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ate iN. ess Page No. Nome = Ravi Re\\ No, = 9.10715069 Roane — ely sys) Date = 21-12-24 |—_}————2lanl's Constant | =>| “To estimate he Plank! stomk amd Mae work Lsonctlon ok ba ajising he _ghobe eleckue Lay mneasurinng Sete ok shagging gstentia\ Jy AM Krequency co Not 21 To see the o-ragh “of current ve Valk fox different \whei hs ond yaeasy £ Mig Ae O-toN ~ pol a digital yillinumastex, a digital vallwacter, a | 1K vrecichov &£ different Kroon wavell ats Lens (Vishl Eunitbing Diedes) ___] Thess i= ; > |The Cle ctromagnetic radiation con pach elecdce See Sonn Rt chance of Joh tes Peencess \s_ca\led pla ro electric efCe ct Phatnelectsle oh A proves thor Night has Teacher's Signature Date eid Page No. salile \weveacina Lee Geequenesy would Vneveasa measured curve. = {Exnervienents saovoed Mra! exeasing Malo Frequency | (wer asec VWneb\e ener as 8 Net: Wetsensins Hae Nott monplihde hacsensed Curie > |Barced on bese Nadi \ Sater Soenaved Vibe a Len of ghoto WAka aye penexqsy ol E = 0) wakes ba 4 Oo Constant called | —|plaris'e _cometant (= 6.626 x 19 3s) => {The uoork fumebion b, is the wiwinasw onamint of enexgu requixved Ao \ndi waletion ef 7 ve V Brown a apecific sneral wfhace Te ls constant Sor OO waoberial > |e ¢ <9 A Mae Aneident phetom wuck be equal | Ks the cute of the saovke Sunedima fe Hae Wnedic | ene ok Xs 2 “tr E anshe + > = KE core =16 sesaarhng iEearlety shopping voltage | a Potential Vs plied reefers bn She -Ve pat al Brot enusk applied sact emitting material tn osder Ao shop whe fackech waov'ing electro Tena = eNe => FE e | Lev ay iE DamddonS = | re vi = Ve Unwerhald fxeqsenty) KE max independant | of Xan exe SV > | Te Dy 20. mo _ewnunisslorn alosox ved. C= Srnmniter A Collector Paty Plate @ poweter Nosiotble, Sel Cece Date — Expt. No. pagan > |fax constant b 2 4 Tntencity od no. of of cyected lect phiotaclectyic concent | | i, x ic Protaclectaic eMeck Vs vous smal ba is’ *secomAl. Observations > => |Measuxe Ry . . Pilkers. Note that by Ses Considered be lave negative Valuce. A Dhue) wal) Gore) vt is 12. - 6.06. SO 26 = 0-20 S40 5.56 = 9.30 a 500 6-00 - 0.44 a 460 6-52 | =o.6) ~> |Table to see ne rvreboardi “cow rca. pls fox Mobt of differeint frequencies ond Intemcitie Ne > ~ Stoppin Potential Qlope= bh Trerechold v frequency I Vi mcidont Sroqueney, NE | ts [oy o:50 | ~o.0 =022! o.000 =9.05 alge | nite | ent =095 | o.9 | =808 | =0.25 | ao [ate =0:20) = 9.005 | — 9.6) —=0.20 | = 0.00 = ONG =0.a5! ~0.005 | ~oog | BA A= Yoo cee ao Ne tv) Thon) Ty Nav) op) Tm 2 ON A | 2 O44 cu =s.\0 0.06 OG =D 9.29 0-67 =0.20 | 0.024 9.24 =0.20 o.18 ONY =9-20 O.15 OS. = 9:20 9-04 O.2.0 =O. 9.0023 2.0% T =—Oo.40 O.04 O.04 =0-50 | 9.00 | 4 = 0.50 S02 H.o4 | =o:-49 | 9.008 oO.9 | =o.10 O.0a1 0.007 =O-8n | —0.002% | ~6,006 a Be rcuonh_eenmdiind) = 3 |__| ji Dye: | = Teacher's Signature. Date Expt. No. Page No. \ : a Fat calestati Xe wolue of clank!s conctant fe —_—} or x Ato. (5.26 0.20) (5.56 0.26), (c00,042) , 652, 0.61) tn Ae Seren (7 xis ve), So we get SC, Lines! comnbinatlon j:e 0 « pee 2 Wakexcent: \steope = = w= -S\ * = Ky = lo Used A. | Rec xen 0:26 ANG a| Reading 1 with Reading % O28 =1.24 a. Roading 1 sith QB Ale 4 O24 1:26 | Reading 1 solth Readi 4 5 0.20 1.28 5. | Reading 2 waitin Read ing 39.0 1.55 & Reading 2 wai bh Reade 4 | 9.3) Ss. 7.1 Reading 9 ssi tts Reading § | 9.92 =\.5) B. [Reading % SMa Reading + —_o.2.0 =1.24 q.| Reading 2 saith Readl 4 5 0.20. =\.50 ia 7 cre 25 =16S ¢ Ry a ®% o.ay m2 -\.44 Lops = Wie omy = he oars we x to? S yo* Wa b= 4.96 x oo *8 5 -hv,p = -b = 4 intexcept > |b = \. At wl a e Teachers Snature Date. Expt. No. are Exc oe eaay tiation of neading Frome fuesagel “Total no. of xeading i Ww = ste See eae 7 ‘ ‘ re @}__=# = Aokeres ot ang = eat ptecceph| ee a lg = # Slope =o.02 x ie watts [tte | al eorres ts phe werio sy o.o2 xis! ae | oar yine = 645+ = 0-22 x 1724 ANG Antexce pt = -o12 ol. error in b b= + ourev Solr = 85+ Wat Result > => |The danck's constant toy experiment (496 t oar) xo Te > |The Work functio is Curt oto) ev. of La ‘es expen ent Pe caution: — wart fon 2-4 warnuter after 4 Ang, earls Silber In Mee photo bul: 2 huawile Acleredeing Stopping —patential fev emcl | |_|ren, Naltage nd oe kuigh rauct he rotated Son resco La | $ 16 he Achorrmatined wer4 4 Nolo s\n [Stopping —potentia Seta Ss. Expt. No. Page No. Date \ ‘ sto cuyyent wuct be Ave wo (uct ~ve 6) at =v Mk “eve © Vo ny, ww " 4 staking volkage —adyacteyx knots _| Nightly —awkta cl ackusise Piscusclom & Mosaht — We see Prom ta By &. Big & Snot dy repping. of Me \ntencity A\e_dep AS esa As ke Nore, Wale 1 e of Ane key observation that tostd mot hee exqlataed toss Yat Marnds Seong | —} Yos4 could be exerlatned oy the Malet austen | pothesis of Finckel oY Fox he case en the Alctance \nelteeen the Source 2 the ee a creverse phate Covent. This isa \ndication of She fack that for aac 3 tensity Ane Vght leaks Lo Ah = clectvaws comes out of Vk. Was ie wot See: new the waters Slonk conmstawt Were “We walue of the aor eemewnt (ye [4a tow xis cs) \s 1 [cpt Bye skamdacd meaduved salud s.creonoss | MAS Tepe]. The large exces lnors exe ave \s \ ef ethe Lnclading Hae Semperabary due to seve wo Vanxiattern + xewt, Can you Liters 2 the reverse —phste v saqeet ame asd ificotlo of the step oceduxe that sill reduce these | experiencia qr aaa Date Expt. No. Page No. seehuicliag, erro (wn Ne te mecicharce Wn series oils volbyneter acre accuracy of Ne ~veading Tens pexabixe dwtk Wo cnange as resistance Be) naire (ena) nang a [2 | Beading shank ue taker abhor o_creqslax sect | eriad The aust change in the Recistnnte. eral plate A be” Match The © should travolta Nac te avoid | tollices ence ore preciso Loppl 3 pst ‘nial Th ork function Shot we wmeasuxe te ales tn a emt voit Whe sock fawch! ot tne Lervial ok \s Used Le coat he cathod CCeciumn Arhiwne: 16SV): Leayn about wakerial (TL is. hotdely used tn cotrade fox | vv 2 wisi nceglos of \toWt). eoltd stateckuic Blu. \ie presetbed data ar [eating af Ceclurn —antinan § shocathades 4 ‘Ha organic Chrextrtacombanc, Caletum steaxate) | Filyng £ Ahelae prroteckios—copabiliiyy rave tncetn Teacher’ Signature Date (expt No. Page No. J | © oO! to consider: doses ef ox Arey alc coahed — Mh s opera e \ ae swncchicn => |pillexence blo Fromcle — tert Expeximent Paotoelectsle e fleck. Frronck = Wer: ent was we Cech experiment Ao nova he a vartum wature of atoms & the | Vv chowackerichice of Quawhized Swe a fevele of Anromefer. Lonereas Gok: electy\c elect eed bne particle= Nhe eae A \ow\s ( olote ne) walaicl—cosckal, of (w9) ek emiccia’ whe x e Vike toy Noad\odt falling ik

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