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Name: Jonell O.

Casarino Course/Section: BSIT - 3D


Follow up:
What is the impact of mass society on the family as a microcosm and the nation as a macrocosm?

Answer: The family is a microcosm of the larger society because it is the reflection and or representation
of the larger society. Whatever structure found in society is also found in the family.

Follow Up:

Could your life be affected by a celebrity or entertainer? Explain your view

Answer: Whether celebrities are good or bad role models, they can influence your teen's identity,
values, attitudes, and behaviors. Those who flaunt their status may influence young people to value
superficial aspects of their lives like brand names and their image.
Unit 1 Assessment. Introduction to Philippine CulturePart I. Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best
answer and write in a separate answer sheet.

1. ) D 11.) B 21.) D

2.) C 12.) D 22.) B

3.) B 13.) C 23.) A

4.) A 14.) B 24.) A

5.) A 15.) A 25.) D

6.) A 16.) B

7.) A 17.) C

8.) C 18.) A

9.) A 19.) A

10.) C 20.) C
Part II.
What are the elements in Philippine popular culture which can contribute to unity in diversity and
contribute to common good and social progress? Explain your answer. (10 points)


Diversity of Languages: The Philippines is home to many languages and dialects. The most spoken
languages are Tagalog (Filipino), Cebuano, Ilocano and late Gaynon. Language plays a central role in
shaping cultural identity.

Festivals: The Philippines is known for its vibrant festivals that celebrate local traditions, history and
religious practices. For example, Sinulog Festival, Ati-Atihan Festival and Panagbenga Festival.

Cuisine: Philippine cuisine is a fusion of indigenous, Spanish, Chinese and other influences. Dishes like
adobo, sinigang and lechon are popular staples. Rice is the staple food and the street food culture is

Beliefs: The Philippines is predominantly Christian with a strong Catholic influence due to Spanish
colonization. Religious practices are evident in events such as the annual Feast of the Black Nazarene
and Semana Santa (Holy Week).

Bayanihan Spirit: Bayanihan is a concept of community unity and cooperation. This is often seen in
traditions such as helping neighbors move and emphasizes the importance of joint effort.

Art and Music: The traditional arts of the Philippines include various forms of visual arts, music and
dance. Kulintang is a traditional music group and dances like Tinikling show the country's cultural
heritage. Family Values: Family is highly valued in Filipino culture. The extended family, known as the
"barangay", plays an important role in providing support and maintaining social ties.

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