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A horrible holiday.

Your address
The date 47 Abrahams Rd
Hi…….,/ Dear….., Cambridge
    CB4 3AL
Ask your friend some introductory questions. 21 February 2001
How are you?
I hope the summer job/ your new job/ is going well. Have you decided where to Dear Julia,
go on holiday?
I’m writing to tell you about….
It was lovely to chat to you the other day. It seems ages since we last met.
Paragraph 1. We're so excited that you're finally coming over to see us. In fact, John's going
Describe where you are (the arrival, the place, the weather/ living to take those two weeks off work so he can spend more time with us.
conditions, etc.)
We’re camping in the Isle of Skye.
We’re staying on a campsite…. By the way, could you bring some photos of your family? I'd love to see them.
It rains every single day.
The weather is wonderful. The sun shines a lot and it’s really hot! We're both really looking forward to seeing you.
The hotel is terrible too.
In the brochure it is said that……..but in reality………
My room is terrible! It’s dirty and…….. Love,

Paragraph 2.
Say what you are doing.
I’m eating a sandwich in my room at the moment, because the waiters in the
restaurant are rude and unfriendly.
I do nothing because there is no place in here to go to.

Ending. Other ways of beginning an informal letter

Make up an excuse to stop writing. Thanks for your letter.
Well, I must finish- it’s my turn to cook tonight. Write back soon. How are you?
Well, it’s time for bed. I’d like a shower but, of course, there is no hot water I hope you're well.
tonight. Sorry it's been so long since I last wrote.
It was lovely to hear from you.
Signing off.
Say goodbye and sign you name.
All the best, / Lots of love, / See you soon,/ Love,
Janet Other ways of ending an informal letter

Useful vocabulary.
Weather: changeable, cloudy, cold, freezing, hot, rainy, sunny
Accommodation: caravan, campsite, hotel, rented cottage, tent, youth hostel
Location: in a forest, in the middle of nowhere, in the mountains, on the coast, near a town, on the farm, in the
Activities: canoeing, diving, parachuting, rafting, sailing, trekking, skiing, snowboarding, windsurfing

Useful expressions:
How are you?/ Can you believe it?!/ Can you imagine that?!/ Here’s some news for you…./ So you can imagine what it
looks like./ Luckily, I didn’t…/ Actually, there isn’t…./ But then we’re……/ And Tom has…./ Well, I must finish…./ And
there is…../ the next day we went to…..but…./ The sea is freezing and……./ In the brochure it is said that….but…./
Unfortunately, there isn’t/ aren’t any…./ I was shocked, because…./ I was disappointed, as……./ I expected that…..but
Drop me a line soon.

Write soon.

Take care.

Do keep in touch.

Give my love to Paul.

Hope to hear from you soon. Before your name, you write:
to close friends: to less close friends:
best wishes
love from all the best
all my love yours
lots of love kind regards

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