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How would you briefly discuss the educational background or attainment of Saint
Augustine of Hippo? What are the important lessons/values that you learned from the
family of Saint Augustine of Hippo? How do you value Augustinian education at this
trying time in which we are still bound to observe virtual or online classes? (25 pts.)

● When it comes to Latin, Saint Augustine of Hippo was a master in both form and
content. Latin was the language he used to write all of his works because it was
also the language of his family. Reading Roman literature and poetry helped him
learn Latin grammar, math, and composition. The most important lesson I took
away from Saint Augustine's family was how devoted they were to God. Prior to
his passing, Patricius, the father of Saint Augustine and a pagan, was baptized
and received Christ thanks to her mother Monica, whose prayers later led her
son to turn back to God. I think being faithful has a strong positive influence that
inspires others. In these hard times, I treasure Augustinian education.It is
important because these learnings will have a big impact ahead in our future.

2.Choose two (2) major heresies/controversies which Augustine of Hippo had

encountered and refuted during his time. What are the valuable teachings which
Augustine had provided us regarding those controversies/heresies? How can you
defend the Church against all attacks? (25 pts.)

● The two controversies that St. Augustine had encountered are the Pelagians and
the Donatists. St. Augustine taught a lot of things throughout his life and mostly
how to defend our morals and faith. We are reminded that this is our task as the
followers of Augustine. He further exhorts us to live in faith, hope and love as a
way of strengthening our relationships with God and with one another in God.
Hence, there is a need for us to be strong, to be sensitive and resilient, and must
be always courageous, in defending our faith and morals against all
controversies and other attacks especially this time of pandemic and other
uncontrollable challenges and calamities that may come along our way. I can
defend the church by being a righteous example to others. I will be the best
example to others. I should strongly believe in what I follow and obey. I should
also be an advocate to others to spread the faith on other people. I should also
understand why I am defending my church and faith. I should also be prepared,
always pray and be relaxed. I should be charitable towards others.
3.What are the splendid activities which Saint Augustine of Hippo and his companions
had accomplished when they were in Cassiciacum? What kind of man was he as a
priest and as a bishop during his time? How can you be like him? (25 pts.)

● Augustine is perhaps the most significant Christian thinker after St. Paul. He
adapted Classical thought to Christian teaching and created a powerful
theological system of lasting influence. He also shaped the practice of biblical
exegesis and helped lay the foundation for much of medieval and modern
Christian thought.St. Augustine as a student was a man of brilliant mind and
passionate heart. He was studious and very interested in knowledge and God.
He also taught many things as he grew up and he searched for the meaning of
what life is all about. I can be like St. Augustine by focusing on my studies
because it will make sure that my future will be bright. I can have the confidence
that God will always guide me in the path that I will take. As a young teenager, I
will always help those who are in need, take care of valuable things and I will be
considerate of my actions and be wary of the people around me.
4.What were the reasons why Saint Augustine of Hippo wrote The Rule? What are the
important insights/values found in The Rule? How can you be a man or woman of
Communion? (25 pts.)

● The essence of the Rule is to value community life over seeking for oneself. For
this reason, All members are to share what they have, and are to receive only
according to their need. It strengthens the sense of community. All work is to be
accomplished for the common good of all. All members are to exercise mutual
care and vigilance over one another. The Rule was made to instill virtue into
people for the common good. The important insights or values that we found in
the Rule are generosity, humbleness and service. We can be a man or woman of
communion by receiving the body of Christ humbly and honestly without sin. This
is also way to understand and acknowledge Christ's doings.

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