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Gu’s Chicken mini vlog

Time Chinese-English Script Graphic B-roll Sound effect

00:00 It’s noon time. I’m out. This is a Editor’s choice.

famous local fried chicken store.

00:06 It’s called Gu’s or Goo’s Gu’s Chicken. Fun Editor’s choice.
chicken animated English
letter dropping into
the screen.
00:12 Their slogan is if you haven’t Gu’s chicken pic- Editor’s choice.
tasted our chicken, you never ture, probably the
tasted chicken. outside logo, or exte-
rior of the shop.

00:17 Way more tasty than KFC Cut to a meme or an Editor’s choice.
old man crying.
Like the KFC old
man crying. If you
can find any KFC
meme, would be fun.

0:19 I’ve been to their shop at Geor- Editor’s choice.

gia, now I’ve found this chain
restaurant in Texas. Let’s go in-
00:24 Right after “Let’s go inside” Cut away to B-roll Starts the B-roll. Editor’s choice.
inside. I’ve shot some B-
roll, like people
waiting, other cus-
tomers, the menu,
and some closeup of
the chicken.

00:27 Picture: I started eating my food. After I finished the Editor’s choice.
chicken, please add
some fun graphic
saying “so good,
yummy, all done”
1:07 B roll material of the restaurant Feel free to cut, and Editor’s choice.
re-arrange the origi-
nal footage as much
as you like. Prefer-
ably having a fast
pace, fun style.
Time Chinese-English Script Graphic B-roll Sound effect
1:48 Chicken close up. Feel free to cut, and Editor’s choice.
re-arrange the origi-
nal footage as much
as you like. Prefer-
ably having a fast
pace, fun style.

2:28 Now I’m full. I’m outside. Now

I need you tell you something.

2:37 Oringally I wanted to have Chi- “huh?” Or any sur-

nese food. prising sound.
2:37 Then I didn’t find anything.
Then I decided to eat chicken.
But now I’m out, what do I see
2:44 PF Chang “What?”

2:44 It’s Chinese food! I’ve already

finished now. Now I see Chi-
nese restaurant. Hahaha…

2:52 Hahaha Other laughs.

2:52 Why didn’t I look at the map Editor’s choice.

carefully? Ok, still a very
yummy lunch. If you get a
chance, you can come over to
try the southern style chicken.
This is all for today.
3:03 Ending Editor’s choice.

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