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Pelatihan ABCD

Modul 4-2: Linear Regression

Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung
Unviersitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
} Concept of Linear Regression
} Evaluating Regression
} This all started in the 1800s with a
guy named Francis Galton. Galton
was studying the relationship
between parents and their children.
In particular, he investigated the
relationship between the heights of
fathers and their sons.
} What he discovered was that a man’s
son tended to be roughly as tall as his
} However, Galton’s breakthrough was
that the son’s height tended to be
closer to the overall average height
of all people
} Let’s take Shaquille O’Neal as an example.
Shaq is really tall: 2.2 meters.
} If Shaq has a son, chances are he’ll be
pretty tall to. However, Shaq is such an
anomaly that there is also a very good
chance that his son will be not be as tall as
} Turns out this is the case: Shaq’s son is
pretty tall (2 meters), but not nearly as tall
as his dad.
} Galton called this phenomenon
regression, as in “A father’s son’s height
tends to regress (or drift towards) the
mean (average) height.”

} Let’s take the simplest

example: calculating a
regression with only 2
data points.

A = (2,4) and B = (5,10)

} All we’re trying to do
when we calculate our
regression line is draw
a line that’s as close to
every dot as possible.
} For classic linear
regression, or “Least
Square Method”, you
only measure the
closeness in the “up
and down” direction.
} Now wouldn’t it be
great if we could
apply this same
concept to a graph
with more than just
two data points?
} By doing this, we
could take multiple
men and their son’s
heights and do
things like tell a man
how tall we expect
his son to be. Before
he even has a son!
} Our goal with linear
regression is to
minimize the vertical
distance between all
the data points and
our line.
} So, in determining the
best line, we are
attempting to
minimize the distance
between all the
points and their
distance to our line.
} There are lots of
different ways to
minimize this (sum of
squared errors, sum of
absolute errors, etc),
but all these methods
have a general goal of
minimizing this

} For example, one of

the most popular
methods is the least
squares method.
} Here we have blue
data points along an
x and y axis

} Now we want to fit a

linear regression line.
} The question is, how do
we decide which line is
the best fitting one?
} We’ll use the Least
Squares Method,
which is fitted by
minimizing the sum of
squares of the
} The residuals for an
observation is the
difference between
the observation (the y-
value) and the fitted
Evaluating Regression
} Regression is a task when a model attempts to predict
continuous values (unlike categorical values, which is
} For example, attempting to predict the price of a house
given its features is a regression task.
} Attempting to predict the country a house is in given its
features would be a classification task.
} The most common evaluation metrics for regression:
1. Mean Absolute Error
2. Mean Squared Error
3. Root Mean Square Error
1. Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
} This is the mean of the absolute value of errors
1. Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
} However, MAE won’t punish large errors
1. Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
} However, MAE won’t punish
large errors

} We want our error metrics to

account for these
2. Mean Squared Error (MSE)
} Mean Squared Error (MSE) is the mean of the squared
} Larger errors are noted more than with MAE, making MSE
more popular.
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)
} Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is the root of the mean
of the squared errors.
} Most popular (has same units as y)
Linear Regression Lab Project
} Open your Jupyter Notebook
} Use Scikit-Learn and Python to create a linear regression
} Solve the project exercise

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