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2 Food Self-sufficiency and Food Security in India Context
3 State Wise Area, Production and Yield of Foodgrains in India
4 Major components of Food Security
5 National Food Security Mission under 11th Plan
6 National Nutrition Policy 1993
7 Food Security in India and its Challenges ahead
8 Global warming and Impending Food Shortage
9 The National Food Security Act, 2013
10 Conclusion
11 Bibliography
What is Food Security?
Based on the 1996 World Food Summit, food security is
defined when all people, at all times, have physical and
economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that
meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active
and healthy life.
The notion of food security started about 45 years
ago when there were food shortages all over the
world. At first, it focused on making sure that there
was enough food and that the prices of basic foods Need for Food Security:
were stable around the world and in each country.
This happened because agricultural commodity • For the poor sections of the society
prices were very unstable in the early 1970s. This
was caused by a disarray in the monetary systems • Natural disasters or calamity like
and financial marketplaces as well as various other earthquake, drought, flood, tsunami
unfavorable conditions.
• Widespread crop failure due to
Food Self-sufficiency and Food
Security in Indian Context
First year
plan didn’t
focus on Green
Food crises agriculture revolution

During last Indira

year of Gandhi ask
Nehru era United
States for
food aid

India has achieved progress on the production of foodgrains in the form of:
(a) production of foodgrains has increased from 50.8 million tonnes in 1950-51 to
275.7 million tonnes in 2016-17
(b) the share of cereals in total production of foodgrains has increased from 84.0
per cent in 1950-51 to 91.7 per cent in 2016-17
(c) the share of rice and wheat in total cereals has increased from 53 per cent in
1950-51 to 82.4 per cent in 2016-17 and the share of coarse cereals has declined
from 30.0 per cent to 17.6 per cent, showing a change in consumption pattern of
poorer sections.
State-wise Area,
Production and
Yield of
Foodgrains in

• Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh

which account for 16.5 per cent and
14.2 per cent of total area contribute
about 21.4 per cent and only 9.8 per
cent of total production of foodgrains
• Punjab accounts for only 4.6 percent of
the total area but contributes about
10.8 per cent of total production of
National Food National Food Security Mission (NFSM) is a Centrally
Sponsored Scheme launched in 2007 based on the
Security recommendations of the agriculture sub-
Mission (NFSM) committee of National Development Council (NDC).

under Eleventh
Plan The main objective of the National Food
Security Mission is to increase the production
of rice, wheat, pulses, coarse serials, and Nutri
serials through area expansion and
productivity enhancement in a sustainable
manner. A national food security mission will
be implemented in the identified districts of
the country.
The targets to achieve are 13 million tonnes of additional
foodgrains production comprising of Rice – 5 million
tonnes, Wheat- 3 million tonnes, Pulses- 3 million tonnes
and Coarse Cereals- 2 million tonnes.
Divided into direct strategies (short term) and
indirect strategies (long term).
Direct strategies demanded focus on the following:
• Ensuring proper nutrition of the target groups (
like children, adolescents, pregnant and nursing
NATIONAL mothers etc.)
• Expanding the safety net for children
NUTRITION • expanding the policy to rural slums along with
urban slums
POLICY (1993) • Provisions for low-cost nutrition food, and
Adopted by the Government of India in Indirect strategies demanded focus on the
1993 under the Department of Women • Food security
and Child Development • Improving the dietary pattern like providing
nutrition- ally rich food at affordable cost,
The strategy of NNP was a multi-sectoral • Improving purchasing power,
strategy for eradicating malnutrition and • Encouraging more of the small and medium
achieving optimum nutrition for all. enterprise to emerge,
• Prevention of food adulteration,Etc..
Food Security in India
and its challenges
Several challenges hinder the achievement of
food security in India. These challenges
include: -
• Population growth
• Poverty and inequality
• Climate change
• Inadequate storage and transportation
• Food wastage
Global Warming
and Impending
Food Shortage
This phenomenon has far-reaching effects on various aspects of our
planet, including agriculture and food production.
• Changing Climate Patterns
• Reduced Crop Yields
• Water Scarcity
• Pest and Disease Outbreaks
• Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Agriculture

Global warming poses a significant threat to food production and

security. It exacerbates existing challenges in agriculture by altering
climate patterns, reducing crop yields, and increasing the frequency
of extreme weather events.
An Act to provide for food and One mid-day meal, free of charge, everyday , except on
nutritional security in human life cycle school holidays, in all schools run by local bodies,
approach, by ensuring access to Government and Government aided schools, so as to meet
the nutritional standards specified in schedule II
adequate quantity of quality food at
affordable prices to people to live a life ●Provision for Hot Cooked meal with prescribed
with dignity nutritional norms as per Schedule II of the Act .
●Facility for cooking meals, drinking water and
sanitation at every school.
●Food Security Allowance for non-supply of meals.
●Framing of Rules for the implementation of
●Setting up of Grievance Redressal Mechanism
●Constitution of State Food Commissions
●Constitution of Vigilance Committee
for supervision of implementation of scheme
●Monitoring & implementation of Food Security
• What is required at this moment is that the country has to strike a
balance between food security and management of surplus food
stock in a most rational manner.
CONCLUSION • Faulty policy will unnecessarily increase the burden of food subsidy
on the Central Government, which is already very high.
• Moreover,the storage of food grains is three times than that of its
requirement in State godowns and leading to starvation deaths in a
couple of States. This has been raising the questions on the foodgrain
policy of the country.
• It has also been argued that food security in India is only notional
despite maintaining a foodgrain buffer stock of nearly 58 million
tonnes (as on January 1, 2002) since food deprivation and financial
indebtedness of scores of small and marginal farmers still existing at
wide level.
• Purchasing capacity of all the buyers however is not at par with the
prices at which the foodgrains are be made by the Government to
meet such gap.
• Moreover, the production system in the country is also not a balanced
one. As the country is self- sufficient in respect of wheat and rice, but
the country is still deficient in pulses and vegetable oils, reflected in
import of huge quantities of vegetable oils and pulses in recent past.
Similarly, production and access to vegetables, fruits and livestock
products, which are also important contributors to food security, have
not received as much attention as they deserve.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.

• Indian Economy by PK
• https://en.wikipedia.o
1. Arshiya Qureshi U22EC2036
2.Jasmine Kikon U22EC2121
3. Barnald Kharkongor U22EC2213
4. Anjelus Khongbinann U22EC2315
5. Nishka Sahu U22EC2384
6. Faithki Dza Sangma Kyndiah U22HI2001
7. Sawadame Andrew Tang U22HI2168
8. Deepanjali Brahma U22HI2334
9. Mangginhao Touthang U22HI2421
10. Bansanbha Simon Kharmalki U22PS2067
11. Novaclareia M Swer U22PS2176
12. Lurshai Marbon U21PS2353

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