Powering The Planet: Chemical Challenges in Solar Energy Utilization

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Powering the planet: Chemical challenges in solar

energy utilization
Nathan S. Lewis*† and Daniel G. Nocera†‡
*Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125; and
‡Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

Edited by Edward I. Solomon, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved August 11, 2006 (received for review May 25, 2006)

Global energy consumption is projected to increase, even in the face of substantial declines in energy intensity, at least 2-fold by
midcentury relative to the present because of population and economic growth. This demand could be met, in principle, from fossil
energy resources, particularly coal. However, the cumulative nature of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere demands that holding atmo-
spheric CO2 levels to even twice their preanthropogenic values by midcentury will require invention, development, and deployment
of schemes for carbon-neutral energy production on a scale commensurate with, or larger than, the entire present-day energy supply
from all sources combined. Among renewable energy resources, solar energy is by far the largest exploitable resource, providing
more energy in 1 hour to the earth than all of the energy consumed by humans in an entire year. In view of the intermittency of
insolation, if solar energy is to be a major primary energy source, it must be stored and dispatched on demand to the end user. An
especially attractive approach is to store solar-converted energy in the form of chemical bonds, i.e., in a photosynthetic process at a
year-round average efficiency significantly higher than current plants or algae, to reduce land-area requirements. Scientific chal-
lenges involved with this process include schemes to capture and convert solar energy and then store the energy in the form of
chemical bonds, producing oxygen from water and a reduced fuel such as hydrogen, methane, methanol, or other hydrocarbon

⬇40.8 TW in 2050. However, the global

he supply of secure, clean, sus- ganization jointly established by the World
tainable energy is arguably the Meteorological Organization and the average energy intensity has declined con-
most important scientific and United Nations Environment Program tinuously over the past 100 yr, due to im-
technical challenge facing hu- (after Scenario B2 in ref. 2; Ė ⫽ (869 EJ兾 provements in technology throughout the
manity in the 21st century. Energy secu- yr)䡠(106 TJ兾EJ)兾(60䡠60䡠24䡠365 s兾yr) ⫽ energy production, distribution, and end-
rity, national security, environmental 27.54 TW (TJ, terajoule; and EJ, exa- use chain. In anticipation of continued
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security, and economic security can joule). The scenario outlined in the last improvements in technology, the global
likely be met only through addressing two columns of Table 1 is based on ‘‘mod- average energy intensity in the Table 1
the energy problem within the next erate’’ assumptions and hence is reason- scenario is projected to decrease at ap-
10–20 yr. Meeting global energy de- ably viewed as neither overly conservative proximately the historical average rate of
mand in a sustainable fashion will nor overly aggressive. 0.8% yr⫺1, from 0.29 W兾($ yr⫺1) in 2001
require not only increased energy To better understand this scenario, to 0.20 W兾($ yr⫺1) by 2050. This decrease
efficiency and new methods of using the top half of Table 1 breaks down the offsets somewhat the projected increases
existing carbon-based fuels but also a rate of energy consumption, Ė, into in population and per capita GDP, so that
daunting amount of new carbon-neutral three fundamental factors (3): the world energy consumption rate is in-
energy. The various factors that con- stead projected to grow by 2.3% yr⫺1 ⫺
spire to support the above far-reaching Ė ⫽ N䡠(GDP兾N)䡠(Ė兾GDP), [1] 0.8% yr⫺1 ⫽ 1.5% yr⫺1, from 13.5 TW in
conclusions and the basic science 2001 to ⬇27 TW by 2050. Hence, even
needed for the development of a large- where N is the global population, GDP兾N
factoring in a decrease in energy intensity,
scale cost-effective carbon-neutral en- is the globally averaged gross domestic
the world energy consumption rate is pro-
ergy system are the focus of this paper. product (GDP) per capita, and Ė兾GDP is
jected to double from 13.5 TW in 2001 to
the globally averaged energy intensity (i.e.,
27 TW by 2050 and to triple to 43 TW by
The Global Energy Perspective the energy consumed per unit of GDP).
2100 (4).
In 2001, worldwide primary energy con- The world population was ⬇6.1 billion in
sumption was 425 ⫻ 1018 J, which is an 2001, and in the scenario represented in The Global Energy Challenge Presented
average energy consumption rate of 13.5 Table 1, the global population is projected by Consumption of Fossil Fuels
terawatt (TW) (1). Eight-six percent of to increase by 0.9% yr⫺1 to ⬇9.4 billion
Many sources indicate there are ample
this energy was obtained from fossil by 2050. World per capita GDP was
fossil energy reserves, in one form or
fuels, with roughly equal parts from oil, ⬇$7,500 per capita in 2001. In the Table 1
another, to supply this energy at some
coal, and natural gas. Nuclear power scenario, GDP兾N is projected to increase
at the historical average rate of 1.4% yr⫺1 reasonable cost. The World Energy As-
accounted for ⬇0.8 TW of primary
to ⬇$15,000 per capita by 2050. No coun- sessment Report estimates of the total
(thermal) energy, and the remainder of
try has a policy against economic growth, reserves (i.e., 90% confidence that the
the energy supply came mostly from un-
sustainable biomass, with a relatively so this increase in GDP兾N seems quite
small contribution from renewable reasonable and in fact may well be modest Author contributions: N.S.L. and D.G.N wrote the paper.
sources (1). given the rapid economic growth being The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Future energy demand is projected to experienced by China and India at This article is a PNAS direct submission.
increase considerably relative to that in present. With no changes in the globally Abbreviations: TW, terawatt; GDP, gross domestic product;
2001. The most widely used scenarios for averaged energy intensity, the world en- PV, photovoltaics; GtC, metric tons of carbon.
future world energy consumption have ergy consumption rate would grow, due to †To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail:
been those developed by the Intergovern- population growth and economic growth, nslewis@caltech.edu or nocera@mit.edu.
mental Panel on Climate Change, an or- by 2.3% yr⫺1, from 13.5 TW in 2001 to © 2006 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0603395103 PNAS 兩 October 24, 2006 兩 vol. 103 兩 no. 43 兩 15729 –15735
Table 1. World energy statistics and projections
Quantity Definition Units 2001* 2050† 2100‡

N Population B persons 6.145 9.4 10.4

GDP GDP§ T $/yr 46 140¶ 284㛳
GDP兾N Per capita GDP $兾(person-yr) 7,470 14,850 27,320
Ė/GDP Energy intensity W兾($兾yr) 0.294 0.20 0.15
Ė Energy consumption rate TW 13.5 27.6 43.0
C兾E Carbon intensity KgC兾(W䡠yr) 0.49 0.40 0.31
Ċ Carbon emission rate GtC兾yr 6.57 11.0 13.3
Ċ Equivalent CO2 emission rate GtCO2兾yr 24.07 40.3 48.8

*Ė ⫽ (403.9 Quads兾yr)䡠(33.4 GWyr兾Quad)䡠(10–3 TW兾GW) ⫽ 13.5 TW; and Ċ ⫽ (24.072 GtCO2兾yr)䡠(12兾44 GtC兾
GtCO2) ⫽ 6.565 GtC (adapted from ref. 1).
†Ė ⫽ (869 EJ兾yr)䡠(106 TJ兾EJ)兾(60䡠60䡠24䡠365 s兾yr) ⫽ 27.5 TW [adapted from ref. 2 (Scenario B2), pp. 48 –55].
‡Ė ⫽ (1,357 EJ兾yr)䡠(106 TJ兾EJ)兾(60䡠60䡠24䡠365 s兾yr) ⫽ 43.0 TW [adapted from ref. 2 (Scenario B2), pp. 48 –55].

2000 ⫽ 1兾0.81590 $1990 (adapted from ref.

§All in year 2000 U.S. dollars, using the inflation-adjusted conversions: $

1), and ⬘purchasing power parity⬘ exchange rates.

1990)䡠(1兾0.81590 $2000兾$1990) ⫽ 139.6 T$2000.
¶In year 2000 U.S. dollars: (113.9 T$
㛳In year 2000 U.S. dollars: (231.8 T$
1990)䡠(1兾0.81590 $2000/$1990) ⫽ 284.1 T$2000.

reserves exist) and of the global re- Climate Change ‘‘business as usual’’ sce- the atmospheric CO2 concentration has
source base (5), including both con- nario of Table 1 projects, arguably opti- been between 210 and 300 ppm for the
ventional and unconventional sources, mistically, that the historical trend of past 420,000 yr (8), and more recent
provide a benchmark for evaluating the mean carbon intensity decline with time studies of Dome Concordia ice cores
total available global fossil energy base. will continue through 2050, producing an have extended this time period to
Based on 1998 consumption rates, energy mix continually favoring cleaner- 650,000 yr (9). Over this same time pe-
40–80 yr of proven conventional and burning fuels from a carbon emissions riod, the atmospheric CO2 concentration
unconventional oil reserves exist glo- viewpoint, until the average in 2050 is be- has been highly correlated with, but is
bally, and 50–150 yr of oil are available low that of the least carbon-intensive fossil not necessarily the cause of, tempera-
if the estimated resource base is in- energy source, natural gas. This decrease ture swings that have repeatedly caused
cluded. Sixty to 160 yr of reserves of in carbon intensity would offset somewhat ice ages on the planet. The CO2 concen-
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natural gas are present, and between the increase in the rate of energy con- trations in the past 50 yr have been
207 and 590 yr of gas resources, not sumption. But even with this projected rising because of anthropogenic CO2
including the natural gas potentially decrease in carbon intensity, the world emissions from fossil fuel consumption,
available as methane clathrates in the carbon emissions rate in this scenario is and they are now in excess of 380 ppm.
continental shelves, are in the estimated projected to nearly double from 6.6 GtC Without intervention, even the Table 1
resource base. Similarly, a 1,000- to yr⫺1 in 2001 to 11.0 GtC yr⫺1 by 2050 (2). scenario produces, within the 21st cen-
2000-yr supply of coal, shales, and tar On the timescale of many centuries, tury, atmospheric CO2 concentrations
sands is in the estimated resource base. CO2 emissions are essentially cumulative that are more than double the prean-
Hence the estimated fossil energy re- in the atmosphere. The CO2 equilibrates thropogenic values (4, 6). The exact
sources could support a 25- to 30-TW on an ⬇10- to 30-yr timescale between levels vary depending on the assumed
energy consumption rate globally for at the atmosphere and the near-surface composition of energy sources, the effi-
least several centuries. layer of the oceans (6), which accounts ciency of energy production and con-
Consumption of fossil energy at that for why only ⬇50% of the anthropo- sumption, the global economy, and
rate, however, will produce a potentially genic CO2 emissions remain in the at- different intervention scenarios to con-
significant global issue. Historically, the mosphere (the remainder partitioning trol CO2 levels. Modestly stringent
mean carbon intensity (kg of C emitted to into the biosphere and the oceans). Be- interventions are based on stabilizing
the atmosphere as CO2 per year per W of cause there are no natural destruction atmospheric CO2 in the 550- to 650-ppm
power produced from the fuel) of the mechanisms of CO2 in the atmosphere, range, with substantially higher values
global energy mix has been declining. In the long-term removal of atmospheric projected (⬎750 ppm) if the Table 1
the past two centuries, the energy mix has CO2 must occur by convection. The rel- scenario is followed. Climate models
shifted from being dominated by wood to evant mixing time between the near- predict a variety of different global re-
coal to oil and now more to natural gas. surface ocean layer and the deep oceans sponses to levels of CO2 at or in excess
This shift has produced a decrease in the is between 400 and several thousand of 550 ppm in the atmosphere. In some
average carbon intensity of the energy years (6, 7). Hence, in the absence of models, moderate changes are predicted,
mix, because oil and gas have higher H兾C geoengineering or active intervention, whereas in others, relatively serious sea
ratios and hence upon combustion pro- whatever environmental effects might be level rises, changes in the hydrological
duce more water and less CO2 per unit of caused by this atmospheric CO2 accu- cycle, and other effects are predicted
heat released than does coal. If the car- mulation over the next 40–50 yr will (10). Tipping points involving positive
bon intensity were to remain at the year persist globally for the next 500–2,000 yr feedback, such as the accelerated loss of
2001 value (approximately equal parts or more. permafrost, which could release further
coal, oil, and natural gas), the world car- Although the precise future effects of CO2 which then could accelerate still
bon emission rate would grow due to the such anthropogenic CO2 emissions are further permafrost loss, are of substan-
projected growth in the energy consump- still somewhat uncertain, the emission tive concern. What can be said with
tion from 6.6 billion metric tons of carbon levels can certainly be viewed rigorously certainty is that the atmospheric CO2
(GtC) yr⫺1 in 2001 to 13.5 GtC yr⫺1 by within a historical perspective. The data concentrations are being increased and
2050. The Intergovernmental Panel on from the Vostok ice core indicate that without severe intervention will con-

15730 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0603395103 Lewis and Nocera

tinue to increase, because of anthropo- construction because of the fuel con- compelling imperative for science and
genic sources, to levels that have not sumed during the rampup phase). More- technology in the 21st century.
been present on the planet in at least over, construction of nuclear power
the past 650,000 yr and probably in the plants would need to proceed at a very Solar Energy Utilization
past 20 million yr. rapid rate by historical standards (one Solar energy utilization requires solar (i)
1-GWe (gigawatt-electric) power plant capture and conversion and (ii) storage.
Carbon-Neutral Fuel Sources and the every 1.6 days for the next 45 yr). The Solar capture and conversion may be
Solar Opportunity international tokamak (magnetic con- accomplished by photovoltaics (PVs).
To meet the (arguably optimistic) Inter- finement fusion) experiment (ITER) is The challenge here is to dramatically
governmental Panel on Climate Change now scheduled to demonstrate an en- reduce the cost per W of delivered solar
projection in the Table 1 scenario for ergy breakeven point in 35 yr for a few electricity. Compared with fossil energy,
the average carbon intensity in 2050, the minutes of operational time. Although solar energy is diffuse, and hence mate-
projected carbon intensity in 2050 is fusion might possibly provide significant rials costs must be very inexpensive to
⬇0.45 kg of C yr⫺1 W⫺1, which is lower commercial energy late in the 21st cen- make a solar-based process economical.
than that of any of the fossil fuels. The tury, the ITER time line is much too far Knowing the insolation striking an area
only way one can reach this value of the in the future to provide a credible op- of the earth for a 30-yr period, it is rela-
mean carbon intensity is through a sig- tion to make a significant contribution tively simple to calculate the sale price
nificant contribution of carbon-free to the amount of cost-effective carbon- of the converted energy that is needed
power to the total energy mix. This con- neutral energy production needed to to pay back at least the initial cost that
clusion holds for an economy entirely meet any reasonable atmospheric CO2 is required to cover that area with the
based on natural gas; to the extent that concentration target in the next 40–50 yr. solar energy conversion system. At 10%
the mix of consumed fossil fuels is not Carbon capture and storage comprise efficiency, and a cost of $300 m⫺2, both
100% natural gas but is roughly also a second general approach (12). In this typical of current Si-based solar electric-
equal parts oil and coal, even more approach, the carbon dioxide is dis- ity modules, along with a balance of
carbon-free energy is required to main- solved in the underground aquifers. To systems cost of $3 Wp⫺1 (peak W), an
tain the average of the energy mix at be a viable option technically, the CO2 electricity price of $0.35 [kW-hr]⫺1 is
the 0.45 kg of C yr⫺1 W⫺1 value. In fact, must not leak at a globally averaged rate required to cover the initial system costs
the amount of carbon-free power re- of 1% for a timescale of centuries. Oth- (13). By comparison, fossil-derived elec-
quired in 2050 to meet these carbon in- erwise, the emitted flux will be greater tricity (high-value energy) now costs ap-
tensity targets is ⬎10 TW and is much than or equal to that intended to be proximately $0.02–0.05 [kW-hr]⫺1, and
greater than 10 TW if emissions are to mitigated initially. Experiments at scale that cost includes storage and distribu-
be lowered such that CO2 can be stabi- are needed, along with extensive model- tion costs. To reach a cost point near
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lized at 550 ppm. Even more carbon- ing, simulation, monitoring, and valida- that of fossil-derived energy will thus
free power will be required later in the tion, to ascertain with ⬎99% confidence require improvements in efficiency but
21st century if CO2 levels are to be kept that the leak rate will be acceptably low additionally will require large decreases
below 550 ppm or if a lower atmo- for a 500- to 1,000-yr period. Further- in cost, into a range below $100 m⫺2.
spheric CO2 target level is desired. By more, each reservoir is different geolog- For comparison, the cost of paint is
almost any reasonable estimate, stabili- ically, so proof that sequestration works about $1 m⫺2, so the solar energy con-
zation of atmospheric CO2 levels at 550 technically at one reservoir is not gen- version system can cost ⬇10 times more
ppm or lower will require as much eral proof that the process will work at than the cost of paint, but not much
carbon-neutral power by approximately the required level globally. The global more if it is to provide cost-effective
the year 2050 as the amount of power reservoir capacity has been estimated to primary energy.
produced at present from all energy be equivalent to ⬇100–150 yr of carbon In the absence of cost-effective stor-
sources combined (4). Furthermore, be- emissions. Hence, sequestration could age, solar electricity can never be a pri-
cause CO2 emissions are cumulative on buy time if it works technically and is so mary energy source for society, because
a century-level timescale, even higher validated within the next 10–20 yr. An of the diurnal variation in local insola-
levels of carbon-neutral power are re- additional condition is that the energy tion. In principle, storage of electricity
quired by 2050 if their introduction does distribution and end-use chain must be could be obtained using batteries, but
not start immediately with a constant transformed to handle massive quanti- at present no battery is inexpensive
rampup but instead are delayed by 20 yr ties of carbon-free fuels (hydrogen) or enough, when amortized over the 30-yr
for their commissioning while awaiting electricity on the needed timescale to lifetime of a solar device, to satisfy the
technology development and兾or policy mitigate carbon emissions. needed cost per W targets for the whole
and socioeconomic interventions. The third general approach is to use system. A second method is to store the
Three general routes are available to renewable energy. Of the various renew- electrical energy mechanically. For in-
produce such large amounts of carbon- able energy sources, by far the largest stance, electricity could be used to drive
neutral power. resource is provided by the sun. More turbines to pump water uphill. This ap-
Nuclear fission is one method, but it energy from sunlight strikes the earth in proach is relatively inexpensive for
would require widespread implementa- 1 hr (4.3 ⫻ 1020 J) than all of the en- storing large amounts of energy at mod-
tion of breeder reactors (11). Estimated ergy currently consumed on the planet est charge and discharge rates, but is not
terrestrial U resources are sufficient to in 1 yr (4.1 ⫻ 1020 J in 2001) (5). Yet, well matched to being charged and dis-
produce ⬇100 TW-yr of electricity using in 2001, only ⬍0.1% of electricity and charged every 24 h to compensate for
conventional once-through U reactor ⬍1.5% of fuels (mostly from biomass) the diurnal cycle. For example, buffering
technology. Hence, if 10 TW of power were provided by a solar source (1). the day兾night cycle in the U.S. energy
were obtained from conventional nu- Against the backdrop of the daunting demand by this approach would require
clear fission, the terrestrial U resource carbon-neutral energy needs of our a pumping capacity equivalent of
base would be exhausted at that level in global future, the large gap between our ⬎5,000 Hoover Dams, filling and empty-
less than a decade (in fact, it would be present use of solar energy and its enor- ing reservoirs every day and every night.
exhausted after the first 30 yr of reactor mous undeveloped potential defines a Currently, the cheapest method of solar

Lewis and Nocera PNAS 兩 October 24, 2006 兩 vol. 103 兩 no. 43 兩 15731
energy capture, conversion, and storage
is solar thermal technology, which can
cost as little as $0.10–0.15 per kW-hr
for electricity production. Advances in
this potentially very important approach
to solar energy utilization will require
new materials for the focusing and ther-
mal capture of the energy in sunlight, as
well as new thermochemical cycles for
producing useful fuel from the captured
solar energy. The possibility of inte-
grated capture, conversion, and storage
functions makes solar thermal technol-
ogy an option that should be vigorously
pursued to exploit the large untapped
solar energy resource for carbon-neutral
energy production
A third method of storage is to bor- Fig. 1. H2 and O2 are combined in a fuel cell to generate a flow of electrons and protons across a
row the design of nature, in which membrane, producing electrical energy. The solar fuel cell uses light to run the electron and proton flow
chemical bonds are broken and formed in reverse. Coupling the electrons and protons to catalysts breaks the bonds of water and makes the bonds
to produce solar fuels in an artificial H2 and O2 to effect solar fuel production.
photosynthesis process. Photosynthesis
itself is relatively inefficient, when mea-
sured on a yearly average basis per unit from the fixation of atmospheric CO2. a model for the artificial photosynthetic
area of insolation. For example, switch- Recombination of the reduced fuel with systems that are discussed below.
grass, one of the fastest-growing crops, released O2 would then regenerate the
yields energy stored in biomass at a original species, closing the cycle in a The Basic Science Needs for PVs
yearly averaged rate of ⬍1 W兾m2 (5). carbon-neutral fashion. One of the key issues in solar capture
Because the averaged insolation at a In natural photosynthesis, the anodic and conversion is how to separate
typical midlatitude is 200–300 W兾m2 charge of the wireless current is used at charge efficiently over macroscopic dis-
(5), the yearly averaged energy conver- the oxygen-evolving complex to oxidize tances without using expensive, highly
sion and storage efficiency of the most water to oxygen, with the concomitant pure, semiconductor materials. This ef-
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rapidly growing large area crops is cur- release of four protons. The cathodic fort requires the development of new
rently ⬍0.5%. Even if this efficiency charge of the wireless current is cap- chemical and materials methods to
could be reached with no energy inputs tured by Photosystem I to reduce the make polycrystalline and nanocrystalline
into the farm or any energy losses due protons to ‘‘hydrogen,’’ with the reduced semiconductors perform as if they were
to outputs from the utilization of the hydrogen equivalents stored through the expensive single crystals. Numerous re-
biomass, growth of energy crops on all conversion of NADP to NADPH. Thus, search approaches are being pursued
of the naturally irrigated cultivatable the overall primary events of photosyn- (13). Materials consisting of a network
land on earth that is not currently used thesis store sunlight by the rearrange- of interpenetrating regions can facilitate
for food crops would yield perhaps 5–10 ment of the chemical bonds of water, effective charge separation and collec-
TW of total power. Whereas biofuels to form oxygen and Nature’s form of tion, thus relaxing the usual constraint
derived from existing plants could pro- hydrogen. in which the photogenerated carriers
vide a potentially significant contribu- An artificial photosynthetic system must exist long enough to traverse the
tion to liquid fuels for transportation could be realized by spatially separating entire distance of the cell. Present
uses (if cellulosic conversion technology solid-state or molecular water reduction photon conversion devices based on a
can be successfully developed and de- and oxidation catalysts and connecting single-bandgap absorber, including semi-
ployed economically) increased energy them to a light collection and charge conductor PV, have a theoretical ther-
conversion and storage efficiency are separation system. In one such con- modynamic conversion efficiency of
highly desirable to remove land area as struct, the spatially separated electron– 32% in unconcentrated sunlight. How-
a serious constraint on the amount of hole pairs provided by a photovoltaic ever, the conversion efficiency can be
energy that can be obtained from the assembly based on a solid-state junction, increased, in principle, to 45–65% if car-
sun and stored in chemical bonds. One on either the macroscale or the rier thermalization can be prevented (by
approach is to develop an artificial pho- nanoscale, are captured by the catalysts, overcoming the so-called Shockley–
tosynthetic process with an average effi- and the energy is stored in the bond Queisser limit). Multiple-bandgap
ciency significantly higher than plants or rearrangement of water to H2 and O2. absorbers in a cascaded junction config-
algae. Other concepts involve more intimate uration can result in high photoconver-
The primary steps of photosynthesis integration of the charge separation and sion efficiencies, particularly when cells
involve the conversion of sunlight into a chemical bond-forming functions, to are designed to sustain the operating
‘‘wireless current.’’ In all cases, to form avoid costs and system constraints asso- conditions (e.g., elevated temperatures)
a useful fuel, O2 must be evolved, so it ciated with electrical contacts, wires, associated with highly concentrated sun-
can be released into our oxygen-contain- inverters, etc., involved with converting light. It is expected that mature high-
ing atmosphere and used elsewhere as 1-eV photons into 1-eV chemical bonds concentration PV systems can provide
an oxidation reagent for fuel consump- through electricity as a discrete interme- 10–20% more energy than standard PV
tion. The reduced fuel could be either diary. One approach to this type of sys- systems with the same installed power
hydrogen from water reduction, or it tem is depicted in Fig. 1, in which the rating.
could be an organic species, such as tightly integrated system is modeled af- In addition to making evolutionary
methanol or methane, that is derived ter natural photosynthesis and serves as changes to existing PV technologies,

15732 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0603395103 Lewis and Nocera

new materials for next-generation PVs
are needed. Building upon the recent
success in developing efficient molecular
organic PVs and the recent advances in
the controlled assembly of hybrid organ-
ic兾inorganic nanostructures, organic and
hybrid PV cells could possibly exceed
10% energy conversion efficiency, while
offering a potentially inexpensive manu-
facturing paradigm (e.g., casting from
emulsions, printing, and use of flexible
substrates for production of large-area
thin-film cells; ref. 14). To guide the PV
nanostructure assembly, biologically de-
rived and兾or genetically engineered
systems might be used to control the
crystal structure, phase, orientation, and
nanostructural regularity of inorganic
materials. Genetically modified photo-
synthetic complexes from plants and
bacteria can also convert incident light
into photocurrent. Although the present
energy conversion efficiencies of such
systems are low, the projected maximum
could be possibly as high as 10%. Fi-
nally, the Shockley–Queisser limit may
be overcome by using multilayer junc-
tions of semiconductor quantum dots,
quantum wells and related nanostruc-
tures, and new inorganic materials and
photoassemblies. Such materials could
channel the excess energy of electron兾
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hole pairs into photovoltages and pho- Scheme 2.

tocurrents, with the design guided by a
refined detailed understanding of pho-
ton absorption, charge creation, and such an important milestone in chemis- H2O, share the reaction commonalities
charge separation processes. try that two Nobel Prizes were of bond-making and -breaking pro-
awarded for such work (15, 16). Al- cesses that require multielectron trans-
The Basic Science Needs for Solar Fuels though dramatic advances have oc- fers coupled to proton transfer.
As described above, an important storage curred in our understanding of single
approach involves conversion of the en- electron-transfer reactions, especially The Reaction Chemistry of Solar Energy
ergy captured in the charge-separated those in biology (17), a similar level of Storage in Chemical Bonds
states of a solar capture and conversion understanding of multielectron redox Perhaps the most straightforward water-
system into chemical bonds. Water split- reactions has yet to be realized. More- splitting scheme is to have catalysts act
ting is an example of a more general con- over, to ensure charge neutrality in the directly on water, as exemplified by the
version to a solar fuel cycle that involves system, proton transfer must accom- two half-reactions denoted as WS1 (WS1,
evolution of oxygen as one component pany electron transfer (i.e., proton- water-splitting strategy 1) in Scheme 2.
and formation of a reduced fuel as the coupled electron transfer; ref. 18); The spatial separation of the catalysts re-
other. Unexplored basic science issues are hence, electron and proton inventories quires that the charge-separation function
immediately confronted when the prob- both need to be managed (19). Water be imbedded in some type of membrane,
lem is posed in the simplest chemistry splitting additionally presents sizable so that the protons generated on the an-
framework (see Scheme 1). thermodynamic and kinetics barriers odic side of the cell are transported to the
The overall transformation is a mul- to making and breaking the bonds re- cathodic side of the cell for reduction. In
tielectron process promoted by photo- quired to facilitate the desired chemi- effect, the system must be run in the
catalyst and light. Elucidation of the cal reactions. This is especially opposite direction of a fuel cell, with
fundamental principles of single elec- pertinent to the water-splitting prob- sunlight providing the thermodynamic
tron-transfer reactions represented lem, because the byproduct of water impetus to drive the cell in the desired
activation at the catalyst, whether mo- fuel-forming direction.
lecular or solid, will invariably yield The preparation of hydrogen-produc-
species that have strong metal– oxygen ing catalysts constitutes an intense area
bonds. To close a catalytic cycle, these of study. Fe-only hydrogenases, com-
stable bonds need to be activated by prised of small dithiolate-bridged bime-
the captured solar energy either di- tallic iron cofactors coordinated by CO
rectly or indirectly. More generally, the and cyanide ligands, provide a bench-
activation of all small molecules of mark for the efficient evolution of H2 in
consequence to carbon-neutral solar molecular systems (20, 21). Structural,
Scheme 1. energy storage, including CO2, O2, and and in some cases, functional, analogues

Lewis and Nocera PNAS 兩 October 24, 2006 兩 vol. 103 兩 no. 43 兩 15733
of such enzymatic active sites have been
prepared (22–27); however, none of
these Fe-only hydrogenase biomimics yet
produce H2 efficiently at low overpoten-
tial. Synthetic catalysts compare favor- Scheme 5.
ably to, and in some cases exceed, the
efficiency of the biomimetic models. In Scheme 3.
the presence of sacrificial chemical re- equivalency can be shared by metal cen-
ductants, mononuclear and binuclear ters working in concert.
metal complexes of Co, Ni, and Rh are ment of reactions of the type described
known to effect catalytic hydrogen evo- by Schemes 3–5. However, very few cat- (ii) Radical Coupling of Two Oxos (Scheme
lution electrochemically or photochemi- alysts are known to oxidize water near 4). As shown, the oxygen radical may be
cally (28–36). Intimate mechanistic the thermodynamic potential. Again, the delivered directly from a high-valent
details, however, are known in only a most notable system is in biology, spe- metal. Alternatively, the oxo species
few cases (37), and the different possi- cifically involving the oxygen-evolving could be delivered from a multiply
bilities, such as protonation of a hydride complex (OEC) of Photosystem II. The bonded metal–ligand species (61). This
vs. uni- or bimolecular reductive elimi- OEC comprises a cluster of four Mn latter approach represents a paradigm
nation (right side, WS1, Scheme 2), in centers and a Ca center (52–54), but no shift in oxygen chemistry, because the
general have not yet been unraveled. strong metal–oxo double and triple
functional or structural models of the
Other water-splitting cycles can also bonds may be avoided, potentially low-
catalytically active site are yet available
be developed. The water-splitting ering the activation barrier for oxygen
(55). At present, the ruthenium dimer
schemes WS2 and WS3 presented in atom delivery from a reactive multiply
Scheme 2 use basic reaction types that bonded metal–ligand center.
(bpy ⫽ 2,2⬘-bipyridine) (56) and its
are common to organometallic catalysis. relatives (57–59) represent the only un-
However, for the water-splitting prob- (iii) Reductive Elimination of bis Hydroxos
equivocally established molecular elec- or bis ␮-Oxos (Scheme 5). These unknown
lem, O, as opposed to C or N, needs to
trocatalysts for generating O2 from reaction types encompass a four-electron
be managed. Every reaction, however,
H2O. However, at present, this reaction change to make oxygen. A shared electron
does have a precedent for carbon or ni-
proceeds at a high overpotential and equivalency among a multimetallic center
trogen. In WS2 in Scheme 2, oxidative
addition across XOH (X ⫽ C, N) bonds with modest turnover numbers. may expedite the reaction, such as that
is a basic reaction of organometallic The success of WS1, WS2, and WS3 shown for Scheme 6.
chemistry but is not yet well established and other yet-undefined water-splitting In Scheme 2, the WS cycles are com-
Downloaded from https://www.pnas.org by on September 6, 2023 from IP address

for water (38–43). If this reaction can schemes is predicated on systems that pleted by the same parent metal complex.
be achieved cleanly, hydrogen may be promote the conversion of oxygen from This does not have to be the case. As has
generated by ␣-H abstraction, which is a metal oxos. Many mechanistic possibili- recently been demonstrated, metal com-
common reaction in organometallic ties for this conversion await discovery. plexes working in tandem can promote
chemistry and is used to generate met- They include the following. reactions of energy consequence (62). Ac-
al–ligand multiple bonds. For instance, cordingly, the water-splitting schemes may
the ␣-H abstraction of metal alkylidenes (i) Nucleophilic Attack of Hydroxide on be accomplished by two different metal
produces alkylidynes (44). But ␣-H ab- High-Valent Metal Oxos (Scheme 3). This complexes working in concert. Regardless
straction to produce metal-oxo species, basic reaction type is the foundation on of the precise details of the reaction de-
and H2 is uncommon for well defined which oxidation catalysts have been devel- sign, oxygen production invariably will be
hydroxo–hydrido complexes. In the case oped in the disciplines of organometallic an energetically demanding process that
of WS3, the water–gas shift reaction and organic chemistry (60). Here the ole- must be coupled to a charge-separated
produces H2 from H2O using CO as the fin bond attacks a metal oxo species to state to capture, convert, and store solar
reductant. An intense research effort, form two carbon–oxygen bonds. The re- energy in the form of chemical bonds. By
beginning in the 1970s and ending in the placement of the two-electron bond of the use of a photovoltaic assembly to accom-
1980s, provided the basic science for the olefin by the lone pair of hydroxide would plish solar-driven charge separation, the
development of catalysts to effect the lead to the oxygen–oxygen bond-forming constraints on the catalyst design are re-
water–gas shift reaction (45). However, reaction that is critical for water oxidation. laxed solely to provide storage. However,
the reaction must be closed by the con- The substitution, however, is not trivial. in bringing catalysts to a charge-separating
version of CO2 to CO. On this front, OH⫺ is thermodynamically more difficult assembly, the reaction chemistry will be
little is known. Some inroads to CO2 to oxidize than are olefins. Also, the over- performed in a heterogeneous and兾or
reduction have been made on photo– all reaction to produce oxygen involves a interfacial environment. Accordingly, the
(46, 47) and electro– (48–50) catalytic need to acquire a molecular-level under-
four-electron change at the metal, so
fronts, but generally the precise path to standing of reactions at the surfaces of
there may be benefits to examining reduc-
CO2 reduction is ill-defined, making it solids represents another scientific chal-
tive elimination from more than one
difficult to improve these systems by lenge confronting the effective utilization
metal center, in which the multielectron of solar energy. Finally, inasmuch as the
design. A recent report of CO2 reduc-
tion by a well defined homogeneous aforementioned reactions and schemes are
metal complex operating at high turn- all enacted at a metal-based platform, the
over number and frequency (51) is a role of inorganic chemistry, whether at a
harbinger of the promise that basic sci-

ence holds for the design of efficient
CO2 reduction catalysts.
As in WS1, WS2 and WS3 cycles are
closed by oxygen production, providing
a further imperative for the develop- Scheme 4. Scheme 6.

15734 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0603395103 Lewis and Nocera

molecule or a surface, will be pivotal to necessary to support even the most bond conversions. Here we present a
the development of the aforementioned technologically advanced society. How- blueprint for a reaction chemistry, when
water-splitting cycles. Ingenious ap- ever, to be a material contribution to interfaced to a charge-separation struc-
proaches to water splitting may be possi- primary energy supply, solar energy ture, that permits artificial photosynthe-
ble using organic catalysts and biocatalysts must be captured, converted, and stored sis to be envisioned. The progress of
as well, although the ability to operate to overcome the diurnal cycle and the scientists in chemistry, biology, engi-
these reactions at low overpotential will intermittency of the terrestrial solar re- neering, materials science, and physics
in addressing the basic science chal-
represent a significant challenge. source. Arguably the most attractive
lenges involved with realizing this artifi-
method for this energy conversion and cial photosynthesis will be critical to
Conclusions storage is in the form of chemical enable humans to use the sun sustain-
The sun has a unique role in sustainable bonds, by production of cheap solar ably as their primary energy source.
energy production, in that it is the un- fuels. Significant advances in basic sci-
disputed champion of energy; the ence, however, are needed for this We acknowledge sustained support from the
resource base presented by terrestrial technology to attain its full potential. U.S. Department of Energy (Office of Basic
insolation far exceeds that of all other Chemistry will assume a special role in Energy Sciences) and the National Science
renewable energy sources combined. this endeavor, because new materials Foundation (and in particular, Chemical
Bonding Center CP-CP0533150) for basic
The solar energy resource additionally must be created for solar capture and research in renewable energy and for facili-
far exceeds what can possibly be envi- conversion, and because new catalysts tating our ongoing perspective on global en-
sioned as a level of human consumption are needed for the desired chemical ergy options.

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