw material for the manufacture of wall

tile materials could be the eggshell waste sample rich in CaCO3. Among the

experiments taken into consideration, the best composition of EPS lightweight

aggregate concrete was chosen to produce the lightweight hollow bricks. The

Q.P. is currently selling chalk made from eggshells. The business has extended

the use of eggshell to school supplies, providing them as a source of blackboard

chalk. It was theirs that made the first attempt to make chalk entirely from natural



Based on a study conducted by Dula (2018), it was found that eggshells

can effectively be used to make chalk. They can serve as a cost-effective

alternative to commercial chalk due to their lower price. Additionally, eggshell

chalk is safe and non-toxic. The study concluded that there is no significant

difference, except that eggshell chalk doesn't provide as much detail when used

for writing. Nevertheless, it remains highly efficient to use and environmentally



According to Siriwardana (2013), in every country on earth, chalk is used

for writing. It's made of plaster of Paris, which is calcium carbonate. The

abundant calcium carbonate found in eggshells is wasted in poultry hatcheries.

With the help of untrained panellists, writing quality was also assessed, and data

were analysed using the Friedman non-parametric test with a 95% level of

significance using the MINITAB 14 software. The statistical analysis revealed that

treatment 5 (control) produced the best writing quality, the maximum chalk

strength, the proportion of chalk lost, and the lowest dust flowage. However,

treatment 1 (10 g (25%) eggshell Ca (OH)2 + 40 g POP) revealed the

appropriate chalk pH value while treatment 3 (30 g (75%) eggshell Ca (OH)2+ 40

g) demonstrated the maximum chalk density in comparison to the other


Based on the findings of Trinidad (2019), the chicken eggshell chalk

possesses certain characteristics that make it a viable substitute ingredient.

These include its erasability, reduced scratchiness when used, and its ability to

be strong and solid. Consequently, the chicken eggshell chalk shares similarities

with commercial chalk in various aspects, making it a possible alternative when

there is a decrease in demand or an increase in price for commercial chalk.

Nevertheless, there are areas that require improvement, such as the clarity of the

chalk when writing and its overall texture. The utilization of chicken eggshell as a

chalk proved to be unsuccessful due to certain inherent limitations. Unlike

commercial chalk, this product does not erase easily, and even after attempting

to remove it from a blackboard, traces of the chalk remain. As a result, while it

may be suitable for street art applications, it is not suitable for classroom use. A

blackboard was scratched with eggshell chalk, which had no effect at all and

instead destroyed it. On the other hand, eggshell chalk leaves a vivid imprint on

the pavement that lasts for a very long time, proving that it is effective there. 

Based on the Study of PhD Essay (2020), due to a few small issues with

their components, they can state that their "Eggshell" experiment failed as well.

The researchers' "Eggshell as Chalk" was only marginally successful for them

compared to other goods, and the results did not fully demonstrate this

experiment's capabilities. The substance is not as readily erased as commercial

chalk. Although the chalk has been removed off the blackboard, it still has traces,

therefore it cannot be utilized in a classroom. Instead, it should only be used for

street art. 


The presented related studies above are carefully organized which

directed the researchers to conceptualize this study. Previous studies have

shown that egg chalk is ineffective for writing. It may leave some blackboard

marks and is not particularly appropriate for usage in a classroom. According to

some research, egg chalk works well when applied to surfaces like concrete or

asphalt that are ideal for its use. 


Research Methodology

This chapter presents the methods used by the researcher. It includes the

research design, research locale, respondents of the study, sampling technique

used, research instrument, validation of instruments, data gathering procedure

and statistical treatment. These are the methods and procedures that a

researcher used to get sufficient information for this study. This part is essential

for better understanding of the interpretation of the findings that will be discussed

on the next chapter.

Research Design

This project aims to determine the effectiveness of using chicken

eggshells and seashells as an alternative ingredient in producing affordable chalk

to address the needs of impoverished public schools while also providing a new

perspective on pollution reduction. In this study, the causal-comparative research

design was adopted. This strategy attempts to compare the variables of this

study. The researchers utilized this method to compare the ease of use,

functionality, and texture manufactured from chicken eggshells and seashells.

The researchers will use this approach to determine whether there is a significant

difference between the variables in this study.

Research Locale

Figure 2. Geographical Location of MLQ Elementary School of Sariaya,


The research study was conducted at the Manuel L. Quezon Elementary

School located in Rodriguez Street Sariaya, Quezon 4322. Manuel L. Quezon

Elementary School is one of the public schools in Sariaya, Quezon. Sariaya is

the first class and municipality lying at the south-western portion of Quezon

Province in Region IV-A (CALABARZON).

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this research were 30 respondents from Manuel L.

Quezon Elementary School Sariaya, Quezon. The respondents will be randomly

picked by the researcher using Table of Random Numbers and the respondents

will be picked from the Grade 6 students of the selected school. In case the

respondents withdraw their participation, the researchers will find a replacement

that will be also randomly picked by the researchers, and he/she needed to be

qualified on the age requirements.

Sampling Technique Used



chicken eggshells and seashells is a compatible ingredient in developing an

alternative chalk. The researchers choose their respondents using Simple

Random Sampling. This type of technique randomly selects a subset of

participants from a population. The researcher used a Table of Random

Numbers on choosing their respondents making every member of the population

has an equal to chance of being selected.

The researcher chose the Simple Random Sampling it is one of the

simplest forms of collecting data from the total population and it is free from bias.

If a respondent refuses to participate in this technique, the researcher chooses

another respondent through Table of Random Numbers.

Research Instrument

The researchers used Four Point Likert Scale for Agreement

questionnaire for this study. The most effective rating system for services or

products that a user has used or experienced is a Four Point Likert Scale. The

Four Point Likert Scale for Agreement goes either way and is linked with

intermediate agreement answer options. These questions are used to measure

the user’s perception. The researchers made their own questionnaire for this

study. The researcher-made questionnaire is designed to examine and draw

comparisons between chalk made from chicken eggshells and seashells, to

understand the differences or similarities between the two variables.

Validation of Research Instruments

In order to guarantee that the questionnaire would be credible, clear, and

accurate when used to collect data, the researchers conducted a few

procedures. The researchers will create Four Point Likert Scale for Agreement

specifically tailored for their study. These questions will then undergo validation

by their research adviser to ensure the accuracy and reliability of each question

in the questionnaire. Additionally, the researchers will share the questionnaire

with a statistician to seek recommendations regarding appropriate statistical

methods and identify any questions that may require revision. The process is

expected to demand significant time and effort in order to establish a reliable

study and research questionnaire.

Data Gathering Procedure

I. Developing

As the researchers aim to develop a substitute chalk for commercialized

chalk, they prepare all the ingredients and materials needed in developing chalk

out of eggshells. After that, wash the eggshells, remove their thin membrane, and

dry the eggshells, crushed the eggshells very well until they became a powder,

when the eggshells are already crushed, put 1 tablespoon of crushed eggshells

in a mixing bowl, 1-1/2 teaspoon of hot water, add 1 teaspoon of flour, add 1 drop

of food color (optional), mix until the ingredients fully combined each other, and

then after that form, a stick of egg chalk that you make, put it in a paper towel,

roll it and let it fully dry for a few days.

II. Gathering data

As the researchers already develop the product, they are going to ask the

selected respondents in the chosen location using surveys which are paper-

based methods. The researchers used survey questionnaires to collect the

responses to determine the effectiveness, differences and similarities between

the two main variables in terms of its ease of use, functionality, and texture.

III. Analyzing

After the respondents answer the questionnaire, the researchers collect

their responses and will validate and analyze their answers involving three

variables of the study. The researchers observed what happened to the survey

questionnaire and the data gathered to develop a strong result at the end of the

study. The conducted responses and answers from the subject of the study will

compare the two related products, and also the researchers will determine if

those responses have its capacity to address the expected outcome of the study.

IV. Evaluating

The result of the gathered data may be proved or disproved the study. The

researchers used the suggested and right formulas to determine the level of

efficiency of using the proposed chalk made from chicken eggshells and

seashells which can be described in terms of its ease of use, functionality, and


Statistical Treatment of the Data

The data to be gathered in this study will be subjected to the following

statistical treatment. For research question one, to determine the demographic

profile of the respondents in terms of their sex and age.

Frequency and Percentage Distribution

The researchers will be using statistical treatment to determine the

frequency distribution and percentage. Percentages were used by the researcher

to convert the numerical data gathered from the questionnaire. The descriptive

statistic used frequency and percentage.

These things would be explained further in the following:

a. Frequency – pertains to the number of respondents that have the same

answer in a specific question.

b. Percentage – used to determine the ratio of respondents that have the same

answers as the general number of respondents.

The following statistical components will use are as follows:

P= × 100 %

P = stands for percentage (%)

f = number of respondents that answered the question

N = total number of respondents

The following summated scale points and adjectival in interpretation will use in

the analysis.

Continuum of the Rating Value

Scale Range Description

4 3.26 – 4.00 Agree

3 2.51 – 3.25 Strongly Agree

2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree

To determine if there is a significant difference between chalk from chicken

eggshells and commercial chalk, the researcher will use dependent T-test.

The formula for dependent T-test was:

( x̄ ¿ ¿ 1−x̄ 2)
t= ¿

2 2
s s
1 2
n1 n2

Where in:

x̄ 1 = Observed Mean of 1st Sample

x̄ 2 = Observed Mean of 2nd Sample

s1 = Standard Deviation of 1st Sample

s2 = Standard Deviation of 2nd Sample

n1 = Size of 1st Sample

n2 = Size of 2nd Sample


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DIY Eco-Friendly Naturally Dyed Chalk (2020),


Stovetop Alchemy: It’s time to get cracking turning your eggshells into sidewalk

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Eggshell as a Chalk (2021),


Alyanna Thea J. Azarcon, Jeanne Christine L. Caluag, Charles Nathan D.

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