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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Pampanga
Senior High School in Apalit Stand Alone 1











(JULY 2023)

Social media platforms are known for their ever-evolving nature, with new trends

emerging at a rapid pace. Senior high school students actively engage in these trends,

whether they be viral challenges, popular hashtags, or aesthetic trends, to express their in-

dividuality, seek social validation, and stay connected with their peers. The influence of

trends on social media can shape the behavior, language, and interests of senior high

school students, sometimes leading to positive outcomes like fostering creativity and self-

expression, while at other times resulting in negative consequences such as peer pressure

and unrealistic standards.

While social media offers numerous opportunities for senior high school students,

it also presents a range of issues that demand attention. One such issue is cyberbullying,

which can cause emotional distress, social isolation, and even affect academic

performance. The constant exposure to curated content and carefully constructed online

personas can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem among students, as

they compare themselves to idealized images and achievements portrayed on social

media. Moreover, the addictive nature of social media can negatively impact sleep

patterns, concentration, and overall mental well-being.

To address the challenges posed by social media, several objectives can be

pursued. First and foremost, promoting digital literacy and responsible social media

usage is crucial. Educating senior high school students about privacy settings, online

etiquette, critical thinking, and identifying misinformation can empower them to navigate

the digital landscape effectively. Additionally, fostering open dialogues about the
potential pitfalls of social media and promoting healthy habits, such as setting limits on

screen time, can contribute to a more balanced and mindful approach to its use.

Despite its challenges, social media also brings significant contributions to the

lives of senior high school students. It serves as a platform for information dissemination,

enabling students to access educational resources, connect with experts, and collaborate

on projects. Social media can also enhance interpersonal communication skills, as

students engage in online discussions, share ideas, and collaborate with peers beyond the

confines of the classroom. Furthermore, social media can provide a platform for

advocacy, enabling students to raise awareness about social issues, mobilize

communities, and effect positive change in society.


Social media has become a global phenomenon that has transformed the way

people communicate, share information, and interact with one another. Its influence

extends to various aspects of society, including the education system, where senior high

school students form a significant demographic affected by the effects of social media on

a global, national, and local scale. Understanding the background of this study is crucial

for comprehending the breadth and depth of social media's impact on senior high school

students across different levels.

In a global context, social media platforms have bridged the geographical gaps,

connecting senior high school students from different countries and cultures. The
globalization of social media has facilitated the exchange of ideas, cultures, and

perspectives, allowing students to gain a broader understanding of the world and engage

in cross-cultural dialogues. Furthermore, global trends, challenges, and opportunities on

social media platforms can quickly transcend borders, shaping the behaviors, aspirations,

and identities of senior high school students worldwide.

At the national level, social media usage among senior high school students is

influenced by the specific socio-cultural dynamics of each country. Different nations

have varying levels of internet penetration, digital literacy rates, and regulatory

frameworks that govern social media platforms. National trends, issues, and policies

related to social media can shape the experiences of senior high school students,

impacting their access to information, exposure to local content, and engagement with

online communities that reflect their cultural context.

On a local scale, the effect of social media on senior high school students is

influenced by community dynamics, educational systems, and societal norms. Local

trends and issues that emerge within schools or specific regions can significantly shape

the experiences of senior high school students. Local educational institutions may adopt

their own policies and guidelines regarding social media usage, addressing concerns such

as cyberbullying, digital citizenship, and the integration of social media into the

curriculum. Additionally, local community organizations, educators, and parents may

collaborate to provide support and guidance to students in navigating the local social

media landscape.
In summary, the background of this study recognizes the global, national, and

local dimensions of the impact of social media on senior high school students. Social

media platforms transcend geographical boundaries, connecting students on a global

scale and shaping their experiences through shared trends and challenges. At the national

level, specific regulations, cultural factors, and educational policies influence social

media usage among senior high school students. Finally, local communities and

educational institutions play a vital role in addressing the unique challenges and

opportunities presented by social media within their immediate environment. By

considering these perspectives, a comprehensive understanding of the influence of social

media on senior high school students can be achieved, paving the way for targeted

interventions, policies, and educational initiatives that promote responsible and beneficial

social media usage.


This review examines the existing literature on the effects of social media on the

mental health of adolescents, including senior high school students. The study identifies

both positive and negative impacts, highlighting how social media can contribute to

increased social support and connectedness, but also increased risk of cyberbullying, poor

body image, and depression. The findings emphasize the need for further research and the

development of preventive measures to promote healthy social media use. (Sampasa-

Kanyinga, H., & Lewis, R. F. 2015)

This literature review focuses on the influence of social media on peer

relationships among adolescents, including senior high school students. The study

explores how social media use affects social interactions, peer acceptance, and

friendships. It highlights the potential for positive outcomes, such as enhanced social

support, self-disclosure, and online friendships, but also identifies risks, including social

comparison, exclusion, and cyberbullying. The review emphasizes the need for

interventions that promote positive online behaviors and empower adolescents to

navigate the social media landscape effectively. (Koutamanis, M., Vossen, H. G. M., &

Valkenburg, P. M. 2019)

This literature review examines the relationship between social media use and

academic performance among secondary school students, including those in senior high

school. The study analyzes the impact of social media on study habits, attention span, and

time management skills. It reveals mixed findings, indicating that excessive social media

use can negatively affect academic performance, while moderate and purposeful use may

not have significant adverse effects. The review highlights the importance of self-regula-

tion and balanced online/offline activities for academic success. (Junco, R.2012)

This comprehensive literature review examines the relationship between social

media use and the well-being of adolescents, including senior high school students. The

study investigates various dimensions of well-being, including psychological, emotional,

and social aspects. It identifies the potential for both positive and negative impacts, such

as increased social support, self-esteem, and connectedness, as well as increased risk of

anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The review emphasizes the importance of promoting

positive online experiences and providing support for adolescents in navigating the chal-
lenges posed by social media. (Vannucci, A., Flannery, K. M., & Ohannessian, C. M.



Facebook Messenger

Twitter Valorant

TikTok Mobile Legends

Instagram COD

Effects on

Attitude Studies Health Relationships

Figure 1. Research Framework of the Study

The conceptual framework illustrates the various dimensions and interrelation-
ships in understanding the effects of social media on senior high school students. It con-
siders both positive and negative impacts, as well as the factors that influence these ef-
fects. The framework is structured around two main components: social media usage, and
how it affects these four sub components which is the studies, relationship, health, and
This study aims to know the effects of Social Media to the academic performance
of Senior High school students here on Senior High school In Apalit (Stand Alone 1).
The researchers produced 20 survey forms and distributed it randomly to the senior high
students. How much did social media affect them? And how these students usually spend
their time using it. This research aims to know the result whether social media has posi-
tive or negative effects to the students who are using it.
Research Questions:
1. What are social media platforms do they usually use?
2. How much do they spend their time using social media in a day?
3. How do social media affects Senior high school students in terms of
3.1- Studies
3.2- Relationship
3.3- Health
3.4- Behavior

The findings of this study will be significant to the following:

This study will give the Parents a knowledge in supporting their children in
inclusive learning environment while using social media. It will benefit the Parents to be
aware of their children’s actions in using social media and to teach their children to be
more responsible in studying.

This study holds a significant value in informing the Grade-12 Students
about the effects of social media in their school life. This will give the Grade-12 Students
an awareness that their academics is more important than spending time on social media
and give the Grade-12 Students a proper guidance and knowledge about the proper usage
of social media.

This study could potentially help teachers adapt their teaching methods or college
campuses create policies regarding Social Media usage.
The study focuses on examining the effects of social media specifically on senior
high school students. It encompasses various social media platforms, including but not
limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and YouTube. The research explores
the influence of social media on senior high school students' academic performance, emo-
tional well-being, and social relationships. It considers both positive and negative effects,
taking into account individual factors, social media usage patterns, and potential moderat-
ing influences.

The study focuses specifically on senior high school students, typically within the
age range of 15 to 18 years. The effects of social media on other age groups, such as ele -
mentary or college students, are beyond the scope of this research.
We will conduct our study at Senior High School in Apalit Stand Alone 1 and our
target time frame is to fully accomplish our research on july of the academic year of

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