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Greetings to all!

My name is Irina Stefurak and I will tell you about the best
advice I have ever received. Someone told me, "Just keep
going. It doesn't matter what." Over time, I realized the
meaning of these words.
You might lack skill, you might lack hope, you might lack
money—honestly, most people, at one point or another,
have lacked these seemingly important endowments. But
if you have grit, determination and persistence, you will
always make it through to brighter days because you can
outlast the days that make you want to give up. If you
learn to become comfortable with the discomfort of
rejection, uncertainty and obscurity, you will forever
persevere to claim the moments of joy and
accomplishment you seek. It won’t always look how you
imagined because life is rarely predictable, but it will feel
familiar, it will feel right, it will feel like home.
In this world everything is possible on the basis of will
power, dogged determination and sacrifice. To accomplish
the most difficult tasks, we need to put in a lot of hard
work, extra perseverance and concentration on a single
objective. We should have patience and faith in ourselves.
We should have determination, dedication and devotion to
attain success. We should never bother about the result.
We should keep on going even if the pace is slow and
should ensure that it remains steady.
And remember, nothing is impossible. Not for me, not for
you, not for anyone at all. It's hard a lot, but almost
everything in life is difficult. But "impossible" is a
nonsensical word. This is a dangerous, wrong idea.
All you have to do is keep going. No matter what.

У цьому світі все можливо на основі сили волі,

наполегливої рішучості та жертовності. Щоб виконати
найскладніші завдання, нам потрібно докласти багато
наполегливої роботи, додаткову наполегливість і
концентрацію на одній цілі. Ми повинні мати терпіння і
віру в себе. Ми повинні мати рішучість, відданість і
відданість, щоб досягти успіху. Ми ніколи не повинні
турбуватися про результат. Ми повинні продовжувати
йти, навіть якщо темп повільний, і слід забезпечити

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