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START (belief, judgment, problem, associations, conflict, energy disruption, emotion, perception,desire, want etc.)

Is this entangled
in a situation? Is this polarity reversing, splitting (shock,
trauma), dissociating, putting me in survival?
Yes Re-check Identifying/attaching me to ego/body?

Any Yes
All are No
(Commands from Heal Now): Align to
Center Now, Connect to One Self Now,
Do I want to be___? Am
Disentangle Situation Now, Reintegrate
I supposed to be___?
Situation Now, Realign with Highest
Am I identified/
Good Now, Resonate with Highest Good
attached to it?
Is it real in the: past,
future, present

Tap on your chest or hold five

fingers of one hand together to clear No Yes and No
what was found. Say “Clearing all
that”. Is it bad or unsafe to let this go?

To Clear
What? No Anything blocking
Unforgiveness, fear, release?
truama? Check* Anything Unforgiveness, fear,
blocking that? trauma?
*If there are layers of blocks without end, assume infinite layers and ask if
anything is blocking that. You will get “no” and then you can go “to clear”.

Ramos Clearing Flowchart © May, 2015

Anchor Point is “I am not a body, I am free for I am as God Created me”.

This is always true when our attention is in the present moment
and the present moment is reality. Muscle test that this is true for you
before you begin to clear with the chart. If the present moment is not reality,
you are polarity reversed. Use the chart to clear the PR and bring your attention
from the past or future to the present moment.

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