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Engineering Project Organization Journal

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Lean management methods for complex projects

a b
Glenn Ballard & Iris Tommelein
Civil and Environmental Engineering , University of California , Berkeley, 760 Davis Hall,
Berkeley , CA , 94720 , USA
Civil and Environmental Engineering , University of California , 215 McLaughlin Hall,
Berkeley , CA , 94702 , USA
Published online: 24 Jan 2012.

To cite this article: Glenn Ballard & Iris Tommelein (2012) Lean management methods for complex projects, Engineering
Project Organization Journal, 2:1-2, 85-96, DOI: 10.1080/21573727.2011.641117

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The Engineering Project Organization Journal (March–June 2012) 2, 85–96

Lean management methods for complex projects

Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 760 Davis Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, 215 McLaughlin Hall, Berkeley, CA 94702, USA

Received 17 July 2011; accepted 10 November 2011

This paper reviews the principles, history, applications and current research issues associated with lean construc-
tion, in order to provide a foundation for future research in this area. Lean is a management approach that
emerged in the automobile industry and spread initially to other forms of repetitive manufacturing and ultimately
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to service industries. Despite its success in practice, the lean philosophy and methods have not been fully eval-
uated and incorporated into the academic literature. The question remains to what extent lean management
methods are unique and beneficial and how they are related to principles and models in management
science, production management and related fields. One of the relevant issues is the adequacy of lean
methods to the management of complex projects. As project complexity increases, emergent phenomena
increase. Consequently, leadership must become more adaptive and less prescriptive in order to be successful.
This paper describes some of the key lean management methods that deliver better outcomes on complex pro-
jects and also the interdependence of these methods with the structuring of commercial terms and organizational
integration. It also describes the relationship between lean project management methods and conventional
methods, and the limitations of both, and suggests directions for future research.

Keywords: Lean methods, project complexity, project management.

Introduction by others (Ward et al., 1995; Adler, 1996; Sobek et al.,

1999), but it has not been fully evaluated and incorpor-
This paper reviews the history, principles, applications and ated into the academic literature. The question remains
current research issues associated with lean construction. to what extent lean management methods are unique
The term ‘lean’ was coined by John Krafcik, a and beneficial and how they are related to principles
researcher on the International Motor Vehicle Program and models in management science, production man-
at MIT, to describe what had been found from compari- agement and related fields. Levitt’s recent paper
son of American, European and Japanese motor vehicle (Levitt, 2011) is a welcome contribution on these issues.
firms. Finding that the Japanese firms as a group per- This paper is a further contribution to the discussion,
formed so much better than their international peers per- focusing on the adaptation to complex projects of think-
suaded the research team that they were confronting a ing and practice originating in repetitive manufacturing.
new form of production system, not simply better It consists of a short history of the origin of lean con-
execution of the same system. ‘Lean’ was chosen struction, the adaptation of principles and methods for
because the Japanese used less of everything—time, the project environment, a discussion of the limitations
resources and money––and produced vehicles with of lean construction methods and recommendations for
fewer defects and greater variety than their competitors future research.
(Krafcik, 1988; Womack et al., 1990). In their later
book, Lean Thinking, Womack and Jones (1996) reported
that Toyota was the cause for much of the superiority. Lean production and Toyota
The claim that lean is a new or superior form of pro-
duction system has been contested by some scholars Lean production originated with Toyota. After World
(Schonberger, 1986; Berggren, 1992) and supported War II, General MacArthur was charged with

Author for correspondence. E-mail:

The Engineering Project Organization Journal

ISSN 2157-3727 print/ISSN 2157-3735 online © 2012 Taylor & Francis
86 Ballard and Tommelein

redeveloping Japan. To that end, the Japanese were tags used to communicate requests for specific com-
taught management methods. Most famous were the ponents from one factory workstation to another. Alter-
courses given by Joseph Juran, W. Edwards Deming natively, visual signals, such as empty bins, are used to
and other experts in quality management. Management replenish inventories of parts installed at different work-
training also extended down to direct supervisors. stations. In construction, some companies are having
Toyota is said to still use the Training Within Industry vendors manage inventory replenishment based on
courses in Job Instruction, Job Methods and Job computer information systems that record withdrawals,
Relations (Dinero, 2005). much like the grocery stores that Ohno had observed
So the story goes (Ohno, 1988) that Toyota visited (Ohno, 1988; Elfving et al., 2010). As we will see in
the automotive manufacturers in the USA, but found the later discussion about the Last Planner System,
their way of producing vehicles inappropriate for requests are made directly between the individuals
Toyota. At that time, Toyota was restricted to a national responsible for different, interdependent types of
market and had quite a low demand, but for a wide works, for example, between architects and structural
variety of vehicles. The expensive, high-volume engineers or between pipefitters and electricians.
machines used by Ford and General Motors were not Understanding of Toyota’s contribution has changed
needed and could not be afforded. Engineer Ohno over time. It was initially understood in terms of manu-
was challenged by Toyota’s CEO to overcome within facturing, how products were made in the Toyota Pro-
three years the 9:1 productivity disadvantage the duction System. Harvard’s research on product
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company had relative to US producers and to do so in development (Clark and Fujimoto, 1991) expanded
a way appropriate to Toyota’s circumstances, that is, this understanding from only making to designing and
producing small numbers of a wide variety of products. making. Ward et al. (1995) published a provocative
Ohno reports that he was much taken with the method article in the Sloan Management Review titled ‘The
of restocking American grocery store shelves, a method Second Toyota Paradox’, which offered a solution to
he labelled ‘pull’ as distinct from the ‘push’ observed in the puzzle how Toyota can spend more time on more
US motor vehicle fabrication and assembly plants prototypes and still develop new products faster and
(Ohno, 1988). Customers pulled replacement inventory less expensively than anyone else. This introduced
onto shelves by purchasing and removing them. This another fundamental principle, namely to apply all rel-
seemingly simple idea became the fundamental lean evant criteria to the evaluation of design alternatives sim-
principle: Do work only on customer request. ultaneously. The authors named this ‘set-based
Ohno also identified seven forms of waste, of which engineering’ as distinct from the point-based one. The
‘overproduction’, doing work before it is needed, was underlying issue is how projects are structured, as
said to be the cause of other forms of waste—to be sequential or as organizationally integrated processes.
avoided by pulling. Ohno’s seven forms of waste are Since design criteria are best applied by those expert in
as follows: various specialities, these specialists must be members
of an integrated team in order to realize the principle.
(1) Defects in products Yet another expansion in understanding Toyota’s
(2) Overproduction of goods not needed contribution came in 2003 with the publication of
(3) Inventories of goods awaiting processing or Jeffrey Liker’s The Toyota Way, in which Toyota’s phil-
consumption osophy was presented as a general and fundamental
(4) Unnecessary processing philosophy of management, based on 14 principles
(5) Unnecessary movement of people (Liker, 2004):
(6) Unnecessary transport of goods
(7) Waiting by employees for process equipment to (1) Base management decisions on long-term phil-
finish work or for an upstream activity to com- osophy even at the expense of short-term finan-
plete. (Ohno, 1988) cial goals.
(2) Create continuous process flow to bring pro-
Expressed in this list are the basic elements of the lean blems to the surface.
philosophy of management: ‘lean’ consists of an ideal to (3) Use ‘pull’ systems to avoid overproduction.
be pursued, principles to be followed in that pursuit and (4) Level out the workload (heijunka)––work like
methods to be used to apply the principles. The ideal is the tortoise, not the hare.
to deliver exactly what your customer (immediate or (5) Build culture of stopping to fix problems to get
ultimate) needs, with no waste.1 A representative prin- quality right the first time.
ciple is to only do work on customer request. Different (6) Standardized tasks as the foundation for con-
methods have been developed for applying this principle tinuous improvement and employee
in different circumstances. For example, kanban are empowerment.
Lean Management Methods 87

(7) Use visual control so no problems are hidden. transformation of inputs into outputs (Koskela, 2000).
(8) Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology More recently, he has discovered the historical under-
that serves people and processes. pinnings of the 1960s shift in management education
(9) Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the and research from a foundation in production to a
work, live the philosophy and teach it to others. focus on quantitative methods, economics and the be-
(10) Develop exceptional people and teams who havioural sciences. This shift, now 50 years running,
follow your company’s philosophy. has been repeatedly criticized for its lack of relevance
(11) Respect your extended network of partners and to management practice (Ackoff, 1979; Barley and
suppliers by challenging them and helping Kunda, 2001). Koskela now calls for an end to a
them improve. failed experiment and a return to management edu-
(12) Go and see for yourself to thoroughly under- cation and research with a foundation in production
stand the situation (genchi genbutsu). (Koskela, 2011).
(13) Make decisions slowly by consensus, Application of lean to practice has not been neg-
thoroughly considering all options; implement lected. Leadership has been provided by the Lean Con-
rapidly. struction Institute (,
(14) Become a learning organization through relent- founded in the USA in 1997 by Gregory Howell and
less reflection (hansei) and continuous Glenn Ballard (
improvement (kaizen). It has proven impossible to simply imitate many of the
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methods employed in lean manufacturing, although

According to the Lean Enterprise Institute, lean some are more amenable to imitation than others. Gen-
methods have now been effectively applied in a wide erally, adaptation is required to the peculiarities of
range of industries to different types of works, including different types of production systems. This was under-
repetitive manufacturing of different product types, stood from the beginning of the lean construction move-
health care delivery and services such as the Canadian ment, partly as a result of historical accident. When
postal service ( In the next Koskela and Ballard met in 1992, Ballard was develop-
section, we discuss application/adaptation of lean prin- ing the Last Planner System, to be described in detail in
ciples and methods to project production systems. a later section of this paper. Once they and others
started grappling with the question as to how to apply
lean principles, it was realized that the sequence of
tasks and flows of materials could be fixed in repetitive
From lean production to lean project
manufacturing by the location and connection of work-
stations. Construction is a type of fixed-position manu-
facturing, in which the constructed objects eventually
A brief history
become too large to move through fixed workstations.
To our knowledge, lean was first linked to construction The situation is reversed; workstations become mobile
in Lauri Koskela’s ‘Application of the New Production and move through the objects. The sequence and
Philosophy to Construction’ (Koskela, 1992). Koskela timing of these workstation movements are driven by
challenged the construction industry to stop hiding planning rather than by fixed structure. This realization
behind the excuse that construction is not manufactur- made lean construction proponents sensitive to the
ing and to learn from the revolution underway in need to adapt rather than to imitate Toyota’s product
manufacturing. development or manufacturing practices.
During his year at Stanford, Koskela and Glenn This adaptation was accomplished in large part
Ballard, an adjunct professor at U.C. Berkeley, began through a series of white papers published by the Lean
working together. In August 1993, they held a small Construction Institute in a 14-month period in 1999–
conference at VTT, the national building research insti- 2000 (available at
tute, in Espoo, Finland, where Koskela was a LCI White Paper #8, ‘Lean Project Delivery System’
researcher. That was the first annual meeting of what (shown in Figure 1), provided a schematic that proved
came to be called the International Group for Lean to be useful in standardizing terminology and in defin-
Construction (, a loose association ing the research frontier.
of like-minded scholars and thoughtful practitioners. It also expressed some basic features of the lean
The following 19 years have seen both theoretical and approach to project management; for example:
practical development. Koskela has led the theoretical
battle, counterposing his transformation, flow and
value theory of production against the economics- (1) all life cycle phases are to be taken into account in
based conceptualization of production solely as a designing and making,
88 Ballard and Tommelein
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Figure 1 Lean Project Delivery System

(2) project phases are conceptualized as interlinked Another limitation in the applicability of lean methods is
triads, and development within phases is under- also apparent as regards automated processes. Process
stood to occur through a kind of ‘conversation’, plants may benefit from lean in their design and construc-
consistent with the fundamental lean principle to tion, but there appears to be little place for lean methods in
do work only on request, discussed in the next their operation. Perhaps the underlying issue is the human
section, role in operation––or rather the lack of such a role—and
(3) decisions regarding product and process design are the existence of a continuous flow process to start with.
to be made together, and If humans need not cooperate in order to produce some-
(4) work structuring (process design at every system thing, the applicability of lean methods appears to be
level) and production control are the primary reduced. When product flows continuously, there is no
management methods for governing project deliv- need for the rule ‘Do work only on request’. Conformance
ery through all its phases. to the rule is built into the process flow itself and is gov-
erned by automated controls. The lean ideal can still be
pursued in the designing of automated production
systems, and there is very likely need for lean methods in
From repetitive manufacturing to projects
maintenance, but operations appear to be off-limits. We
Figure 2 obtained from Schmenner (1993), who adapted return to this interesting question of limitations and con-
it from Hayes and Wheelwright’s (1979) typology of pro- textualization of lean in the fifth section.
duction systems, shows the range of systems for making Although many of Toyota’s manufacturing methods
things, from those in which the product flows continu- are applicable to construction, Toyota’s product devel-
ously (liquids and gases) to job shops and projects. opment system is the true counterpart to construction.
Product mix varies from standard products in very high Everything that is mass-produced is first produced in a
volumes to one of a kind or few. Process pattern varies product development system, which stops when repeti-
from rigid, automated flows to very jumbled flows, with tive manufacturing begins. Construction projects have
process segments loosely linked. Brink and Ballard the same scope; use of the product begins after con-
(2005) noted that lean manufacturing has been success- struction ends.
ful in converting batch flows into line flows, whether The difference between manufacturing’s product
worker paced or machine paced, and explored the development and construction projects is that the
limits to applying manufacturing cells, a specific lean former develop the means for producing multiple
method, to job shops and projects, based on the size copies of a product, while the latter produce only the
and temporal duration of product families.2 prototype and do not produce copies.
Lean Management Methods 89
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Figure 2 Types of production systems (Schmenner, 1993)

Construction’s products are rooted in location and In the U.S., and broadly in the international commu-
are highly impacted by their physical, social, environ- nity, lean construction has been taken up with the
mental and aesthetic contexts. Automobiles, refriger- idea that the project is a more fundamental form of
ators and wrist watches may be used anywhere on the production system than the factory. For the author,
planet, regardless of where they are made. Buildings, construction is one of many types of projects for
bridges, factories, highways, tunnels and dams must which theorists and practitioners are developing
be adapted to their locations. Differences in meteorolo- theory and tools, alongside air and sea shipbuilding,
gical and seismic conditions alone demand adaptations performing arts productions, software development,
of otherwise standard designs. Differences in regu- product development, fabrication (job) shops, oil
lations and codes, in the demand for aesthetic field development, health care delivery and work
harmony and in the availability and cost of (local and order systems such as plant maintenance.
distantly sourced) materials and many more differences
further increase the demand for adaptations to context. The argument for the project being the most funda-
mental form of production system is that all products,
mass-produced or custom, are first designed and
made in a project, specifically in a type of product devel-
Competing approaches to bringing lean into
opment system. Construction is one type of product
development system, dedicated to designing and
Some attempts to bring lean into the construction making (producing) engineered-to-order (aka
industry have proposed to make construction into ‘custom’) products that are rooted in the earth. Some
repetitive manufacturing. Standardization of product products, traditionally understood as products of con-
design is expected to enable application of repetitive struction, such as fabricated housing, may be subject
manufacturing methods. This seems to be a particularly to repetitive manufacturing methods in offsite fabrica-
strong view in the UK, reflecting the influence of the tion shops, as are many of the components that are
Egan Report (Egan, 1998). assembled into custom facilities; consider basic
This has not been the dominant view among lean materials such as wallboard, lumber and nails and also
construction proponents, who are better represented more complex components such as motors and
in the following excerpt from ‘Construction: One pumps. Other components, such as turbines and com-
Type of Project Production System’ (Ballard, 2005): pressors, are typically engineered-to-order, but can be
90 Ballard and Tommelein

built in one place and used elsewhere. It is the design of avoid overproduction’ and principle #4 ‘Level out the
the whole that makes a product engineered-to-order, workload (heijunka) – work like the tortoise, not the
not the design from scratch of every component. hare’. We return to this issue of the limitations on appli-
For those who see construction in terms of engin- cation of the lean philosophy in the fifth section.
eered-to-order products, the larger challenge of lean
construction is to learn how to manage all types of
project production systems. What principles and Last planner: a lean project management
methods apply to all? Which principles and methods method
require adaptation to differences in the work being per-
formed in each type of project production system? This section describes one key lean project management
To take one example, lean has been applied very suc- method, the Last Planner System. The development of
cessfully to oil field production, conceptualizing each the Last Planner illustrates the adaptation of lean prin-
well as a project moving through a multi-project proces- ciples and methods from their origin in repetitive man-
sing system. The approach taken was to reduce variation ufacturing to the project domain.
in work flow as wells moved through a series of pro- Last Planner originated in 1992, in the discovery that
cesses from the design of the well by engineering to only 54% of tasks on weekly work plans were com-
putting oil and gas in pipelines where they add to sell- pleted, on average, on numerous projects of seven
able product inventories (Ballard, 2007). The reduction highly regarded construction companies (Ballard and
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in workflow variation allowed resources to be reduced Howell, 1998). In most cases, labour capacity was
to match the lower workload peaks, resulting in a diverted to other tasks, making this phenomenon invis-
saving of 25% in development costs and a reduction ible to those focusing only on productivity and on pro-
of 32% in cycle time (Figure 3), not to mention the gress. Tasks may have been done out of sequence, but
additional profits from increased capital turns. Each the rework penalty for doing so would be felt later.
point in the graphic shown in Figure 3 represents the This was discovery of an underlying determinant of his-
cycle time of a well from the start of drilling to torical norms, so the corresponding unit rates and unit
product flowing into the pipeline. Although there costs did not signal the need or opportunity to
remain a few outliers, the reduction in variation after improve performance.
implementation of lean methods is evident. The research findings were initially interpreted within
Adaptation was needed to the oil field environment, the conceptual framework of productivity improvement
but the lean ideal was held constant, as were many of to explain the low productivity of crews and design
the lean principles already found in the Toyota Way; squads that had to shift from one task to another.
for example, principle #3: ‘Use “pull” systems to Once introduced to the lean manufacturing literature,

Figure 3 Cycle time per well

Lean Management Methods 91

it became apparent that the major impact on perform- With this insight, the disruptive character of the Last
ance was from poor work flow reliability. Work plans Planner System and lean, in general, began to become
made within one week of execution were very poor pre- apparent. Construction projects had previously been
dictors of work released to following ‘trades’ one week practised largely through command and control, with
later. At 54% percent plan complete (PPC), the tasks assigned as orders, reinforced by contractual
chance that the current plan will accurately predict the penalties. Commitments were neither requested nor
work available to be done next week was almost that given (Howell and Ballard, 1994a). Understanding of
of a coin toss. Given this fact, it would be no surprise the extent to which fundamental change is required in
if design squad bosses and construction foremen were industry practice has continued to grow from this orig-
to give up extensive preparation for performing specific inal insight.
tasks and rather be satisfied to do whatever work hap-
pened to be available. It became apparent that the invisi-
The lookahead (make-ready) process
bility and low reliability of work flow were major
contributors to the poor productivity in construction Improving PPC was expected to improve productivity
compared with other industries. by increasing certainty of work available the following
week and hence preparation for performing those
tasks. However, it was understood that PPC could be
Weekly work plans
100% and the project could still fail to progress on sche-
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The Last Planner System was designed in stages, dule. Progressing on schedule is rather a function of
working from bottom (weekly work plans) to top making the right tasks ready to be performed at the
(project schedules). The first problem was as to how right time. A new and improved lookahead process
to improve PPC, the percentage of planned tasks com- was proposed to perform this function, principally
pleted as planned. Four quality criteria for assignments through meticulous identification and removal of con-
on weekly work plans were proposed to improve the straints on tasks scheduled to be performed in the
PPC of these plans: definition, soundness, sequence next six weeks (Howell and Ballard, 1994b). On reflec-
and size. These were rules for selection and formation tion, a name different from ‘lookahead’ might have
of task assignments intended to shield direct production avoided confusion with traditional lookahead processes
from upstream variation (Ballard and Howell, 1994a). in construction, which have not made transparent the
status of future work, but rather have functioned as
(1) Definition: An assignment is adequately defined early warnings of mobilization: ‘You will be ready to
when those who are to perform the assigned task form the interior basement walls two weeks from now,
can determine if and how to perform it and what right?’. These are not requests for commitments, but
instructions, materials, special tools, special thinly disguised commands to which the expected
skills, access, equipment, etc. are needed. response is ‘Aye aye, sir’.
(2) Soundness: An assignment is sound if all con- Typical constraints for tasks were identified and
straints that can be removed prior to the plan spreadsheets, like the one given in Table 1, were used
period have been removed, and if those who for status constraint removal and the soundness of
are to perform the task are confident, the scheduled tasks.3
remaining constraints can be removed during In weekly Last Planner meetings, managed usually by
the plan period. the superintendent (construction) or the design
(3) Sequence: An assigned task is in the proper manager (design), the supervisors of the various special-
sequence when it is critical, in critical path ists review tasks scheduled to be performed in the next
method (CPM) terms, when its immediate cus- three to six weeks and accept responsibility for removing
tomers will be ready to work on its product at constraints. The rule is to notify the team immediately if
release and when performing the task now does one loses confidence that constraints can be removed in
not incur a later rework penalty. time to start the task when scheduled. Note the differ-
(4) Size: Tasks are assigned within the capabilities of ence from waiting until you are sure you cannot
those who are to perform the tasks. remove a constraint to notify the team. A early
warning provides more time and resources for removing
Once the importance of work flow reliability was the constraint or, if this is not possible, for replanning
understood, this led naturally to the realization that per- around the constrained task.
sonal commitments were needed between interdepen- As shown in Figure 4, the design of work methods has
dent front-line supervisors, aka ‘last planners’, been considered part of the lookahead planning process
followed quickly by a second realization, namely that since the initial design of the Last Planner System
you cannot make a promise if you cannot say ‘no’. (Ballard and Howell, 1994b). The current thinking is
Table 1 Constraint analysis in the lookahead process

Activity Planned Responsible change Design Prerequisite
ID Activity description start date party orders Materials Labour Equipment work Space Sound? Comments
Requests for
Drawings Information
complete Submittals (RFIs)
11 Rebar erection for first- 15 January Rebar sub X X X X Delivery Monday X X X X
floor columns 5–8 2007 am
12 Electrical inserts/rough- 15 January Electrical sub X X X X X X X X X
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in for first-floor wall 2007

13 Formwork for first side 15 January General X X X X X X X X X
for first-floor wall w1 2007 contractor
14 Mechanical penetrations 15 January Mechanical X Shop drawing Puddle flange X X X X X X
in first-floor wall w1 2007 approval (seal)
15 Strip formwork for 15 January GC X X X X X X X X X
columns 1–4 2007
16 Electrical inserts/rough- 16 January Electrical sub X X X X GI couplers X X X X
in for columns 5–8 2007
17 Formwork for first-floor 17 January GC X X X X X X X Inspection X
columns 5–8 2007
18 Formwork for second 16 January GC X X X X X X X Inspection X
side for first-floor wall 2007
19 Pour concrete for first- 17 January GC X X X X X X X Inspection X
floor wall w1 2007
20 Pour concrete for first- 18 January GC X X X X X X X Inspection X
floor columns 5–8 2007
21 Second-floor slab 16 January GC X X X X X Carpenters X X X
falsework for area 1 2007
22 Second-floor slab deck 17 January GC X X X X Plywood delivery X X X X
formwork for area 1 2007 Tuesday pm
23 Second-floor rebar 18 January GC X X X X X X X Deck X
installation for area 1 2007
24 Second-floor slab 19 January Electrical sub X X X RFI # 33 X X X X X
electrical rough-in 2007
25 Second-floor slab 19 January Mechanical Yes Revision X X X X X X X
mechanical 2007 awaited

Ballard and Tommelein

(service crossings and
box outs)
26 Falsework for first-floor 19 January GC X X X X Scaffold delivery X X X X
staircase 1 2007 Wednesday am
27 Preassemble forms for 19 January GC X X X X X X X X X
lift wall 2007
Lean Management Methods 93

reliable information. The common industry practice

was rather to develop schedules to a high level of
detail in order to reduce the discretion of those perform-
ing the scheduled work and to facilitate micro-manage-
ment. ‘The schedule says you’re to be placing piers
101A, B and C today in Area 5. Why aren’t you doing
If all plans are forecasts, then the forecasting errors
mentioned above apply to them. Far from being able
to predict the day when specific work will be performed
two years later, the only thing certain is that the work
will not be done in accordance with that master
Specification of the second principle, to produce
plans collaboratively with those who will do the work,
led to collaborative production of phase schedules.
Incorporating the experience and knowledge of those
responsible for doing the work being planned was
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expected to yield schedules with higher anticipation of

Figure 4 Designing work methods (from Ballard and needed tasks and better sequence of tasks. Although
Howell, 1994b). there has been, to our knowledge, no rigorous evalu-
ation, industry practitioners report good results and
pull scheduling is in widespread use in companies
to do constraint analysis at the process level of task defi- involved with the Lean Construction Institute and its
nition (the level at which phase planning is usually done) international affiliates.
in the first three weeks of the six-week lookahead period,
then breakdown scheduled tasks into operations,4 and
finally design these operations so that they can be Learning from plan failures
tested in their first runs (Hamzeh et al., 2008). In the dynamic environment of construction projects, it
is unlikely that we will be perfect planners. Indeed, in
everyday life, we sometimes break our promises,
Master and phase scheduling
despite thoughtful consideration of our capability to
Constraint analysis and removal, supported by the soli- perform prior to committing. Even so, we can aspire
citation and making of public commitments, proved to never making the same mistake twice. This requires
effective in making tasks that appear in the lookahead learning from our plan failures, our broken promises.
window ready, but did not assure that all relevant This has been the most challenging component of the
tasks were included in the schedule or that tasks were Last Planner System to put into practice. On projects,
in the best sequence. Consequently, scheduling was which are obsessively focused on objectives, there
added as a third component of the Last Planner System. never seems to be time to reflect and to analyse. The
Outside construction, it is well understood that all strong temptation is to clean up the mess and move
plans are forecasts and all forecasts are wrong and that on, despite the fact that doing so virtually insures a rep-
both forecasting further into the future and forecasting etition of the same breakdown in the future.
at greater levels of detail increase forecast error Sidney Dekker, who has devoted his career to explor-
(Nahmias, 1997). Based on this premise, it was ing the challenges of learning from breakdowns5 in
decided to plan in greater detail as we get closer to safety, divides accident investigations into two types.
doing the work, principle #1 of the Last Planner In the first type, investigators are content with identify-
System (Ballard, 2009a). ing a path, which, if taken, would not have resulted in
This principle was first applied to the master project the breakdown. The parties considered responsible are
schedule, the schedule covering the entirety of the blamed for failing to take that path and the investigation
project, from the start date to the end date, with the rec- is complete. Dekker says of this type of accident investi-
ommendation that such schedules be kept at the level of gation that it does nothing to prevent the same accident
phase milestones, the level of detail often referred to in from reoccurring.
the construction industry as a proposal schedule. This He further proposes that prevention requires under-
follows from recognition that scheduling done nearer standing why people acted as they did in the circum-
in time to execution generally benefits from more stances as they experienced them, that is, putting
94 Ballard and Tommelein

yourself in their shoes, subject to the same competing definitively specified, with no risk of major change,
objectives, unclear information, delayed feedback, etc. then traditional management methods can be success-
For a number of reasons, the second type of accident ful. Such methods include sequential processing,
investigation is very difficult to do. For one thing, in a fixed-price contracting, reductionist work breakdown
short time after events, we begin reconstructing our structuring and reactive project control.
experience. But perhaps the biggest obstacle is the Sequential processing comes with a rework penalty,
desire to avoid blame and hence to withhold infor- in consequence of failing to consider all relevant
mation that is argued by Dekker to be critical in prevent- design criteria when forming, evaluating and selecting
ing reoccurrence of the accident. There is a tension from design alternatives. For example, reviewing
between the desire to learn and the desire to hold designs for constructability after they are fully devel-
people accountable for their actions—a tension which oped often reveals deficiencies in the designs. Rework
is exacerbated by cultures that prize knowing over is needed to correct these deficiencies. The risk of incur-
learning. ring the rework penalty, and the amount of rework to be
A number of different methods of root cause analysis done, increases directly with the extent of design inno-
have been proposed, but none have been systematically vation. If an existing design needs to be adapted only
employed in practice. The problem appears rather to be slightly to differences in location or capacity, the prob-
in behaviour than in methodology. Although it seems ability that the currently accepted ‘means and
quite clear that individuals have benefited enormously methods’ will prove to be inadequate is reduced.
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from the rigorous testing of their ‘hypotheses’ about Fixed-price contracting, when based on nominally
reality, complete implementation of the learning com- complete design documents, is at risk for changes in
ponent of the Last Planner System remains elusive. the design, which provokes change orders, providing
contractors an opportunity to increase their profitabil-
ity. When competitive bidding is used as the basis for
contract award, bidders may rely on change orders for
The Last Planner System of production planning and all their profits or simply make them whole. This puts
control is disruptive to current project management the parties to the contract in an adversarial, zero sum
practices, if for no other reason, because requests game. To the extent that the scope is firm and design
replace commands. It has proven effective in stabilizing is complete, the risk of exploitation is reduced.
work processes, which is a prerequisite for substantial However, note that this does not reduce the risk to the
investments in optimization. Its principles include project of the difference in commercial interests of the
‘Plan in greater detail as the time for action approaches’ parties.
and ‘Produce plans collaboratively with those who will Work breakdown structuring is traditionally done to
do the work’ (Ballard, 2009a). The first conflicts with assure that all work scopes are assigned with no over-
the traditional practice of highly detailed master sche- laps or omissions. Subsequently, the created structure
dules. The second conflicts with imposing these sche- is used as the basis for contract management and
dules unilaterally on those who are to do the work. managerial control, which acts as if each contract
As projects become more complex and uncertain, the and node in the work breakdown structure was inde-
extent to which pre-programming is effective is pendent and hence could be optimized for duration
reduced, and dependence on proactive and opportunis- and cost as a means for optimizing the project. To
tic steering during project execution increases. Last the extent that the assumption holds, namely that
Planner is a method that facilitates steering in rough the parts of the whole are independent (i.e. the
seas. project is less complex), traditional work structuring
and the associated management practice can be
The limits of lean project management Traditional project control starts with the identifi-
cation of negative variances between SHOULD and
Lean project management is especially critical for suc- DID. This signals the need for management attention,
cessful performance of complex and uncertain projects. a scarce resource, which is to be expended on analysis
Traditional project management assumes a high degree and corrective action. This might be likened to driving
of certainty and levels of complexity sufficiently low that a car while looking in the rear view mirror. Maintaining
they can be buffered by adding time to schedules and the analogy, a more proactive concept of control is steer-
money to budgets and still keep projects economically ing the car towards its destination, which implies a man-
viable. The fundamental requirement for successful agement focus on the plan to complete rather than a
application of traditional, non-lean project management focus on how well you are performing relative to your
methods is scope stability. If what is wanted can be original plan. Obviously, traditional project control is
Lean Management Methods 95

the more appropriate choice when both project ends traditional methods. The greater the complexity, the
and means are fixed and definitive. more the lean methods are needed.
We have also identified a need for future research to
develop means for more accurately assessing the com-
A research challenge plexity of projects before they are started. Examination
of current risk management practices is a good starting
Deciding when to use lean or traditional methods of
point, because risk assessment is the current means for
project management is currently inhibited by inability
determining project challenge. If successful, this
to adequately evaluate project complexity and uncer-
research would enable designing project delivery pro-
tainty before project execution. There is little or no
cesses tailored to the challenge posed by each project.
empirically based knowledge on the distribution of pro-
Closely related to this research is the quantification of
jects along the continuum between simple and certain,
penalties imposed on users of traditional management
on the one extreme, and complex and uncertain, on
methods relative to the risks of project failure, where
the other extreme.6 Indeed, the relevant variables may
failure is not achieving business objectives within con-
not have been accurately identified.
ditions of satisfaction. Once we better understand
Project management research has focused its efforts
where a project lies on the continuum between simple
on reducing uncertainty (though with less focus on
and complex, more information will be needed in
complexity), with much less attention to managing in
order to make trade-off decisions.
conditions of uncertainty and complexity. If industry
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practitioners are correct that projects have been and

continue to become more complex and uncertain over
time, a shift in research is much needed. Although plan-
ning and preparation are critical to project success, the
1. The lean ideal has been stated slightly differently by differ-
extent to which this is true varies with the nature of ent authors; for example, see Ohno (1988) and Womack
the project. Successful management of complex and and Jones (1996). The version provided in this paper is
uncertain projects occurs more during than prior to intended to capture the essential elements of the ideal.
execution. Furthermore, preparation takes on new 2. Nonetheless, they reported successful application to a job
content, with changes in team selection, commercial shop (precast concrete fabrication) of other lean methods:
arrangements, organizational structure and manage- total quality maintenance, 5S, process mapping, etc.
ment methods. Researchers and practitioners have 3. Spreadsheets were used to implement Last Planner in its
been developing lean project management to meet the earliest forms, followed in the late 1990s by software
challenges of dynamic projects. It is now time to designed for purpose. The earliest, and still most
widely used, Last Planner softwares are by Adept Man-
ground their intellectual products in the broader body
agement Limited (
of literature and to develop the knowledge needed for
and Strategic Project Solutions (http://www.
deciding when it is best to use lean methods.
4. Projects consist of phases, phases of processes, processes of
operations, operations of steps and steps of elemental
Conclusions and recommendations for motions. Steps are what are assigned to members of a
work team; for example, fit the pipe, grind the pipe and
future research weld the pipe. Designing work methods with the workers
who will perform the first run assures the level of detail at
We have offered a definition of lean as a philosophy of which individuals’ responsibilities are defined.
management specified by the ideal pursued, principles 5. He has many relevant books. A good starting point is his
followed in that pursuit and methods employed in appli- The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error (Dekker,
cation of the principles. An explanation has been pro- 2006). Dekker’s work is focused on accidents in large,
vided as to how lean was adapted from manufacturing complex systems such as the aviation and maritime indus-
to construction, and a major lean management tries. We generalize from accidents as one type of break-
method has been described, namely the Last Planner. down, an unintended deviation from target outcomes, to
We hope to have shown this and how these methods other types of breakdowns relevant for the management
of construction projects, namely broken promises (also
are helpful in managing complex projects. Finally, we
known as plan failures) and errors that result in defects:
have explored the limitations of lean in construction planning, safety and quality.
and explained how the use of traditional, non-lean man- 6. Howell et al. (1993) are an exception. They reported find-
agement methods can be successful when projects are ings regarding the extent to which there is uncertainty
more simple and more certain. regarding project ends and means as late as the start of con-
We offer as a conclusion that lean management struction. They also found that the extent of uncertainty is
methods are better suited to complex projects than routinely underestimated.
96 Ballard and Tommelein

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