T e 959 ks1 Alan Turing Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity - Ver - 3

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Alan Turing

Alan Turing was very smart. He knew a lot about science and
maths. He could crack codes.

When Was Alan Born?

Alan’s birthday was 23rd June.

Who Were Alan’s Mum and Dad?

Alan’s dad was called Julius and his mum was called Ethel. Alan’s
dad worked in India.

Did Alan Have Any Brothers or Sisters?

Alan had one older brother. He was called John.

What Did Alan like to Do as a Child?

Alan’s teachers said that he was very smart. When he was a
child, Alan liked to do puzzles and think about tricky problems.

What Did Alan Do during the Second World War?

Alan made a new machine. It could crack codes. Alan’s machine
helped to end the Second World War because it could work out
the secret messages that the German army sent.

Did Alan Win Any Awards?

Alan got a prize for his hard work from King George VI.

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Alan Turing

1. Who was Alan’s dad? Tick one.
2. Where did Alan’s dad work? Tick one.
3. What was Alan good at? Tick two.
4. What did Alan like to do when he was a child? Tick one.
do puzzles
ride on his back
bake with his mum
5. Who gave Alan an award? Tick one.
the German army
his teachers
King George VI

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Alan Turing

1. Who was Alan’s dad? Tick one.
2. Where did Alan’s dad work? Tick one.
3. What was Alan good at? Tick two.
4. What did Alan like to do when he was a child? Tick one.
do puzzles
ride on his back
bake with his mum
5. Who gave Alan an award? Tick one.
the German army
his teachers
King George VI

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Alan Turing
Alan Turing was a scientist and a mathematician. A scientist
is someone who knows a lot about science. A mathematician is
someone who is very good at maths. Alan was so clever that he
could use science and maths to crack codes.

Alan’s Family
Alan was born on 23rd June 1912. His dad was called Julius and
his mum was called Ethel. Alan and his older brother John spent
a lot of time staying with friends of their family.

Alan as a Child
Alan was very clever and he liked puzzles and challenges. Alan’s
teachers said that he was very smart. Alan could understand
problems that were much too tricky for most children.

Alan and the Second World War

Alan worked at Bletchley Park. Bletchley Park was a big house
where lots of codebreakers worked during the Second World War.
The German army sent lots of messages to each other that were
written in code. It was Alan’s job to work out what the messages
really said. Alan started off by using a codebreaking machine
called the Enigma. Then, Alan made a new machine that was
much better. Alan’s new machine played a big part in ending the
Second World War.

“Those who can imagine

anything, can create
the impossible.”
– Alan Turing

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Alan Turing

1. What did Alan use to help him to crack codes? Tick two.
2. What was special about Alan and John’s childhoods? Tick one.
they spent a lot of time with friends of their family
they went to lots of different places
they liked going to school
3. Number these facts from 1-5 to show the order that they appear in the
text. The first one has been done for you.
1 Alan Turing was a scientist.
Alan liked puzzles and challenges.
Alan was born on 23rd June 1912.
Alan made a new machine.
Alan worked at Bletchley Park.
4. Fill in the missing words:
“Those who can imagine can
create the .”

5. What was the name of the first codebreaking machine that Alan used?

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Alan Turing

1. What did Alan use to help him to crack codes? Tick two.
2. What was special about Alan and John’s childhoods? Tick one.
they spent a lot of time with friends of their family
they went to lots of different places
they liked going to school
3. Number these facts from 1-5 to show the order that they appear in the
text. The first one has been done for you.
1 Alan Turing was a scientist.
3 Alan liked puzzles and challenges.
2 Alan was born on 23rd June 1912.
5 Alan made a new machine.
4 Alan worked at Bletchley Park.
4. Fill in the missing words:
“Those who can imagine anything can create the impossible.”
5. What was the name of the first codebreaking machine that Alan used?
The name of the first codebreaking machine that Alan used was
the Enigma.

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Alan Turing
Alan Turing was a scientist, a mathematician and a codebreaker. A
scientist is someone who knows a lot about science. A mathematician
is someone who is very good at maths. Alan was so clever that he
could use science and maths to work out how to crack codes.

What Was Alan’s Family Like?

Alan was born on 23rd June 1912 in London. His dad was called
Julius and his mum was called Ethel. Alan’s parents spent a lot of
time travelling between England and India because Alan’s dad worked
there. This meant that Alan and his older brother John spent a lot of
time staying with friends of their family.

What Was Alan like as a Child?

Alan was a very clever child who liked to solve puzzles and take on
challenges. Alan’s teachers said that he was very smart for his age. He
could understand problems and ideas that were much too tricky for
most children.

What Did Alan Do during the Second World War?

Alan started to work at Bletchley Park when he was 27 years old.
Bletchley Park was a large house where lots of codebreakers worked
during the Second World War.
The German army would send lots of messages to each other that
were written in code. It was Alan’s job to work out what the messages
really said. At first, Alan was using a codebreaking machine called the
Enigma but he made a new machine that was much better. Alan’s new
machine played a big part in ending the Second World War.
Alan was given a special award for his
hard work by King George VI in 1946.

“Those who can imagine anything,

can create the impossible.”
– Alan Turing

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Alan Turing

1. Where was Alan born? Tick one.
2. Alan was so clever…
Which of these words means the same as clever? Tick one.
3. Draw three lines to match each question to the correct answer.

What was Alan’s

father called?

What was the name

of Alan’s brother?

What was Alan’s

mother called?

4. In which year did Alan get a special award from King George VI?

5. Name one thing that Alan liked to do as a child.

6. Sum up what Alan did at Bletchley Park.

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Alan Turing

1. Where was Alan born? Tick one.
2. Alan was so clever…
Which of these words means the same as clever? Tick one.
3. Draw three lines to match each question to the correct answer.

What was Alan’s

father called?

What was the name

of Alan’s brother?

What was Alan’s

mother called?

4. In which year did Alan get a special award from King George VI?
Alan got a special award from King George VI in 1946.
5. Name one thing that Alan liked to do as a child.
Accept any one of the following: solve puzzles; take on challenges.
6. Sum up what Alan did at Bletchley Park.
Pupils’ own responses, such as: At Bletchley Park, Alan worked with
other codebreakers using the Enigma and his own machine. They tried
to crack codes written by the German army.

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