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George’s Day

St. George’s Day is named after Saint George.

It is on the 23rd of April every year in England.

The flag of England is called the Saint George’s Cross. The flag is
white and has a red cross on it.

Who Was Saint George?

We do not know much about Saint George. There are lots of stories
about him.
The stories say that…

Saint George
He was born in He was
was a
the year AD 270. Christian.
Roman soldier.

One story says that Saint George had a fight with

a dragon. There is no proof that this is true.

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St. George's Day

1. When is St. George’s Day? Tick one.
23rd March
23rd April
23rd May

2. What is the flag of England called? Tick one.

the Saint George’s Flag
the Saint George’s Star
the Saint George’s Cross

3. Which of these is said to be true? Tick one.

Saint George was a soldier.
Saint George was a doctor.
Saint George was a farmer.

4. When is Saint George said to have been born? Tick one.

AD 7
AD 27
AD 270

5. What does one story say that Saint George had a fight with? Tick one.
a monster
a dragon
a unicorn

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St. George's Day

1. When is St. George’s Day? Tick one.
23rd March
23rd April
23rd May

2. What is the flag of England called? Tick one.

the Saint George’s Flag
the Saint George’s Star
the Saint George’s Cross

3. Which of these is said to be true? Tick one.

Saint George was a soldier.
Saint George was a doctor.
Saint George was a farmer.

4. When is Saint George said to have been born? Tick one.

AD 7
AD 27
AD 270

5. What does one story say that Saint George had a fight with? Tick one.
a monster
a dragon
a unicorn

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St. George’s Day

The patron saint of England is Saint George.

The 23rd of April every year is St. George's Day in England.

Who Was Saint George?

We do not know a lot of things for sure about the real person
who we call Saint George. Stories have been told about him for
thousands of years.
The stories say that…

Saint George was a Roman soldier.

He was born in the year AD 270.

He and his family were Christian.

People think that Saint George was very brave. This is because
he did not stop being Christian even when a Roman emperor
told him to.

Did You Know...? The flag of England is called the Saint George’s Cross.

The Legend of Saint George

A legend is a very old story. Lots of people might think

that a legend is true but it is a story that cannot be
checked. There is a legend about Saint George that
says that he fought a dragon.

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St. George's Day

There is no proof that Saint George fought a dragon. Lots

of people think that the story is really about Saint George
fighting against evil. Saint George is said to have won
the fight because he would not stop being Christian when
he was told to.

Did You Know...?

The person that we call Saint George probably never came to England!

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St. George's Day

1. What is a legend? Tick one.
a story that no one has told
a very old story that cannot be checked
a new story that lots of people know

2. Which of these facts tells you that Saint George must have lived a very long
time ago? Tick one.
Saint George was Christian.
The patron saint of England is Saint George.
Stories have been told about Saint George for thousands of years.

3. Draw three lines and complete each sentence.

is about Saint George

A legend says that...
fighting against evil.

Lots of people think because he would not

that the story... stop being Christian.

Saint George is said to Saint George

have won the fight... fought a dragon.

4. What is the flag of England called?

5. Who told Saint George to stop being Christian?

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St. George's Day

1. What is a legend? Tick one.
a story that no one has told
a very old story that cannot be checked
a new story that lots of people know

2. Which of these facts tells you that Saint George must have lived a very long
time ago? Tick one.
Saint George was Christian.
The patron saint of England is Saint George.
Stories have been told about Saint George for thousands of years.

3. Draw three lines and complete each sentence.

is about Saint George

A legend says that...
fighting against evil.

Lots of people think because he would not

that the story... stop being Christian.

Saint George is said to Saint George

have won the fight... fought a dragon.

4. What is the flag of England called?

The flag of England is called the Saint George’s Cross.

5. Who told Saint George to stop being Christian?

A Roman emperor told Saint George to stop being Christian.

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St. George’s Day

The patron saint of England and lots of other countries is

Saint George. St. George's Day is celebrated in England on
the 23rd of April every year.

Who Was Saint George?

Not many things are known for sure about the real person who
we call Saint George. Stories about him have been told for
thousands of years.

The stories say that the real Saint George was a

soldier. It is thought that he was born in the year AD
270 in the country that is now called Turkey. Saint
George and his family were Christian.

It is said that Saint George joined the Roman army when he

was 17 years old. The Roman emperor at the time did not like
Christian people. He tried to get them to stop being Christian by
telling them that they would have to give up their jobs and any
money that they had. The emperor wanted all Christian people to
worship the Roman gods instead.

People think that Saint George was very brave

because he did not stop being Christian even when
he was treated badly because of his faith.

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St. George's Day

The Legend of Saint George

A legend is a very old story that lots of people think is

true but that cannot be checked. There is a famous legend
about Saint George that says that he fought a dragon and
rescued a princess.

There is no proof that Saint George fought a dragon. This story

was first told over 700 years after Saint George had lived. Lots
of people think that the dragon in the story represents evil. Saint
George is said to have won the battle over evil when he would not
stop being Christian even in the face of danger.

Did You Know...?

Saint George is very special to England but he probably never visited!

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St. George's Day

1. It is thought that he was born in the year AD 270…
What do the words ‘it is thought that’ tell us here? Tick one.
We do not think that it is true.
We think that it is true but we do not know for sure.
We know for sure that it is a fact.

2. Number the facts from 1-4 to show the order in which they appear in the
text. The first one has been done for you.
It is said that Saint George joined the Roman army when he was
17 years old.
There is a famous legend about Saint George that says that he
fought a dragon and rescued a princess.
1 St. George's Day is celebrated in England on the 23rd of April
every year.
Not many things are known for sure about the real person who we
call Saint George.

3. What is the country that Saint George might have been born in called now?

4. Fill in the missing word.

The emperor wanted all Christian people to worship the

gods instead.

5. What is the first fact that we learn when reading the text?

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St. George's Day

6. Why do you think that there is no proof that Saint George fought
a dragon?

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St. George's Day

1. It is thought that he was born in the year AD 270…
What do the words ‘it is thought that’ tell us here? Tick one.
We do not think that it is true.
We think that it is true but we do not know for sure.
We know for sure that it is a fact.

2. Number the facts from 1-4 to show the order in which they appear in the
text. The first one has been done for you.
3 It is said that Saint George joined the Roman army when he was
17 years old.
4 There is a famous legend about Saint George that says that he
fought a dragon and rescued a princess.
1 St. George's Day is celebrated in England on the 23rd of April
every year.
2 Not many things are known for sure about the real person who we
call Saint George.

3. What is the country that Saint George might have been born in called now?
It is thought that Saint George was born in the country that is now
called Turkey.

4. Fill in the missing word.

The emperor wanted all Christian people to worship the
Roman gods instead.

5. What is the first fact that we learn when reading the text?
The first fact that we learn when reading the text is that the patron
saint of England and lots of other countries is Saint George.

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St. George's Day

6. Why do you think that there is no proof that Saint George fought
a dragon?
Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think that there is no proof that Saint
George fought a dragon because it happened so long ago that there is
no one alive today who saw it happen.

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