Is.456.2000 13

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Amend No.

1 to IS 456: 2000
( Coll,imuul from pa,e 2 )
Memben RepresenJing
SHIll J. P. DesAi Gujaraa Ambuja Cements Lid, Ahmedabad
SURI B. K. JAGEnA (A/ierMle)

DlllEClOa AP. Engineering Research LahoralOries, Hyderabad

JOINTDnucroR ""'muJte)

DIRf.C1OIl (OdOD) (N&W) Cenlral Water Commission, New Delhi

SHRIK. H.OANGWAL Hyderabad Industries lzd, Hyderabad
StWV. PA1TABHI (Allemtlle) .r.
SHRIV. Ie.GHANBKAIl SaNemrsl Engineering-It~r("h Centre (CSIR), Gha7jabad
SHRIS. GoPINA11I TheIndia CemenlS LJd. Chennai
SHRI R.TAM1lAJCAJlAN (Allenult~)

SHIUS. K. GuttA THAKURTA Gannon Dunkerley and Company. lAd, Mumbai

SUIlI N.S. BUAL Central Building Research Institute (CSIR), Roorkee
PRoP A K. JAIN University of Roorkee, Roorkee
SHRJ N.C. JAIN Cement Corporation of India Ltd,NewDelhi
JOINT DlRBCTOR (STANDARDS) (B&S)(Cn..1) Research, Designs &. Standards Organization (Ministryor Railways). Lucknow
SHIU N.G. JOSID The Indian Hume PipeCompany Lad, Mumbai
SHRI D. It KANUNOO National Test Jlouse, Calculla
SHuB. R. MBENA (Alterll4le)
SHRJ P. KJusilNAMUanlY Larsen &. Tuhro 1.Jd, Mumhai
Stili S. CHoWOIWRY (AltulUlte)
DRAG.MADHAVARAo Structural Engineering Research Centre(CSIR), Chennai
SIW K. MAN! (AltnlUlle)

SHIUJ. SAitUP Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation (Iodia) lid, NewDelhi

SHRI V. Sl1RmH Housing andUrban Development Corporation lJd, NewDelhi
Stili D.P.SINOH (AltmuJle)

SHRJPRAFFuI.A KUMAR Ministry of Surface Transport. Department of Surface Transport(Roads Win&), New Delhi
SHRI P. P.NAIR (A11el7Ulk)
MBMBERSHCRETARY Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi
DlllOCTOk(C'ML) (AlterlMle)
SHRIS. K. NAnHANI Engineer-In-Chlef's Branch. ArmyHeadquarters, NewDelhi
DR A S.GOBI.. (Alterll4.)
SHRJ S.S. SEmIRA Central Road Research Institute (eJIR), NewDelhi

SHRIY. R. PHLU Indian Roads Congress. NewDelhi

StlRl A. K SHARMA (AltG"rUIte)

DR C. IWKUMAR National Council forCement and Buildine Materials, BalJabprb

DR K. MOHAN (Altemtllc)
SHRI S. A RBooI Gammon India lid. Mumbai
REPRmIKl'A11W Builder's Association of India, Mumbai
SHIIJ. S. SANOANEIUA Geological Survey of India. Calcutta
SHIlL N. AnARWAL(AllemGle)
Sl1PBRIN1BmING ENOINI'JIl (DfSION) PuNicWorks Depanment. OovemmeDI or TamilNadu, Cbennai
ExID/l'M! ENoINm!.a (SMR DIVISION) (A/temale)
SHIU Ie. K.. TAPAIUA Indian Rayon andIndustries I.Jd, Puoe
SHIll A. Ie.JAIN (AI'......te)
SHRI T.H" TIwARI The Associated CementCompanies l.Jd. Mumbai
OR D. GlaH (AlIe",,'e)
DR K. VINCATAaIALAN CentralSoil.nd MaterialsResearch StatiOft, New Delhi

( Continuel 011 POse .. )

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