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house family/tribe elder brother younger brother elder sister younger sister parent/friendly I/myself master morning

daytime evening night day of the week spring summer autumn winter body heart

head face neck voice pass away color red black brown/tea silver

forest woods sea pond wind land rice field field vegetable dog

bird reflect plan/picture building copy true paper sing sound like

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ocean clothes generation/society world travel metropolis ward prefecture citymarket town

village live citizen capital site place build direction gate sick

ask a question/
institution doctor someone/person medicine meat price/materials logical taste meal quality

inquiry topic answer kanji character polish/study of research self learn room

endeavour map craft sentence explain examine consider teach England store

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employee/member goods thing/object substitute fit count hot cold strong weak

heavy light bright dark near far fat short spacious low

bad pleasure correct same move stop start end lend borrow

run walk discharge arrive hold pull open make cut wash

carry rotate ride send advance pass/street get up work hurry go home

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wait separate leave think sell test use birth/produce know gather

turn/ mind/
number of times serve matter pour meaning/attention special possess industry utilize from

not origin the number of times convenient light stand hall

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